I bought the hotdogs too, but stole the mac and cheese.I think it was the best food available. Don't know how they ate it since there wasn't a stove or microwave to cook it in. I also don't see why bread was an option, but I guess there's enough slices to full you. If I had more money, I definitely would've bought all the food so that dickhead couldn't harass us, although he probably would've done it anyway since he was racist. Now that I speak of it, how tf did he know we stole? He just got there when he saw us eating.
At first I thought ok I'll get to decide what we eat right now but nah! Let's eat everything! Like I did actually buy hot dogs to avoid suspicion but stole everything else.
First of all: I generally like the first season. I think the writing quality ranges from good to okay-ish to rather poor. The latter is especially apparent in some of the dialogues, but I still enjoyed it. I also dislike Chloe as a character, so you can imagine what ending I ended up with. Overall it was okay to solid.
With season two we have new characters, which I find to be a very good thing considering my dislike for Chloe. I like both Sean and Daniel and I think they're generally well written. The dialogue still comes off rather stiff at times, which may be because of the voice actors or - and I think this is more likely - the voice over direction is still not as good as it should be. I had the same problem with the first game and i'm a little disappointed that they seemingly haven't improved on that front. It's still surprisingly solid most of the time.
The choices seem good with the exception of some bullshit situations, where a certain thing happens no matter what. I thought we were past this, but okay. The characters were also good, especially Brody.
My biggest complaint, however, is something that I already pointed out in the gameplay-demo. The cinematography and direction is phenomenal .... until there is some sort of escalation. The first game had that issue, too, but it didn't bother me as much as here, since it was just the first game and it had budgeting issues. But the way they film these kinds of scenes was quite a letdown. I'll go more into detail in the spoiler.
First there is the scene with the cop. The execution seemed kind of messy. No music at all, which could've worked if the editing of that scene wasn't so - and i'm sorry to put it that way - shotty. There was no rhythm or anything. It tried to be confusing without ending up confusing. Camera cuts seem randomly placed, too. The gut-punch was missing.
The other scene was at the end, when Daniel found out about their father. That scene could've been great, but again, the use of music was really questionable. There should've been much more uneasiness to it, more mysteriousness, because that is what that scene was about. Sean was affraid of Daniel and the music didn't replicate that feeling at all. Just like the beginning, I didn't felt the gut-punch.
I still think this episode is a much better premiere than the first episode of season 1. It was longer, too. Took me exactly 4 hours. Not bad at all. I don't know if I wait for the rest of the season or if I play them as they release. But I ended up liking it more than I expected.
You don't make him steal he steals if he sees you stealing stuff. you can tell him off for it but it's a choice of saying stealings ok or stealings bad but I wanted to say that stealing from friends is bad.
We aren't going to have any direct control over the powers are we? It's all going to be a result of our choices, yikes. The kids are so cute and mushroom is the cutest name for a pup ever, I can't wait but I can't take the coming heartbreak ? I'm worried about Sean's short temper that he seems to have inherited from his dad (based on Sean's remarks), I hope he learns to play it cool. I think the way he reacted to being accused, even if he hadn't stolen, fits his character perfectly, his been a victim of some heavy shit, hinted racism, bullying, his mum left, his dad murdered and now being accused of stealing! I totally believe his reaction even though it would have made more sense to go calmly and empty his pockets I don't think thats what Sean would have done, it was the final straw. Omg that raccoon costume!!! I think that the dad's spirit animal is a the raccoon, Sean's is the wolf ? and Daniels hasn't been releaved yet, I think it could be dog ?. He wants to be just like his big bro and tries to act like him, that's why he sees himself as a wolf too. Remember lis1 the saving animation was a butterfly when max was a doe so it's possible neither are wolves, im sure theres a bear, it could be brody. Brody is a nice guy but something seems off about him.
We aren't going to have any direct control over the powers are we?
I mean, Daniel's the one with the powers, so no.
I'm worried about Sean's short temper that he seems to have inherited from his dad (based on Sean's remarks), I hope he learns to play it cool.
