Oh man how about we finally drop it? If you really felt that I want to drag you into an argument then I can apologize if it means so much to you. Yet as you saw it would be a lot easier if you explained at first because I was completely okay with it once you explained.
I don't consider few smiles a bond, but actually in this case - IT'S YOUR OPINION THAT WAS ARGUMENTED BY YOU. You have something to back you up and if you really think that then FINE... even though I would never really call it a bond.
Even though you didn't have to it really wouldn't hurt you to do so.
All you had to do was respect my right not to explain anything to you. If you would've done that it wouldn't have been a problem. I did say … moreI had a problem with phrasing things. If you wanted to have a discussion replying to what I said by saying it's bs isn't a good way to go about having one. It seemed like you wanted to have an argument though and I was not interested in having one of those.
No need to apologize. We can definitely drop it though. And it wouldn't have hurt you to let it go. And it would've been a lot easier if you let it go.
Oh man how about we finally drop it? If you really felt that I want to drag you into an argument then I can apologize if it means so much to… more you. Yet as you saw it would be a lot easier if you explained at first because I was completely okay with it once you explained.
I don't consider few smiles a bond, but actually in this case - IT'S YOUR OPINION THAT WAS ARGUMENTED BY YOU. You have something to back you up and if you really think that then FINE... even though I would never really call it a bond.
Even though you didn't have to it really wouldn't hurt you to do so.
No need to apologize. We can definitely drop it though. And it wouldn't have hurt you to let it go. And it would've been a lot easier if you let it go.
Thank you for apologizing. I apologize for not being more clear in what I was trying to say. It seems like other people can explain what I was trying to say and wanted to say better than I can. And make a more coherent post describing what I mean.
Ya that would be great, it would be one of the most satisfying moment in the whole series for me, on par when Jane got stabbed or when I killed both of St.John brothers and Joan in ANF.
A good bullet in the head so that guy would finally shut the fuck up with his stupid jokes.
Ya that would be great, it would be one of the most satisfying moment in the whole series for me, on par when Jane got stabbed or when I kil… moreled both of St.John brothers and Joan in ANF.
A good bullet in the head so that guy would finally shut the fuck up with his stupid jokes.
this this this this this this this. At least @Scythenger acts mature about this stuff but Maikel is often being immature and hyper-active when he posts. Dude, just calm down and stop teasing people. And he does actually hate Violet, I've seen a lot of his posts which suggest that, such as him putting her as No. 5 or something to protect AJ. It's getting annoying and he's acting overly pretentious. He's pushing things too far. And let's touch on this:
AJ and Louis' huge bond
The broest of bros in the history of TWD universe?
If Clementine died, which character would you want to take care of AJ? (smh this is a lure)
Louis & Violet underrated friendship
Louis' huge character development in Episode 2. What do you think?
How can people be mad at Louis?
I mean, I can acknowledge the valiant effort at least.
I have one thing to say to ya'll
It's a darn video game. Cool yourselves. Not real people. Why are you spending countless hours of your lives trying to start heated arguments and trying to prove a point about why you think a video game character is suited to be with another video game character. Rethink your lives.
dude, you`re getting more annoying with every post. Nobody wants you to respond to their opinions. He thinks Vi is the best and maybe he is … moreright or he is not, but you DO NOT HAVE to reply to every post that says something nice about Violet, it makes you look JEALOUS,DESPERATE and leaning towards the hateful side too much. Just chill and let people have their opinions without getting judged at every turn
We just finished it already and you still bring it up? Of course I'm doing many threads about Louis as he is my favorite character of the whole series and it's pretty understandable that I want to talk about him. I don't think that this is bad or is it? And what's exactly wrong with me putting Violet to be the 5th one to take care of AJ? I prefer Louis, Aasim, Javi and James over her so it's not like I hate her. I dislike her attitude towards life, but aparat from it it's not like I have anything against her.
this this this this this this this. At least @Scythenger acts mature about this stuff but Maikel is often being immature and hyper-active wh… moreen he posts. Dude, just calm down and stop teasing people. And he does actually hate Violet, I've seen a lot of his posts which suggest that, such as him putting her as No. 5 or something to protect AJ. It's getting annoying and he's acting overly pretentious. He's pushing things too far. And let's touch on this:
AJ and Louis' huge bond
The broest of bros in the history of TWD universe?
