Episode 2's pre-romance scene was misleading?

Am I the only one that thinks that Telltale basically misleaded a lot of people when there was a scene with Louis going to play piano and Violet going to the tower? I mean it of course didn't mislead us since we're very loyal fans, we're sitting here often and we knew since the begininng that it was going to be a romance scene, but so many people that didn't put that much attention to this game surely weren't aware of that.
Coming back to this scene. Violet said that she is going to check out defences while Louis said that he is going to play a piano. Many people were like "okay, let's do something useful, let's go with Violet". Well - she didn't check defences. I mean looking at it for few seconds from tower isn't really checking them. She did the same what Louis did. She spent time on something she liked.
Quite many Youtubers and other players were indeed misleaded. For example PewDiePie went with Violet and then he was disappointed because he wanted to romance Louis and he didn't know that it was a romance scene.
Don't you think that Telltell should've make Violet said something like "Seems like we're having a cloudless sky tonight. I'm going to the bell tower to watch some constellations". Yeah I know, it sounds bad and there would be a need for a better line, but it would at least make the whole situation clear. While in the game this situation wasn't really clear.
Well I had already settled on Clem hooking up with Louis if the opportunity arose. So when given the option to hang out with him and the piano, I took it.
This is the dumbest version of they are pressing an agenda argument yet...stop grasping...any moron could have guessed that choice was going to be the important one...and most of the youtubers I watched picked up on it immediately...Pewdiepie is a moron who does not pay attention to the games he plays half the time.
I aswell, but there are bunch of people that weren't thinking about that game often, they weren't in touch with everything, they didn't even start thinking about possible romances with Louis/Violet. To them that scene was pretty misleading if you ask me.
Not only PewDiePie made a mistake there. There were a few others. I don't remember which exactly, but there were. I've seen even a lot of people in YT comments that also didn't know what was going to happen. It wouldn't hurt Telltale to make the whole situation clear from the beginning till the end.
Yeah, I don't understand this idiotic complaint either, anyone that cares to get a potential romance with a character should take every opportunity to be with them, how is this not common sense? This isn't the first game with romance in it.
what is the point? if you like Luis, but got mislead you can always replay. Your arguments only matter for the Youtubers that most of the time never play a game for a 2nd time and i do not see why you should care about that. You are your own person and can choose for yourself, you do not need someone to hold your hand. And yes, Pewdiepie is kind of a moron that doesn`t take the games he plays really seriously
I don't see how it was misleading. lol But we are talking about Pewdiepie and others, who really don't have that many brain cells to begin with.
So some people now need some dialogue or warning, they're about to do some romance scene before hand, so they won't get mislead?!
What happened to critical thinking?
The setting telltale set up, clearly shows the next scenes was about romance.
I feel like with everyone's arguements against OP, there's something to be said: I am displeased with how Violet played that. Louis, the same, but there's an exception because he always does things in that manner - he's the guy to not tell his crush that he wants to hang out with them, rather the guy to do it in a subtle way, he never truly needed Clem for his project. Still, with Violet, I agree with @MaikelRRR 's suggestion.
Because some people think that it's better to check out defences when they can be attacked at any time rather than listen to the piano?
What's the point of replaying a game? It's like saying that if you killed Kenny in Season 2, but then you got to know that Jane set it all up, you can simply replay the game. Yeah man, you can, but what's the point of this? Your choices should have consequences that you will not magically reduce by replaying a game.
In this topic we have different case. Violet went there to spend time by looking at the sky while she told them that she is checking defences. Louis of course didn't need Clem to his project, but at least it was clear from the beginning what is he going to do. By going with Violet you expected to indeed check those defences as it was pretty important thing at that time.
No, but that they couldn't see a narrative setup when it was shouting them in their face. When was the last time a Telltale choice like that made a difference anyway? Just that they gave you the choice should tell you that there would be no defensive differences to make by going with Violet in the first place.
Nope. I said that we needed a clear situation that should've tell us that both Louis and Violet are going to spend their free time on something they like. While Telltale made it look like "Violet is doing very important things, while Louis plays a piano".
Of course Telltale's decisions don't have any big influence on the final result, but I still think that i wouldn't hurt TT to simply change Violet's line so absolutely everyone is 100% sure of what is happening next.
