Got any details people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about in the first episode?
If you go behind the gas station, you'll find a bird trapped in a snack box and you can set it free. Also, if you look at the half-carved bear, it will give you an alternate dialogue when Daniel has to look for a tool to free you.
Depending on choices when Daniel learns the truth and you pick "It was an accident", Sean will either say "It was an accident! I fucked up and a cop shot him!" or "It... It was an accident! A cop fucked up and shot him! That's it."
If you choose any dialogue other than "It was an accident" and "I was scared...", or if you take too long to say something, Daniel will be more mad at you and you'll get an additional dialogue choice.
1. Sean and Daniel are adorbs
2. Lyla is so sweet
3. Brody...the man the myth
4. Arcadia Bay
5. Nicely animated for the most part.
6. Timely subject matter
7. Great call backs to other games like TLoU and Minecraft
1. Poor Music selection
2. For what happens they could have achieved everything at an hour less.
3. Already apparent that Sean will not survive
4. Is Brett alive or dead? Never tells us.
5. DONTNOD Hates parents...season 2 and the formula is understood...parent is dead..3 major events per episode we get it.
6. Nothing makes any sense...they leave...Sean decides to go to Puerto Lobo...has no idea about family...where the land money to get there.
7. Mushroom is so going to die
Over all I liked it a lot...we will see what happens in Ep 2
Brett is actually alive. I remember in one of the articles or maybe even a text message that it said he was taken to the hospital and still unconscious. Pretty certain i read that somewhere in episode 1. Also Sean and Daniel’s mother is still alive and am pretty sure she will show up at some point if they make it to Mexico.
Ps. Glad you love the game! I am really hyped for what’s to come soon! This is why i love Dontnod!
My Pros and Cons of LiS2
1. Sean and Daniel are adorbs
2. Lyla is so sweet
3. Brody...the man the myth
4. Arcadia Bay
5. Nicely… more animated for the most part.
6. Timely subject matter
7. Great call backs to other games like TLoU and Minecraft
1. Poor Music selection
2. For what happens they could have achieved everything at an hour less.
3. Already apparent that Sean will not survive
4. Is Brett alive or dead? Never tells us.
5. DONTNOD Hates parents...season 2 and the formula is understood...parent is dead..3 major events per episode we get it.
6. Nothing makes any sense...they leave...Sean decides to go to Puerto Lobo...has no idea about family...where the land money to get there.
7. Mushroom is so going to die
Over all I liked it a lot...we will see what happens in Ep 2
While I don't think the tracks are poor they are not as noticeable as season 1. Litzomania is probably the loudest and best song in the game, and that's not even the full song.
My Pros and Cons of LiS2
1. Sean and Daniel are adorbs
2. Lyla is so sweet
3. Brody...the man the myth
4. Arcadia Bay
5. Nicely… more animated for the most part.
6. Timely subject matter
7. Great call backs to other games like TLoU and Minecraft
1. Poor Music selection
2. For what happens they could have achieved everything at an hour less.
3. Already apparent that Sean will not survive
4. Is Brett alive or dead? Never tells us.
5. DONTNOD Hates parents...season 2 and the formula is understood...parent is dead..3 major events per episode we get it.
6. Nothing makes any sense...they leave...Sean decides to go to Puerto Lobo...has no idea about family...where the land money to get there.
7. Mushroom is so going to die
Over all I liked it a lot...we will see what happens in Ep 2
David and Nathan seemed like they would be stereotypes that had me rolling my eyes, but I was genuinely caught off guard by the humanity they ended up having.
David and Nathan seemed like they would be stereotypes that had me rolling my eyes, but I was genuinely caught off guard by the humanity they ended up having.
I’m pretty sure TFS’s reviews are that low due to the news of it possibly being cancelled. This happened on Steam too. It was at overwhelmingly positive but once the news dropped about TWD potentially going unfinished the reviews went all the way down to “Mixed”.
Yeah, the closure affected the ratings.
If you look at the Steam reviews, almost every one that is negative since Sept. 21 is only doing so to warm people of Telltale's closure and their abandonment of TWD and the last 2 episodes. People aren't happy.
I’m pretty sure TFS’s reviews are that low due to the news of it possibly being cancelled. This happened on Steam too. It was at overwhelmin… moregly positive but once the news dropped about TWD potentially going unfinished the reviews went all the way down to “Mixed”.