If Clementine died, which character would you want to take care of AJ? (smh this is a lure)
Louis & Violet underrated friendship
Louis' huge character development in Episode 2. What do you think?
How can people be mad at Louis?
I mean, I can acknowledge the valiant effort at least.
I have one thing to say to ya'll
It's a darn video game. Cool yourselves. Not real people. Why are you s… [view original content]
Ya that would be great, it would be one of the most satisfying moment in the whole series for me, on par when Jane got stabbed or when I kil… moreled both of St.John brothers and Joan in ANF.
A good bullet in the head so that guy would finally shut the fuck up with his stupid jokes.
Ya that would be great, it would be one of the most satisfying moment in the whole series for me, on par when Jane got stabbed or when I kil… moreled both of St.John brothers and Joan in ANF.
A good bullet in the head so that guy would finally shut the fuck up with his stupid jokes.
Me @ this thread: Y'all better not start that Kenny vs Jane shit with Louis and Violet. this thread: y'AlL bETtEr nOT sTArT tHaT kEnNy vS jAnE sHIt WiTh LoUIs and VIlOtE.
I guess people are arguing that because AJ is already faithful and is tough that what he needs is a growth of confidence and to not be so serious about things all the time. Violet does have her moments with this, but I think Louis is able to send a better delivery because of how effective he is at breaking the ice and unwinding stressful situations. Violet can make a nice situation more nice, as well as make a stressful situation more stressful, but Louis can make a nice smelling castle out of complete shit. Since AJ usually acts in the same way as Violet, gaining a change of outlook from Louis would be beneficial to him.
Thinking about these characters like this makes me admire more what Clementine does for him, as sort of a balance between both of them. She has her fun jokey moments with him to keep him off edge while also making sure he remains cautious of danger. Though there is a sense of strain in trying to keep upbeat with what she is constantly reminded of..
In my opinion - I wouldn't really say that AJ acts like Violet. Also he doesn't act like Louis. Violet is pretty much depressed as shit throughtout the whole Episode 1 and she basically only talk about sad things. In Episode 2 she is a lot more likeable due to her probably being too busy to start with all the sadness. AJ of course takes many things seriously, but also he simply fools around sometimes like the moment which he kicked the door in the dorms with Clem's line "staah back!!!". So for me AJ isn't really close to any of them in terms of behaviour yet Louis seems to make bigger impression on him and therefore AJ prefers to be around him - of course once again - In my opinion.
I guess people are arguing that because AJ is already faithful and is tough that what he needs is a growth of confidence and to not be so se… morerious about things all the time. Violet does have her moments with this, but I think Louis is able to send a better delivery because of how effective he is at breaking the ice and unwinding stressful situations. Violet can make a nice situation more nice, as well as make a stressful situation more stressful, but Louis can make a nice smelling castle out of complete shit. Since AJ usually acts in the same way as Violet, gaining a change of outlook from Louis would be beneficial to him.
Thinking about these characters like this makes me admire more what Clementine does for him, as sort of a balance between both of them. She has her fun jokey moments with him to keep him off edge while also making sure he remains cautious of danger. Though there is a sense of strain in trying to keep upbeat with what she is constantly reminded of..
lol That's harsh. I'll also save Violet, but no need to be so hard on Louis. He isn't so bad. His jokes are terrible, but not to the point where he deserves a bullet. A bite from walkers would suffice.
Ya that would be great, it would be one of the most satisfying moment in the whole series for me, on par when Jane got stabbed or when I kil… moreled both of St.John brothers and Joan in ANF.
