Ok so i played the second game,and i really expected nothing from it,i liked the first game when it came out then after a while i realized how flawed it was,and i really thought i'd never enjoy a life is strange game again but i did and i'm impressed honestly.
There were still some problems i had with the writing like,the conflict at the beginning with that other guy you fight was forced,there were some "teenagers" moments that made me cringe like Sean looking at himself in the mirror or when Sean and Lyla were talking in the intro,but i think that's the only problems i really had with the game so far and shit that's a huge improvement compared to the first game.
I've also noticed before that some people didn't like Daniel
because he wasn't taking this whole "road trip" seriously,but that's because he had no idea his dad was dead,now that he knows i'm guessing he's gonna start taking things a little more seriously.
So yeah i expected nothing from that game and was blown away and i only played the first episode can't wait to find out what's next for Sean and Daniel.
Honorable mention to Brody the GOAT of this episode,we wouldn't have made it without this guy.
I see a lot of people on social media disappointed in how long episode 2 has taken to release. (it's been like 4 months?!)
For Dontnod's (and Square's) sake, they'd better have more episodes near completion on the backend. I don't think fans (and casual fans) could handle huge waits between episodes.
It was a long time, LIS 2 episode 1 released on September 27th and episode 2 will be releasing on January 24th, which if you compare the TFS, had its second episode released on Sptember 25th, Telltale then went belly up, Skybound then saved the project and it released on January 15th. So, a really long wait, and I have no idea why.
I see a lot of people on social media disappointed in how long episode 2 has taken to release. (it's been like 4 months?!)
For Dontnod's … more(and Square's) sake, they'd better have more episodes near completion on the backend. I don't think fans (and casual fans) could handle huge waits between episodes.
I see a lot of people on social media disappointed in how long episode 2 has taken to release. (it's been like 4 months?!)
For Dontnod's … more(and Square's) sake, they'd better have more episodes near completion on the backend. I don't think fans (and casual fans) could handle huge waits between episodes.
So you're telling me that Episode 3, despite it's original developer going belly up in the middle of production, another one coming into finish it, causing them to deal with several legal issues in order to obtain the rights and get the game back up on several platforms, and hire several members of the original staff back in order to work on the game, was able to release quicker than Episode 2 of a game with seemingly no production problems whatsoever?
Let what I just said speak for yourself, there's clearly something going on behind the scenes either at Dontnod or Square Enix that we don't know about.
It was a long time, LIS 2 episode 1 released on September 27th and episode 2 will be releasing on January 24th, which if you compare the TFS… more, had its second episode released on Sptember 25th, Telltale then went belly up, Skybound then saved the project and it released on January 15th. So, a really long wait, and I have no idea why.
TFS: 1. 4 Episodes release within 5 months
2. Amazing voice acting and dialogue
3. Lip sync works fine.
4. Scenes don't need music to be powerful, except for that Walker Barn scene
5. Main character doesn't love talking to herself.
6. Can pull off more emotion without taking the easy route like the plot lines LiS2 takes.
LiS2: 1. 5 Episodes within probably 10 months
2. Below average voice acting and dialogue
3. Lip sync isn't satisfactory.
4. Scenes need music or hugs to be powerful
5. Main character loves talking to himself, giving detailed recounts of what he did years ago
Yeah there's definitely something going on, I mean the entire game is going on GamePass so I guess it underperformed?
So you're telling me that Episode 3, despite it's original developer going belly up in the middle of production, another one coming into fin… moreish it, causing them to deal with several legal issues in order to obtain the rights and get the game back up on several platforms, and hire several members of the original staff back in order to work on the game, was able to release quicker than Episode 2 of a game with seemingly no production problems whatsoever?
Let what I just said speak for yourself, there's clearly something going on behind the scenes either at Dontnod or Square Enix that we don't know about.
I'm actually really interested in the sales numbers for LiS2. Even before Telltale really started going downhill, the sales of TWD S2, while still good, were still down compared to TWD S1, and that was with them continuing on with one of the main characters of the first game with Clementine. With LiS2, not only did they raise the price to $40, but it's focusing on new characters and abandons Chloe and Max, which was a big reason people fell in love with the original game. Both of these are considerable factors that would cause a lot of people to not buy LiS2, so I'm really curious what the sales figures look like for it.
