I really hope he changes his mind and swaps it. I mean Rhys was trending on twitter, lots of people still love this character, no one is going to be happy if its not Troy and that goes for the rest of the Tales characters if they get recasted.
So, I'm not really a fan of the core Borderlands games... (well, I like the story and lore, but I've tried to get into it and it's not reall… morey my thing. I might try again later though, since there are times where a game just doesn't fit for a while.)
Anyway, I find myself pretty excited for this, mostly because the TFTB cast (of characters) is back, giving Telltale's most risky and financially flawed project a seemingly big impact on a big franchise. Judging from the comments of people on every social media platform, it seems they haven't been forgotten which is great!
Also Randy Pitchford responded to Rhys not being Troy and pretty much confirmed he's been recasted for whatever reason. Basically saying he thinks Troy is super talented and hopes to work with him again some day.
Rhys without Troy Baker is like a puppet with cut strings.
Vaughn without Chris Hardwick is like a man without a soul.
This game without the main VO cast of TFTB is a sin against nature itself.
Its probably safe to assume Fiona will also be pretty important in BL3 seeing as the Borderlands website has a timeline for all important events leading up to BL3 where it makes important note that Rhys and Fiona got back together, both went into the vault, and no one knows what they both found and then hinting it will be answered in BL3. It would be weird for whatever happened to only focus on Rhys, so Fiona will also hopefully have a larger role, and Im assuming Sasha will too.
Some more Borderlands 2 Shift codes
C3W33-RZ6ZJ-TFJ6C-TTJ33-RFHX5 - 100 Golden Keys for Borderlands 2
W3KJB-H9CBW-XRBRW-JTBTJ-9JRXK - 25 Keys for Borderlands 2
53KBB-KXXRC-RZ66Z-WFJBB-WSRZ3 - 5 Golden Keys + Zer0 Community
Seems the release date was accidentally announced early, September 13th 2019. An early trailer also showed only the Epic Games Store logo at the end of it, so there's a good chance of it either being an Epic Games Store exclusive or just a timed exclusive.
Seems the release date was accidentally announced early, September 13th 2019. An early trailer also showed only the Epic Games Store logo at… more the end of it, so there's a good chance of it either being an Epic Games Store exclusive or just a timed exclusive.
September huh ? All right.
Yep i wouldn't be surprised at all about the game being an Epic Exclusive coming from Gearbox i think most of us expected that.
I’m not one usually for collector’s editions, but the one for this does seem pretty cool, might have to actually consider getting it. My apologies to my wallet, but we all must make sacrifices.
And the consumer in me is shaking its head at another 3-tiered edition release.
There's the base game with the basic base game stuff.
There's the "Special" or "Limited Edition" that usually only grants you a bonus DLC pack of weapons and/or skins. Usually for 10$ more, not all that worth it.
Then there's the GOLD Edition or whatever special word you want to use. It's the base game plus the tiny Special Ed. Pack plus the Season Pass all in one bundle. If you're lucky the GOLD Edition comes with exclusive GOLD Edition DLC and perks.
More will be announced at 9am EST/6am PST, but it looks like the cover art is real.
https://twitter.com/Wario64/status/111323722682388070… more4
I’m not one usually for collector’s editions, but the one for this does seem pretty cool, might have to actually consider getting it. My apologies to my wallet, but we all must make sacrifices.
While it shouldn't be that much of a surprise since Vaughn is confirmed, the trailer has a much clearer shot of the ruins of Helios and we will definitely be going there at some point in the game.
Which confirms that a picture I posted back when the original trailer was released was, in fact, Helios.
We've had the original Mask of Mayhem teaser, the Borderlands 3 Pax East trailer, the cover art, and the announcement trailer, and we know that Rhys and Vaughn are returning, with Helios and Atlas being major locations in the game. However, we have yet to see Fiona or Sasha, as well as LB and Gortys.
I'm willing to bet a huge amount of money on Fiona being one of the DLC vault hunters, that's the only reason I can think as to why she hasn't shown up yet. As for the other 3, it's a toss up as to whether or nor they'll appear. If Fiona isn't a VH and is in the game as an NPC, then Sasha will almost likely appear as well. If Fiona is a VH, then chances are slim, unless she's doing something at Atlas with Rhys. LB and Gortys are a little harder to place, but they might also be with Rhys, or at the wreckage of Helios with Vaughn. Considering how beloved both of them are, I'd be very surprised if they don't show up at some point.
Man I really need to play the Pre-Sequel before this comes out, I really enjoyed the first two but never got around to playing that one. Im really excited for this game, I’m totally picking the beastmaster robot guy, he looks fucking sick.