..........Holy shit, I just thought of some real eye opening shit. If everything Max came into physical contact with wasn't affected by her rewind, why didn't she just hold on to Chloe as she'd rewind? Chloe would be unaffected and would remember everything after the rewind.
The way he treated his bro in front of Lyla, hitting the bully, the reaction to the creepy freaky dude at the gas station, even though he didn't steal. You can here it in the VA he gets wound up then notices it and makes a effort to chill out, like when he's walking by the road before the river. Perfectly normal for a teen I guess. That costume! You mean steal it through the screen, amerite? ? I chose to steal camping supplies after escaping now Dans wearing it BUT it had consequences (Dan stole from Brody)
Believe me, me and a few others have had the same idea and wished we could've done that in the first game. Unfortunately, we were denied this opportunity.
..........Holy shit, I just thought of some real eye opening shit. If everything Max came into physical contact with wasn't affected by her … morerewind, why didn't she just hold on to Chloe as she'd rewind? Chloe would be unaffected and would remember everything after the rewind.
Just finished playing EP1. Wow, what an episode. And in like 5 hours too. Emotions were all over the place. I sure made some bad choices, though. I'm such a thief.
After you escape the back room and DAN* uses his powers for the second time you get to choose to take camping supplies, I already bought a sleeping bag and after I stole I had the tent and the jacket. I guess Dan didn't notice you stealing the Mac and cheese? I'm not sure what inspired Dan to steal. He took a weird little Hula girl model, I think. Edited.
Just finished playing EP1. Wow, what an episode. And in like 5 hours too. Emotions were all over the place. I sure made some bad choices, though. I'm such a thief.
I'm not sure how many times I stole, I think twice. The first time he caught me, the second time I took the mac and cheese he didn't.
I'm not sure what inspired Dan to steal.
He only had like $30 after spending $16 on cheeseburgers and milkshakes for him and Daniel. As the player, we all know we don't have enough to buy everything we need, so they gave us the option to steal. Honestly, they should've STUFFED their bags with cookies, chips, bread, hot dogs, water, soda, etc. after Daniel wrecked the mini mart, and then left.
I lost the food, but I'm not sure about the tees. I couldn't steal them. I didn't have enough money either. I think you can buy them, though, cause there were opportunities to steal money that I passed on.
How are you able to get that much money? I know you can steal 10 dollars worth of change from the swear jar, and telling the truth about how you'd spend the money your dad gives you adds 40 but that only leaves 40, since they spend 10 dollars off screen.
T-shirt only costs 11-ish dollars, and I only bought some macaroni and Daniel's favorite chocolate bar for food. I didn't do this, but at the entrance to the park you can bust open the donation thing to steal money, not sure how much is in there.
How are you able to get that much money? I know you can steal 10 dollars worth of change from the swear jar, and telling the truth about how… more you'd spend the money your dad gives you adds 40 but that only leaves 40, since they spend 10 dollars off screen.
Oh really? I for whatever reason read them as 50 but I think I missed the shirts and was looking at hoodies/coats, and I broke it open but there's nothing in there.
T-shirt only costs 11-ish dollars, and I only bought some macaroni and Daniel's favorite chocolate bar for food. I didn't do this, but at the entrance to the park you can bust open the donation thing to steal money, not sure how much is in there.
T-shirt only costs 11-ish dollars, and I only bought some macaroni and Daniel's favorite chocolate bar for food. I didn't do this, but at the entrance to the park you can bust open the donation thing to steal money, not sure how much is in there.
Oh really? I for whatever reason read them as 50 but I think I missed the shirts and was looking at hoodies/coats, and I broke it open but there's nothing in there.
My theory on why Sean's _ _ _ _ _ _ didn't tell him about their past
Myabe Sean's dad was a mexican gang member, and moved to washington to turn his life around, which could explain why they don't have any actual family elsewhere in the US. He probably doesn't tell Sean about his past because it probably had something to do with drugs/crime. Why else would he not want to tell Sean about it?
