I Will Miss all of my favorite characters in all of TWDG Telltale Series
I think I will miss almost all characters but my 3 top characters that I will miss are Lee, Clementine, and Kenny
Lee was a good man like really... Lee, we will remember you so much.
Our boat master Kenny was a good captain man. I wish he will come back in the final season if you stay in Wellington. If he's not coming in the final season then I think its time to say goodbye to our favorite boat master Kenny. Kenny you will be missed.
Clementine is the only hope that we will miss her especially when we play the final episode four. If she dies then I will god damn cry.
Once TWDG final season is done, I will miss this game so much.
If you guys want to follow me in instagram, Its the _disco _broccoli
I’m a little iffy on S2 but I do miss the cabin group. When All That Remains was released, I remember loathing Rebecca and liking Pete. Each member of the group was unique. They all had their distinct personalities and were very different from S1’s crew. Unfortunately when A House Divided came along, all of them did a complete 180 and started depending on an 11 year-old girl who they’ve just met. I wish they stayed consistent as the season went along.
Already been missing favorite characters to begin with, right?
Yup, I didnt play the game once but I saw the gameplay though
Ehhh, I dunno if I'd say all of them. Honestly, it's really only Rebecca that does a full 180. Luke, Sarah and Pete were already on her side in the first episode, Alvin was neutral (although leaning more towards trusting her), Nick didn't really have anything against Clem in particular, he was just having flashbacks of the last time they took in a bitten person. And Carlos just seemed dismissive; he didn't really care what happened one way or the other.
And even Carlos didn't really do a true 180 like Rebecca. I always got the impression that Carlos reluctantly accepted Clementine because everyone else did. He still didn't particularly like her or trust her fully yet, but it was like a "well, the rest of my group is okay with her, so fine" kind of thing.
And despite Rebecca having a sudden character shift, I think it was for the best at the end of the day. Helps players care a bit more when she inevitably dies, gives people a bit more incentive to want to watch over AJ. All That Remains just made it seem like Rebecca was going to be Larry 2.0: that one character that just hates you, and complains about everything you do no matter what you choose. And I already had enough of that type of character with Larry.
Maybe less "consistent" and more cohesively progressive.
Telltale should've kept Kenny, Ben, Omid and Christa as the core group that lasts for several seasons consistently.
Sucks this is TFS. I never got why shows and games put themselves in a bubble by saying "this is it" why? Why not just wait it out and maybe drop another down the road? But I guess it's it
. I just hope Clementine lives on in a side story or other characters get a side story.
Because Telltale didn't wanna do it anymore.
The only thing i’ll miss is 400 Days and where it could’ve gone if they kept going with it.
I know but whos to say Skybound isn't gonna be like "yeah nah fam, we wanna keep the ball rolling". They kinda just alienated themselves. Companies can stop doing something without saying "this is it forever". Just don't make any more but announcing it's the end makes it permenant. I just hate the whole it's over thing. It's like saying bye to a best friend. I will cry very badly. But I guess all good things must end.
Considering Telltale were the ones actually making the games, Skybound were presumably involved in licensing&trademarking them, and the general climate the subsequent games had around them, I don't see why that'd be an issue.
Except to the naysayers who wouldn't appreciate what they were getting until they were told they couldn't anyone.