TFS: 1. 4 Episodes release within 5 months
2. Amazing voice acting and dialogue
3. Lip sync works fine.
4. Sce… morenes don't need music to be powerful, except for that Walker Barn scene
5. Main character doesn't love talking to herself.
6. Can pull off more emotion without taking the easy route like the plot lines LiS2 takes.
LiS2: 1. 5 Episodes within probably 10 months
2. Below average voice acting and dialogue
3. Lip sync isn't satisfactory.
4. Scenes need music or hugs to be powerful
5. Main character loves talking to himself, giving detailed recounts of what he did years ago
Yeah there's definitely something going on, I mean the entire game is going on GamePass so I guess it underperformed?
The launch trailer from the official YouTube channel.
Episode synopsis:
The two brothers continue their journey into the winter months & struggle against the cold. As Daniel gradually falls ill, Sean decides they must make their way to their distant grandparent’s house to recover.
During their stay, they encounter next-door neighbour Chris, a young boy who believes he is a super-hero by the name of Captain Spirit.
Sean insists on Daniel following a set of rules around his power. Will Daniel keep his power concealed or break the rules in a time of need?
LiS2: 1. 5 Episodes within probably 10 months
2. Below average voice acting and dialogue
3. Lip sync isn't satisfactory.
4. Scenes need music or hugs to be powerful
5. Main character loves talking to himself, giving detailed recounts of what he did years ago
Lol you're so right,god i'm gonna miss telltale so much i hope Skybound can take over as the "new Telltale" or whatever,i really don't want to be stuck with DontNod and their shitty average games.
TFS: 1. 4 Episodes release within 5 months
2. Amazing voice acting and dialogue
3. Lip sync works fine.
4. Sce… morenes don't need music to be powerful, except for that Walker Barn scene
5. Main character doesn't love talking to herself.
6. Can pull off more emotion without taking the easy route like the plot lines LiS2 takes.
LiS2: 1. 5 Episodes within probably 10 months
2. Below average voice acting and dialogue
3. Lip sync isn't satisfactory.
4. Scenes need music or hugs to be powerful
5. Main character loves talking to himself, giving detailed recounts of what he did years ago
Yeah there's definitely something going on, I mean the entire game is going on GamePass so I guess it underperformed?
It was more or less an uneventful episode for me because I played it safe the entire time. Like a lot of LiS's episodes, the episode is really slow paced and can drag. I'm a big fan of LiS. It's not Telltale, but I've always believed they did a good job doing what they do and I absolutely fell in love with the first season's characters and story.
The voice acting of this sequel just doesn't compare to the first game, which can very quickly take me out of the immersion. In this episode in particular, there are....a few very random moments and some dialogue that doesn't quite make sense if you do certain things. For instance, there is an option to try to open your mom's teenage room when you go to your grandparents house. They obviously do not want Sean and Daniel in there. I chose to break in cause I couldn't find the fuckin key to open it. As the situation escalates, Sean says something like "Mom left cause she couldn't take your controlling rules." And I'm here like....Sean...we broke the lock to the door and showed complete lack of respect for their privacy.
The drama was severely forced, but then the cabinet falls on the grandpa and it's just weird, weird, weird from there. It was way too random and way too forced, even for LiS. And this is coming from someone who thought pretty highly of the first episode too. I don't think the episode was terrible though. It fell apart in the final minutes. Like, completely collapsed in the final minutes, but there were the trademark "moments of calm" and some talks that genuinely resonated with me, coming from similar family issues in my past. I loved those. But the moments with drama did not need to be there. It was like they just said to themselves "Hey, this episode is slow af. We need to spice it up a bit." and added that conflict that was pretty hard on the eyes and not in a good way.
Overall, I give this episode a 5/10, which I don't really want to do, cause like I said, I love this game series, particularly season 1, had fun with Captain Spirit cause it really reminded me of my childhood and to a lesser extent liked Before the Storm and thought very highly of the first episode of this season. But those final minutes were just...."okay...why?...Huh...? The game lives up to it's title...I guess..."
Finished the episode, I really enjoyed it about the same amount as the first.