Wouldn't that create a paradox causing a contradiction in space time? Like who would Nathan be in an argument with if she wasn't there to get shot. They both enter the bathroom don't think there is any way around that unless she changed something before that time but then again the game runs off the chaos theory so the disaster would happen anyway.
..........Holy shit, I just thought of some real eye opening shit. If everything Max came into physical contact with wasn't affected by her … morerewind, why didn't she just hold on to Chloe as she'd rewind? Chloe would be unaffected and would remember everything after the rewind.
Like who would Nathan be in an argument with if she wasn't there to get shot. They both enter the bathroom don't think there is any way around that
I meant the all the other times she’d rewind. And if Max did do something to stop Chloe from entering the bathroom, then the events that take place ahead of that moment would change as well.
Wouldn't that create a paradox causing a contradiction in space time? Like who would Nathan be in an argument with if she wasn't there to ge… moret shot. They both enter the bathroom don't think there is any way around that unless she changed something before that time but then again the game runs off the chaos theory so the disaster would happen anyway.
oo interesting! guess that spoiler pic i accidently ran into on reddit was true. good thing, too.
i think i'll probably wait to play this until ep5 is released tho so i don't get telltaled.
I gave Life is Strange 2 a watch. I’m too confused to be angry about the premiere in any way but it’s just… nothing works.
The inciting incident happens out of nowhere. There’s no time beforehand to properly establish Sean’s life- his neighbourhood, group of friends, relationship with his family, his motivation. They’re very briefly touched upon (shitty neighbourhood, best friend Lyla, Daniel gets on his nerves, and he wants to get laid) but with that little development, I can’t feel truly there. So when Esteban died all of a sudden, despite how terrifying the situation would be for Sean the scene had no emotional value.
Despite its flaws, I can tell that a lot of love went into Max’s story. LiS 1 was an homage to supernatural-in-realistic-setting media like Twin Peaks or Donnie Darko, whilst also standing in its own right as a coming-of-age story about your choices having consequences for the world around you. But DONTNOD really don’t seem to know what direction they’re taking with Sean’s.
I’ll still watch the second episode when it comes out to give it a fair chance, but if the plot doesn’t pick up by then I might have to pass.
I have a question about how the Bay/Bae ending affects this episode though: I know the references from the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending but what happens if you sacrifice Chloe?
Well I loved it. The characters were very likable except for Mushroom who I feel is probably a traitor. DONTNOD is not afraid of politics and that is good...but it is nice that they show the good and bad of America.
The opening is sorta ripped out of todays headlines. In fairness to the rookie cop...it looked bad...but losing control and shooting a man is unforgivable. How hurt was Brett? Lyla is an angel. Daniel and Sean...I just want to hop in my car and save them. Brody is a hero in my books. Wish there was more musical interludes...but the great american road trip is the thing of Beatpoet legend.
Man life cockblocked our boy big time...but considering how fast she decided to follow her mom's advice and not have anything to do with us, tells me no big loss.
Just finished episode 1. Went into this expecting it to be crap based on the whole idea of it (ditching old characters and the first 15 mins looked shit). But after playing the first episode all I have to say is... WOW. Definitely my favorite LIS episode by far, I love the whole brother dynamic and the the length of this episode made it feel like a whole fucking journey. If the rest of the episodes keep up this length and quality this game is gonna be absolutely amazing, I cannot wait. Also I swear I feel like something is gonna happen to my boi mushroom and I’m gonna be pissed.
I'm in love with this game. I won't say it's better than the first one (at least for now, but the chances are huge), but... Wow, amazing! Amazing!
I screamed when I saw AB.
Just finished episode 1. Went into this expecting it to be crap based on the whole idea of it (ditching old characters and the first 15 mins… more looked shit). But after playing the first episode all I have to say is... WOW. Definitely my favorite LIS episode by far, I love the whole brother dynamic and the the length of this episode made it feel like a whole fucking journey. If the rest of the episodes keep up this length and quality this game is gonna be absolutely amazing, I cannot wait. Also I swear I feel like something is gonna happen to my boi mushroom and I’m gonna be pissed.
