I have a dumb question about Skybound finishing TWDG

Does this mean we would have to rebuy it on their website or something? if theyre wrapping up the series with Ep 3 and 4? cos i've already bought it months ago


  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited October 2018

    I wanna know what it'll look like. What engine they'll use? Will they hire the original voice actors/actresses to voice the characters?

  • As far as I heard most of the voice work was already done on episodes 3 and 4, with the exception of a few actors.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I wanna know what it'll look like. What engine they'll use? Will they hire the original voice actors/actresses to voice the characters?

  • They want to bring back the original Dev team to help complete it. So the Telltale Tool is most certainly going to be the engine used to complete the game

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I wanna know what it'll look like. What engine they'll use? Will they hire the original voice actors/actresses to voice the characters?

  • Welp, at least it's being made. Wish dontnod had been able to take a crack at it though

  • If you already bought the game you won't have to re-buy it.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2018

    I'm not staff - just a community volunteer - but it's basically safe to assume you don't need to buy the Season Pass again as it would make no sense. Skybound is not remaking the whole game - they are continuing the work on Episodes 3 and 4 by rehiring the original Telltale team as contract workers.

    Skybound benefits from the story being finished since they own the Walking Dead intellectual property. Not only does it make them look good, but they also have the business incentive to allow the story to be finished since they get more money and customer satisfaction if the Season is completed and more players are able to buy the game.

  • So Episode 3 will continue where Ep 2 left off at just with Skybound continuing it? And this isn't a comic book continuation right?

    I'm not staff - just a community volunteer - but it's basically safe to assume you don't need to buy the Season Pass again as it would make

  • Presumably yes - a normal game continuation, as if everything was mostly the same but with Skybound instead of Telltale being the ones to publish the game and receive the income from future episode purchases.

    Joshua1991 posted: »

    So Episode 3 will continue where Ep 2 left off at just with Skybound continuing it? And this isn't a comic book continuation right?

  • You have to admire it...not only do they want to use the TTG TWD staff to finish it which gets them more cash...but there is relatively little investment on their part...sure they may not see a whole lot of cash from the deal..but they look like fucking heroes and keep TWD brand in the public eye. WinWin for them.

    Presumably yes - a normal game continuation, as if everything was mostly the same but with Skybound instead of Telltale being the ones to publish the game and receive the income from future episode purchases.

  • Would a comic book ending of Clementine's character get backlash?

    You have to admire it...not only do they want to use the TTG TWD staff to finish it which gets them more cash...but there is relatively litt

  • Well it is no secret that a fair number of their fans want to see Clem in the Comics at some point...but they are going to finish the game..I guess they could do anything they want...they own the rights.

    Joshua1991 posted: »

    Would a comic book ending of Clementine's character get backlash?

  • Will the release dates for the last two episodes of TFS remain the same or will we not get them until 2019?

    Well it is no secret that a fair number of their fans want to see Clem in the Comics at some point...but they are going to finish the game..I guess they could do anything they want...they own the rights.

  • I would bet we see a delay.

    Joshua1991 posted: »

    Will the release dates for the last two episodes of TFS remain the same or will we not get them until 2019?

  • Has Nicki or Melissa say anything?

    I would bet we see a delay.

  • Considering what we have been through these days, I dont really care if the game will be delayed.
    The only thing that really matters is that we will have our episodes for sure.

    Joshua1991 posted: »

    Will the release dates for the last two episodes of TFS remain the same or will we not get them until 2019?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2018

    There will probably be a minor delay of a few weeks, but not too long I imagine. The lay offs were two weeks ago. Assuming the staff get rehired in a timely manner (and assuming that they still even want to work on the series after the lay offs, provided they aren't upset or haven't found other employment yet), I can't imagine too much time was lost.

    They will almost definitely use the same engine, and from various rumors/anecdotes/etc - the scripts for both episodes are done and all of the Ep 3 voice acting/most of the Ep 4 voice acting is done too. Mainly, it sounds like they need to do the programming, art, etc.