An interesting detail from Captain Spirit.
I think I might go with the theory that it's either Sean or Daniel (maybe more likely) that was making that noise, since they were later seen in Mrs. Reynolds's backyard (when Daniel saved Chris). Hmm, unless I'm remembering it wrongly, didn't Mrs. Reynolds say their grandchildren were visiting them? And Sean mentioned to Brody that they had grandparents they didn't see anymore...maybe Mrs. Reynolds and her husband are the parents of Sean and Daniel's mom?
Huh. Interesting indeed. Wonder who (or what) was on the other end?
I thought about calling her, but decided against it since I thought there was no point in doing that.
I think I might go with the theory that it's either Sean or Daniel (maybe more likely) that was making that noise, since they were later see… moren in Mrs. Reynolds's backyard (when Daniel saved Chris). Hmm, unless I'm remembering it wrongly, didn't Mrs. Reynolds say their grandchildren were visiting them? And Sean mentioned to Brody that they had grandparents they didn't see anymore...maybe Mrs. Reynolds and her husband are the parents of Sean and Daniel's mom?
The fact that she hasn't seen them in ages and that one is the same age as Chris does make it pretty likely that she is indeed referring to Sean and Daniel. ?
Dang...I never got this ties things up nicely though. Claire Reynolds...Grandma and would be foster mom for Chris lol. Only thing that does not add up....November they are on their way do they end back up in Oregon ?
Also...when is Ep 2 coming out?
It's a hella long read at 47k words, about half the length of the average novel, but it's split into six parts and discusses the characters and thematic elements of the first game. The first three parts relate to the characters and story itself, while the last three focus on how the story is presented. If you've got some spare time I think it's worth a read.
A few days ago I found this essay some of you might be interested in:
Polar Opposites and Binary Choices: A Critical Reading of Life Is S… moretrange
It's a hella long read at 47k words, about half the length of the average novel, but it's split into six parts and discusses the characters and thematic elements of the first game. The first three parts relate to the characters and story itself, while the last three focus on how the story is presented. If you've got some spare time I think it's worth a read.
Seems like something religious is happening in episode 4. Romans 3:23 "'all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." That's the achievement you get after completing episode 4. Idek what's going on here.
It's the reason the critics give as well. "Telltale TFS feels like it's going through the same formula as every other Telltale game." Despit… moree it completely changing everything from the ground up.
And then they praise LiS2 for doing exactly what they criticise Telltale for. There's a clear bias going on here. LiS2 is more of copy of the first game, than TFS is a copy of anything Telltale related.
At least the user rating's reflect more what I would've rated the episodes. That being a 6 for LiS2 and a 8.5 for TFS.
So I just finished playing the first episode. Now I know what you're thinking, "Oh God, here goes MetallicaRules again shitting on LiS," but I do want to give some honest thoughts.
Do I think it's this incredible game that every major critic seems to say it is? No, I don't think that will ever change. Was it as bad as I thought it was going to be? Surprisingly, no.
I mean, I still dislike it, but compared to the first episode of the first game, I will say it's a step in the right direction. Unlike others, I kind of liked the music in this game, especially the last song when they're on the bus at the end of the episode, Sean and Daniel are already much more likable characters than Max and Chloe (the latter not being too hard to be better than), and the removal of any high school drama for a journey about two brothers is definitely better.
However, that's pretty much where the praise ends. Once again, the lip syncing and facial animation is just laughably bad, the voice acting comes off again as mediocre (some do very good, some do very poorly), I don't know what the hell to think of a character like Brody, nothing is handled with any trace of subtly or nuance ("You're the reason we need to build that wall."), and it feels like this whole series is going to be a sort of aimless journey. Yes I just praised them for dumping all the high school drama before, but there was other stuff going on like the mystery surrounding Rachel Amber. While I still don't think the first game did a spectacular job in stressing that storyline's importance, it was still a common plot point throughout and did the story a sense of direction and purpose. Here though, it appears to be just mindless wandering until they get to Mexico and, just, hope for the best. That, to me, doesn't really feel like an end goal, that seems to be just getting there and winging it, which is pretty much what they're already doing, winging it. There's no real intrigue other than Daniel's new powers, and they probably won't explain or delve too much into how or why he has them like they did in the previous game. Which is another thing I'm very skeptical about, how is the transition of playing the character with the powers to playing the one without them going to work? While it wasn't used too much, Max did have to use her time powers every now and then to solve puzzles, but since Daniel, not Sean, is the one with the powers, I feel that takes away a lot of the interest people had with the first game of the series. Maybe they'll do something cool with it, but I'm just not sure I get this creative choice other than they didn't want it to be a complete ripoff of the first game, but I feel like, as the series goes on, more and more people are going to wish they were playing as Daniel over Sean. I don't know, that's just me.
