My mom keeps telling me that I'll be grateful for my young looks when I'm her age. I guess she's right, but at the moment it's a bit annoyin… moreg. I gotta still laugh and see the humor in it though; it is funny to see people's reactions when they try and come up with some awkward compliment as an attempt to make up for mistakening my age.
Haha, what'd you spend the $5 on?
It´s an rpg, so there´s quite a bit of levelling involved. Basically you level up skills by using them and that will automatically level up your character. So if you like to sneak around a lot using a bow you´ll level up your bow and sneak skills relatively fast. If you like to run around throwing fireballs at people you'll level up destruction magic.
There are some skills like blacksmithing and alchemy you'll need to gather (a lot of) ingredients for in order to level them up. But all skills are optional really, so you don't need to do anything you don't want to.
Anyway, most, if not all, enemies in the game are levelled to your level, so you won't be locked out of content because you're not a high enough level yet, or because you haven't learned certain skills.. At the start of the game you might be a bit too weak to take on everything, but that changes rather quickly.
maybe i will.. i have a bunch of mods for it too. hope it's not one of those games i have to collect a bunch of items or level up or whateve… morer. those are so exhausting i always quit. i still haven't finished gta san andreas because i got to a mission i needed to level up my water skills or something and it was taking absolutely forever. been like 2 months now and i still haven't got back to it lol
You know, after playing Spider-Man PS4 several times, I'm starting to care less for the future Spider-Man movies because they (Even the Raimi trilogy) couldn't have done a better story than the one made by Insomniac. Like seriously, that game is coming from a studio that isn't known for making story-driven games, Spider-Man PS4 did something what Marvel Studios should have done with Homecoming. Sure they can improve themselves with Far From Home (I like the new costume so far) but the story won't in the same level as Insomniac's. I could be wrong though.
Compare this opening of the game with the Homecoming one, which was the truest Spider-Man opening?
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I couldn't look away from.
@FromTheGallows for being there when I first started using the forums and being a good friend. And teaching me how to make custom avatars. I will never forget that.
@MetallicaRules Your videos analyzing the company, and the games and gametrailers for TWD were great to see and a much-need wakeup call to what has been going on. If Clementine does not live on through these games, may she live on in our hearts. And with what you said during the events of pax east, all water under the bridge.
@Melton23 We've had our laughs. There was something else I wanted to say, but now I'm drawing blanks. I'll let you know when it comes back.
@Poogers555 The true king of these forums. I still hope you one day get those socks, though it would probably break your heart if they gave you them now. And thanks for wanting to put that video together. It will be a good send off for telltale.
@DabigRG you big GOOF. I'll miss the deep analyses of TWD you post and not getting most of it because I miss many of your references, and the times when I tried to call you out on some of your comments for being too creepy but you just brush it off. Stay you... Wherever you go next.
Thank you @mostlypoptarts for all you've done here on the forums. Setting up AMA's, giving us behind the scenes information on projects, your subtle hints on things to come, and being there to have a friendly chat with the community from time to time.
And thank you @Moderators for keeping this place chill and forward-thinking and for filtering out the garbage that comes in from outside the forums. I know you guys had to see most of it in order to keep this place clean. We are forever grateful.
Edit: I didn't mean to send this NOW. Well, no use confusing you all with the mentions by earasing it. It was something I couldn't bring myself to post till I accidentally hit the button. Please don't kill me.
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(fr… moreom Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I c… [view original content]
I don't know, man. They've both got their merits in my eyes.
Insomniac's is a story of an older Spidey who is still in love with his superheroism and doesn't have such a tight grip on life.
The opening is a sign of that. It's a messy apartment, he's literally making breakfast as he suits up to take down Fisk, and the newspaper clippings of villains of old show who he's dealt with in the past. It's very... mature. This opening is great at setting the mood before throwing you out into the world of New York.
Marvel Studios' is a story of a Spider-Man who is still in his early days (well, months as he gets his powers ~4-6 months before Civil War). After being recruited by the Avengers (Stark's team) he sees himself as joining the big leagues so he sets out to prove himself as much as he can.
