“The Storm” Episode Discussion
Well, another thing TWD related ending this week: the wonderful Season 9. I am still astonished how great it has been.
Last weeks heads were rollin’ this week, winter is coming. Very exciting.
Please comment, before, after, while you watch! I don’t know if the forums will survive until Season 10, so uh, last hoorah.
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Oh! I thought Jerry was dead for some reason. What a relief that is.
Things can only get better now that Negan is let out of his pen /s
I haven't seen a winter scene in the walking dead universe since I don't remember when.
Fuck what are you doing!?
It would've been so dumb to have her die like that.
I think Negan is going to make this episode for me. The only comedic relief through this stressful time.
Just seeing those sticks haunts my thoughts. Looks like it does for them too
WTF guys. How could you let them leave like that!
I would try throwing a rock just to be sure
There are commercial sneak peaks now? Jeez
Oh look at Negan being the hero.
I don't think Rick would still forgive him though
Comic spoiler?..
Is this a TV version of what he does for Rick in the comics?
That was badass, Daryl
Well, here come the Commonwealth, and the whisperer war hasn't even started. That's a ballsy move.
I'm surprised nobody died in the storm, but I don't know who they could've killed off if they decided to go that route. It was a good episode and I love that Negan saved Judith. Hopefully they'll let him out of his jail cell forever.
In the comics, he finds that his cell is open but instead of leaving like in the show he stays put, only for Rick to lock him back in, until he is eventually let out by Tammy’s kid (now dead in both the show and comics) where they both end up wondering to the whisperer’s territory where Negan then kills him (he deserved it) he then joins up with the whisperers, then decapitates Alpha. None of what happens in the show happens here, so it looks like they may be straying from that path.
During that whole lake scene. I for sure thought we had another Luke situation on our hands.
Who else low-key thought that dog fell down the chimney in the scene where the fire just straight up implodes?
That would have been...darkly humorous.
Meh. I think they should've ended this season with the pikes.
The snow setting was great it reminded me of Season 2,i liked that scene where the group stop and make sure the walkers are not whisperers the music was also..ominous i liked that,that lake scene also gave me Luke PTSD Flashbacks lmao,Negan's scenes were great too.
But yeah not a lot of things happened in this one,and then we also got dumb scenes like Lydia trying to kill herself twice.
"I know my people won't take me back but i want to die anyway because my mother said so,i'm weak ;(" just fuck off with this nonsense.
Also it would've been so much better to end this season with Rick's voice on the radio but it is what it is i guess.
I thought they'd be crossing and a Whisperer would be standing on the other side. He'd bring up a sledgehammer and break the ice - forcing the group to run back as the ice cracked and broke underneath them - killing a handful of people. Negan has gone from an annoying villian to one I'm really routing for.
I wished Jane revealed herself, ha!
Jane is a Jane is the ass
