I wasn't a fan of his this episode. I didn't cry or feel bad when he died. I'd like to think he's right about the walkers still having part of their humanity left. But unfortunately I don't think that's the case. Plus he was an idiot for turning his back on Lily before disarming her smh. It's one thing to not want to kill humans I can understand that but to not want walkers to be killed is crazy. That's just my opinion on him though.
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im about to say it.
james was a boring character.
thats right... i said it fellas.
James is definitely having the same thoughts as Hershel from the show. Believing that walkers are still humans.
Would have been cool to see Clem's group take on James' barn and kill all the walkers with a lot of waste of ammo, just like how Shane did in Season 2 of the show. But of course it won't happen because that'll be just another sub-plot that leads nowhere.
And yeah, he was such an idiot turning his back on someone who had a knife on their knee and about to use it against him.
I used to think he was a better person for Clem to hang out with but when I learned that he thinks there is still humanity in walkers' bodies, I completely regret rooting for that moment. Clementine doesn't deserve idiots like him.
There’s nothing wrong with James ?
I shot Lily so he lived. Maybe he'll see things my way once he sees Louis without his tongue.
It would be nice to see James kill Delta members, because Poogs you just love badasses. If only his backstory allowed him to kill humans.
His voice drove me insane.
yes that is the reason why i dont like james and why louis is my favorite character because hes such a bad ass lmao
He turned out to be a complete idiot this episode.
I bet if someone killed his little boyfriend he’d go ape shit
James is an okay character overall.
I can sorta understand where he's coming from where his point of view is concerned, especially after hearing of his backstory, it's just that it clashes so awkwardly with what many of us believe about the walker menace.
And he does make a critical mistake by turning his back on Lilith, given his own words towards her. With that said, I don't think he's exactly dead yet.
...Hm. Deja vu.
Inb4 it turns out James was the reason why Lord Kenneth got reeeeaaal lucky all this time
Oh, well like he said...a boring character.
The only thing I like about him is his final fantasy-esque haircut. But the guy is quite boring as others have said and also, if we're completely honest he does have a few screws loose.
He’s my favorite character from this entire season. I agreed with him about the walkers and gladly ended Lilly’s life in order to make sure he lived.
His way of thinking is close to the direction The Walking Dead Season One walkers were behaving, and a direction some considered taking them in ( as in retaining a small portion, whatever that may be ). Evidence of their thoughts in this matter include Morgan's wife returning to her house, Andrea's sister's initial non-aggression, the little walker girl with the teddy bear, ect. It was a toyed with idea that was scrapped.
Yeah, I've heard about that and it sounded interesting. And in a weird, it actually makes a little sense.
For fresh walkers, anyway.
Honestly, it's a bit of a missed opportunity. I realize that it was done in Day of the Dead series, but not as creepy as it could've been in Walking Dead. I couldn't imagine retaining a part of myself and feasting on the people and animals I'd spent my life caring for. Nothing could really be that horrific, and it would've put more people at odds as to how to deal with walkers.
We're gonna be stuck with either him or Lilly for some time during EP4 depending on which one of them's alive. They were standing at the same place during the explosion.
And I think either Lilly or James will be the big baddie in EP4, wanting to take AJ away from Clem for their own reasons.
Lilly = I want to raise AJ to be a child soldier and Clem is too soft.
James = I want to raise AJ to be a pacifist and Clem is too merciless.
I'm sorry, I kinda had to laugh at this.

You're laughing but there's a good chance this is what happens.
I love Undertale so it's all good to me!
Don't tell Tumblr that, they'll lynch you.
Complete with choice menus, mayhap.
I 100% disagree with James that there might still be some humanity left inside the walkers (walkers are just dead people that reanimate, who they were died with them, and that's final), but I do still like him. I can't blame him for feeling concerned about AJ after he told him about what he did to Marlon, he's worried that AJ is going to be like him when he was with the Whisperers. Seeing human emotion and sympathy as a weakness, to the point where he can take someone's life with no hesitation and no qualms whatsoever. James was able to come back from that, he felt guilty about what he did, and seeing his group attack and deal with Rick, Maggie, and the Hilltop was the final straw for him.
I still like James, but having him as a friend is probably out the window for me since I both told him I don't see walkers the same way and had AJ kill Lilly, especially after I promised that I wouldn't let AJ become a killer.
This guy knows how to rock.
Well yeah, look at my username
Oh I know.
I just wonder why the writers put the walker thing in there. It probably has to do with AJ so Clementine can talk to him about her getting bit.
I really hope we get this so I can kill the shit out of James.
I lost it when he was critiquing Clem's parenting skills. It was the final straw.