I wonder how they are going to incorporate stuff from TFTB? Haven’t played that game in a while so I don’t quite remember if there was multiple endings or something (wasn’t Handsome Jack AI determinant or something?).
Honestly starting to think Fiona will be DLC too. (which I honestly dont really want because I'd rather interact with Rhys, Fiona, and the gang this time) I mean Vaughn and Rhys are flowers on the box art. (And plus those leaks that said Rhys would be a really big characters honestly annoyed he isnt being played by Troy when he will be a major character)
However it is possible this is Fiona, it doesnt really look like Moxxie but who knows, redesigns, maybe Fiona has longer hair now and wears a different hat. (although its def most likely Moxxie)
Also Im still holding out that Fl4k is Loader-Bot. I could also see Sasha being part of that radio broadcast thing seeing as that was one of her original plan things in Tales.
We've had the original Mask of Mayhem teaser, the Borderlands 3 Pax East trailer, the cover art, and the announcement trailer, and we know t… morehat Rhys and Vaughn are returning, with Helios and Atlas being major locations in the game. However, we have yet to see Fiona or Sasha, as well as LB and Gortys.
I'm willing to bet a huge amount of money on Fiona being one of the DLC vault hunters, that's the only reason I can think as to why she hasn't shown up yet. As for the other 3, it's a toss up as to whether or nor they'll appear. If Fiona isn't a VH and is in the game as an NPC, then Sasha will almost likely appear as well. If Fiona is a VH, then chances are slim, unless she's doing something at Atlas with Rhys. LB and Gortys are a little harder to place, but they might also be with Rhys, or at the wreckage of Helios with Vaughn. Considering how beloved both of them are, I'd be very surprised if they don't show up at some point.
Honestly starting to think Fiona will be DLC too. (which I honestly dont really want because I'd rather interact with Rhys, Fiona, and the g… moreang this time) I mean Vaughn and Rhys are flowers on the box art. (And plus those leaks that said Rhys would be a really big characters honestly annoyed he isnt being played by Troy when he will be a major character)
However it is possible this is Fiona, it doesnt really look like Moxxie but who knows, redesigns, maybe Fiona has longer hair now and wears a different hat. (although its def most likely Moxxie)
Also Im still holding out that Fl4k is Loader-Bot. I could also see Sasha being part of that radio broadcast thing seeing as that was one of her original plan things in Tales.
According to leaks Fl4k is trying to hide the fact he is a robot, so that might be why they arnt saying anything. Seems way too strange he has the exact same features of loader-bots skeleton look (even the weird feet are the same in game, not just the concept art)
Leaks also say Fiona is in the game somewhere, but who knows. Even if her and Sasha are in, they wont have that large of a role compared to Rhys and Vaughn. Which is a bit disappointing.
I think the top hat gives it away that this is Moxxi, not Fiona sadly.
Fl4k being LB sounds awesome, but I don’t think this is the case as that would probably be something that would be told to us.
Sooooooooo, Troy apparently hasnt been cast to play Rhys yet... um...
(actually thats really bad, game looks like its going to release this year, its beyond strange they wouldnt have recasted him by now)
As much as I love the Borderlands universe, I think most of us can agree Randy Pitchford is a giant douche. His response to people review bombing Borderlands games on Steam in the aftermath of the EGS exclusivity deal certainly doesn't help that image.
Firstly, he's purposely spreading false information, as Steam last month updated their user reviews system to prevent review bombing. I might also add that at least Steam has user reviews, I believe Epic still has yet to incorporate them.
Secondly, he's using this, as well as the false information, to try and get something out of Steam/Valve through bullying and threats of future EGS exclusives for other Gearbox games. While it's certainly not illegal and Gearbox, as a private company, can sell on whatever platforms or stores as they so willingly choose for their published games, this is still highly unethical behavior and should not be encouraged.
Thirdly, while I really don't have that much of an opinion on the matter, there are a lot of fans that don't like this because they don't trust EGS for completely valid reasons. While I'm not a particular fan of this tactic of review bombing, especially since BL1 and BL2 have nothing to do with this and people might only be hurting the chances of other people picking up those games, it is a way, one of the only, that consumers have of voicing their dissatisfaction with companies that make decisions solely out of greed and not at the benefit of consumers. I can get Randy being pissed about the review bombing, but at the same time, it is an outlet for fans to voice frustrations, and it did work since it got your attention. Your response to it can either help or hurt, and it hurt.