The opening is very campy and cheezy, which fits this Spider-Child. He's still wading through the unknown of his own superhero identity and how he fits into that. Homecoming is a whole movie about him finding himself. He hasn't even faced his first major villain yet. Personally, I love this opening, but that might just be because it's Spider-Man's return to the big screen and in a new enjoyable world.
I don't mean to write this to shoot any of your opinions down, I'm just writing it to express my own.
You know, after playing Spider-Man PS4 several times, I'm starting to care less for the future Spider-Man movies because they (Even the Raim… morei trilogy) couldn't have done a better story than the one made by Insomniac. Like seriously, that game is coming from a studio that isn't known for making story-driven games, Spider-Man PS4 did something what Marvel Studios should have done with Homecoming. Sure they can improve themselves with Far From Home (I like the new costume so far) but the story won't in the same level as Insomniac's. I could be wrong though.
Compare this opening of the game with the Homecoming one, which was the truest Spider-Man opening?
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(fr… moreom Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I c… [view original content]
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(fr… moreom Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I c… [view original content]
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(fr… moreom Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I c… [view original content]
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(fr… moreom Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I c… [view original content]
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(fr… moreom Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I c… [view original content]
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(fr… moreom Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I c… [view original content]
I really appreciate the kind words, Zombie! Thank you. That's very sweet of you to write something thoughtful about the people you mentioned. You are an awesome part of this community too!
You guys made a good team
Aw, I feel honored to be mentioned in the same paragraph as you guys @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed. Yay, we are officially the Happy-Go Gang support team now!
By the way, Zombie: thanks for teaching me how to do this!
Woah, that reminds me: I have a draft for a post that's similar that's been sitting around because I've been indecisive about sharing...
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(fr… moreom Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I c… [view original content]
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(fr… moreom Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I c… [view original content]
Hey @AChicken, since I never ended up finishing Mr. Robot season 3, I've started watching it from the beginning again to get myself up to date before watching it.
And daaaammmmn, it's so good. I think the first time I watched it I didn't really analize it much, but I've been paying full attention this time and I'm getting into it way more than last time. Still havent finished it yet tho, so no spoilers.
Also, I picked up what I think is a really sneaky reference to Until Dawn, a game that Rami Malek also stars in:
In episode one, when Elliot needs to borrow a shirt from Angela, she gives him a shirt that says "Property of JOSH" on it, which is the name of the character he plays in Until Dawn. I got so excited when I saw that.
Anyway, just thought I'd catch my Mr. Robot buddy up with my progress.
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(fr… moreom Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I c… [view original content]
To add on to that: I think Mad Max for (currently) under 5$ is amazing.
Yes, it's one of those games that 'copies' the Arkham Combat, but with this there's car combat, too, the aesthetic is beautifully apocalyptic and very Mad Max (the storms in this game are a sight to behold).
Not spoiler, just hiding a wall of text.
One of the stand-out features of this game to me are the side missions. They're all fleshed out pieces of the world, and they each bring you to different locations or areas.
And my one absolute favourite thing of the game (that a lot of people think is a bit repetitive) is exploring the world and each scavenging location (where you can find scraps of metal/currency to upgrade your arsenal). It's interesting to see the remnants of a world long since dead, and even what crazy forts or shelters people created from it. At one location, it's a literal shelter hanging from a cliff. At another, it could be a church buried beneath a sand dune. Or maybe, you might just find yourself at the top of a plateau where a guy died sitting in his chair, looking out at the sunset.
I don't normally advertise, but this is one of the best bundles I've seen.… moreurce=Twitter&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=WB_Games_Bundle_Announce
1 dollar for Shadow of Mordor and Arkham Origins is a steal. If you haven't played those games, I recommend picking it up.
Awesome. Well, as for me hopefully, come this Black Friday season, I'd like to be able to own some of the series for real if the dvd/Blu-ray prices drop down a bit. JK I totally own the entire series physically of course. I'm not a H4ck3r Well, It's mostly to have it on hand for when I inevitably rewatch all 3 seasons in preparation of Season 4.