Their were a ton of great moments. I loved seeing Arcadia bay again, that was neat. The brothers bonding in the forest was fun, I loved how the incorporated a bunch of references to LOTR and TLOU, but mainly how the little brother acted like he was in Minecraft, that was funny. I really liked when I stole the tent and kicked that racist asshole for good measure (fuck him). But my favorite moment was probably the ending when they’re on the bus and Sean is telling Daniel the wolf story, it makes you reflect on all the shit they’ve already gone through and then you realize it’s just the beginning and they have a long journey ahead of them. I completely understand the 40$ price tag now because that episode alone felt like a fucking movie.
I feel like something is gonna happen to my boi mushroom and I’m gonna be pissed.
Same. If they so much as even LOOK at her the wrong way, it's WW IIII.
Also, what was your favorite part of ep 1?
I haven't found out myself but wouldn't not joining Daniel jumping on the bed but telling him you need to talk now avoid that scenario?
I bought the hotdogs too, but stole the mac and cheese.I think it was the best food available. Don't know how they ate it since there wasn't a stove or microwave to cook it in. I also don't see why bread was an option, but I guess there's enough slices to full you. If I had more money, I definitely would've bought all the food so that dickhead couldn't harass us, although he probably would've done it anyway since he was racist. Now that I speak of it, how tf did he know we stole? He just got there when he saw us eating.
That's exactly what I did, I tried to talk to him about it the first chance I got.
What happens if you only have the water from the bathroom and the half eaten apple?
I think they end up eating the dog.
The song at the end when Sean and Daniel were on the bus was really good
Episode 2 teaser shows it’s winter maybe theres a pretty good chance that we will see Chris in that episode or maybe E3
First of all: I generally like the first season. I think the writing quality ranges from good to okay-ish to rather poor. The latter is especially apparent in some of the dialogues, but I still enjoyed it. I also dislike Chloe as a character, so you can imagine what ending I ended up with. Overall it was okay to solid.
With season two we have new characters, which I find to be a very good thing considering my dislike for Chloe. I like both Sean and Daniel and I think they're generally well written. The dialogue still comes off rather stiff at times, which may be because of the voice actors or - and I think this is more likely - the voice over direction is still not as good as it should be. I had the same problem with the first game and i'm a little disappointed that they seemingly haven't improved on that front. It's still surprisingly solid most of the time.
The choices seem good with the exception of some bullshit situations, where a certain thing happens no matter what. I thought we were past this, but okay. The characters were also good, especially Brody.
My biggest complaint, however, is something that I already pointed out in the gameplay-demo. The cinematography and direction is phenomenal .... until there is some sort of escalation. The first game had that issue, too, but it didn't bother me as much as here, since it was just the first game and it had budgeting issues. But the way they film these kinds of scenes was quite a letdown. I'll go more into detail in the spoiler.
First there is the scene with the cop. The execution seemed kind of messy. No music at all, which could've worked if the editing of that scene wasn't so - and i'm sorry to put it that way - shotty. There was no rhythm or anything. It tried to be confusing without ending up confusing. Camera cuts seem randomly placed, too. The gut-punch was missing.
The other scene was at the end, when Daniel found out about their father. That scene could've been great, but again, the use of music was really questionable. There should've been much more uneasiness to it, more mysteriousness, because that is what that scene was about. Sean was affraid of Daniel and the music didn't replicate that feeling at all. Just like the beginning, I didn't felt the gut-punch.
I still think this episode is a much better premiere than the first episode of season 1. It was longer, too. Took me exactly 4 hours. Not bad at all. I don't know if I wait for the rest of the season or if I play them as they release. But I ended up liking it more than I expected.
How to I put stuff in a spoiler thing?
Just put a >.! (Without the dot) before a line.
Press on the paragraph symbol "¶" and press "spoiler".
You don't make him steal he steals if he sees you stealing stuff. you can tell him off for it but it's a choice of saying stealings ok or stealings bad but I wanted to say that stealing from friends is bad.