Overall, I'd say it's an improvement over the first game as of now, but still, average at best. 5.5/10, just my opinion. I hope the rest of you get more enjoyment out of it than I did.
So I just finished playing the first episode. Now I know what you're thinking, "Oh God, here goes MetallicaRules again shitting on LiS," but… more I do want to give some honest thoughts.
Do I think it's this incredible game that every major critic seems to say it is? No, I don't think that will ever change. Was it as bad as I thought it was going to be? Surprisingly, no.
I mean, I still dislike it, but compared to the first episode of the first game, I will say it's a step in the right direction. Unlike others, I kind of liked the music in this game, especially the last song when they're on the bus at the end of the episode, Sean and Daniel are already much more likable characters than Max and Chloe (the latter not being too hard to be better than), and the removal of any high school drama for a journey about two brothers is definitely better.
However, that's pretty much where the praise ends. Once again, the lip syncing and facial animati… [view original content]
So I just finished playing the first episode. Now I know what you're thinking, "Oh God, here goes MetallicaRules again shitting on LiS," but… more I do want to give some honest thoughts.
Do I think it's this incredible game that every major critic seems to say it is? No, I don't think that will ever change. Was it as bad as I thought it was going to be? Surprisingly, no.
I mean, I still dislike it, but compared to the first episode of the first game, I will say it's a step in the right direction. Unlike others, I kind of liked the music in this game, especially the last song when they're on the bus at the end of the episode, Sean and Daniel are already much more likable characters than Max and Chloe (the latter not being too hard to be better than), and the removal of any high school drama for a journey about two brothers is definitely better.
However, that's pretty much where the praise ends. Once again, the lip syncing and facial animati… [view original content]
Can I just say that another complaint I had is that the writers unhealthily rely on 'brotherly' moments to build atmosphere and love. They did the same freaking thing with the other games, it's all about walking on train tracks and watching the sun set as you drink booze and love your best friend. Meanwhile, TFS manages to develop and grow characters and atmosphere without any of that! The campfire scene with James didn't even have music, there wasn't much explicit dialogue, rather just simple things like 'My dad had a food truck' here we can see the difference in storytelling. It's dissapointing, they can't just do those scenes every time. 'Roar, I'm a zombie!!' I'm frankly sick of it and I'm sure it'll keep coming. Not to mention it's not realistic by any means and no-one acts like Daniel. I have a little brother and he doesn't act like that.
So I just finished playing the first episode. Now I know what you're thinking, "Oh God, here goes MetallicaRules again shitting on LiS," but… more I do want to give some honest thoughts.
Do I think it's this incredible game that every major critic seems to say it is? No, I don't think that will ever change. Was it as bad as I thought it was going to be? Surprisingly, no.
I mean, I still dislike it, but compared to the first episode of the first game, I will say it's a step in the right direction. Unlike others, I kind of liked the music in this game, especially the last song when they're on the bus at the end of the episode, Sean and Daniel are already much more likable characters than Max and Chloe (the latter not being too hard to be better than), and the removal of any high school drama for a journey about two brothers is definitely better.
However, that's pretty much where the praise ends. Once again, the lip syncing and facial animati… [view original content]
That's a good point. I also agree that a big flaw is that these games rely on these sort of almost whimsical moments to try and build atmosphere and develop characters. It almost feels like you're watching a Disney movie. Sometimes, less is more, doing simple things may actually accomplish what you're trying to get across better.
