The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Of course they did, same thing with GTA 5. Does it have a better story than that game though?

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Red Dead Redemption 2 got a 10/10 by IGN.

  • B-but, the horses BALLS shrink when it the weather becomes cold!

    AronDracula posted: »

    Of course they did, same thing with GTA 5. Does it have a better story than that game though?

  • I think this game will be my Christmas present. And I already see it as a GOTY winner, even though I wanted Spider-Man because it's the best adaptation of the best Marvel hero imo.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    B-but, the horses BALLS shrink when it the weather becomes cold!

  • edited October 2018

    Holy crap, I was gonna wait until I make some money back but now I need this game rn cos of this one detail!

    Ghetsis posted: »

    B-but, the horses BALLS shrink when it the weather becomes cold!

  • Waiting in line for Metallica. 5th time seeing them.

  • Noise. Gonna see Eminem early next year, so pretty pumped for that.

    Waiting in line for Metallica. 5th time seeing them.

  • wtf is the point of half days just gimme the whole day off damn. but if i skip then it'll count as an absence. what a waste. and tomorrow's friday too ?

  • When I take control over the United States, our weeks will only consist of fridays, saturdays, and sundays. I'll also shut down every McDonald's restaurant in America. Oh yeah, ground hog day will no longer be a thing either. I'll personally drive all the groundhogs into extinction. Instead of teaching students american/global history, because nobody really cares about that shit anymore, schools will have students sit and watch marathons of El Tigre, Brandy and Mr Whiskers, The Buzz on Maggie, Kim Possible, The Sweet Life of Zack and Cody, etc. Kids must know about the good shows we once had the luxury of enjoying. Also, pizza will become a mandatory staple of every meal. It'll be illegal to own raisins, pictures of raisins, sculptures of raisins, raisin scented candles, and anything else relating to raisins.

  • Pfft. More raisins for me!

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    When I take control over the United States, our weeks will only consist of fridays, saturdays, and sundays. I'll also shut down every McDona

  • Was given a key to the private beta for Overkill's The Walking Dead. What I've seen so far has looked really rough so hopefully it plays better than it looks.

  • I believe a few days ago was my 4th anniversary of being on the forums.

  • So I've played a couple of missions from Overkill's TWD. I have a few problems with it but it seems promising so far.

    It seems like an obvious thing to do but I like that walkers go down with one headshot. There's some pretty neat gore effects where you can pretty much blow apart their torsos with shotguns. The visuals and sound are pretty decent. There also seems to be a kind of settlement aspect to it where you have to take care of the people at The Camp, though I'm not really sure how it works yet. The wave mode is pretty fun. As expected taking down walkers who are far apart from one another is easy enough but once they've clumped together it can be a real problem, but I think there needs to be more to it than having to keep rebuilding the same three walls over and over again.

    Now my problems. One of the missions has you fighting against survivors from a hostile community known as The Family. The problem with this is that it pretty much just becomes Payday where you're fighting against a mob of humans again and again. It's also more difficult than Payday. If you get hit you take a ton of damage and these guys are insanely accurate. I think it needs to be toned down a bit, especially since I was playing on normal. Either that or make it so that not THAT many enemies come running in. There are like a couple dozen guys in each wave and they're all sharpshooters with armour piercing rounds. Also if they're gonna take notes from Payday then I hope they add some variety as well instead of having a bunch of clones of like two dudes.

    The other problem I have is more immersion based. There are special walkers in the game and so far there are two of them. Armoured walkers wearing SWAT gear and "bloaters". I get having to add variety with the enemies but since this game is set in the world of the comics, bloaters don't really fit at all. Why are there exploding walkers? If they wanted exploding enemies I feel like they should have done something like Left 4 Dead and have walkers wearing hazmat suits with oxygen tanks on their backs. If you hit the tank it could help take out a bunch of walkers but if you or your friends are too close it'll knock you down.

  • Actually, we might not have info on TLOU Pt.2 anytine soon.
    Sony is keeping their first-party news under wraps during this PGW, and is not offering a huge showcase like last year.

    Sony is also not doing a Playstation Experience convention this year so we'll really be in the dark unless they announce something on their own.

