Clementeen was gonna wear the red jacket throughout TFS, but this
was deemed to be reflective of who she was at the end of ANF instead and changed when production proper started on Done Running.
Aasim was sent to the school for arson. The school did end up working out for him and was supposed to leave however that's when shit kicked off with the zombies.
Aasim was sent to the school for arson. The school did end up working out for him and was supposed to leave however that's when shit kicked off with the zombies.
I asked this because before I thought Clem surviving was always going to be the ending, after Mudle rolled around. In interviews he suggests that this was always going to be the only end, but I don't think that's the case. Main one is when Pete Hawley (in may) spoke about talk of the game and really gripping choices, saying 'if choices really matter, get ready'
I said multiple, which was stated in an interview that I don't think clarified.
However, Snit did indeed pass word that there were gonna be two different endings when they actually got to Take Us Back proper.
Oh boy, so another case of Telltale saying not very wise things.
I will say that while it's been a while, I seem to recall the two endings saying little about her and thus likely having Teenay survive either way. You'd have to read them to be sure, though.
I asked this because before I thought Clem surviving was always going to be the ending, after Mudle rolled around. In interviews he suggests… more that this was always going to be the only end, but I don't think that's the case. Main one is when Pete Hawley (in may) spoke about talk of the game and really gripping choices, saying 'if choices really matter, get ready'
I found a pretty big bombshell. Very interesting stuff. Most of it consists of Kent talking about all the cool shit they would've done with TFS had they had the budget.
I found a pretty big bombshell. Very interesting stuff. Most of it consists of Kent talking about all the cool shit they would've done with TFS had they had the budget.
I found a pretty big bombshell. Very interesting stuff. Most of it consists of Kent talking about all the cool shit they would've done with TFS had they had the budget.
I found a pretty big bombshell. Very interesting stuff. Most of it consists of Kent talking about all the cool shit they would've done with TFS had they had the budget.
Kent said multi endings would've been made had they had the time and budget. Plus, we would've gotten more stuff to do; like more scenes to flesh out the characters. I think it would've made a difference.
Kent said multi endings would've been made had they had the time and budget. Plus, we would've gotten more stuff to do; like more scenes to flesh out the characters. I think it would've made a difference.
I gotta say, I never caught a whiff or thought of almost half of this stuff. And I frequented his tumblr a fair number of times over the past three months.
From James being in the original story(nevermind being with the Ericson Quartet in the first episode), to those two characters mentioned in the files, to the school originally being McCaroll Ranch, to the whole thing about slowly retaking an entire second half of the school(which some of us initially believed to be the Delta's headquarters). But it all makes a surprising amount of sense.
I think you may have misread that one file about Tenn grabbing Gina's gun, though.
Oh and there was also a character named Asha that I've posted Concept art of. She went through a considerable amount of redesigns.
I found a pretty big bombshell. Very interesting stuff. Most of it consists of Kent talking about all the cool shit they would've done with TFS had they had the budget.
I found a pretty big bombshell. Very interesting stuff. Most of it consists of Kent talking about all the cool shit they would've done with TFS had they had the budget.
TellTale's games could've sold better if they actually let people know they were coming out. If they had Kit Harrington, Emilia Clarke, and Peter Dinklage advertise GOT a lot and brought attention to it. GOT fans would've bought it along with TellTale fans. But yeah, MC2 and GOTG were not needed.
I don't know, but I wanna say no. It was only a brief question and a followup to Mr. Mudle.
I c
The initial draft for Take Us Back had Sullene and/or the remaining Delta soldiers chasing the group across the bridge.
Oh that Sullene... such a card.
Yeah yeah, I know.
How did you know?
Oh. Nevermind, I thought you were somebody else.
You did?
Well, not necessarily someone else, but of a particular attitude.
I'm guessing it was supposed to be one-sided. Louis still liked Clem, meanwhile Aasim would get jealous if Clem was to flirt back with him.
Clementeen was gonna wear the red jacket throughout TFS, but this
was deemed to be reflective of who she was at the end of ANF instead and changed when production proper started on Done Running.
Aasim was sent to the school for arson. The school did end up working out for him and was supposed to leave however that's when shit kicked off with the zombies.
Wait, that old post someone did a while back had some truth to it?!
Take Us Back was gonna have multiple endings.
The school was considered to have more locations to explore.
Minnie was debated regarding either becoming ally and/or coming back to school.
Broken Toys might have featured a choice to cut AJ's hair, but the art budget wasn't there.
What were the two endings?
I said multiple, which was stated in an interview that I don't think clarified.
However, Snit did indeed pass word that there were gonna be two different endings when they actually got to Take Us Back proper.
I asked this because before I thought Clem surviving was always going to be the ending, after Mudle rolled around. In interviews he suggests that this was always going to be the only end, but I don't think that's the case. Main one is when Pete Hawley (in may) spoke about talk of the game and really gripping choices, saying 'if choices really matter, get ready'
Oh boy, so another case of Telltale saying not very wise things.
I will say that while it's been a while, I seem to recall the two endings saying little about her and thus likely having Teenay survive either way. You'd have to read them to be sure, though.
Sullene was gonna be the [other] sole survivor of the Delta who would attack the group on their way back for revenge.
Where is ‘Finding Dorian’ when you need her?
But hey, at least they actually remembered she had potential motivation for a few seconds.
The Lee Inception was originally supposed to happen after Minnie knocked Clementeen out.
I found a pretty big bombshell. Very interesting stuff. Most of it consists of Kent talking about all the cool shit they would've done with TFS had they had the budget.

@Graysonn! Been quite a while since we've heard from him.
Damn shame the developers went into "damage control."
I’m glad they kept the school instead of destroying it in the first episode
The question is though: would it have made that much of a difference?
Kent said multi endings would've been made had they had the time and budget. Plus, we would've gotten more stuff to do; like more scenes to flesh out the characters. I think it would've made a difference.
Who knows? ?
I gotta say, I never caught a whiff or thought of almost half of this stuff. And I frequented his tumblr a fair number of times over the past three months.
From James being in the original story(nevermind being with the Ericson Quartet in the first episode), to those two characters mentioned in the files, to the school originally being McCaroll Ranch, to the whole thing about slowly retaking an entire second half of the school(which some of us initially believed to be the Delta's headquarters). But it all makes a surprising amount of sense.
I think you may have misread that one file about Tenn grabbing Gina's gun, though.
Oh and there was also a character named Asha that I've posted Concept art of. She went through a considerable amount of redesigns.
Boy, they really were ambitious with this one.
And this is why Guardians of the Galaxy and Minecraft 2 should have never existed. What a waste of budget, not to mention they sold like shit.
TellTale's games could've sold better if they actually let people know they were coming out. If they had Kit Harrington, Emilia Clarke, and Peter Dinklage advertise GOT a lot and brought attention to it. GOT fans would've bought it along with TellTale fans. But yeah, MC2 and GOTG were not needed.
Omar was going to die on the bridge and/or get sniped in early versions of Take Us Back(and then possibly Broken Toys) order to freak out Tenn.
Willy was gonna call walkers spicy boys at one point, whereas the term deadheads would've been used by everyone else a lot more.
"Spicy boys" how does anyone come to that name when naming the undead?
The only thing I can guess is the noise they make when you stab them in the head.