Would you give Mike a second chance?
Sorry if this has been posted before but I didn’t much feel like digging through the archives.
Personally I understand why Mike did what he did. Kenny was obviously unstable and could put the group in danger at any given time. (That being said, I absolutely condone his treatment of that shitbird Arvo)
Sure, he was going to leave Clem and AJ to die, but he was also the only one of the deserters who showed any concern when Clem was shot and I really don’t feel like he was a bad guy. Just a little misguided.
What are your thoughts? If Mike showed up in season 4 would you give him another chance?
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Not at all, nothing justifies leaving a little girl and an infant to freeze and starve. He would've been redeemable if he at least tried to bring them along.
Alright, fair point. You’re right, he could have at least offered lol
Nope, he would be dead the first chance I get.
I do get where he was coming from and I don't hold it against Mike. It was a despicable way to do it... in the dead of night, with, presumably, all the supplies, and the only working vehicle the group had. Mike had no long term loyalty to anyone in group - he's only known them for a few days. As such he was acting in his self interests at the expense of others whom he barely knew, something that happens to people all the time when there is no solid relationship.
As for making an offer to take Clem or AJ along, it would be the last thing he would want to do. Think about it from Mike's perceptive: Kenny is unstable and has latched onto only two things in the world, Clementine and AJ. What would be the most likely thing to happen if Clem and AJ went along with Mike? Kenny would move mountains to hunt them down. Mike is trying to get away from Kenny, so the last thing he would want to do is bring along the two people he would never stop looking for. A missing vehicle and supplies... shitty situation but not something Kenny would focus on permanently and eventually give up.
If he comes back, he's dead.
I wanted Molly to come back instead though.
No. He would have been forgivable if he wasn't trying to take EVERYTHING with him.
Well, since no one else has said yes yet, let me be the first one to say it: yes, I actually would.
But only Mike in particular. Bonnie's continually screwed people over since 400 Days, she's used up all the chances I'm willing to give. And Arvo is... Arvo.
I believe in second chances for just about everything short of malicious intent, IE purposefully trying to kill someone. And as far as I'm concerned, that was Mike's first screw up, and out of the three, he's the only one that wasn't a repeat offender or looking to cause pain (Arvo was shooting death glares every other scene). So yeah, Mike's still eligible for a second chance in my book.
Too bad they scrapped the part where you could shoot him in S2 instead to giving up and dropping the gun down, I would have done that immediatly If I had the chance.
Yeah. I'd give him a second chance.
Bonnie and Arvo can go fuck themselves, though.
I’d give him a chance. I’d give him 5 seconds to run before I shot him...
i don`t know about you, but Bonnie died in one of my playthroughs, cuz i did not break the ice, knowing that Luke would die anyway
People saying they would kill mike the first chance they get but they're willing to forgive Lilly for straight up murder
Big difference: Mike was stealing everything, including that car, leaving Clementine, Kenny and an infant with nothing, then after Clementine got shot he ran away.
Lilly just shot a minor character, losing her mind after she saw her father's head crushed by a salt lick in front of her.
I don't know if I hate Mike, but he's often brought up in tandem with Bonnie and Arvo, and in my opinion, I'm more inclined to give Arvo the benefit of the doubt of any of them.
I'd forgive Mike (and Bonnie) but not Arvo. They would need to earn their forgiveness though. Mike more so than Bonnie as in my playthrough, Bonnie was always nice to Clem and concerned about Clem getting shot.
I haven't forgiven Lilly (Played nice in ep2 biding my time...) and I wouldn't kill Mike.
It's different, Lilly didn't leave a baby and a little girl to die, if he tried to bring them along maybe I wouldn't wanna kill him, he was worried about my Clem when she got shot though... but he's still dying.
And if Lilly touches Louis or AJ in my game she's dead too.
Talk about a complete 180 degree turn, mike went from dependable guy to total asshole . How could anyone feel sorry for arvo? But here comes mike ! Leaving clem for dead also doesn't help him lol no way jose ,mike would not be welcomed back
Yeah, Doug was cool but a minor character, Carley sucks anyway.

bUT whATEver I ReSPEct YOUr opinION
Carley was a good shot, and had a great ass, but she couldn’t even figure out how to put batteries in a radio! How long would she have honestly lasted?
If it helps she I do not forgive her either. For season 4 stuff. Whatever she was, snne is bad now.
Absolutely not.
Probably a long time considering how much more useful a gun is than batteries during the zombie apocalypse.
I get where Mike was coming from when it came to Kenny, but he was wrong to take all the supplies and the truck and leaving in the middle of the night of all times. I really don't have anything against Mike since he didn't shoot Clementine or even intended for it to happen plus if he had stayed, Kenny probably would've tried to kill him which would've devolved into a even worse situation.
Thank god i dont have to see Molly again
So many people here are ruthless. Have no forgiveness in their hearts at all. People do stupid shit when they are scared and that’s exactly what Mike did. It doesn’t excuse it no, but he wasn’t evil. I would forgive him
I don’t think Kenny would have tried to kill him if Clementine hadn’t been shot.
Regarding Mike though, hate to say it but we could blame him for Clem being shot because he did let Arvo have access to one of the guns. But i know he didn’t mean for it to happen
Hell no. Why would I forgive someone who stole everything from a little girl and a baby?
Kenny would have tried with how things went down in cannon which wouldn't have went well for Kenny most likely.
Nah he dead
He wouldn’t have tried to kill Mike if Clem or AJ weren’t hurt. He would of course get angry and probably leave him behind but wouldn’t outright try and kill him. My opinion
Wasnt bonnie the one to take the rest of the supplies thought? If i remember right if Bonnie s dead then Mike only takes one bag with him.
Yep, i still like Mike
Yea tho in my game through it was Bonnie who actually gave a shit about Clem being shot.
However, if the mf brings Arvo he dead.
Well I cover luke each time so she’s always pissed at me lol
I would he could still be useful. I didn't blame him for leaving although he could have left us some of the stuff.
I would never give Mike a second chance.