Fourthly, immediately calling someone, a likely fan of Borderlands/Gearbox who was replying quite maturely as to why people are upset, a "troll" and telling him to fuck off is just completely immature and childish and does nothing to improve your image or the company you work for. For the record, this is what the person he was responding to said:
Honestly, with everything Pitchford has said and done over the years, I'm amazed he still has a job, and that's not even getting into the USB porn stuff from a couple of months ago. Part of me wishes he would just go out and do his magic stuff, it's clear that's his passion, because honestly, he's just hurting BL3 and Gearbox at this point.
Someone asked Troy and it's pretty much confirmed they recasted Rhys with some other dude he's not happy about this,i feel so bad for him because he loved Rhys what the fuck man. That could also mean they recasted other characters shiiiiiit.
Yeah I doubt they got any of the other voice actors if they couldn't be bothered to get Troy back, and if they did then that'd be kinda messed up if they just didn't get Troy.
Someone asked Troy and it's pretty much confirmed they recasted Rhys with some other dude he's not happy about this,i feel so bad for him be… morecause he loved Rhys what the fuck man. That could also mean they recasted other characters shiiiiiit.
I really hope he changes his mind and swaps it. I mean Rhys was trending on twitter, lots of people still love this character, no one is going to be happy if its not Troy and that goes for the rest of the Tales characters if they get recasted.
Its probably safe to assume Fiona will also be pretty important in BL3 seeing as the Borderlands website has a timeline for all important events leading up to BL3 where it makes important note that Rhys and Fiona got back together, both went into the vault, and no one knows what they both found and then hinting it will be answered in BL3. It would be weird for whatever happened to only focus on Rhys, so Fiona will also hopefully have a larger role, and Im assuming Sasha will too.
Some more Borderlands 2 Shift codes
C3W33-RZ6ZJ-TFJ6C-TTJ33-RFHX5 - 100 Golden Keys for Borderlands 2
W3KJB-H9CBW-XRBRW-JTBTJ-9JRXK - 25 Keys for Borderlands 2
53KBB-KXXRC-RZ66Z-WFJBB-WSRZ3 - 5 Golden Keys + Zer0 Community
Whatz Dis?
Same as Salvador from the teaser trailer, his community day skin.
Oh sweet, I'm currently playing as Zer0 now so this is awesome.
So... Was the panel itself pretty lame? (or, I quote: "a trainwreck"?)

Probs not, but funny video nonetheless. Ouch. Entertaining trainwreck though.
So...Matthew Mercer then?
Cover art has been released.
Disappointed with no finger guns aimed at his head.
Seems the release date was accidentally announced early, September 13th 2019. An early trailer also showed only the Epic Games Store logo at the end of it, so there's a good chance of it either being an Epic Games Store exclusive or just a timed exclusive.
September huh ? All right.
Yep i wouldn't be surprised at all about the game being an Epic Exclusive coming from Gearbox i think most of us expected that.
Gearbox doesn’t make those decisions, that would be 2K
I’m seeing Rhys and Vaughn, but once again, no Fiona or Sasha.
More will be announced at 9am EST/6am PST, but it looks like the cover art is real.
I’m not one usually for collector’s editions, but the one for this does seem pretty cool, might have to actually consider getting it. My apologies to my wallet, but we all must make sacrifices.
The dude's killed himself 3 times now.
Once with one gun. Once with two guns. And once in spaaaaace.
It's only logical he finally made it to heaven.
Also ooooh nice cover art.
And the consumer in me is shaking its head at another 3-tiered edition release.
Yayyyyy /s
Yeah, I was hoping for a third mysterious hand appearing out of nowhere. But this looks nice.
There we go
So it is an Epic exclusive. Oh boy, cue the outrage.
Shot of the new Atlas HQ from the trailer
Some screenshots
Apparently it's an Epic exclusive for 6 months then it'll go to other digital PC storefronts.
Still better than the year long exclusive other companies have done, but Gearbox is getting a lot of shit for it nonetheless.
Guess it's delayed 6 months for me. ?
Seriously, fuck epic.
You can always become Captain Scarlett and just pirate the game. Or you can get it on console like I do.
"Epic Game Store"
While it shouldn't be that much of a surprise since Vaughn is confirmed, the trailer has a much clearer shot of the ruins of Helios and we will definitely be going there at some point in the game.
Which confirms that a picture I posted back when the original trailer was released was, in fact, Helios.
My bad,yeah that makes more sense.
Welp i'll still be getting it just in a more..illegal way
We've had the original Mask of Mayhem teaser, the Borderlands 3 Pax East trailer, the cover art, and the announcement trailer, and we know that Rhys and Vaughn are returning, with Helios and Atlas being major locations in the game. However, we have yet to see Fiona or Sasha, as well as LB and Gortys.