Can I just say that another complaint I had is that the writers unhealthily rely on 'brotherly' moments to build atmosphere and love. They d… moreid the same freaking thing with the other games, it's all about walking on train tracks and watching the sun set as you drink booze and love your best friend. Meanwhile, TFS manages to develop and grow characters and atmosphere without any of that! The campfire scene with James didn't even have music, there wasn't much explicit dialogue, rather just simple things like 'My dad had a food truck' here we can see the difference in storytelling. It's dissapointing, they can't just do those scenes every time. 'Roar, I'm a zombie!!' I'm frankly sick of it and I'm sure it'll keep coming. Not to mention it's not realistic by any means and no-one acts like Daniel. I have a little brother and he doesn't act like that.
For me the succes of the game will depend on how interesting the characters the brothers will meet along the way will be. And I really hope they'll get some cool travel partners that will stay around for longer than one episode.
If it's just going to be the two of them for most of the game I fear I'll lose interest quite quickly.
You're comparing character development between a an apocalyptic world vs a semi normal world. Of course there is no "happy, atmospheric scene with music" in TWD, because it's an APOCALYPTIC GAME. Doing that stuff will only get you killed. Character develeopment happens that way in LiS because it's in a world where there are no walkers trying to kill you. What made LiS special were those moments. There was a poll on the LiS subreddit that asked which moment was the best in the series. No, it wasn't the Jefferson reveal. No, it wasn't when Chloe finally found Rachel after 6 months. It was...The Tempest play from BtS, followed by the swimming pool scene with Max and Chloe. Both were, in the eyes of the fandom, "magical moments" because at those points everything seemed to stop, and all of a sudden nothing mattered. It was just them, having a moment.
You praise TFS' character development when Omar is basically a shell of a character. At least side characters in LiS get more than ONE chance to talk to them.
Not to mention the fact that in episode 2 the most LiS-esque moments happened; Louis and Violet's romance scenes. Violet said that she would do watch duty and Clem could come join her... except she did no such thing. Instead they just watch the stars together which is veeeeery reminiscent of the moment when Chloe is in Rachel's room, except that scene was way more well done and appropriate in my opinion. Louis' romance scene is even worse because the game AND the devs basically state that you aren't doing ANYTHING productive besides you blowing on strings and decidedly romancing Louis. That's good old LiS character development right there!
I actually don't mind these two scenes or TFS as a whole at all. I just think your complaints about how LiS does character development are really weak when TFS basically does the same thing except in way worse circumstances.
Can I just say that another complaint I had is that the writers unhealthily rely on 'brotherly' moments to build atmosphere and love. They d… moreid the same freaking thing with the other games, it's all about walking on train tracks and watching the sun set as you drink booze and love your best friend. Meanwhile, TFS manages to develop and grow characters and atmosphere without any of that! The campfire scene with James didn't even have music, there wasn't much explicit dialogue, rather just simple things like 'My dad had a food truck' here we can see the difference in storytelling. It's dissapointing, they can't just do those scenes every time. 'Roar, I'm a zombie!!' I'm frankly sick of it and I'm sure it'll keep coming. Not to mention it's not realistic by any means and no-one acts like Daniel. I have a little brother and he doesn't act like that.
Got any details people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about in the first episode?
My Pros and Cons of LiS2
1. Sean and Daniel are adorbs
2. Lyla is so sweet
3. Brody...the man the myth
4. Arcadia Bay
5. Nicely animated for the most part.
6. Timely subject matter
7. Great call backs to other games like TLoU and Minecraft
1. Poor Music selection
2. For what happens they could have achieved everything at an hour less.
3. Already apparent that Sean will not survive
4. Is Brett alive or dead? Never tells us.
5. DONTNOD Hates parents...season 2 and the formula is understood...parent is dead..3 major events per episode we get it.
6. Nothing makes any sense...they leave...Sean decides to go to Puerto Lobo...has no idea about family...where the land money to get there.
7. Mushroom is so going to die
Over all I liked it a lot...we will see what happens in Ep 2
Brett is actually alive. I remember in one of the articles or maybe even a text message that it said he was taken to the hospital and still unconscious. Pretty certain i read that somewhere in episode 1. Also Sean and Daniel’s mother is still alive and am pretty sure she will show up at some point if they make it to Mexico.
Ps. Glad you love the game! I am really hyped for what’s to come soon! This is why i love Dontnod!