A good bullet in the head so that guy would finally shut the fuck up with his stupid jokes.
In my opinion - I wouldn't really say that AJ acts like Violet. Also he doesn't act like Louis. Violet is pretty much depressed as shit thro… moreughtout the whole Episode 1 and she basically only talk about sad things. In Episode 2 she is a lot more likeable due to her probably being too busy to start with all the sadness. AJ of course takes many things seriously, but also he simply fools around sometimes like the moment which he kicked the door in the dorms with Clem's line "staah back!!!". So for me AJ isn't really close to any of them in terms of behaviour yet Louis seems to make bigger impression on him and therefore AJ prefers to be around him - of course once again - In my opinion.
So here's something to make things actually engaging: make a list of pros and cons for both characters before highlighting what the deciding boon is for the character you prefer.
lol That's harsh. I'll also save Violet, but no need to be so hard on Louis. He isn't so bad. His jokes are terrible, but not to the point where he deserves a bullet. A bite from walkers would suffice.
(Bullet is optional)
just joking man. Louis is fine. I honestly hope they won't make us choose between them. Maybe they will make us choose between a repentant Lilly and our love interest?
I don't think so. Neither I don't think so that we will have a normal choice to save one of them as we already had something similar in Episode 2. It probably will be some fishy shit like if you want Louis to live then he dies and if you want Violet to live then she dies.
just joking man. Louis is fine. I honestly hope they won't make us choose between them. Maybe they will make us choose between a repentant Lilly and our love interest?
I don't think so. Neither I don't think so that we will have a normal choice to save one of them as we already had something similar in Epis… moreode 2. It probably will be some fishy shit like if you want Louis to live then he dies and if you want Violet to live then she dies.
A bite from a walker is a lot worse than a bullet to the head. A bullet shot to the brain is a lot quicker and painless, while a walker's bite is a slow and painful death, plus who gets bitten also turns into a walker, which sucks.
lol That's harsh. I'll also save Violet, but no need to be so hard on Louis. He isn't so bad. His jokes are terrible, but not to the point where he deserves a bullet. A bite from walkers would suffice.
(Bullet is optional)
Team Louis all the way! just like the most popular internet personality pewdiepie who saved louis saying he likes him much more and even said he really doesnt ship clem and violet. pls dont kill me
Team Louis all the way! just like the most popular internet personality pewdiepie who saved louis saying he likes him much more and even said he really doesnt ship clem and violet. pls dont kill me
Oh man how about we finally drop it? If you really felt that I want to drag you into an argument then I can apologize if it means so much to you. Yet as you saw it would be a lot easier if you explained at first because I was completely okay with it once you explained.
Even though you didn't have to it really wouldn't hurt you to do so.
No need to apologize. We can definitely drop it though. And it wouldn't have hurt you to let it go. And it would've been a lot easier if you let it go.
There might be a need though as I could perhaps push it too far. Which I probably did. So I apologize.
Thank you for apologizing. I apologize for not being more clear in what I was trying to say. It seems like other people can explain what I was trying to say and wanted to say better than I can. And make a more coherent post describing what I mean.
Ya that would be great, it would be one of the most satisfying moment in the whole series for me, on par when Jane got stabbed or when I killed both of St.John brothers and Joan in ANF.
A good bullet in the head so that guy would finally shut the fuck up with his stupid jokes.
Oh come on...
this this this this this this this. At least @Scythenger acts mature about this stuff but Maikel is often being immature and hyper-active when he posts. Dude, just calm down and stop teasing people. And he does actually hate Violet, I've seen a lot of his posts which suggest that, such as him putting her as No. 5 or something to protect AJ. It's getting annoying and he's acting overly pretentious. He's pushing things too far. And let's touch on this:
I mean, I can acknowledge the valiant effort at least.
I have one thing to say to ya'll
It's a darn video game. Cool yourselves. Not real people. Why are you spending countless hours of your lives trying to start heated arguments and trying to prove a point about why you think a video game character is suited to be with another video game character. Rethink your lives.