I'm willing to bet a huge amount of money on Fiona being one of the DLC vault hunters, that's the only reason I can think as to why she hasn't shown up yet. As for the other 3, it's a toss up as to whether or nor they'll appear. If Fiona isn't a VH and is in the game as an NPC, then Sasha will almost likely appear as well. If Fiona is a VH, then chances are slim, unless she's doing something at Atlas with Rhys. LB and Gortys are a little harder to place, but they might also be with Rhys, or at the wreckage of Helios with Vaughn. Considering how beloved both of them are, I'd be very surprised if they don't show up at some point.
Man I really need to play the Pre-Sequel before this comes out, I really enjoyed the first two but never got around to playing that one. Im really excited for this game, I’m totally picking the beastmaster robot guy, he looks fucking sick.
I wonder how they are going to incorporate stuff from TFTB? Haven’t played that game in a while so I don’t quite remember if there was multiple endings or something (wasn’t Handsome Jack AI determinant or something?).
Honestly starting to think Fiona will be DLC too. (which I honestly dont really want because I'd rather interact with Rhys, Fiona, and the gang this time) I mean Vaughn and Rhys are flowers on the box art. (And plus those leaks that said Rhys would be a really big characters honestly annoyed he isnt being played by Troy when he will be a major character)
However it is possible this is Fiona, it doesnt really look like Moxxie but who knows, redesigns, maybe Fiona has longer hair now and wears a different hat. (although its def most likely Moxxie)
Also Im still holding out that Fl4k is Loader-Bot. I could also see Sasha being part of that radio broadcast thing seeing as that was one of her original plan things in Tales.
I think the top hat gives it away that this is Moxxi, not Fiona sadly.
Fl4k being LB sounds awesome, but I don’t think this is the case as that would probably be something that would be told to us.
According to leaks Fl4k is trying to hide the fact he is a robot, so that might be why they arnt saying anything. Seems way too strange he has the exact same features of loader-bots skeleton look (even the weird feet are the same in game, not just the concept art)
Leaks also say Fiona is in the game somewhere, but who knows. Even if her and Sasha are in, they wont have that large of a role compared to Rhys and Vaughn. Which is a bit disappointing.
Oh boy...
I really hope Troy wil be on board. Troy not voicing Rhys is like Nolan North not voicing Nathan Drake. It just doesn't fucking work.
I have only played Telltale's version, so does that mean the walkthrough will be confusing?
As much as I love the Borderlands universe, I think most of us can agree Randy Pitchford is a giant douche. His response to people review bombing Borderlands games on Steam in the aftermath of the EGS exclusivity deal certainly doesn't help that image.
Firstly, he's purposely spreading false information, as Steam last month updated their user reviews system to prevent review bombing. I might also add that at least Steam has user reviews, I believe Epic still has yet to incorporate them.
Secondly, he's using this, as well as the false information, to try and get something out of Steam/Valve through bullying and threats of future EGS exclusives for other Gearbox games. While it's certainly not illegal and Gearbox, as a private company, can sell on whatever platforms or stores as they so willingly choose for their published games, this is still highly unethical behavior and should not be encouraged.
Thirdly, while I really don't have that much of an opinion on the matter, there are a lot of fans that don't like this because they don't trust EGS for completely valid reasons. While I'm not a particular fan of this tactic of review bombing, especially since BL1 and BL2 have nothing to do with this and people might only be hurting the chances of other people picking up those games, it is a way, one of the only, that consumers have of voicing their dissatisfaction with companies that make decisions solely out of greed and not at the benefit of consumers. I can get Randy being pissed about the review bombing, but at the same time, it is an outlet for fans to voice frustrations, and it did work since it got your attention. Your response to it can either help or hurt, and it hurt.
Fourthly, immediately calling someone, a likely fan of Borderlands/Gearbox who was replying quite maturely as to why people are upset, a "troll" and telling him to fuck off is just completely immature and childish and does nothing to improve your image or the company you work for. For the record, this is what the person he was responding to said:
Honestly, with everything Pitchford has said and done over the years, I'm amazed he still has a job, and that's not even getting into the USB porn stuff from a couple of months ago. Part of me wishes he would just go out and do his magic stuff, it's clear that's his passion, because honestly, he's just hurting BL3 and Gearbox at this point.
Someone asked Troy and it's pretty much confirmed they recasted Rhys with some other dude he's not happy about this,i feel so bad for him because he loved Rhys what the fuck man. That could also mean they recasted other characters shiiiiiit.
Yeah I doubt they got any of the other voice actors if they couldn't be bothered to get Troy back, and if they did then that'd be kinda messed up if they just didn't get Troy.