They already wrote the script for episode 3 and 4 that's true,but they can still change a few things you know,if some fans wants a James never know,man they might do it.
The scripts have already been complete and Skybound are just finishing it off not changing it and if you say that could change well that will be very unlikely (also not arguing here just saying how I see it I’m sorry for everyone who wanted James as a romance option)
They already wrote the script for episode 3 and 4 that's true,but they can still change a few things you know,if some fans wants a James never know,man they might do it.
There’s a choice during the card game for Clementine to say that she has a crush on someone, but you can choose to friend zone either Louis or Violet instead of confessing to them. Maybe there’s an opportunity to romance James in the last two episodes. I know Kent Mundle confirmed that you can’t romance him, but he could’ve been lying just to keep it a surprise for the Jamestine shippers. As you said, there’s a small chance that James could be a love interest.
They already wrote the script for episode 3 and 4 that's true,but they can still change a few things you know,if some fans wants a James never know,man they might do it.
There’s a choice during the card game for Clementine to say that she has a crush on someone, but you can choose to friend zone either Louis … moreor Violet instead of confessing to them. Maybe there’s an opportunity to romance James in the last two episodes. I know Kent Mundle confirmed that you can’t romance him, but he could’ve been lying just to keep it a surprise for the Jamestine shippers. As you said, there’s a small chance that James could be a love interest.
I got a hunch that AJ will tell James what option Clem gave about him during the card game. Y’know, because he’s a dumb kid who doesn’t know anything about being appropriate?
I got a hunch that AJ will tell James what option Clem gave about him during the card game. Y’know, because he’s a dumb kid who doesn’t know anything about being appropriate?
I wish Bloop posted this much in the Louistine thread since he said he was going to jump ship and join us again >:[
But fr Bloop I'm p… moreretty sure there's fan art and shit on Tumblr. You could make this into a genuine thing like the Rhyiona & Rhysha threads.
Day 39 of James confirmed not to be a romance option...

Fanart by ditto-moon
Day 40 of James confirmed not to be a romance option...
Now he really looks like a zombie
Nice gif though.
Day 41 of James confirmed not to be a romance option.......
I wish that... chokes on tears I just....
At this point I'm not anymore annoyed of this shenanigans and rather being entertained by it keep it up boys ??????
Thanks my main man, you have a good attitude. keep it up.
Oof... insulted for no reason. Just like my social life......
How was your day, bloop?
rip fallen brother
Day 42 of James confirmed not to be a romance option...
skybound give james romance pls
Day 43 of James confirmed not to be a romance option...
Stop begging all episodes are already written so even if they wanted to it’s already to late for that
Voice actor for James, Johnny Yong Bosch had this to say about Jamestine shippers....
Retarded neanderthals...there is no way someone as base as James could ever hope to be a match for Clem..I ship Violet!
Damn son
thats a lie sir
Yes sorry you can’t accept that but you have to they can’t change it
They already wrote the script for episode 3 and 4 that's true,but they can still change a few things you know,if some fans wants a James never know,man they might do it.
I'm proud of you for keeping this thread alive bloop,don't give up man it can still happen !
The scripts have already been complete and Skybound are just finishing it off not changing it and if you say that could change well that will be very unlikely (also not arguing here just saying how I see it I’m sorry for everyone who wanted James as a romance option)
I wish Bloop posted this much in the Louistine thread since he said he was going to jump ship and join us again >:[
But fr Bloop I'm pretty sure there's fan art and shit on Tumblr. You could make this into a genuine thing like the Rhyiona & Rhysha threads.
There’s a choice during the card game for Clementine to say that she has a crush on someone, but you can choose to friend zone either Louis or Violet instead of confessing to them. Maybe there’s an opportunity to romance James in the last two episodes. I know Kent Mundle confirmed that you can’t romance him, but he could’ve been lying just to keep it a surprise for the Jamestine shippers. As you said, there’s a small chance that James could be a love interest.
Thank you
I got a hunch that AJ will tell James what option Clem gave about him during the card game. Y’know, because he’s a dumb kid who doesn’t know anything about being appropriate?
It is certain. I'm not counting on it tho. Though I did have him as my flip option..
Shit, dude, I thought you were talking about AJ for a second.
Trust me, if Clem wanted to do that she would've done it a long time ago. She wouldn't even have to ask. Dark fact of the day.
That’s why AJ killed Marlon, didn’t want cat hair boi from stealing his girl.
That's what I'm hoping for man.
I mean I'm part of both now, so If I don't get my main man James I'll stay with Louis.
Yeah, but what you see is about the extent, and it is genuine, just not as much people as Louis and Violet of course.
Marrying means you can flip whenever you want.
As long as the one you married is willing...otherwise it is rape.