Mushroom dying at the start was a bit disappointing to me, would have been nice to have kept her around, but it did lead to some good moments so it wasn't a complete waste. It was nice returning to Beaver Creek, there's just something about small town atmospheres that I like, kind of makes me a game about a small town. Sean and Daniel's grandparents were nice, and it was neat to learn a bit more about their mom, there's definitely a theme of how people handle their pasts going on, Sean about the whole incident, the Diaz's and their grandparents about Karen, Chris and his dad about their mother/wife. Kind of wish we could have refused to go to the Christmas market, since it was pretty clear we'd be seen, but oh well. Cassidy was interesting for what little we saw of her, which is good since it seems we'll be joining her and Finn next episode on their job. As for how the episode ended it was fine, I didn't mind the cabinet falling on Stephen since they had set up the rickety leg earlier in the episode, but man I was surprised on going to choices menu and finding out that you could have been chased by the police which could result in Chris being hit by a car. As for Chris himself, I am a bit disappointed we didn't see more of him, but it does explain why they wanted to do a short spin off to explore him more, which was a good move, I love that kid. Anyway, can't wait for the next episode, hopefully the wait isn't as long.
Wow, that episode was amazing. In that, it’s amazing how this series can continue to peddle out this disappointing, story-less mess while being thrown heaps of praise by critics. This episode have even more useless padding then the first episode, I swear, it feels like the writers had a couple hours worth of story and are doing their best to extend it across 5 episodes, because it really shows.
And before you reply, understand that I am somewhat drunk as I’m writing this, and will probably regret writing this in a few hours.
Lucky you considering Dontnod probably won't make another episodic game after this it massively under performed in sales. They're probably better off doing other things anyway for instance Vampyr was a success for them and focus home interactive.
LiS2: 1. 5 Episodes within probably 10 months
2. Below average voice acting and dialogue
3. Lip sync isn't satisfactory.
4. Scenes … moreneed music or hugs to be powerful
5. Main character loves talking to himself, giving detailed recounts of what he did years ago
Lol you're so right,god i'm gonna miss telltale so much i hope Skybound can take over as the "new Telltale" or whatever,i really don't want to be stuck with DontNod and their shitty average games.
Don't need to regret it. This episode failed to impress me too, though for different reasons from what you've stated and this is coming from a huge fan of the series.
Any fan of LiS understands that these games have made it a religion to drag it's pacing to a snail's pace and the devs have come out and said that this is something that they know the fans like in these games, which I can attest to being true. It's part of the reason that these games aren't for everyone, there's a lot of downtime. Maybe too much. They will take a small condensed plot and stretch it painfully by adding in regular day-to-day activities and conversation and to a lot of us, that's the weird appeal. The biggest problem with that method in this season is that it feels aimless. In S1, at the very least, you could play with Max's rewind ability and it was a cool spin on daily life in that game. Here, it's not the same. That said, I didn't mind the slowness of this episode. In fact, I think the episode was better in it's slower moments.
What I didn't like was the forced drama. Shit became so blatantly forced to the point of being random. I'd go so far as to say laughably random, especially that one scene near the beginning with Mushroom. And like the first episode's conflict, basically no subtly at all. I would give the episode a higher score had it not made these questionable decisions. I gave it 5/10 but honestly, the more I reflect, the worse I feel about it.
For me, this definitely ranks as the worst LiS episode to date by a pretty big margin, and that's tough for me to say because I have rather high opinions on all the other episodes. Hopefully Ep 3 bounces back for me.
Wow, that episode was amazing. In that, it’s amazing how this series can continue to peddle out this disappointing, story-less mess while be… moreing thrown heaps of praise by critics. This episode have even more useless padding then the first episode, I swear, it feels like the writers had a couple hours worth of story and are doing their best to extend it across 5 episodes, because it really shows.
And before you reply, understand that I am somewhat drunk as I’m writing this, and will probably regret writing this in a few hours.
I still think Polarized is the worst LiS episode, but yeah Rules did feel like a downgrade. I’d say it’s on par with Out of Time from S1. Both are just excessive padding with annoying quests.
will probably regret writing this in a few hours.
Don't need to regret it. This episode failed to impress me too, though for differe… morent reasons from what you've stated and this is coming from a huge fan of the series.
