Does anyone else think...
This is Creepy? To think that Telltale had Clem's Sexuality in mind as Far back as Season 2? I personally don't believe it, but if this is true I'm fucking done.
Edit: I know this is probably not a thing. But now I can't unsee it.
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Just have to shake my head at twitter sometimes.
Nah. It's just a design. If they were going to put a rainbow - that put an actual rainbow. No white or green. They would've actually made a rainbow.
As oppose to 3.
As oppose to 1 - most likely
Wrong order of colours fam. Srsly tho why do the lgbt need a flag? Where’s our flag? I can’t wear rainbow clothes anymore without being called gay and I’m a very tacky person like that. Fecksake we need some straight awareness, it’s not even funny at this point ?
There was one city - Detroit - I think. The mayor passed a straight pride month - July I'm guessing
I can see your point, because it kind of sucks that shows can't simply have kids where rainbow shirts anymore because it may be looked upon as political.
God bless everyone.
Some people just like to a see or make a problem when there is none. Selective outrage I think it's called.
Yeah, heterosexual flag would be great for a change.
What would that look like?
How is it creepy exactly?
Because she was 11 and you shouldn’t be thinking about if 11 year olds like dick or not
Sounds pretty Pedophilic if you ask me ?
Not exactly sure what you mean.
God bless you.
That's sort of my point.
I was talking wearing rainbow colors for example. Or pink colors.
So by that logic, parents of 11 year old kids can't know their kids sexuality because it's according to you, "creepy". Huh?!!
Parents shouldn’t know their kids sexuality because it’s the child’s business whether they should know or not. It’s one thing to have the parent knowing, it’s another to proclaim whether u like cucumber or taco to a bunch of random strangers
...Why a cucumber?
uh... what?
I posted a link to a tweet suggesting that the Telltale Writers had Clementine's sexuality in mind going all the way back to Season 2 when Clem was 11. The Twitter account associated with said tweet has since been suspended. That's why the link is gone.
Because of the rainbow on the jacket?
Read a fucking history book. Read about the fucking Stonewall riots.
Lel, that is not an actual real life problem.
The fuck are you trying to say with that last sentence?
I’m saying nobody cares if you like making ur anus a 2 way street, so trying to force your sexuality down our throats when we honestly don’t care what you like can get very tiresome. I’ve known a few LGBT’s in my time, some of them were incredibly annoying and cartoony, whereas the others are open about who and what they like, but don’t talk about it 24/7. Guess which kind is the best.
Holy fuck lol. Melton23 is a god
But yeah, I really hate the incessant need for people to parade about their sexuality just to offend Christians equally as much as I hate Christians parading their bullshit on non believers or gays. Everyone has the freedom to believe or practice what they want, but keep it out of my fucking ear and in your head and personal life. Their should be no parade for weather someone likes the pole or the hole.
No one parades to offend Christians. People parade for social change.
This group of people was marginalized and oppressed literally for millennia and the great majority still suffer from stigma. Read a history book.
Except you know, the people that do and make LGBT lives miserable.
Oh it's just that getting romantically and sexually repressed during your golden years can do that to some? You always get to walk away if a person's personality doesn't please you, I'm sure they won't be crowding up to "shove their sexuality down your throat", they don't care that much about you, trust me.
Uh are we still talking about Clem or what ?
You never did start the whole discussion revolving around Clem, you started it on the basis on a generic pre-teen’s sexual identity, remember?
you are aware of how the numbers of LGBT supporters are far greater than those who wish to harm or shame them, right? Racism, sexism, homophobia and all that are now illegal, at least in the UK, so if those people weren’t happy with how they are being treated, if they are attacked or criticised, they can just report the crimes to the police, easy peasy, it’s been done before, many times, one of the more recent examples was something as simple as this
And it’s like I said, this kind of stuff is rare, so having society on their backs far outweighs a few irrelevancies, so they shouldn’t try too hard to sweat their “living hell” when straight people are left in the dark with no support, no decent pride parades, and metaphorical chains keeping us suppressed from saying anything even remotely offensive, even if we had no ill-intent.
This couldn’t be any further from the truth. (Before I get to the main point, I’d like to take the opportunity to say it’s a little hard to physically walk away from a gay person without being called homophobic, and a little harder when the forcefulness is all over the internet)
I grew up completely devoid of any sexual identity. I was/am straight, but I never used to chase girls, I never did anything romantic, hell my childhood was me trying to sneakily get my hands on lewd newspapers/magazines because I didn’t want to discuss sexual identity with anyone, I didn’t want a girlfriend, I felt awkward when I spoke about that kind of stuff, and just look at me now. Completely fine, some insanity still lingering about, but other than that I’m probably what the greatest generation would define as “half a fuck up”. I only use my phone when I leave the house, I play video games regularly but not obsessively, I’m not a horny little bastard who needs to feck everything that walks the earth, and on top of that for a few bonus points, I’m not trying to take some of that bedroom talk out of the bedroom, I’m not going to go to my friends and say “oi fam, but many bird ye necked innit fam” because I know, despite being “sexually repressed” in the past, I grew up to not want to talk about it to literally everyone I know, Sure I’ve had a few small flirts here and there’s but who doesn’t? At least I’m not over doing it, and at least I’m doing it like it’s supposed to be done. Kept PG 13 until the time is right.