We aren't going to have any direct control over the powers are we? It's all going to be a result of our choices, yikes. The kids are so cute and mushroom is the cutest name for a pup ever, I can't wait but I can't take the coming heartbreak ? I'm worried about Sean's short temper that he seems to have inherited from his dad (based on Sean's remarks), I hope he learns to play it cool. I think the way he reacted to being accused, even if he hadn't stolen, fits his character perfectly, his been a victim of some heavy shit, hinted racism, bullying, his mum left, his dad murdered and now being accused of stealing! I totally believe his reaction even though it would have made more sense to go calmly and empty his pockets I don't think thats what Sean would have done, it was the final straw. Omg that raccoon costume!!! I think that the dad's spirit animal is a the raccoon, Sean's is the wolf ? and Daniels hasn't been releaved yet, I think it could be dog ?. He wants to be just like his big bro and tries to act like him, that's why he sees himself as a wolf too. Remember lis1 the saving animation was a butterfly when max was a doe so it's possible neither are wolves, im sure theres a bear, it could be brody. Brody is a nice guy but something seems off about him.
What temper?
Ikr! Is it possible to steal it?
..........Holy shit, I just thought of some real eye opening shit. If everything Max came into physical contact with wasn't affected by her rewind, why didn't she just hold on to Chloe as she'd rewind? Chloe would be unaffected and would remember everything after the rewind.
The way he treated his bro in front of Lyla, hitting the bully, the reaction to the creepy freaky dude at the gas station, even though he didn't steal. You can here it in the VA he gets wound up then notices it and makes a effort to chill out, like when he's walking by the road before the river. Perfectly normal for a teen I guess. That costume! You mean steal it through the screen, amerite? ? I chose to steal camping supplies after escaping now Dans wearing it BUT it had consequences (Dan stole from Brody)
Believe me, me and a few others have had the same idea and wished we could've done that in the first game. Unfortunately, we were denied this opportunity.
Holy shit, I stole the mac & cheese, but left the tent, so I didn't know. What did he take from Brody?
Just finished playing EP1. Wow, what an episode. And in like 5 hours too. Emotions were all over the place. I sure made some bad choices, though. I'm such a thief.
After you escape the back room and DAN* uses his powers for the second time you get to choose to take camping supplies, I already bought a sleeping bag and after I stole I had the tent and the jacket. I guess Dan didn't notice you stealing the Mac and cheese? I'm not sure what inspired Dan to steal. He took a weird little Hula girl model, I think. Edited.
Do you get to keep the stuff? I'm wondering if they can actually get the Tee's or not.
I bought the T-shirt from the store and I was able to keep it, I think Daniel was wearing it in the ending.
I'm not sure how many times I stole, I think twice. The first time he caught me, the second time I took the mac and cheese he didn't.
He only had like $30 after spending $16 on cheeseburgers and milkshakes for him and Daniel. As the player, we all know we don't have enough to buy everything we need, so they gave us the option to steal. Honestly, they should've STUFFED their bags with cookies, chips, bread, hot dogs, water, soda, etc. after Daniel wrecked the mini mart, and then left.
I lost the food, but I'm not sure about the tees. I couldn't steal them. I didn't have enough money either. I think you can buy them, though, cause there were opportunities to steal money that I passed on.
How are you able to get that much money? I know you can steal 10 dollars worth of change from the swear jar, and telling the truth about how you'd spend the money your dad gives you adds 40 but that only leaves 40, since they spend 10 dollars off screen.
T-shirt only costs 11-ish dollars, and I only bought some macaroni and Daniel's favorite chocolate bar for food. I didn't do this, but at the entrance to the park you can bust open the donation thing to steal money, not sure how much is in there.
Oh really? I for whatever reason read them as 50 but I think I missed the shirts and was looking at hoodies/coats, and I broke it open but there's nothing in there.
There wasn’t shit in there.
You probably confused the hoodie price with the T-shirt price.