Any fan of LiS understands that these games have made it a religion to drag it's pacing to a snail's pace and the devs have come out and said that this is something that they know the fans like in these games, which I can attest to being true. It's part of the reason that these games aren't for everyone, there's a lot of downtime. Maybe too much. They will take a small condensed plot and stretch it painfully by adding in regular day-to-day activities and conversation and to a lot of us, that's the weird appeal. The biggest problem with that method in this season is that it feels aimless. In S1, at the very least, you could play with Max's rewind ability and it was a cool spin on daily life in that game. Here, it's not … [view original content]
Just finished this episode. Honestly, I'm gonna give it a 4.5/10. I feel somewhat disappointed knowing it took 4 months just for them to bring us this. It wasn't horrible, but it definitely could've been better. The most interesting parts of this episode were when we met Cassidy and her friend, and when their grandma caught them in their mother's room. Daniel kept pissing me off with how he was using his powers carelessly when I had to keep reminding him to not use them. I really wanted to whoop his ass . Also, RIP Mushroom. That cougar is so fucked up. I had Daniel wreck it.
it’s amazing how this series can continue to peddle out this disappointing, story-less mess
You clearly don't dislike this series as much as you'd like everyone to believe since you've bought and played ALL of its games to date. Why put on this façade?
And before you reply, understand that I am somewhat drunk as I’m writing this, and will probably regret writing this in a few hours
I've seen similar negative comments like this from you before, so I don't think you being drunk had anything to do with it, unless you were always drunk whenever you spoke about LiS.
Wow, that episode was amazing. In that, it’s amazing how this series can continue to peddle out this disappointing, story-less mess while be… moreing thrown heaps of praise by critics. This episode have even more useless padding then the first episode, I swear, it feels like the writers had a couple hours worth of story and are doing their best to extend it across 5 episodes, because it really shows.
And before you reply, understand that I am somewhat drunk as I’m writing this, and will probably regret writing this in a few hours.
It was Cassidy but it won’t surprise me if we see a cameo of Max and/or Chloe this season. Or if they become a plot point. I’d be pretty hyped though. I love continuity like that. Makes it feel like a shared universe.
Wow, that episode was amazing. In that, it’s amazing how this series can continue to peddle out this disappointing, story-less mess while be… moreing thrown heaps of praise by critics. This episode have even more useless padding then the first episode, I swear, it feels like the writers had a couple hours worth of story and are doing their best to extend it across 5 episodes, because it really shows.
And before you reply, understand that I am somewhat drunk as I’m writing this, and will probably regret writing this in a few hours.
It's part of the reason that these games aren't for everyone, there's a lot of downtime. Maybe too much.
That's ultimately the point I was trying, and failing, to get across. I don't mind down time, I've been praising non-stop The Final Season for slowing down the pacing, especially when compared to A New Frontier, and allowing scenes to play out and having downtime to talk to characters and explore. But in my experience, more so with this second installment, it just feels...hollow. I think a lot of that is because of the lack of story, direction, and focus, but the world just doesn't seem as lively as it was. As much crap as I give the first game for having a cast of characters that consisted of every high school trope in the books, it did have a cast of characters to interact with. This game, it feels like each individual episode is it's own thing, until it reaches the end game. Meaning everything just feels sort of empty as a result because you know they aren't going to come back in the next episode. There's a lot going on or characters to talk to in games like TWD S1 or TFS, or hell, even LiS 1, that gives meaning to those slow moments, as it allows us to interact with characters and learn more about them, there's a point and focus to it all. Here though, there's just so little and not much focus to it, meaning it just feels, as mentioned, hollow, when it does slow down. I'm still not sure if I'm explaining this correctly, so I apologize if I'm not making sense.
Shit became so blatantly forced to the point of being random. I'd go so far as to say laughably random, especially that one scene near the beginning with Mushroom.
I'm not even sure really what the point of his inclusion was, other than to have some cheap emotional moment. He wasn't even with us for a full episode, so yeah, I see where you're coming from with that.
For me, this definitely ranks as the worst LiS episode to date by a pretty big margin
Much like @TheTrashBoi, I still think Polarized from S1 is the worst, that took padding to a whole new level, especially with that dream sequence towards the end, but that's just me.
will probably regret writing this in a few hours.
Don't need to regret it. This episode failed to impress me too, though for differe… morent reasons from what you've stated and this is coming from a huge fan of the series.
Any fan of LiS understands that these games have made it a religion to drag it's pacing to a snail's pace and the devs have come out and said that this is something that they know the fans like in these games, which I can attest to being true. It's part of the reason that these games aren't for everyone, there's a lot of downtime. Maybe too much. They will take a small condensed plot and stretch it painfully by adding in regular day-to-day activities and conversation and to a lot of us, that's the weird appeal. The biggest problem with that method in this season is that it feels aimless. In S1, at the very least, you could play with Max's rewind ability and it was a cool spin on daily life in that game. Here, it's not … [view original content]
Nah, you made perfect sense. I agree completely. Though I could give the argument that the theme of this episode was about the quiet, since Sean and Claire did happen to talk about the difference between Beaver Creak and Seattle, but at the same time it almost feels like an excuse, because something only ever happens when the "plot" demands conflict.
