This will be the most badass thing about Clem you guys will ever read
- Clem - I'll see you in hell.
Lilly - You'll be there for a good long time before I show up.
Clem - I'll say hi to Larry for you. - Clem - I've killed people. And maybe I should've killed you.
Lilly - You need a better plan than killing your enemies.
Clem - What would you recommend? Shoot my friends instead? - Clem - I understand you're angry you lost a friend-
Mitch - You don't know shit. If you did you would've stopped AJ.
Clem - Every single person I have ever known is dead. Everyone I care about is dead. You have no idea what loss is. - Clem - Get back, Mitch.
Mitch - Or what? You gonna let him kill me too?
Clem - No. I've killed a lot of people, Mitch. Anyone who crosses me ends up face down in a ditch. Marlon learned that the hard way. If anyone is gonna kill you; it's gonna be me. (Imagine how fucking cool that would've been if Clem said that while covered in Marlon's blood)
(Why am I not a writer for Telltale?) (You guys think about badass shit you wished Clem could say and post it)
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Because this is too "good."
That is pretty much bad ass especially (I’ll say hi to Larry for you).
Pathetic lines to be honest. You try to Rick Grimes Clem too much and you still don't succeed at it.
Wow, you're a lot of fun...
Clem hater comments on a Clem thread just to shit on it and force his cliche Rick Grimes vs Clem thing. Boring.....
With that said these were creative and funny. Especially the first one. I don't think Telltale gives you the option to be evil Clem enough. There should be an evil Clem option.
Here are some more sassy Clem for the road.
Mitch - "I think Clem should climb in first."
Clem- "We all know you just wanna look at my ass as I climb Mitch."
Ruby - "He aint the only one
Clem - :0
Mitch - "we had to dig the grave using cups and bowls. It took forever."
Clem - "Somebody call a whaaaaambalance. Wee woo wee woo."
Kenny smashes Larry's head with a salt rock
Clem - "Boom goes the dynamite! Fuck yes my guys. High fives Nice work killing that piece of shit. Stop crying Lilly, we are trying to party over here. You gonna help us loot the corpse or what?.
Rebecca pushes AJ out, Clem holds AJ for the first time as Alvin Sr and Rebecca look smiling
Clem - oh my god... its.... its..... WALKER BAIT!!!
Throws AJ into a heard and runs
Rebecca - No!!!!
Dude, these are actually fucking great. Ps. Thanks for defending my thread. I appreciate it
Thanks, dude
I know. Clem roasting Lilly with the gun to her head would've been so fucking awesome
Relax, bro. I'm just trying to have fun with my imagination of what Clem could've said in specific scenes. Don't have to rain on my parade; I didn't piss in your cereal this morning.
Just because I don't like those pathetic lines doesn't mean I'm hating Clem, lmao.
Of course Telltale won't give you lines like the first one because that's the most stupid thing to say in that kind of situation. It's basically saying "Kill me, please". The game already has bunch of absurds in it and it would surely be on the top.
But yeah. I surely am a sadface because I don't find funny or "creative" what you might do))
Oh okay. I didn't realize that people can't agree with you or otherwise they are mad and raining your parade. Next time write something like "You have no right to disagree with that". Would for sure help... yeah, probably not
Reading all is apparent that writers you are not.
I hope you choke make a typo on your fucking cake essay
it looked like shit, by the way
You're trying to poke realism into a game about zombies? Plus Lilly was gonna shoot you anyway. Even if you say nothing she tries to shoot you. I'm posting about badass things to say, not "realistic" things to say. You could've made your point known without calling my lines pathetic, true? Your argument doesn't really hold up. Imagine if no one ever said something clever or smart when facing death in a game or movie. We play games and watch movies because they're not realistic; but that's what makes them fun to play or watch. A world without Arnold Schwarzenegger's one liners would be a bland one.
Dude. We can agree that zombies might be unrealistic as it's the whole sense of the series to have them the way they are now, but yeah - we sure as hell can expect a realism in that kind of series.
Lilly wasn't sure. She didn't want it. She probably would, but if Clem said that then she would be dead in a second. That's not being a badass anyway. That's being stupid and actually the circumstances matter a lot.
Yeah. I was seeing Clem being smart and growing up through the whole series for like 7-9 years (in TWD's comic universe) and it would make all the sense in the world for her to basically beg for death because she wants to act like a badass...
I don't have a problem with badass lines as long as they are quite logical and not just forced. And what you have written seems forced as hell to simply make her.
Just look at this video from TV Series:
Rick is in as shit situation as Clementine is. You know what is the difference? Rick actually knows his son is going to get brutally killed, then he knows that Negan will cut off his hands and kill other people. He doesn't give a shit anymore because he knows that it is over for him so he can put his pride in front of him for the one, last time.
Clementine on the other hand - the situation wasn't clear. Lilly didn't want to kill her even though she felt it's a right thing to do. She could play it good and live. Or at least get a lot bigger chances to live. What you wanted her to say is wrong in terms of her character as she has a young kid to take care of so her being "Kill me bitch, idgaf" surely is absolutely not a right option here.
And don't be mad at me for me having an opinion.
I mean, you went a little beyond simply disagreeing. If anything, the way you worded your post comes across a bit confrontational. Calling what he wrote pathetic is a tad bit farther than simply being like "Hm, no, I'm not a fan of these lines, they sound a bit too ridiculous for my taste"
Well. If someone can express agreement by saying it's great and spectacular then someone can as well express disagreement by saying that it is pathetic. I didn't mean to be mean to this guy. I just really disliked the idea of those lines because in my point of view they were kind of pathetic considering the circumstances in which they were said.
Lilly: Hello Clementine, come to join your friends?
Clementine: To rescue them, then put a bullet between your eyes.
Nice, but wouldn't it technically be an arrow?
Abel left behind a double barrel, the bearded raider had a rifle, and AJ’s revolver must still be somewhere in the area with one bullet left.
Oh, you meant a line for the future? I assumed you were using lines that Clem could've said in ep2