In episode one, when Elliot needs to borrow a shirt from Angela, she gives him a shirt that says "Property of JOSH" on it, which is the name of the character he plays in Until Dawn.
Yeah, could be. But I think that's more of a reference to Josh Groban, the musician, as that's one of Angela's favourite artists. Correction: It's actually Angela's ex-boyfriend's favourite artist. She just owns his sweater now.
Hey @AChicken, since I never ended up finishing Mr. Robot season 3, I've started watching it from the beginning again to get myself up to da… morete before watching it.
And daaaammmmn, it's so good. I think the first time I watched it I didn't really analize it much, but I've been paying full attention this time and I'm getting into it way more than last time. Still havent finished it yet tho, so no spoilers.
Also, I picked up what I think is a really sneaky reference to Until Dawn, a game that Rami Malek also stars in:
In episode one, when Elliot needs to borrow a shirt from Angela, she gives him a shirt that says "Property of JOSH" on it, which is the name of the character he plays in Until Dawn. I got so excited when I saw that.
Anyway, just thought I'd catch my Mr. Robot buddy up with my progress.
Ohh, damn. Well, the fact he wears it must be a reference, right?
Puh-lease, any true fan will own the series in physical form, where they can hold and caress the cases... Well, now I want to show off show you my Mr. Robot DVD collection:
Awesome. Well, as for me hopefully, come this Black Friday season, I'd like to be able to own some of the series for real if the dvd/Blu-ray… more prices drop down a bit.
JK I totally own the entire series physically of course. I'm not a H4ck3r
Well, It's mostly to have it on hand for when I inevitably rewatch all 3 seasons in preparation of Season 4.
In episode one, when Elliot needs to borrow a shirt from Angela, she gives him a shirt that says "Property of JOSH" on it, which is the name of the character he plays in Until Dawn.
Yeah, could be. But I think that's more of a reference to Josh Groban, the musician, as that's one of Angela's favourite artists.
Correction: It's actually Angela's ex-boyfriend's favourite artist. She just owns his sweater now.
Thanks for the update.
Well, the fact he wears it must be a reference, right?
Okay, how tf do I always forget how to post images?
Click on the picture icon at the top of your comment.
Add ".jpg" to the end of the link.
Voilà. Done.
It's like this: You take your link. (in this case, mine is add '.jpg' to the end of it (so now it becomes then, you click on that picture icon at the top of your comment. and put in your picture link.
Then, we get....
what's this??...
Ohh, damn. Well, the fact he wears it must be a reference, right?
Puh-lease, any true fan will own the series in physical fo… morerm, where they can hold and caress the cases... Well, now I want to show off show you my Mr. Robot DVD collection:
Well, the fact he wears it must be a reference, right?
Okay, how tf do I always forget how to post images?
Click… more on the picture icon at the top of your comment.
Add ".jpg" to the end of the link.
Voilà. Done.
It's like this:
You take your link. (in this case, mine is
add '.jpg' to the end of it (so now it becomes
then, you click on that picture icon at the top of your comment.
and put in your picture link.
Then, we get....
what's this??...
Who cares anyway lol. way I see it; it doesn't matter; if someone I know was that way I'd still love em no matter what.
Lol, my mom says the same thing. So I'm patiently waiting until I turn 30 years old and feel fabulous
I really can't remember. I hope it was something good.
Lol finally finished my paper for my stupid ass Entrepreneurs class. I'm one day late and it's a little bit half assed but at least I finished it.
Live footage of The Walking Dead forum.
Like seriously what happened. It was so peaceful for MONTHS!
Episode 2 and it's heralding happened.
It´s an rpg, so there´s quite a bit of levelling involved. Basically you level up skills by using them and that will automatically level up your character. So if you like to sneak around a lot using a bow you´ll level up your bow and sneak skills relatively fast. If you like to run around throwing fireballs at people you'll level up destruction magic.
There are some skills like blacksmithing and alchemy you'll need to gather (a lot of) ingredients for in order to level them up. But all skills are optional really, so you don't need to do anything you don't want to.
Anyway, most, if not all, enemies in the game are levelled to your level, so you won't be locked out of content because you're not a high enough level yet, or because you haven't learned certain skills.. At the start of the game you might be a bit too weak to take on everything, but that changes rather quickly.
You know, after playing Spider-Man PS4 several times, I'm starting to care less for the future Spider-Man movies because they (Even the Raimi trilogy) couldn't have done a better story than the one made by Insomniac. Like seriously, that game is coming from a studio that isn't known for making story-driven games, Spider-Man PS4 did something what Marvel Studios should have done with Homecoming. Sure they can improve themselves with Far From Home (I like the new costume so far) but the story won't in the same level as Insomniac's. I could be wrong though.