What I did like about this episode was Sean and Daniels interactions, the talks with Stephen were cool, The stuff with Chris and Charles, that were surprisingly subtle in my playthrough, the talk I had with Lyla and the convo with Cassidy, whom I already have a game crush on and can't wait to see her in Ep 3, whether it'll be trash or not.
I honestly feel like I can pull a lot to like out of this episode. But the problem was everything else just overshadowed the good, to the point where I see even the casual fans on YT pointing shit out. I'm obviously a defender of LiS, but I can't defend this. And honestly, EP 3 doesn't look that focused either. Looks like they're in Cali in that job that Cassidy said they were on their way to, which apparently involves ganja.
All in all, I can say this vision probably looked better on paper. But it's not translating well currently.
He wasn't even with us for a full episode, so yeah, I see where you're coming from with that.
Funny how you're proving your own point indirectly. Mushroom was actually girl, lol. I didn't even know that myself until I heard Daniel call her "girl".
And Polarized is that frowned upon? I was actually hooked after that episode alone.
It's part of the reason that these games aren't for everyone, there's a lot of downtime. Maybe too much.
That's ultimately the point… more I was trying, and failing, to get across. I don't mind down time, I've been praising non-stop The Final Season for slowing down the pacing, especially when compared to A New Frontier, and allowing scenes to play out and having downtime to talk to characters and explore. But in my experience, more so with this second installment, it just feels...hollow. I think a lot of that is because of the lack of story, direction, and focus, but the world just doesn't seem as lively as it was. As much crap as I give the first game for having a cast of characters that consisted of every high school trope in the books, it did have a cast of characters to interact with. This game, it feels like each individual episode is it's own thing, until it reaches the end game. Meaning everything just feels sort of empty as a resul… [view original content]
Nah, you made perfect sense. I agree completely. Though I could give the argument that the theme of this episode was about the quiet, since … moreSean and Claire did happen to talk about the difference between Beaver Creak and Seattle, but at the same time it almost feels like an excuse, because something only ever happens when the "plot" demands conflict.
What I did like about this episode was Sean and Daniels interactions, the talks with Stephen were cool, The stuff with Chris and Charles, that were surprisingly subtle in my playthrough, the talk I had with Lyla and the convo with Cassidy, whom I already have a game crush on and can't wait to see her in Ep 3, whether it'll be trash or not.
I honestly feel like I can pull a lot to like out of this episode. But the problem was everything else just overshadowed the good, to the point where I see even the casual fans on YT pointing shit out. I'm obviously a defender of LiS, but I can't defend t… [view original content]
About Polarized,
You know how when you're really tired you're far more likely to get emotional about stuff?
I think they designed the episode to exhaust the player on purpose. Just to collect some extra tears at the end.
Just finished EP2. It was pretty good. The beginning was sad, though. I was a little disappointed in EP1, but this episode dealt with the issues that were there. I made some better choices than last time too. No more being a thief.
be me
pragmatic playthrough
at the store in first ep
purchased warm clothes for dainiel and also sleeping bags
all without stealing
daniel is sick
Ok so i played the second game,and i really expected nothing from it,i liked the first game when it came out then after a while i realized how flawed it was,and i really thought i'd never enjoy a life is strange game again but i did and i'm impressed honestly.
There were still some problems i had with the writing like,the conflict at the beginning with that other guy you fight was forced,there were some "teenagers" moments that made me cringe like Sean looking at himself in the mirror or when Sean and Lyla were talking in the intro,but i think that's the only problems i really had with the game so far and shit that's a huge improvement compared to the first game.
I've also noticed before that some people didn't like Daniel
because he wasn't taking this whole "road trip" seriously,but that's because he had no idea his dad was dead,now that he knows i'm guessing he's gonna start taking things a little more seriously.
So yeah i expected nothing from that game and was blown away and i only played the first episode can't wait to find out what's next for Sean and Daniel.
Honorable mention to Brody the GOAT of this episode,we wouldn't have made it without this guy.
For anyone who wants a recap of episode 1 right now.
I hope episode 2 is better.