    Joshua1991 posted: »

    Will the release dates for the last two episodes of TFS remain the same or will we not get them until 2019?

  • What does this say about the laid off crew from TTG?

    There will probably be a minor delay of a few weeks, but not too long I imagine. The lay offs were two weeks ago. Assuming the staff get reh

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2018

    Supposedly Skybound plans to bring on the original Telltale team as short term contract workers to finish up on Episodes 3 and 4 of The Final Season.

    This is basically a win-win for everyone:

    • The original staff get more paychecks/income to help them get by during the job search, since they didn't get severance pay
    • Skybound benefits from inheriting workers who are already caught up to speed on how to develop those kinds of games (meaning they don't slow down production from finding and training new talent)
    • Fans benefit from having the original intended vision of Telltale staff continue onward to Episodes 3 and 4.
    Joshua1991 posted: »

    What does this say about the laid off crew from TTG?

  • edited October 2018

    uhh wrong thread that's embarrassing

    insert praise for skybound here

  • ...well, it's not that simple. Some staff may have hard feelings over the circumstances of the abrupt lay offs with no severance pay, especially with living in the Bay Area. That, or some could have found new work and/or are in the middle of relocating already. It's a rough and unfortunate situation for them.

  • Why can't they just work on it from Telltale for 2 more months, with Skybound funding the project? I wouldn't want to move to another country for 3 months of work. And it's contract work, I doubt Skybound games is going to be the new Telltale.

  • Hell no. Dontnod would have ruined the game

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Welp, at least it's being made. Wish dontnod had been able to take a crack at it though

  • It's possible that is what they are looking to do. It was Telltale that was looking towards multiple partners to rehire the staff of The Walking Dead: Season Four on a contract basis so that they could finish the game.

    So, it's very likely they'll be working from the Telltale offices to finish the game, but will be paid by Skybound, or will be working from their homes in the Bay Area.

    Of course, we won't know for sure until Skybound releases more details, but it doesn't seem financially viable to fly them out to New York simply for contract work.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Why can't they just work on it from Telltale for 2 more months, with Skybound funding the project? I wouldn't want to move to another country for 3 months of work. And it's contract work, I doubt Skybound games is going to be the new Telltale.

  • Skybound are not doing TFS for money they doing it for the pr and to keep their loyal fans happy other wise if they did not complete they game they will have to refund all players that brought the game and that's a headache nobody wants

  • I bet it was the refund thing. Just too much bs to hassle through especially if Episodes 3 and 4 are essentially finished scripts.

    donmike84 posted: »

    Skybound are not doing TFS for money they doing it for the pr and to keep their loyal fans happy other wise if they did not complete they game they will have to refund all players that brought the game and that's a headache nobody wants

  • "This is basically a win-win for everyone."

    Well, except for those who didn't worked on TWD. They still got fucked over.

    Supposedly Skybound plans to bring on the original Telltale team as short term contract workers to finish up on Episodes 3 and 4 of The Fina

  • Imagine if you were working at Telltale for TWAU 2. You contributed up with an amazing story and everything was going well, you missed out on sleeping for several days and got headaches from overwork, but the end-result would all be worth it. Seeing the fans' reactions to this new story.

    And then you get laid off, along with everyone else, and there is no chance your months of hard work would pay off.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    "This is basically a win-win for everyone." Well, except for those who didn't worked on TWD. They still got fucked over.

  • And you had to deal with financial and psychological problems thanks to the lack of severence or any financial support.

    I'm glad that the game get's an ending and that at least some of the devs are involved with it and actually get payed for it, even if it's much less than if they worked as a company on it, but Telltale still fucked everyone over and Skybound stepping in won't change that.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Imagine if you were working at Telltale for TWAU 2. You contributed up with an amazing story and everything was going well, you missed out o

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