They aren't babies, let them learn to think if they don't already have that ability.
When you choosed to go hunt with Louis and Aasim you had a decision to either help Aasim hunt or to have fun with Louis. Many people choosed hunting with Aasim as it was doing something useful and they considered pinata scene useless.
We have the same case here. You either are supposed to do something useful or you once again have a chance to spend time with Louis.
Let's even look at the case in which players don't ship Clem with any of them. Most of them choosed to go with Violet as she was supposed to do something important. They friendzoned her still, but that's not the case. Those players didn't have a clear situation like "What I want to do? Hang out with Louis or Vi? Play a piano or look at stars?".
People who don't ship any of them don't really count in regards to being "misled" from a romance option, since they didn't care in the first place. As I said, anyone should be able to tell that if you want to romance someone then stick with them, it's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
Some people still then prefer to spend time with one of them more than with another. Someone would normally want to spend time with Louis, but also that person feels like checking defences would be a better idea. And they don't check those defences.
Sure, but isn't that a concious decision then? You are sensible rather than hormonal, I still don't see any misleading.
Well you can tell it's about romance, when it's night out. xD
In case one's been active on forums, seen all of these shipping threads, and saw the achievements before playing episode 2, then the fact that the Louis/Violet choice in episode 2 is a romance option is very clear. But without that, I'd agree that it isn't that clear.
Yeah. That's what I basically wrote in the first para. People here aren't really objective as they already knew what it's going to be and they try to avoid looking at it from different perspective.
I wanna say watch your phrasing a bit there, but it seems like it's a bit late/moot regardless.
But yeah, I do feel the choice in general was misleading.
In this case, to see what other choices and dialogue options yield.
In other cases, to have fun.
Yeah, as I said, you probably should've made this point of view clear in the OP cause otherwise, certain people were just gonna dismiss your complaint on principal
That would've been my thought too.
So what did you say?
Besides, it's good to see that people prefer Louis over Violet. By looking at this forum, more people do in fact prefet Violet, but overall seems like Louis has more supporters. That's good
Retards...like pewdiepie can suck it...they do not pay attention half the time and spend the other half getting names wrong..the vast majority...meaning anyone not stupid had no issues.
And you found someone who is probably dumb as a bag of hammers...
I thought the game was pushing you to go with Violet a bit, but more because of the fact that Clem already offered to go help Violet before Louis butts in.
Kind of a bitchy move to go with Louis and leave Violet hanging.
So you basically are going to insult all the people that didn't see it even though it was not that obvious? Looks like you have some problems dude.
Don't tell me that you're being mad over it? ;D
Kind of a bitchy move to tell the player that you are going to check the defences. Because of that, many people that like Louis more are like "fuck, duty is the most important thing right now, sorry man".
Shoula, I know being a * rolf * is kinda your thing, but arguing with Maikel here by insulting the intelligence of any legit cases of what he's talking about here is not really helping your side.
Dude...nice assumption. The vast majority could pick up on the fact this was a romance option...only Pewds and and the blind had issues. I bet @DabigRG had issues because he has no clue...I forgive him. But it was quite obvious where this was going . Now I know your bias will not let you see the truth of the matter....I mean you constantly come into the violet ship thread to spew stupidity. But no...this was not an issue for anyone who pays attention to things.
You mean the one person he found which is probably him posting.
Or because I didn't buy this episode/game and just observed what was immediately in front of me.
I mean that the choice wasn't entirely clear about the possible results one way or the other.
Oh yeah sure, those peoole are aswell me posting. I also made over 100 accounts to like my comments. Seems like I'm a very desperate guy. Why are you so mad? Did you just realize that more people prefer Louis over Violet? Ouch.... Does it get on your last nerve? ;DDDDDDD I sure as shit see soo hahahah ;DDD
If people have no problem playing walker pinata instead of hunting for food, they shouldn't have a problem playing piano instead of checking the defenses.
If playing games and having fun instead of doing something useful is that much of a turn off than Louis isn't really the person for you anyway.
What about people that didn't go to play with pinata but in the end choosed him anyway. And there were quite many of them?
I didn't play the game myself, but with the way these two episodes were generally structured, I'd think people would objectively be more inclined to go with Violet.
Is this from the Pewdiepie playthrough?