Gabe should come back

Wut if Gabe came back?
But seriously, I think (if he was alive) he should come back. I would love to see him acting all pouty and super jealous towards vi or Louis. I wanna see him challenge one of those two to MORTAL KOMBAT and get his arse whopped. It would be hilariious in my opinion.
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Nah,he’s better off in Richmond...”Where he belongs”!
His hand to hand fight with Violet would be interesting. Violet looks like a walking skeleton but Gabe also is pretty pussy in terms of physicality. He of course is a lot less inteligent so Violet would win.
But his fight with Louis? Oh man. Lou would beat the shit out of him and then he would hook him to the line and play with a pinata for the second time. I'm in again!
He's better off in a place where nobody is expect him. I already feel bad for Javi if Gabe lived.
Everybody who gets he ending of Javi alone with Gabe..... shudders
Impossible for that bitch to come back in my playthrough he's dead.
As I realluded to in the other recent thread(albeit under a different context/climate), it's possible he might not even care.
Yeah, that's kinda been one of the stipulations as to why I don't mine him not returning as a major character
They're both stronger than they look.
But the biggest shock is when gabe has already found a new girlfriend within richmond!
I mean, that's technically a conclusion for certain people to draw from my old scenario, but it's really not meant to be overt or set in stone.
If he were to come back (which he can't in my game, but that's beside the point), the only thing I would want to do with him is rub my new boyfriend (Louis) in his face. And then I'd kick him out, I dealt with his whining for an entire season, no need to endure that any longer than I have to.
Glad he's dead in my game. Whiny shitbag.
No no no! You should show him your girlfriend Violet. He was always trying to act tough and manly like his dad. Let him know he lost to a girl. That's more humiliating!
Or have things actually make sure.
You know, if there was ever a point where he bothered actually trying to get with Mini-Jane.
What do you mean? I don't understand.
Assuming there actually was much of romantic interest there(on Gabe's end, anyway) and asked her out only to be declined, finding out that she ended up with a girl would sorta provide another reason they didn't hook up.
Violet? Strong? Physically? Dude. Look at her legs even. She looks like that anorectic emo girl almost.
I realize that. It was obvious from the profile pics.
I also noticed how she managed to effectively use The Gore on Lily and kept her pinned to the point that she required Sullene to help get her off and drag her to the carriage.
More Gabe talk, Less Violet talk
That's actually really easy to do, all things considered.
I mean I would, but I don't have a girlfriend named Violet. Although that would actually be funnier, having Gabe know that he was so unappealing and unlikable that he drove Clem gay.
Gabe drove me gay if you know what I mean
Gabe= hot
He's 13.
Back in the old world, Gabe was probably one of those guys who took the lenses out of 3D movie glasses and stuck his tongue out for selfies and wore "NERD" snapbacks and had a variety of checkered clothing in his wardrobe. he's what chicks call a 'f*ckboy'
I'm honestly going back and forth on this.
He is dead in my story and he is rotting in hell.
He's like that kid who uses those singing apps. those saggy beanies piss me off!
Is he Gabe or Double D?
I don't wanna insult Double D like that... Gabe's more like the hot topic-loitering-rawr type
That's another thing that's so specific that I kinda need to look it up just to be sure what you're talking about.
Also, dat misspell.

Holy shit
it's a rabbit hole of hell! lol I remember the rawr xd days in high school
My gawd those days
That is hilariously adorable.