Best & Worst ‘Game Over’ Death Scenes
What are some of the best and worst death ‘Game Over’ death scenes in all of the seasons? Basically, the scenes that made you go “Holy Shit, that was pretty brutal!” Vs the ones that made you go “Wow, are you serious??”
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Best would definitely be the Javi fake out. Can't think of a worst one though
Can funny ones count?
One of the best was the Javi one in 305.
Also some cool ones (technically not game over since you don't die) are in Season 1 where you can get bit by walkers at the end and you can also get shot by the stranger and keep going.
The walker Duck game over scene is definitely one of the better ones.
"Come on guys! Let's jump!" Javi all confident, and then he just falls like Ben to his death. It's comedy gold.
Also when Gabe and Javi encounter that goofy looking motherfucker around the hallway. He actually wiggles his eyebrows before he shoots both of them. I heard he was based off of a Telltale employee.
This is the worst game over in Season 1 imo
Also, for some reason, I thought this was that video where the gun's reload glitched out.
There’s a similar scene in Done Running when walker Brody bites Clem in the leg and she just dies. Literally, she just faints.
People die in these games? XDD GIT GUD NERDS XDDDDDDDD
That's just hilarious, I've been laughing for 5 minutes
Why does the camera even bother to move that much?
Oh wow I forgot about that one
. Definitely a tie between that and Clem charging at Marlon as far as the funniest I've seen.
Huh. I don't remember that one.
I think it's at the very beginning of the final scene, you can choose (Attack Marlon) or something. If you do she says "Fuck you Marlon! Reaaaaahh" and charges him. He just shoots her lol. Ya didn't think that one through, Clem lol
Oooh, that one! Yeah, that was openly dumb.
Everytime I think about it I expect Chappelles show to kick in with pause and an "It was at this moment, she realized she fucked up"
Oh, is that where that's from?
you're outta pocket lol
It's not the Walking Dead, but good stuff here:
My favorite death in the Walking Dead though?
Didn't watch the video(again, anyway), but I did buy that from Gamestop Christmas Eve. Time will tell if I get to it next.
Here's hoping we have even more gruesome deaths in the next ep!

Lee falling to his death while trying to jump to Molly.
Javier falling to his death when trying to reach the firescape.
Trip looks dead inside. This is hilarious.
Love the way his skull implodes before the bat touches him. Further evidence that Javier’s weapon is the stuff of legend
His lips are practically touching the toilet bowl