We just finished it already and you still bring it up? Of course I'm doing many threads about Louis as he is my favorite character of the whole series and it's pretty understandable that I want to talk about him. I don't think that this is bad or is it? And what's exactly wrong with me putting Violet to be the 5th one to take care of AJ? I prefer Louis, Aasim, Javi and James over her so it's not like I hate her. I dislike her attitude towards life, but aparat from it it's not like I have anything against her.
Okay everyone, leave my buddy @MaikelRRR alone. He ain't done nothing wrong
Yeah, honestly something is a little wrong with people on this forum. Do the mods even exist any more. Think I may just stop coming.
they banned me for making a joke a few days ago, so they are here
Me @ this thread: Y'all better not start that Kenny vs Jane shit with Louis and Violet.

this thread: y'AlL bETtEr nOT sTArT tHaT kEnNy vS jAnE sHIt WiTh LoUIs and VIlOtE.
It's gal.
And yeah, you are kinda being a derk.
Which is a fun way of saying no one's ship is valid.
The truth is liberating, is it not?
This thread totally won't be a train-wreck.
...Agree, I don't think we'll be able to keep them both alive. I'd save Louis.
Both of them are great characters, but I have to go with Louis.

My vote is for Violet. More faithful, more strong.
I guess people are arguing that because AJ is already faithful and is tough that what he needs is a growth of confidence and to not be so serious about things all the time. Violet does have her moments with this, but I think Louis is able to send a better delivery because of how effective he is at breaking the ice and unwinding stressful situations. Violet can make a nice situation more nice, as well as make a stressful situation more stressful, but Louis can make a nice smelling castle out of complete shit. Since AJ usually acts in the same way as Violet, gaining a change of outlook from Louis would be beneficial to him.
Thinking about these characters like this makes me admire more what Clementine does for him, as sort of a balance between both of them. She has her fun jokey moments with him to keep him off edge while also making sure he remains cautious of danger. Though there is a sense of strain in trying to keep upbeat with what she is constantly reminded of..
In my opinion - I wouldn't really say that AJ acts like Violet. Also he doesn't act like Louis. Violet is pretty much depressed as shit throughtout the whole Episode 1 and she basically only talk about sad things. In Episode 2 she is a lot more likeable due to her probably being too busy to start with all the sadness. AJ of course takes many things seriously, but also he simply fools around sometimes like the moment which he kicked the door in the dorms with Clem's line "staah back!!!". So for me AJ isn't really close to any of them in terms of behaviour yet Louis seems to make bigger impression on him and therefore AJ prefers to be around him - of course once again - In my opinion.
lol That's harsh. I'll also save Violet, but no need to be so hard on Louis. He isn't so bad. His jokes are terrible, but not to the point where he deserves a bullet. A bite from walkers would suffice.
(Bullet is optional)
Of course. AJ is still impressionable for his age, and saw Clem's seriousness as funny.
And gosh.. it's a video game. Someone else is making up how he acts. I should just stop right here.
So here's something to make things actually engaging: make a list of pros and cons for both characters before highlighting what the deciding boon is for the character you prefer.
Oh boi that breaks my heart how you all want Louis to die. ;(

I don't think so. Neither I don't think so that we will have a normal choice to save one of them as we already had something similar in Episode 2. It probably will be some fishy shit like if you want Louis to live then he dies and if you want Violet to live then she dies.
I was tempted to make that joke myself.
We also already had that in A New Frontier, didn't we?
We did.
A bite from a walker is a lot worse than a bullet to the head. A bullet shot to the brain is a lot quicker and painless, while a walker's bite is a slow and painful death, plus who gets bitten also turns into a walker, which sucks.
we all were
It really is.
Team Louis all the way! just like the most popular internet personality pewdiepie who saved louis saying he likes him much more and even said he really doesnt ship clem and violet. pls dont kill me
Pews is so dumb when it comes to games, do not bring him up again, it makes you look worse