My theory on why Sean's _ _ _ _ _ _ didn't tell him about their past
Myabe Sean's dad was a mexican gang member, and moved to washington to turn his life around, which could explain why they don't have any actual family elsewhere in the US. He probably doesn't tell Sean about his past because it probably had something to do with drugs/crime. Why else would he not want to tell Sean about it?
Wouldn't that create a paradox causing a contradiction in space time? Like who would Nathan be in an argument with if she wasn't there to get shot. They both enter the bathroom don't think there is any way around that unless she changed something before that time but then again the game runs off the chaos theory so the disaster would happen anyway.
I meant the all the other times she’d rewind. And if Max did do something to stop Chloe from entering the bathroom, then the events that take place ahead of that moment would change as well.
oo interesting! guess that spoiler pic i accidently ran into on reddit was true. good thing, too.
i think i'll probably wait to play this until ep5 is released tho so i don't get telltaled.
I gave Life is Strange 2 a watch. I’m too confused to be angry about the premiere in any way but it’s just… nothing works.
The inciting incident happens out of nowhere. There’s no time beforehand to properly establish Sean’s life- his neighbourhood, group of friends, relationship with his family, his motivation. They’re very briefly touched upon (shitty neighbourhood, best friend Lyla, Daniel gets on his nerves, and he wants to get laid) but with that little development, I can’t feel truly there. So when Esteban died all of a sudden, despite how terrifying the situation would be for Sean the scene had no emotional value.
Despite its flaws, I can tell that a lot of love went into Max’s story. LiS 1 was an homage to supernatural-in-realistic-setting media like Twin Peaks or Donnie Darko, whilst also standing in its own right as a coming-of-age story about your choices having consequences for the world around you. But DONTNOD really don’t seem to know what direction they’re taking with Sean’s.
I’ll still watch the second episode when it comes out to give it a fair chance, but if the plot doesn’t pick up by then I might have to pass.
I have a question about how the Bay/Bae ending affects this episode though: I know the references from the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending but what happens if you sacrifice Chloe?
Well I loved it. The characters were very likable except for Mushroom who I feel is probably a traitor. DONTNOD is not afraid of politics and that is good...but it is nice that they show the good and bad of America.
The opening is sorta ripped out of todays headlines. In fairness to the rookie cop...it looked bad...but losing control and shooting a man is unforgivable. How hurt was Brett? Lyla is an angel. Daniel and Sean...I just want to hop in my car and save them. Brody is a hero in my books. Wish there was more musical interludes...but the great american road trip is the thing of Beatpoet legend.
Man life cockblocked our boy big time...but considering how fast she decided to follow her mom's advice and not have anything to do with us, tells me no big loss.
I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist

Just finished episode 1. Went into this expecting it to be crap based on the whole idea of it (ditching old characters and the first 15 mins looked shit). But after playing the first episode all I have to say is... WOW. Definitely my favorite LIS episode by far, I love the whole brother dynamic and the the length of this episode made it feel like a whole fucking journey. If the rest of the episodes keep up this length and quality this game is gonna be absolutely amazing, I cannot wait. Also I swear I feel like something is gonna happen to my boi mushroom and I’m gonna be pissed.
I'm in love with this game. I won't say it's better than the first one (at least for now, but the chances are huge), but... Wow, amazing! Amazing!
I screamed when I saw AB.
Same. If they so much as even LOOK at her the wrong way, it's WW IIII.
Also, what was your favorite part of ep 1?
Their were a ton of great moments. I loved seeing Arcadia bay again, that was neat. The brothers bonding in the forest was fun, I loved how the incorporated a bunch of references to LOTR and TLOU, but mainly how the little brother acted like he was in Minecraft, that was funny. I really liked when I stole the tent and kicked that racist asshole for good measure (fuck him). But my favorite moment was probably the ending when they’re on the bus and Sean is telling Daniel the wolf story, it makes you reflect on all the shit they’ve already gone through and then you realize it’s just the beginning and they have a long journey ahead of them. I completely understand the 40$ price tag now because that episode alone felt like a fucking movie.