While I don't think the tracks are poor they are not as noticeable as season 1. Litzomania is probably the loudest and best song in the game, and that's not even the full song.
David and Nathan seemed like they would be stereotypes that had me rolling my eyes, but I was genuinely caught off guard by the humanity they ended up having.
Well thats good writing. They could have made them one dimensional cartoon villains but didn’t.
I’m really enjoying the new LIS game though
I’m pretty sure TFS’s reviews are that low due to the news of it possibly being cancelled. This happened on Steam too. It was at overwhelmingly positive but once the news dropped about TWD potentially going unfinished the reviews went all the way down to “Mixed”.
Yeah, the closure affected the ratings.
If you look at the Steam reviews, almost every one that is negative since Sept. 21 is only doing so to warm people of Telltale's closure and their abandonment of TWD and the last 2 episodes. People aren't happy.
It's $62 though

I know romance isn't on Sean's mind right now, but i'm wanting him to forget about Jenn and start thinking about Lyla like that.
He´s a teenage boy. "Romance" is always on his mind.
anyone get the welcome to blackwell academy book yet?
An interesting detail from Captain Spirit.
Huh. Interesting indeed. Wonder who (or what) was on the other end?
I thought about calling her, but decided against it since I thought there was no point in doing that.
I think I might go with the theory that it's either Sean or Daniel (maybe more likely) that was making that noise, since they were later seen in Mrs. Reynolds's backyard (when Daniel saved Chris). Hmm, unless I'm remembering it wrongly, didn't Mrs. Reynolds say their grandchildren were visiting them? And Sean mentioned to Brody that they had grandparents they didn't see anymore...maybe Mrs. Reynolds and her husband are the parents of Sean and Daniel's mom?
The theory that Sean and Daniel are the grand children of Mrs. Reynold's does seem to be likely.

The fact that she hasn't seen them in ages and that one is the same age as Chris does make it pretty likely that she is indeed referring to Sean and Daniel. ?
Dang...I never got this ties things up nicely though. Claire Reynolds...Grandma and would be foster mom for Chris lol. Only thing that does not add up....November they are on their way do they end back up in Oregon ?
Also...when is Ep 2 coming out?
A few days ago I found this essay some of you might be interested in:
Polar Opposites and Binary Choices: A Critical Reading of Life Is Strange
It's a hella long read at 47k words, about half the length of the average novel, but it's split into six parts and discusses the characters and thematic elements of the first game. The first three parts relate to the characters and story itself, while the last three focus on how the story is presented. If you've got some spare time I think it's worth a read.
An interesting read so far, great find!
LiS 2 achievements have some hints as to what's to come. It doesn't look good.
It does look good! Homeward Bound is always good! What am I saying, LiS always ends with tough choices.
Seems like something religious is happening in episode 4. Romans 3:23 "'all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." That's the achievement you get after completing episode 4. Idek what's going on here.
Well we will defintly see Chris in episode 2
That's saying something.
Because they know if they give an even average review to LiS, they'll get hounded.
So I just finished playing the first episode. Now I know what you're thinking, "Oh God, here goes MetallicaRules again shitting on LiS," but I do want to give some honest thoughts.
Do I think it's this incredible game that every major critic seems to say it is? No, I don't think that will ever change. Was it as bad as I thought it was going to be? Surprisingly, no.
I mean, I still dislike it, but compared to the first episode of the first game, I will say it's a step in the right direction. Unlike others, I kind of liked the music in this game, especially the last song when they're on the bus at the end of the episode, Sean and Daniel are already much more likable characters than Max and Chloe (the latter not being too hard to be better than), and the removal of any high school drama for a journey about two brothers is definitely better.
