Which Walking Dead Game Charater are you?
Just took a quiz of of which Charater and it turns out...I’m Clementine.
Very sweet and kind,
You can make friends easily and did I say sweet?
You don’t like to leave people behind...even tho I’m not childish!!!...got a face the facts of someone got bitten.
Which Charater are you?
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'Cause I'm Eastern European.
Andy St. John ?

I would be Carver
Um... I think I'd be Louis. Except that I can't play piano, but there were some scenes where I was like "I'd say/do exactly the same", for example when Clementine carves a heart around the letters C and L, Louis ironically "oh thats.. a.. potato?"
I share his opinion on preferring the present over the future, too.
I like to think of myself as an ultra hybrid of Louis, Clementine, Tenn, Kenny and a little, incy wincy pinch of Larry (only when I get mad)
I'd be a mix of Aasim and Mitch, because I'm kinda hot headed but I also like to keep to myself.
I actually got Lee, with Clem and Katjaa as close second/third!
I took 3 different quizzes and got Clem, Kenny and Lee on each one.
Fuck if I know what to make of that lol
You know what'd be helpful?
If you linked the quizzes you're talking about for context.
I guess this is the quiz they're talking about. https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9479588/What-Character-From-Telltales-The-Walking-Dead-Are-You
Ya boi got Omid apparently
I feel like i would be a mix Marlon, Mitch but i dont know who to pick
I got Lee lol what an honor.
Not bad
@Cleminator93 same here, but European.
Got Clementine however I feel more like a mix between Omid and Lee.
I prefer to stay alone most of the times, dont really have many friends and I usually rely on myself rather than trusting other people to do my job or something else, so I think I could be a male version of Molly or Jane.
I am Lee! You're strong, brave, and a good leader. People look up to you because they know you have their best interests at heart, even if you mess up.
I got Kenny. About accurate. Just...i lack his...Floridian opinions lol.
i got clem...
How could you make a thread about a quiz and not link to it?
A link would be nice
I'm the puppy that got eaten by the walker in 400 days, because I'm both sad and disgusting at the same time.
I'm Beatrice from Season 1 for sure, we even share the same name ?
Siddiq from Michonne
I am Lee! You're strong, brave, and a good leader. People look up to you because they know you have their best interests at heart, even if you mess up.
No link to quiz from op. There's a ton of them out there. Which quiz is op talking about?
This thread is a epic fail.
Omg I’m Kenny...wtf...
Lee but I feel like I'm more of a Luke
I got Jane. I hate Jane.
If I had to guess, i'd be a combination of Violet and James. Calm, dependable and I love fuckin' chicken nuggets.
That quiz is idiotic. Half the questions are arbitrary "pick one of the following" questions that have nothing to do with your personality or survival instincts.
I got Kenny.
Got Kenny. Not sure about questionable decisions though.
wanted Lilly...got Jane....
That's a good attitude man. You really can't be sure of anything except this moment.
I took one of the quizzes and I got Lee. Then it was obvious, with the choices they were giving.
Thank you
I got Omid.
Probably Ben, I'm sure most of us realistically would be scared out of our minds.
I can understand that, just selected nonsense .