Soooo what about

Soooo what about Christa? I know she’s dead but... I want to at least know what happened and if she got away or died right there.
It’s sucks not ever being able to know what happened to her


  • We still haven't met The Delta's rivals right?

  • I like to think she turned into a super saiyan and beat up those guys who attacked her

  • No but they said they’re worse than the delta and I don’t wanna imagine Christa doing worse things than what the delta has done. Besides, we only have one episode left

    Joshua1991 posted: »

    We still haven't met The Delta's rivals right?

  • I think it's for the best that they don't bring her back they'll probably turn her into a fucking evil-badger villain like they did with Lilly.

  • Spoiler

    Yeah, that was ultimately a fucking letdown that they baited.

    Joshua1991 posted: »

    We still haven't met The Delta's rivals right?

  • My theory is that Christa will turn out to be the leader of Delta.

  • yeah, considering we're pretty much done with the delta now. like, the boat's gone- even if we wanted to, how would we get there? the delta is essentially just "Lilly group"

    DabigRG posted: »


  • Christa is dead. That bandit yeeted her in the face in those woods at the start of season 2. Sorry.

  • Jesus Christ, someone who actually said the truth.

    It's quite clear she's dead since you hear someone falling down, Christa yelling then a gunshot that pauses that yell midway through.

    GBDillon posted: »

    Christa is dead. That bandit yeeted her in the face in those woods at the start of season 2. Sorry.

  • edited January 2019

    It's nice how everyone can find themselves in TWD world.

    Clem finding Lilly and then possibly Christa. Morgan and Dwight finding the FTWD group. Morgan somehow finding Rick.


    Michonne finding her daughter in comics.

    The_Duck posted: »

    My theory is that Christa will turn out to be the leader of Delta.

  • We probably won't even see the delta.

  • edited January 2019

    TWD Universe Rule Number 1 :

    You don't see a body,they're not dead,simple fact :blush:

    but i doubt we're ever gonna see her again.

    Jesus Christ, someone who actually said the truth. It's quite clear she's dead since you hear someone falling down, Christa yelling then a gunshot that pauses that yell midway through.

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