Compare this opening of the game with the Homecoming one, which was the truest Spider-Man opening?
Shoutouts to @Dex-Starr, @Fangirl101, @pandoranwanderer, @Louche, @RichWalk23 , @Veeeee, @ForClementine, @patrickrc95, @thewalkingdeadfan(from Vent thread), @CapnJay, @Jayroen, @AronDracula, @Johro, @lupinb0y.
Thank you @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Psychokinesis, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed for keeping the Vent/Help thread alive and being so supportive to the people who come for help. Cocoa being one of most happy-go people around and having deep inspirational thoughts. This Pollo for having something funny to say, or showing us something strange enough that take our mind off what we were worried about. Psycho for being the sleuth and trying to dig deeper into what our problems are. Acheive for being there to talk when we're at our lowest. And Warpspeed for guiding us with your overall wisdom. You guys made a good team
@RavenSnowstorm, @MegaXD, and @BetterToSleep Were cool people, though we didn't really talk much. They always had comments I couldn't look away from.
@FromTheGallows for being there when I first started using the forums and being a good friend. And teaching me how to make custom avatars. I will never forget that.
@MetallicaRules Your videos analyzing the company, and the games and gametrailers for TWD were great to see and a much-need wakeup call to what has been going on. If Clementine does not live on through these games, may she live on in our hearts. And with what you said during the events of pax east, all water under the bridge.
@Melton23 We've had our laughs. There was something else I wanted to say, but now I'm drawing blanks. I'll let you know when it comes back.
@Poogers555 The true king of these forums. I still hope you one day get those socks, though it would probably break your heart if they gave you them now. And thanks for wanting to put that video together. It will be a good send off for telltale.
@DabigRG you big GOOF. I'll miss the deep analyses of TWD you post and not getting most of it because I miss many of your references, and the times when I tried to call you out on some of your comments for being too creepy but you just brush it off. Stay you... Wherever you go next.
Thank you @mostlypoptarts for all you've done here on the forums. Setting up AMA's, giving us behind the scenes information on projects, your subtle hints on things to come, and being there to have a friendly chat with the community from time to time.
And thank you @Moderators for keeping this place chill and forward-thinking and for filtering out the garbage that comes in from outside the forums. I know you guys had to see most of it in order to keep this place clean. We are forever grateful.
Edit: I didn't mean to send this NOW. Well, no use confusing you all with the mentions by earasing it. It was something I couldn't bring myself to post till I accidentally hit the button. Please don't kill me.
thanks partner, we still got a few months left... hopefully
I don't know, man. They've both got their merits in my eyes.
Insomniac's is a story of an older Spidey who is still in love with his superheroism and doesn't have such a tight grip on life.
The opening is a sign of that. It's a messy apartment, he's literally making breakfast as he suits up to take down Fisk, and the newspaper clippings of villains of old show who he's dealt with in the past. It's very... mature. This opening is great at setting the mood before throwing you out into the world of New York.
Marvel Studios' is a story of a Spider-Man who is still in his early days (well, months as he gets his powers ~4-6 months before Civil War). After being recruited by the Avengers (Stark's team) he sees himself as joining the big leagues so he sets out to prove himself as much as he can.
The opening is very campy and cheezy, which fits this Spider-Child. He's still wading through the unknown of his own superhero identity and how he fits into that. Homecoming is a whole movie about him finding himself. He hasn't even faced his first major villain yet. Personally, I love this opening, but that might just be because it's Spider-Man's return to the big screen and in a new enjoyable world.
I don't mean to write this to shoot any of your opinions down, I'm just writing it to express my own.
mhm I'm sure glad to be part of the happy-go gang
Seriously though thank you for the mention
thank you so for the shout out! I've never gotten a shout out before i'm normally very quiet on here
I'm not all that suicidal, but a lot of stress is a lot of stress. If I fail this semester, i'm gone