Episode 2 trailer:

I see a lot of people on social media disappointed in how long episode 2 has taken to release. (it's been like 4 months?!)
For Dontnod's (and Square's) sake, they'd better have more episodes near completion on the backend. I don't think fans (and casual fans) could handle huge waits between episodes.
It was a long time, LIS 2 episode 1 released on September 27th and episode 2 will be releasing on January 24th, which if you compare the TFS, had its second episode released on Sptember 25th, Telltale then went belly up, Skybound then saved the project and it released on January 15th. So, a really long wait, and I have no idea why.
Pfft, amateurs.
So you're telling me that Episode 3, despite it's original developer going belly up in the middle of production, another one coming into finish it, causing them to deal with several legal issues in order to obtain the rights and get the game back up on several platforms, and hire several members of the original staff back in order to work on the game, was able to release quicker than Episode 2 of a game with seemingly no production problems whatsoever?
Let what I just said speak for yourself, there's clearly something going on behind the scenes either at Dontnod or Square Enix that we don't know about.
TFS: 1. 4 Episodes release within 5 months
2. Amazing voice acting and dialogue
3. Lip sync works fine.
4. Scenes don't need music to be powerful, except for that Walker Barn scene
5. Main character doesn't love talking to herself.
6. Can pull off more emotion without taking the easy route like the plot lines LiS2 takes.
LiS2: 1. 5 Episodes within probably 10 months
2. Below average voice acting and dialogue
3. Lip sync isn't satisfactory.
4. Scenes need music or hugs to be powerful
5. Main character loves talking to himself, giving detailed recounts of what he did years ago
Yeah there's definitely something going on, I mean the entire game is going on GamePass so I guess it underperformed?
I'm actually really interested in the sales numbers for LiS2. Even before Telltale really started going downhill, the sales of TWD S2, while still good, were still down compared to TWD S1, and that was with them continuing on with one of the main characters of the first game with Clementine. With LiS2, not only did they raise the price to $40, but it's focusing on new characters and abandons Chloe and Max, which was a big reason people fell in love with the original game. Both of these are considerable factors that would cause a lot of people to not buy LiS2, so I'm really curious what the sales figures look like for it.
The launch trailer from the official YouTube channel.

Episode synopsis:
The two brothers continue their journey into the winter months & struggle against the cold. As Daniel gradually falls ill, Sean decides they must make their way to their distant grandparent’s house to recover.
During their stay, they encounter next-door neighbour Chris, a young boy who believes he is a super-hero by the name of Captain Spirit.
Sean insists on Daniel following a set of rules around his power. Will Daniel keep his power concealed or break the rules in a time of need?
A couple reviews are already up for some reason. 8 and mostly 7's. Seems about the same.
Lol you're so right,god i'm gonna miss telltale so much i hope Skybound can take over as the "new Telltale" or whatever,i really don't want to be stuck with DontNod and their shitty average games.
Bryan Dechart has been streaming season 1 for those who are interested.

All 5 episodes can be found on his YouTube channel.
They`re also going to be playing Before the Storm, Captain Spirit and Season 2.
Less than half an hour until episode 2 launches.
Reading on Twitter that you can’t buy episode 2 separately.
I just played it.
It was more or less an uneventful episode for me because I played it safe the entire time. Like a lot of LiS's episodes, the episode is really slow paced and can drag. I'm a big fan of LiS. It's not Telltale, but I've always believed they did a good job doing what they do and I absolutely fell in love with the first season's characters and story.
The voice acting of this sequel just doesn't compare to the first game, which can very quickly take me out of the immersion. In this episode in particular, there are....a few very random moments and some dialogue that doesn't quite make sense if you do certain things. For instance, there is an option to try to open your mom's teenage room when you go to your grandparents house. They obviously do not want Sean and Daniel in there. I chose to break in cause I couldn't find the fuckin key to open it. As the situation escalates, Sean says something like "Mom left cause she couldn't take your controlling rules." And I'm here like....Sean...we broke the lock to the door and showed complete lack of respect for their privacy.
The drama was severely forced, but then the cabinet falls on the grandpa and it's just weird, weird, weird from there. It was way too random and way too forced, even for LiS. And this is coming from someone who thought pretty highly of the first episode too. I don't think the episode was terrible though. It fell apart in the final minutes. Like, completely collapsed in the final minutes, but there were the trademark "moments of calm" and some talks that genuinely resonated with me, coming from similar family issues in my past. I loved those. But the moments with drama did not need to be there. It was like they just said to themselves "Hey, this episode is slow af. We need to spice it up a bit." and added that conflict that was pretty hard on the eyes and not in a good way.