    AChicken posted: »

    I think so? Tbh, I've always thought TLOU Part II was a late 2019 title. I expect it to be out near September or October. Paris Games

  • edited October 2018

    You know, there's always a part of me that has worried that I would grow sick of Metallica, especially in regards to seeing them live, but I just don't see that day coming anytime soon. 5th time seeing them and they were just as good as ever. Probably one of my favorite sets from them as they played Harvester of Sorrow, Phantom Lord, The Day That Never Comes, and (an answer to my prayers) Spit Out The Bone. Pics below

  • Played another mission in Overkill's TWD where you had to find and break into another communities base. It was actually pretty good. Felt like going through a Left 4 Dead styled mission where you had to go from one place to another and you had an objective of sorts. There were a good amount of rooms to explore and scavenge supplies from. There also wasn't an absurd amount of human enemies but there were lots of walkers. At one point I turned a corner and just saw a huge group of them standing around and I just noped out of there (but then one of my teammates alerted them so we had to group up and take them out). Hopefully there are more of these missions.

  • what age is it no longer acceptable to go trick or treating ?

  • sounds kinda fun. the thing i like most about l4d is how fast paced it feels. is twd gameplay anything like that?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Played another mission in Overkill's TWD where you had to find and break into another communities base. It was actually pretty good. Felt li

  • In my experience, if you pretend you're a bit slow in the head, you can get away with doing a lot of things, at any age. Just remember to drool a bit, say "uhhh" a lot and never close your mouth.
    Have fun!

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    what age is it no longer acceptable to go trick or treating ?

  • So long as you take a kid with you you can trick or treat forever.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    what age is it no longer acceptable to go trick or treating ?

  • Some people gripe at teenagers going trick-or-treating, unless they've got kid siblings they're taking around with them. Personally, I don't care. I bought a whole bunch of candy I need to give away, and I give it out to everyone who shows up, regardless of age.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    what age is it no longer acceptable to go trick or treating ?

  • Are lesbians any particularly prone to STDs?

  • Despicable Me 2 and 3 are my favorite movies right now. Also, Dru's car looks really cool.

  • It's definitely not as fast. Being loud attracts unwanted attention like walkers and you can get easily swarmed. It's not like in Left 4 Dead where one person can take on a dozen zombies at once. One person dealing with more than a handful at once can get them killed. Plus you don't start out with much ammo so you're gonna have to rely on melee when dealing with walkers. Stealth or at the very least being quiet is the best option if you want to complete the level.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    sounds kinda fun. the thing i like most about l4d is how fast paced it feels. is twd gameplay anything like that?

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited October 2018

    Does anyone here play Xenoverse 2 on the PS4?

  • Same as everybody else, especially if they share toys without taking precautions.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Are lesbians any particularly prone to STDs?

  • Heck yeah at school I did!

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Does anyone here play Xenoverse 2 on the PS4?

  • school??

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Heck yeah at school I did!

  • It snowed last night. Only lightly, though. Not enough to blanket the ground with it, but it totally made it wet.

  • watermelon is the perfect food when you wake up after a night of partying ??

  • totally made it wet

    wow you really like snow

    AChicken posted: »

    It snowed last night. Only lightly, though. Not enough to blanket the ground with it, but it totally made it wet.

  • luckily i don't have to pretend

    Onmens posted: »

    In my experience, if you pretend you're a bit slow in the head, you can get away with doing a lot of things, at any age. Just remember to drool a bit, say "uhhh" a lot and never close your mouth. Have fun!

  • people like you make the world a brighter place ❤️

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Some people gripe at teenagers going trick-or-treating, unless they've got kid siblings they're taking around with them. Personally, I don'

  • Yeah, I remember we had an after-school East-asia culture club. It was really fun, we'd always watch Studio Ghibli films and other anime, learned to draw manga, ate East-asian stuff, played East-Asian video games, namely Smash Bros, and more! Our teacher was really passionate about the stuff too. Good times.

    Dex-Starr posted: »


  • When somebody knocks on my door for Halloween I stand right the hell up and either slide under the bed or hide upstairs cos I’m a massive coward when it comes to trick or treaters for some reason ??

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Some people gripe at teenagers going trick-or-treating, unless they've got kid siblings they're taking around with them. Personally, I don'

  • In about a hour it's going to be my birthday so all of you are obligated to upvote THE FUCK outta everything I post uwu

  • Happy (early) Birthday!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    In about a hour it's going to be my birthday so all of you are obligated to upvote THE FUCK outta everything I post uwu

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited October 2018

    happy 22nd bday??????

    lottii-lu posted: »

    In about a hour it's going to be my birthday so all of you are obligated to upvote THE FUCK outta everything I post uwu

  • Thank u blind ;w;

    Happy (early) Birthday!

  • Thank you dex!
    However, imma be 18.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    happy 22nd bday??????

  • New No Man's Sky stuff if anyone is interested.

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