And that, my friend, is how being “sexually repressed” turns you out to be better, rather than worse. So honestly, ppl have no excuse to walk up to me and say “I’M GAY, THAT MEANS I LIKE DICK” I mean good for you, well done, I don’t care, because at the end of the day you’re the exact same as us straights. A human being.
Hell, that's alot different from my sister. I hear her talkin about that shit with her boyfriend on occasion because she's not smart enough to keep the door closed. I'm surprised my parents haven't heard what she said and taken her ipod away because she talks loud enough to hear it from the living room. And really surprised she acts that way because she's actually been sexually Oppressed quite a few times in years past in school and out, and she only just met this guy. We tried to teach her what boundaries she shouldn't cross until she's ready, but it doesn't seem to stick with her.
Here we go, another case of "it's all equal on paper, so it must socially be too". It's not how reality works. Centuries of homophobic cultures running rampant don't just go "poof" the minute we add sexual orientation into written law.
And of course all of this ignoring the countries where it isn't even in written law. Where hate crime against LGBT still very much runs rampant. Of course I don't think we're talking about there are we?
You can't report an unaccepting family to the police? You can't report unrecorded harrassment you might be target off randomly in your day to day life to the police? The idea that every single case of homophobia will be protected by law enforcement is just bollocks, and cases where an unhinged homophobe is screaming their lungs out in events where naturally a lot of cameras are filming everywhere at all times is not an really good example of what LGBT people have to face throughout their lives.
Says you? Honestly ask yourself: who are you to say what LGBT people go or don't go through when most gay people will counter exactly what you're claiming right now?
When have straight people EVER not had society on its back? What support do straight people need? What stigma is there?
You get to say whatever offensive shit you want. People get to think you're an asshole afterwards though. Welcome to free speech: you are accountable for the shit you say. Shocking right?
"Oh it's just that getting romantically and sexually repressed during your golden years can do that to some?" Case in point, I, a gay man, wouldn't consider myself that "sexually open" with anyone but my boyfriend and my doctor and I was sexually repressed for a long while. I can however, definitely understand why other LGBT people would, looking at my experience and remembering how being in the closet makes you feel.
And that leads me to the fact that you missed out one little detail in your story: you had a choice to be that way.
I'm not going to say you weren't conditioned by society to behave how you behaved. Maybe you were, maybe you weren't, could be you're just introverted and don't care about society at all, good for you, but one thing is for sure: you were not conditioned by homophobia to behave that way. You didn't have that obstacle. LGBT people do, on top of everything else everyone else also does. And I'm going to tell you, that obstacle is a bitch, it can make you lose your family, get you secluded from your social circle, sometimes even get you at risk of being harassed, all if you don't keep quiet. I don't think it's fair to compare the freedom you had to be whatever you wanted to be in the romantic/sexual department.
But who are you to assign validity to people? To decide who is "better or worse"? Who is "fine" and who isn't? Is being sexually silent to people what makes one "fine" or "not fine"?
You get to find sexually open people to be annoying, gay or otherwise (though I'm not so sure you'd be so yicky if it was a straight guy talking about a sexual encounter in a locker room, would you?), but as I also said, you get to not talk to those people and avoid them, they probably don't care that much about you, sexually open people aren't dying to be your friends, they can get their own who don't mind sexual openess, because being sexually open is not a war crime for everybody nowdays believe it or not. If you avoid them they won't get that hung up on you, trust me, so these aren't really valid grounds to call the whole pride thing off. Some gay people talking about sex trigger you. Big deal. Just move on and hang out with who you want to hang out with, just don't be a hamper for people who are peacefully protesting for a good cause.
Also, just to put it out there, straight people are just as much if not more "sexually open" than gay people. You might just not be as sensitive to it.
What the fuck is happenin?
Dude, just stop, we’re literally agreeing with the same thing but you’re too stubborn to back down and admit that equality is good, but if people don’t want to hear about it it doesn’t mean they’re homophobic, sexist or racist, it just means that they don’t care for politics because people are all the same to them. You can’t force people to agree with you entirely, and if they don’t it doesn’t mean they’re trying to offend anyone in the slightest.
Back in my childhood, the early 2000’s, when people didn’t get into flame wars over sexual identity and when things seemed to be relatively at peace, there was a phase I went through where I genuinely was bisexual, until the time where I was about 9/10 where I decided I would stick to being straight, I probably have more of a right than you do to say that people shouldn’t force political bs down the throats of others if they don’t want to hear it, and if you do force your ideologies into them, then not only are you taking away their freedom of choice, but you’re acting in pure selfishness rather than selflessness, something that LGBTQ’s are definitely not supposed to represent, so if you do identify as LGBT, you should probably feel ashamed if you are like this in your personal life as you’d be a bigot, and no better than the people who take to actual commit crimes against LGBT’s, rather than people like me who at least try to make both sides forget about sexual identity and actually learn to see people for being people, rather than whether or not they want PP or not.
Just pointing out what happens. Suddenly the rainbow itself becomes political.
God bless you.