Overall, I give this episode a 5/10, which I don't really want to do, cause like I said, I love this game series, particularly season 1, had fun with Captain Spirit cause it really reminded me of my childhood and to a lesser extent liked Before the Storm and thought very highly of the first episode of this season. But those final minutes were just...."okay...why?...Huh...? The game lives up to it's title...I guess..."
Finished the episode, I really enjoyed it about the same amount as the first.
Mushroom dying at the start was a bit disappointing to me, would have been nice to have kept her around, but it did lead to some good moments so it wasn't a complete waste. It was nice returning to Beaver Creek, there's just something about small town atmospheres that I like, kind of makes me a game about a small town. Sean and Daniel's grandparents were nice, and it was neat to learn a bit more about their mom, there's definitely a theme of how people handle their pasts going on, Sean about the whole incident, the Diaz's and their grandparents about Karen, Chris and his dad about their mother/wife. Kind of wish we could have refused to go to the Christmas market, since it was pretty clear we'd be seen, but oh well. Cassidy was interesting for what little we saw of her, which is good since it seems we'll be joining her and Finn next episode on their job. As for how the episode ended it was fine, I didn't mind the cabinet falling on Stephen since they had set up the rickety leg earlier in the episode, but man I was surprised on going to choices menu and finding out that you could have been chased by the police which could result in Chris being hit by a car. As for Chris himself, I am a bit disappointed we didn't see more of him, but it does explain why they wanted to do a short spin off to explore him more, which was a good move, I love that kid. Anyway, can't wait for the next episode, hopefully the wait isn't as long.
Anyway, these were my choices:
Wow, that episode was amazing. In that, it’s amazing how this series can continue to peddle out this disappointing, story-less mess while being thrown heaps of praise by critics. This episode have even more useless padding then the first episode, I swear, it feels like the writers had a couple hours worth of story and are doing their best to extend it across 5 episodes, because it really shows.
And before you reply, understand that I am somewhat drunk as I’m writing this, and will probably regret writing this in a few hours.
Lucky you considering Dontnod probably won't make another episodic game after this it massively under performed in sales. They're probably better off doing other things anyway for instance Vampyr was a success for them and focus home interactive.
Don't need to regret it. This episode failed to impress me too, though for different reasons from what you've stated and this is coming from a huge fan of the series.
Any fan of LiS understands that these games have made it a religion to drag it's pacing to a snail's pace and the devs have come out and said that this is something that they know the fans like in these games, which I can attest to being true. It's part of the reason that these games aren't for everyone, there's a lot of downtime. Maybe too much. They will take a small condensed plot and stretch it painfully by adding in regular day-to-day activities and conversation and to a lot of us, that's the weird appeal. The biggest problem with that method in this season is that it feels aimless. In S1, at the very least, you could play with Max's rewind ability and it was a cool spin on daily life in that game. Here, it's not the same. That said, I didn't mind the slowness of this episode. In fact, I think the episode was better in it's slower moments.
What I didn't like was the forced drama. Shit became so blatantly forced to the point of being random. I'd go so far as to say laughably random, especially that one scene near the beginning with Mushroom. And like the first episode's conflict, basically no subtly at all. I would give the episode a higher score had it not made these questionable decisions. I gave it 5/10 but honestly, the more I reflect, the worse I feel about it.
For me, this definitely ranks as the worst LiS episode to date by a pretty big margin, and that's tough for me to say because I have rather high opinions on all the other episodes. Hopefully Ep 3 bounces back for me.
I still think Polarized is the worst LiS episode, but yeah Rules did feel like a downgrade. I’d say it’s on par with Out of Time from S1. Both are just excessive padding with annoying quests.
Did everyone have the season pass?
I’m still not able to purchase the episode due to wanting to buy the episodes separately.
Cassidy’s coat looks cool af??
Just finished this episode. Honestly, I'm gonna give it a 4.5/10. I feel somewhat disappointed knowing it took 4 months just for them to bring us this. It wasn't horrible, but it definitely could've been better. The most interesting parts of this episode were when we met Cassidy and her friend, and when their grandma caught them in their mother's room. Daniel kept pissing me off with how he was using his powers carelessly when I had to keep reminding him to not use them. I really wanted to whoop his ass
. Also, RIP Mushroom. That cougar is so fucked up. I had Daniel wreck it.
