Walking Dead Day 2018 countdown and hype thread
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If THE WALKING DEAD were a human, it would be getting ready for driver’s ed. How crazy is that? 15 years of love, loss, walkers, gore, and top-notch story-telling. To celebrate, we’re teaming up with comic shops around the country world to have THE WALKING DEAD DAY, Saturday, October 13th! We’ve been posting about the special things we have going on but wanted to get all that info into one place!
To celebrate this insane milestone, we’re re-printing THE WALKING DEAD #1! Whether you’re a new reader or a super fan, this re-print, featuring an all new cover by Charlie Adlard, is a MUST have! Find out more info here!
Is that WALKING DEAD #1 not enough for you? Well, you’re in luck! Over 100 stores across the world have opted in to have their store logo included on the cover! Be sure to support your favorite shop with this exclusive variant! You can find a list of all the participating store here! How many are you going to collect?
You’re definitely not going to want to miss this one! In honor of the 15th anniversary of The Walking Dead, we tapped 15 of the best artists working in comics to create new original art for 15 key issues of TWD! From the 1st issue to major deaths to first appearances, we’ve got them all. Follow the link to see the list of amazing artists we collabed with!
In honor of TWD Day we’re bringing you the most complete set of collected Walking Dead we’ve ever assembled! Our Walking Dead 15th anniversary box set features three Walking Dead compendiums (that’s 144 issues!) and the Here’s Negan trade paperback, updated to feature the origins of Michonne, The Governor and more. Check out the details and see the gorgeous artwork for the box, by Charlie Adlard, here!
This special issue contains four short stories featuring Michonne, The Governor, Morgan and Tyrese. Who were they before the zombie apocalypse? Find out for free on the first ever WALKING DEAD DAY! Check out the cover below:
We’ve got buttons, bookmarks and more to help you celebrate your favorite walker comic in style! Check your local participating shop for awesome freebies you can get just for stopping by on TWD day.
I'm gonna swing by a comic chop in Richmond, pick up an alternate art blind bag and probably compendium 1 again since my copy disappeared.
Not gonna lie: I bought a Clementine hat off of Etsy for the occasion.
I'm probably just going to pick up everything. I want that box set the most though.
This is the best and worst of the lot.
My hat came in today. I'm hype.

Dawn of the final day; 24 hours remain

oh boy I'm going crazy in here - spinnin exalted orbs of different thoughts going through my head about the new walking dead.
I've been waiting for quite some time for this to finally get off and it seems like it's going to be so much fun. I'm really under an impression that during the current times how many different abilities an options we have over making and editing videos, especially when it comes to tv series, is unbelievable. I'm the kind of person that goes after where to buy poe currency cheap if you're looking for this kind of stuff.
It's been a long chaos run but I'm certain it's just going to be better and better.
already less than 24 hours left, letss goo
I wonder if we get any more news on twd day on tfs
Today's the day boys!

Getting ready to head into Richmond now. Wish me luck on my blind bags!
Well that was a good morning! I broke in my Clementine Hat and grabbed the alternate cover art editions of issues 53 and 100, a reprint of issue 1, compendium 1 and a Beta figure all at 25% off. I was an idiot and forgot to get the free issue of side stories unfortunately.

Sadly no special goodies in the blind bags, but the cover art for issue 100 more than makes up for it. My brother was dead on when he decided to go for that one, it's absolutely brutal.

I got curious, looked up the other alternate covers and Skybound put out a full list.
My favorites have to be issues 1, 98, 100, 108, 127 and 132 but with the best 3 being:

Issue #7 by Daniel Warren Johnson. I adore covers like this where it's just a character standing there, but the background, coloring, facial expressions, etc. just convey so much. His face alone carries so much weight it's hard not be appreciative.
Issue #92 by Cory Walker. This one is just hilarious. He's got such a baby face.
And my absolute favorite is Issue #167 by Sana Takeda. Firstly the detail is gorgeous, a lot of care was put into it. The colors are all muted except for Andrea's bite and the light coming from off panel setting up a real dower tone. It's not dark; it's bleak. But what really sells it is the look of sheer devastation and fear on Rick's face. It's absolutely heartbreaking.
The comic store I went to mentioned that it was open season on any blind bags left over after today, so I’m going out again tomorrow for round 2 if they don’t sell out.
I called the comic shop a bit before they closed and they still had blind bags of every issues but #1 left in stock. I'm gonna get 6 hours of sleep then drive back right as it opens and stock up on at least half a dozen of em!

Grabbed another 9 issues and a free walker mask! All in all: TWD Day 2018 was a rousing success for me. Same time next year?
That alternate Jesus cover was all I needed to see. I can die now.
Honestly it's one of the ones I got lucky on. The color virgin variant is probably the best looking one for it.
(Issue #92 if you want to try for it!)