Whoa, no I haven't. But I can say it's pretty understandable. Also hearing how shitty staff were being treated at their work was shocking. I always envisioned a Telltale workspace as a place where devs would jump for joy in the morning to go to.
I always envisioned a Telltale workspace as a place where devs would jump for joy in the morning to go to.
Maybe back when they were still a team of 80 people, you know, before Bruner started expanding too quickly...
Doing well man thanks! And it was shocking to hear honestly. Mixed feelings really. I'm more concerned with what happens to the staff, cause it's utterly awful.
Just came here to say...
you're not supposed to use the full name of the character on the ship name
it… more's just wrong
just no.
Jamentine, Violentine, Louentine.
Jamesentine, Violetine, Louisentine.
Just came here to say...
you're not supposed to use the full name of the character on the ship name
it… more's just wrong
just no.
Jamentine, Violentine, Louentine.
Jamesentine, Violetine, Louisentine.
When did they say they were meeting with ex-staff? Tuesday? For me, Tuesday is tomorrow (Alil over 2 hours from now). I believe at this point they just tried to reach out to as much of the original staff as possible for the supposed meeting tomorrow(? correct me if I'm wrong guys) We'll probably get an update this week.
Now, that The Final Season is saved, can we move to waiting thread for Episode 3? It will be so rejuvenating to see it after those two horrible weeks
Edit: ...or just rename this thread as waiting thread
I know it’s probably still early and not all the details of Telltale’s and Skybound’s agreement have been finalized, but when do you guys think we can expect to see the choices at the end of Episode 2 come up. It’s such a tiny thing to focus on, but I just hate not knowing what the choices were and how many others did the same thing I did.
I know it’s probably still early and not all the details of Telltale’s and Skybound’s agreement have been finalized, but when do you guys th… moreink we can expect to see the choices at the end of Episode 2 come up. It’s such a tiny thing to focus on, but I just hate not knowing what the choices were and how many others did the same thing I did.
I know it’s probably still early and not all the details of Telltale’s and Skybound’s agreement have been finalized, but when do you guys th… moreink we can expect to see the choices at the end of Episode 2 come up. It’s such a tiny thing to focus on, but I just hate not knowing what the choices were and how many others did the same thing I did.
I know it’s probably still early and not all the details of Telltale’s and Skybound’s agreement have been finalized, but when do you guys th… moreink we can expect to see the choices at the end of Episode 2 come up. It’s such a tiny thing to focus on, but I just hate not knowing what the choices were and how many others did the same thing I did.
Still surprised only about 22% of people let Abel leave with some food in Episode 1 tbh. I had little hesitation in doing so on my first play through, because I just couldn’t see Clem risking AJ’s life in that situation
Still surprised only about 22% of people let Abel leave with some food in Episode 1 tbh. I had little hesitation in doing so on my first play through, because I just couldn’t see Clem risking AJ’s life in that situation
I attacked Abel because I thought that he shouldn’t be trusted. He could’ve shot AJ and Clem after they let their guard down to take all the food and I didn’t want to risk that.
Still surprised only about 22% of people let Abel leave with some food in Episode 1 tbh. I had little hesitation in doing so on my first play through, because I just couldn’t see Clem risking AJ’s life in that situation
I attacked Abel because I thought that he shouldn’t be trusted. He could’ve shot AJ and Clem after they let their guard down to take all the food and I didn’t want to risk that.
Funny thing, I thought exactly the same.
But I thought about continue the Clem story. Why? Because it is a damn money maker.
Look how popu… morelar Clem has become. It would be kinda stupid for Skybound not to think about that.
But even if they don't, I am really happy and glad that they finish TFS. I'm really gratefull that all that passion from the dev's of telltale get's the attention they deserve.
Yes but its in hopes that Skybound works to make a deal with Vertigo to collaborate to bring Wolf 2 back as well. (seeing as no other company will probs pick up wolf)
This. As much as i'd like to have a TWAUS2, Skybound will never do it. That's just the reality. The Wolf Among Us is a DC/Vertigo property, not a Skybound one. Why would Skybound put money into a game based on a comic that is not from them? Makes no sense at all.
This. As much as i'd like to have a TWAUS2, Skybound will never do it. That's just the reality. The Wolf Among Us is a DC/Vertigo property, … morenot a Skybound one. Why would Skybound put money into a game based on a comic that is not from them? Makes no sense at all.
In all fairness, it's not really that the rest of the series sold badly, as much as they didn't sell enough to recoup the money it took to make. Telltale's been bleeding money ever since someone had the brilliant idea of hiring 300 people and somehow expecting their games to make enough money to keep them all paid, on top of all the other expenses they'd have to pay for alongside salaries. That amount of employees is pretty much a death sentence unless you have an extremely stable and steady source of income, IE Valve with Steam. Hell, I don't think even S1-level of sales would have been able to sustain that many people for more than a year or two. It's a miracle Telltale even made it as long as they did with the sheer amount of money they had to have been burning through.
This is true. Most games before ANF would've been profitable, if the studio didn't expanded so much.
If Telltale hadn't expanded this much and rather developed one high quality game at a time, which gave them the time to reinvent their formular and their technology bewteen games, they would be fine now. But upper management said no.
After the success of TWD S1, Telltale should've invested in new technology suitable for the - at the time - next gerneration of consoles. The Walking Dead: The Final Season should've been their second game in terms of pure technology. That was the next step of a Telltale Game. But it took them 6 years instead to reach that point.
