The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited October 2018

    People often say that I look really young for my age. Whenever I meet someone, they think I'm a young teen still in school. Heck, one time a couple of 13 year olds thought that I was their age and were shocked when I told them I was 19.

    So, the first time that a stranger actually saw me as a potential adult was when a bunch of teenage girls were asking me to buy cigarettes for them. :expressionless:

  • I'm only 16 but I feel your pain. One time I went to a museum where the ticket for students cost 15 dollars and the ticket for kids aged 6-12 cost 10 dollars. I told them I was 12 and saved 5 dollars. Pretty much the only time my looks were helpful...

    People often say that I look really young for my age. Whenever I meet someone, they think I'm a young teen still in school. Heck, one time a

  • Playing the new Spider Man game makes me want to play GTAV more than it. Who in the right mind wants to be good all the time?? It's fun to be bad >:)

  • Just get Infamous and you'll be set.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Playing the new Spider Man game makes me want to play GTAV more than it. Who in the right mind wants to be good all the time?? It's fun to be bad

  • To me there are only two variables worth considering when it comes to the death penalty:

    • Cost efficiency

    • Public morale

    The problem is the case work and delivery of the death penalty is expensive and since suffering is (ethically and usually) not the focal purpose of capital punishment in developed countries there is little to no message gotten across to potential criminals intending to go down that path (most would probably be broken nihilists who don't fear death anyways). Even if that message was gotten across a public uproar in a developed country would have to be dealt with, and that disturbance probably wouldn't be worth the hassle.

    Considering the sociological and economic dynamics involved, it just isn't worth it, though personally I wouldn't shy away from supporting it if it was a sound deterrent.

    I am currently in my last year in Secondary School (High School) and I have been tasked by my Social Education teacher to write an Essay reg

  • the fact that your mind didn't immediately go to Robbie Rotten is the ultimate shame :triumph:

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    still don't know what to be for halloween ?

  • i still haven't watched that ? it's one of the many shows on my backlog with castle rock and black mirror and twin peaks s3.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Get a few friends and dress up as the Stranger Things kids. ...dibs on being the Demogorgon.

  • i hope you did the right thing and bought them cigarettes.

    People often say that I look really young for my age. Whenever I meet someone, they think I'm a young teen still in school. Heck, one time a

  • omgggg i was literally just watching the pirate episode and thinking "hm maybe a pirate" ? that show is total nostalgia. i miss dancing in front of the tv like a moron.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    the fact that your mind didn't immediately go to Robbie Rotten is the ultimate shame

  • Ohhh yes, Black Mirror is probably my all-time favourite Netflix series.

    Black Mirror, Stranger Things, and Rick and Morty are the three best Netflix series IMO.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i still haven't watched that ? it's one of the many shows on my backlog with castle rock and black mirror and twin peaks s3.

  • edited October 2018

    Black Mirror, Stranger Things, and Rick and Morty are the three best Netflix series

    ? One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong... ?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Ohhh yes, Black Mirror is probably my all-time favourite Netflix series. Black Mirror, Stranger Things, and Rick and Morty are the three best Netflix series IMO.

  • i still haven't watched rick and morty either lol. so many shows i don't know where to start.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Ohhh yes, Black Mirror is probably my all-time favourite Netflix series. Black Mirror, Stranger Things, and Rick and Morty are the three best Netflix series IMO.

  • Oops, true... Didn't they buy the rights for season three though?

    AChicken posted: »

    Black Mirror, Stranger Things, and Rick and Morty are the three best Netflix series ? One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong... ?

  • What about Mr. Robot?

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i still haven't watched rick and morty either lol. so many shows i don't know where to start.

  • I just found out that Rami Malek is playing Freddie Mercury in the Bohemian Rhapsody movie, now I have no choice but to see it.

    After seeing his amazing performances in both Mr Robot and Until Dawn, I can confidently say that he is my favourite actor.

    Seriously, if there's a guy that could make me gay, it's him.

  • nope. i've heard of it but don't know anything about it. i don't watch many shows.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    What about Mr. Robot?

  • Oh, I have so much to show you.

    Are you more into video games, or just neither?

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    nope. i've heard of it but don't know anything about it. i don't watch many shows.

  • edited October 2018

    Uh... Maybe?

    I don't know, I don't follow the news of that show or its ties to Netflix since I'm not caught up and we don't get it up here.

    I use my skills as a.... Totally legal internet user to find and watch it.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Oops, true... Didn't they buy the rights for season three though?

  • i wouldn't rly consider myself a "gamer" or.. whatever they call people who keep up with shows. but i like both and play games/watch shows when i have time. things that take a while like long series and story games kinda intimidate me which explains why i got skyrim forever ago and still haven't started it.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Oh, I have so much to show you. Are you more into video games, or just neither?

  • i totally understand ?

    AChicken posted: »

    Uh... Maybe? I don't know, I don't follow the news of that show or its ties to Netflix since I'm not caught up and we don't get it up here. I use my skills as a.... Totally legal internet user to find and watch it.

  • Me as I watch people get mad that Clem is confirmed bi.