Was that Chloe's voice in the post credits scene??? I can't tell if it was her or Cassidy
You clearly don't dislike this series as much as you'd like everyone to believe since you've bought and played ALL of its games to date. Why put on this façade?
I've seen similar negative comments like this from you before, so I don't think you being drunk had anything to do with it, unless you were always drunk whenever you spoke about LiS.
It was Cassidy but it won’t surprise me if we see a cameo of Max and/or Chloe this season. Or if they become a plot point. I’d be pretty hyped though. I love continuity like that. Makes it feel like a shared universe.
Anyone else see Stephen's MAGA cap in his office?
well I still agree
I don't own LiS2, but checking the store page for EP2, it is marked as "free", but the only way to download it is to own the season pass.
And yeah, Episode 1 is avaliable to purchase seperatly, but that won't grant you access to anything apparently.
Now that's some terrible business.
Yup, saw it the moment sean stepped into his room.
Can't play cause they are forcing a season pass on me. RIP. I really liked episode 1 so thats a shame.
That's ultimately the point I was trying, and failing, to get across. I don't mind down time, I've been praising non-stop The Final Season for slowing down the pacing, especially when compared to A New Frontier, and allowing scenes to play out and having downtime to talk to characters and explore. But in my experience, more so with this second installment, it just feels...hollow. I think a lot of that is because of the lack of story, direction, and focus, but the world just doesn't seem as lively as it was. As much crap as I give the first game for having a cast of characters that consisted of every high school trope in the books, it did have a cast of characters to interact with. This game, it feels like each individual episode is it's own thing, until it reaches the end game. Meaning everything just feels sort of empty as a result because you know they aren't going to come back in the next episode. There's a lot going on or characters to talk to in games like TWD S1 or TFS, or hell, even LiS 1, that gives meaning to those slow moments, as it allows us to interact with characters and learn more about them, there's a point and focus to it all. Here though, there's just so little and not much focus to it, meaning it just feels, as mentioned, hollow, when it does slow down. I'm still not sure if I'm explaining this correctly, so I apologize if I'm not making sense.
I'm not even sure really what the point of his inclusion was, other than to have some cheap emotional moment. He wasn't even with us for a full episode, so yeah, I see where you're coming from with that.
Much like @TheTrashBoi, I still think Polarized from S1 is the worst, that took padding to a whole new level, especially with that dream sequence towards the end, but that's just me.
Nah, you made perfect sense. I agree completely. Though I could give the argument that the theme of this episode was about the quiet, since Sean and Claire did happen to talk about the difference between Beaver Creak and Seattle, but at the same time it almost feels like an excuse, because something only ever happens when the "plot" demands conflict.
What I did like about this episode was Sean and Daniels interactions, the talks with Stephen were cool, The stuff with Chris and Charles, that were surprisingly subtle in my playthrough, the talk I had with Lyla and the convo with Cassidy, whom I already have a game crush on and can't wait to see her in Ep 3, whether it'll be trash or not.
I honestly feel like I can pull a lot to like out of this episode. But the problem was everything else just overshadowed the good, to the point where I see even the casual fans on YT pointing shit out. I'm obviously a defender of LiS, but I can't defend this. And honestly, EP 3 doesn't look that focused either. Looks like they're in Cali in that job that Cassidy said they were on their way to, which apparently involves ganja.
All in all, I can say this vision probably looked better on paper. But it's not translating well currently.
Funny how you're proving your own point indirectly. Mushroom was actually girl, lol. I didn't even know that myself until I heard Daniel call her "girl".
And Polarized is that frowned upon? I was actually hooked after that episode alone.
Polarized is, well, polarizing. Some people love it, some hate it.
About Polarized,
You know how when you're really tired you're far more likely to get emotional about stuff?
I think they designed the episode to exhaust the player on purpose. Just to collect some extra tears at the end.
Well, that's my theory anyway.
Just finished EP2. It was pretty good. The beginning was sad, though. I was a little disappointed in EP1, but this episode dealt with the issues that were there. I made some better choices than last time too. No more being a thief.
be me
pragmatic playthrough
at the store in first ep
purchased warm clothes for dainiel and also sleeping bags
all without stealing
daniel is sick