Cut content is a tricky business. Something can sound great on paper, but have a poor execution. Like a Vi/Clem fist fight sounds cool, but with Walkers everywhere, the fight would probably be over as soon as it started. Making the conflict feel weak or unfullfiled, you know?
Cut content is a tricky business. Something can sound great on paper, but have a poor execution. Like a Vi/Clem fist fight sounds cool, but … morewith Walkers everywhere, the fight would probably be over as soon as it started. Making the conflict feel weak or unfullfiled, you know?
Just learning about this, huh? I could've sworn someone brought it up here before, but ah well.
I will say that Violet would probably feel more solid if they kept this in some fashion, but I get the need to change it.
Nice, I remember how much cut content was in S1. Some of it may seem better than what actually happened.
God bless everyone.
Cut content is a tricky business. Something can sound great on paper, but have a poor execution. Like a Vi/Clem fist fight sounds cool, but with Walkers everywhere, the fight would probably be over as soon as it started. Making the conflict feel weak or unfullfiled, you know?
And everyone died.????