  • Is it still going to be released BEFORE The Last of Us Part 2? That's what they have been planning and there are a lot of hints that TLOU2 is finished (Troy Baker confirmed they already playtested it) which could result being released sooner.

    AChicken posted: »

    Days Gone just got its release date pushed from a crowded February 22 to April 26, 2019.

  • I wouldn't consider Skyrim a story game. You can ignore pretty much all quests including the main ones and do whatever you want to do in that game.
    You should really give it a try. And becuase it doesn't have an ending it can be however long you want it to be.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i wouldn't rly consider myself a "gamer" or.. whatever they call people who keep up with shows. but i like both and play games/watch shows w

  • Speaking of which I was playing daggerfall today. Was guying myself some clothes and realised there is no underwear in the game by default (when you remove clothing items) so my character was buck naked and I was like “y this no in the newer games?” ?

    Onmens posted: »

    I wouldn't consider Skyrim a story game. You can ignore pretty much all quests including the main ones and do whatever you want to do in tha

  • That exact question is probably the reason why mods came to be. :p

    Melton23 posted: »

    Speaking of which I was playing daggerfall today. Was guying myself some clothes and realised there is no underwear in the game by default

  • Believe it or not I am actually the master mod, just that there is no unique identifier for my prestigious title so it shows me as a regular user. The mods can confirm this btw.

    Onmens posted: »

    That exact question is probably the reason why mods came to be.

  • edited October 2018

    I think so?

    Tbh, I've always thought TLOU Part II was a late 2019 title. I expect it to be out near September or October.

    Paris Games Week starts next week, and TLOU appeared there last year. I expect we'll get some hint as to when we can expect it then. (or at the very least some concrete info on the story)

    AronDracula posted: »

    Is it still going to be released BEFORE The Last of Us Part 2? That's what they have been planning and there are a lot of hints that TLOU2 is finished (Troy Baker confirmed they already playtested it) which could result being released sooner.

  • I was actually talking about modifications in Bethesda games, but sure, I´ll go along with this weird fantasy of yours.
    Ehm, please don´t pretend ban me?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Believe it or not I am actually the master mod, just that there is no unique identifier for my prestigious title so it shows me as a regular user. The mods can confirm this btw.

  • If Peter came to Chloe and asked her to make him his spider suit. I could definitely see her wearing this and being spider-girl.

  • edited October 2018

    Yeah it's time to step out of the Walking Dead forums again. It's gotten pretty bad because people get too mad when other people choose different options in a choice based game.

    That was a pretty nice couple of months though.

  • Uh, fuck no! I'm not about to contribute to their destructive habits! I've never even bought a packet before and I'm not about to start now, let alone for a couple of teenagers who look only 15 max.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i hope you did the right thing and bought them cigarettes.

  • Nice video to condense everything that went wrong with Telltale's creative formula and financial woes.

  • My mom keeps telling me that I'll be grateful for my young looks when I'm her age. I guess she's right, but at the moment it's a bit annoying. I gotta still laugh and see the humor in it though; it is funny to see people's reactions when they try and come up with some awkward compliment as an attempt to make up for mistakening my age. :D

    Haha, what'd you spend the $5 on? :D

    I'm only 16 but I feel your pain. One time I went to a museum where the ticket for students cost 15 dollars and the ticket for kids aged 6-1

  • I would have let you into my Christian minecraft server if you didn’t use the f-word.

    Tsk tsk, what a shame ?

    Uh, fuck no! I'm not about to contribute to their destructive habits! I've never even bought a packet before and I'm not about to start now, let alone for a couple of teenagers who look only 15 max.

  • I scrolled up from this and saw Spider-ass.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yeah it's time to step out of the Walking Dead forums again. It's gotten pretty bad because people get too mad when other people choose different options in a choice based game. That was a pretty nice couple of months though.

  • Kevin Bruner was so shy initially.
    It always did occur to me that Telltale had made a name for themselves making licensed games, but that was also when any real issues behind the scenes was something I could only assume was the case around the recent ANF years.

    "There's better ways to close a company down. That's normal, nothing lasts forever anyways. Just, uh...supposed to take two months, not 30 minutes!" :lol:

    Is that Undertale and Donkey Kong Country music, btw?

    AChicken posted: »

    Nice video to condense everything that went wrong with Telltale's creative formula and financial woes.

  • edited October 2018

    Weirdest imitation effect happened to me today.

    Got into some random match of totally not Fortnite, encountered this group of 3 who were all British (the dialect of theirs, I'm not sure) but I immediately started using a British accent as well while communicating and couldn't break out of it.
    [Not high class bourgeoisie, not cockney with all the slang, but it was some average dialect...]

  • maybe i will.. i have a bunch of mods for it too. hope it's not one of those games i have to collect a bunch of items or level up or whatever. those are so exhausting i always quit. i still haven't finished gta san andreas because i got to a mission i needed to level up my water skills or something and it was taking absolutely forever. been like 2 months now and i still haven't got back to it lol

    Onmens posted: »

    I wouldn't consider Skyrim a story game. You can ignore pretty much all quests including the main ones and do whatever you want to do in tha

  • yeh his ass is disappointingly bony.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I scrolled up from this and saw Spider-ass. Wth

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