However, that's pretty much where the praise ends. Once again, the lip syncing and facial animation is just laughably bad, the voice acting comes off again as mediocre (some do very good, some do very poorly), I don't know what the hell to think of a character like Brody, nothing is handled with any trace of subtly or nuance ("You're the reason we need to build that wall."), and it feels like this whole series is going to be a sort of aimless journey. Yes I just praised them for dumping all the high school drama before, but there was other stuff going on like the mystery surrounding Rachel Amber. While I still don't think the first game did a spectacular job in stressing that storyline's importance, it was still a common plot point throughout and did the story a sense of direction and purpose. Here though, it appears to be just mindless wandering until they get to Mexico and, just, hope for the best. That, to me, doesn't really feel like an end goal, that seems to be just getting there and winging it, which is pretty much what they're already doing, winging it. There's no real intrigue other than Daniel's new powers, and they probably won't explain or delve too much into how or why he has them like they did in the previous game. Which is another thing I'm very skeptical about, how is the transition of playing the character with the powers to playing the one without them going to work? While it wasn't used too much, Max did have to use her time powers every now and then to solve puzzles, but since Daniel, not Sean, is the one with the powers, I feel that takes away a lot of the interest people had with the first game of the series. Maybe they'll do something cool with it, but I'm just not sure I get this creative choice other than they didn't want it to be a complete ripoff of the first game, but I feel like, as the series goes on, more and more people are going to wish they were playing as Daniel over Sean. I don't know, that's just me.
Overall, I'd say it's an improvement over the first game as of now, but still, average at best. 5.5/10, just my opinion. I hope the rest of you get more enjoyment out of it than I did.
With all due respect, the opinion of a LiS hater is worth less than that of a piece of shit?.
Why? He made some very good points.
Thank you, I was rolling with the potshots, but Brody's bit at the end was where I was just done.
Can I just say that another complaint I had is that the writers unhealthily rely on 'brotherly' moments to build atmosphere and love. They did the same freaking thing with the other games, it's all about walking on train tracks and watching the sun set as you drink booze and love your best friend. Meanwhile, TFS manages to develop and grow characters and atmosphere without any of that! The campfire scene with James didn't even have music, there wasn't much explicit dialogue, rather just simple things like 'My dad had a food truck' here we can see the difference in storytelling. It's dissapointing, they can't just do those scenes every time. 'Roar, I'm a zombie!!' I'm frankly sick of it and I'm sure it'll keep coming. Not to mention it's not realistic by any means and no-one acts like Daniel. I have a little brother and he doesn't act like that.
That's a good point. I also agree that a big flaw is that these games rely on these sort of almost whimsical moments to try and build atmosphere and develop characters. It almost feels like you're watching a Disney movie. Sometimes, less is more, doing simple things may actually accomplish what you're trying to get across better.
For me the succes of the game will depend on how interesting the characters the brothers will meet along the way will be. And I really hope they'll get some cool travel partners that will stay around for longer than one episode.
If it's just going to be the two of them for most of the game I fear I'll lose interest quite quickly.
You're comparing character development between a an apocalyptic world vs a semi normal world. Of course there is no "happy, atmospheric scene with music" in TWD, because it's an APOCALYPTIC GAME. Doing that stuff will only get you killed. Character develeopment happens that way in LiS because it's in a world where there are no walkers trying to kill you. What made LiS special were those moments. There was a poll on the LiS subreddit that asked which moment was the best in the series. No, it wasn't the Jefferson reveal. No, it wasn't when Chloe finally found Rachel after 6 months. It was...The Tempest play from BtS, followed by the swimming pool scene with Max and Chloe. Both were, in the eyes of the fandom, "magical moments" because at those points everything seemed to stop, and all of a sudden nothing mattered. It was just them, having a moment.
You praise TFS' character development when Omar is basically a shell of a character. At least side characters in LiS get more than ONE chance to talk to them.
Not to mention the fact that in episode 2 the most LiS-esque moments happened; Louis and Violet's romance scenes. Violet said that she would do watch duty and Clem could come join her... except she did no such thing. Instead they just watch the stars together which is veeeeery reminiscent of the moment when Chloe is in Rachel's room, except that scene was way more well done and appropriate in my opinion. Louis' romance scene is even worse because the game AND the devs basically state that you aren't doing ANYTHING productive besides you blowing on strings and decidedly romancing Louis. That's good old LiS character development right there!
I actually don't mind these two scenes or TFS as a whole at all. I just think your complaints about how LiS does character development are really weak when TFS basically does the same thing except in way worse circumstances.
I think we can all agree that the lip sync and especially the voice acting, is horrible
I had no issue with the voices....lip syncing is better this season...but Telltale always did a better job with VO.
Some of the voice acting was pretty good, mainly from the father and Brody, but some of the others were lacking.
But those are side characters. The voice acting of Sean is laughably bad. And he is a protagonist