Thanks for the shout out bro.
Thanks for the mention, pal. Being recognised or just remembered by others is such an honour.
Eh, it's no biggie.
You will accept my virtual hug and you will accept it good!

I promise to do our country proud

Thank you for the shoutout!
I really appreciate the kind words, Zombie! Thank you.
That's very sweet of you to write something thoughtful about the people you mentioned. You are an awesome part of this community too! 
Aw, I feel honored to be mentioned in the same paragraph as you guys @Cocoa2736, @AChicken, @Acheive250, @WarpSpeed. Yay, we are officially the Happy-Go Gang support team now!
By the way, Zombie: thanks for teaching me how to do this!
Woah, that reminds me: I have a draft for a post that's similar that's been sitting around because I've been indecisive about sharing...
Metaphorically, or literally?
50/50. 40/60. 10/90.
I don't normally advertise, but this is one of the best bundles I've seen.
1 dollar for Shadow of Mordor and Arkham Origins is a steal. If you haven't played those games, I recommend picking it up.
wait no this isn't the make you laugh thread
Hey @AChicken, since I never ended up finishing Mr. Robot season 3, I've started watching it from the beginning again to get myself up to date before watching it.
And daaaammmmn, it's so good. I think the first time I watched it I didn't really analize it much, but I've been paying full attention this time and I'm getting into it way more than last time. Still havent finished it yet tho, so no spoilers.
Also, I picked up what I think is a really sneaky reference to Until Dawn, a game that Rami Malek also stars in:
In episode one, when Elliot needs to borrow a shirt from Angela, she gives him a shirt that says "Property of JOSH" on it, which is the name of the character he plays in Until Dawn. I got so excited when I saw that.
Anyway, just thought I'd catch my Mr. Robot buddy up with my progress.
Aww, thanks man, I appreciate it.
Its such a shame our amazing community has to end like this. Seriously, I think I'm better friends with some of you then my friends in real life.
To add on to that: I think Mad Max for (currently) under 5$ is amazing.
Yes, it's one of those games that 'copies' the Arkham Combat, but with this there's car combat, too, the aesthetic is beautifully apocalyptic and very Mad Max (the storms in this game are a sight to behold).
Not spoiler, just hiding a wall of text.
One of the stand-out features of this game to me are the side missions. They're all fleshed out pieces of the world, and they each bring you to different locations or areas.
And my one absolute favourite thing of the game (that a lot of people think is a bit repetitive) is exploring the world and each scavenging location (where you can find scraps of metal/currency to upgrade your arsenal). It's interesting to see the remnants of a world long since dead, and even what crazy forts or shelters people created from it. At one location, it's a literal shelter hanging from a cliff. At another, it could be a church buried beneath a sand dune. Or maybe, you might just find yourself at the top of a plateau where a guy died sitting in his chair, looking out at the sunset.
Awesome. Well, as for me hopefully, come this Black Friday season, I'd like to be able to own some of the series for real if the dvd/Blu-ray prices drop down a bit.
JK I totally own the entire series physically of course. I'm not a H4ck3r
Well, It's mostly to have it on hand for when I inevitably rewatch all 3 seasons in preparation of Season 4.
Yeah, could be. But I think that's more of a reference to Josh Groban, the musician, as that's one of Angela's favourite artists.
Correction: It's actually Angela's ex-boyfriend's favourite artist. She just owns his sweater now.
Thanks for the update.
Ohh, damn. Well, the fact he wears it must be a reference, right?
Puh-lease, any true fan will own the series in physical form, where they can hold and caress the cases... Well, now I want to show off show you my Mr. Robot DVD collection:

this is how i imagine every conversation starts between my school and my mom

I remember the good ol’ days when I used to be scared shitless of this. Ahhh the best memories :’)
IOI have finally given us a glimpse of all the locations.

this was meant to be a reply
Click on the picture icon at the top of your comment.
Add ".jpg" to the end of the link.
Voilà. Done.
It's like this:

You take your link. (in this case, mine is
add '.jpg' to the end of it (so now it becomes
then, you click on that picture icon at the top of your comment.
and put in your picture link.
Then, we get....
what's this??...

Ooohhhh you sneaky birdbrain.
What's the easiest/quickest way to die?
You speaking hypothetically?
I watched this animation that I found on YouTube, I think it’s cute.

Red Dead Redemption 2 got a 10/10 by IGN.