In all fairness, it's not really that the rest of the series sold badly, as much as they didn't sell enough to recoup the money it took to m… moreake. Telltale's been bleeding money ever since someone had the brilliant idea of hiring 300 people and somehow expecting their games to make enough money to keep them all paid, on top of all the other expenses they'd have to pay for alongside salaries. That amount of employees is pretty much a death sentence unless you have an extremely stable and steady source of income, IE Valve with Steam. Hell, I don't think even S1-level of sales would have been able to sustain that many people for more than a year or two. It's a miracle Telltale even made it as long as they did with the sheer amount of money they had to have been burning through.
To whichever Twitter user asked Skybound that question in the DM's, maybe try asking Bill Willingham on Twitter if something could be arranged for Skybound to take over. From what I know, Willingham is somewhat open to answering fan questions on Twitter, plus he does seem interested in getting Wolf's story out there:
Maybe back when they were still a team of 80 people, you know, before Bruner started expanding too quickly...
Definitely. Mixture of high expectations & stardom.
Great to see you back on the forums my friend!!!
Dylan my man!!
Always a joy seeing ya!
Likewise man! Welcome back! How are you doing? And what are your thoughts on Skybound taking over development for The Walking Dead: The Final Season?
Doing well man thanks! And it was shocking to hear honestly. Mixed feelings really. I'm more concerned with what happens to the staff, cause it's utterly awful.
Words can't describe how happy I am right now.
God bless, Kirkman!
Just came here to say...
you're not supposed to use the full name of the character on the ship name
it's just wrong
just no.
Jamentine, Violentine, Louentine.
Jamesentine, Violetine, Louisentine.
It's not Jamesentine sir, it's Jamestine
there is no "en" in between sir
ur wrong
ur wrong sir
Serious. Business.
Do you think the paper work is done for skybound to take over TFS production or are they still hashing the terms of the contract
When did they say they were meeting with ex-staff? Tuesday? For me, Tuesday is tomorrow (Alil over 2 hours from now). I believe at this point they just tried to reach out to as much of the original staff as possible for the supposed meeting tomorrow(? correct me if I'm wrong guys) We'll probably get an update this week.
need more evidence...
possible hope

Now, that The Final Season is saved, can we move to waiting thread for Episode 3? It will be so rejuvenating to see it after those two horrible weeks
Edit: ...or just rename this thread as waiting thread
I second this
I know it’s probably still early and not all the details of Telltale’s and Skybound’s agreement have been finalized, but when do you guys think we can expect to see the choices at the end of Episode 2 come up. It’s such a tiny thing to focus on, but I just hate not knowing what the choices were and how many others did the same thing I did.
there was a thread that someone made strawpoll.me of the ep2 choiches and it could be kinda accurate
That's what made telltale games great seeing what other players choices
I think when they're going to re-release TFS on digital stores.
Still surprised only about 22% of people let Abel leave with some food in Episode 1 tbh. I had little hesitation in doing so on my first play through, because I just couldn’t see Clem risking AJ’s life in that situation
and yes kirkman him self just announced they are gonna finish the game off so rejoice .
I don’t kill
Fellas this is why when the AMA happens we all gotta show we still want Wolf 2
I attacked Abel because I thought that he shouldn’t be trusted. He could’ve shot AJ and Clem after they let their guard down to take all the food and I didn’t want to risk that.
Even in the event he'd wanted to there, he'd had to deal with Violet, Louis, and the herd outside as a result.
That was my reasoning when I made the choice. I didn’t think very much about it because I thought it wouldn’t be too important.
Clem may be popular on face value, but the actual sales of TWD beside Season 1 prove otherwise.
Robert Kirkman has nothing to do with TWAU, guys
Yes but its in hopes that Skybound works to make a deal with Vertigo to collaborate to bring Wolf 2 back as well. (seeing as no other company will probs pick up wolf)
This. As much as i'd like to have a TWAUS2, Skybound will never do it. That's just the reality. The Wolf Among Us is a DC/Vertigo property, not a Skybound one. Why would Skybound put money into a game based on a comic that is not from them? Makes no sense at all.
Wait, so Bigby could be in the next Justice League cartoon?
S2 had some good sales to boot. If Kenny wasn’t in it, who knows.
In all fairness, it's not really that the rest of the series sold badly, as much as they didn't sell enough to recoup the money it took to make. Telltale's been bleeding money ever since someone had the brilliant idea of hiring 300 people and somehow expecting their games to make enough money to keep them all paid, on top of all the other expenses they'd have to pay for alongside salaries. That amount of employees is pretty much a death sentence unless you have an extremely stable and steady source of income, IE Valve with Steam. Hell, I don't think even S1-level of sales would have been able to sustain that many people for more than a year or two. It's a miracle Telltale even made it as long as they did with the sheer amount of money they had to have been burning through.
I think Vertigo is seperate from DC, but it's still owned by DC.
This is true. Most games before ANF would've been profitable, if the studio didn't expanded so much.
If Telltale hadn't expanded this much and rather developed one high quality game at a time, which gave them the time to reinvent their formular and their technology bewteen games, they would be fine now. But upper management said no.
After the success of TWD S1, Telltale should've invested in new technology suitable for the - at the time - next gerneration of consoles. The Walking Dead: The Final Season should've been their second game in terms of pure technology. That was the next step of a Telltale Game. But it took them 6 years instead to reach that point.
To whichever Twitter user asked Skybound that question in the DM's, maybe try asking Bill Willingham on Twitter if something could be arranged for Skybound to take over. From what I know, Willingham is somewhat open to answering fan questions on Twitter, plus he does seem interested in getting Wolf's story out there: