Might as well post this here, today Focus Home Interactive announced a renewal of their partnership with Dontnod, following the success of t… morehe previous game they worked on together, Vampyr, and now they are already working on a new title for them.
This new game is apparently their most ambitious one yet.
“We are delighted to continue the adventure with the team at DONTNOD who have already amply demonstrated their talents to create rich universes, enhanced by a masterful narrative and unique artistic direction. We are proud to once again allow the talent of the studio to express itself on this new project which is intended to be among the most ambitious in the history of FOCUS and DONTNOD” said John Bert, COO of Focus Home Interactive.
“We are excited to be strengthening our successful… [view original content]
Ep 1 grew on me a lot actually. First playthrough I thought it was fine, second playthrough and beyond I ended up really really liking it. Didn't like Ep 2. But I think I might feel pretty good about Ep 3 for Cassidy alone. Already practically loved her in Ep 2.
So far as a whole, I'm not really digging this season the way I did Season 1 and to a lesser extent BtS. But hopefully Wastelands will be the episode to rejuvenate the season for me, because I want to feel great about this. So far, I don't feel as emotionally invested as I was in previous installments.
I definitely liked this episode a hell of a lot more than Ep 2. As I said in the subreddit, Cassidy was a big piece in the reason this episode succeeded for me. Some flaws are still there, such as the over the top conflict that tends to feel undeserving, but it wasn't to the extent of Ep 2, which I appreciated.
More or less this felt like a good return to form for the devs. I had no problem with the uneventfulness of episode 2, but the conflict with the grandparents was just so undeserving that I completely checked out. I didn't feel any of the emotions they wanted me to feel. But this episode was completely different in that regard. I felt almost everything they wanted me to. Though, I'm still not invested in Sean and much less Daniel, who is quickly becoming one of the worst characters for me (I understand he's a kid, but it's very hard to make a child character compelling to me, because that almost ALWAYS means they will inevitably throw tantrums and act out in ways that is very costly. A convenient way to create conflict rather than just being a character all their own.) That said, that's where the undeserving conflict comes back in. Merrill understood that it's a tough age for Daniel. Deducting the pay of everyone as well as the intent to beat the kid just because he was where he wasn't supposed to be felt overdone just for the sake of tension. Subtlety towards conflict has almost never been in the devs game plan, but this season it's almost laughably over the top and on the nose.
Having said all that, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Was expecting a shakeup, but wasn't expecting shit to go that south for Sean especially. Shout out to the savior of this season in Cassidy, but since we don't stay in any one location for an extended time, she is likely to not return next episode, which would be highly unfortunate. But hopefully they can do something good with the momentum I think they've gained with this episode.
They also got a bit ballsy with the partial nudity. My eyes popped a bit at the beginning of the game after the first chapter.
Ok guys, no spoilers but I literally had to stop playing out of sheer boredom and frustration with episode 3. I stopped right before I go to the lake for the little brothers training session. Does the episode get better??? So far it is the cringiest, most propaganda filled shit I have ever suffered through.
So far it is the cringiest, most propaganda filled shit I have ever suffered through.
That's saying a lot considering this series. I haven't seen or played it, but I know it takes place on a pot farm or something in regards to marijuana. I figured this would give ample room for some bullshit political injections and pandering, but is it really that bad? Like, is it worse than the gas station guy from the first episode? Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me, feels like these writers live in a fucking bubble most of the time.
Ok guys, no spoilers but I literally had to stop playing out of sheer boredom and frustration with episode 3. I stopped right before I go to… more the lake for the little brothers training session. Does the episode get better??? So far it is the cringiest, most propaganda filled shit I have ever suffered through.
S1 was cringey at times but was still a very good story. The prequel wasn't that bad either.
S2 is literally the most repulsive propaganda piece I've ever seen in a video game. It's literally a bunch of French developers intersecting their political beliefs into what they think life in America is actually like.
So far it is the cringiest, most propaganda filled shit I have ever suffered through.
That's saying a lot considering this series. I… more haven't seen or played it, but I know it takes place on a pot farm or something in regards to marijuana. I figured this would give ample room for some bullshit political injections and pandering, but is it really that bad? Like, is it worse than the gas station guy from the first episode? Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me, feels like these writers live in a fucking bubble most of the time.
Finished episodes 1 and 2. I'm digging this game. The latter half of episode 2 did annoy me though when they decided to make every possible mistake you could do as a fugitive all in a single morning! First getting increasingly involved with the neighbor, then going to that market and topping it by going through Claire and Stephen's stuff. I also thought Sean was really obnoxious when arguing with Claire. "I can see now why mother left you". Claire was extremely good to the boys, they are running away from the police, and Sean complains about having to follow a handful of rules? I was shaking my head in disbelief.
Damn, Episode 5 is still slated to come out in December, huh?
Pretty bold of Dontnod (and Square Enix) to keep pushing through the long development times for each episode and deliver them in the time that they're required. Good for them.
It's been a 4 month wait for each episode in this season, hasn't it? I don't know how many LiS fans are playing the sequel, but to those who are, I want that kind of patience. Just over a full year of waiting to get the entire 5-Episode season.
(also... Is it any good? I've only heard some mixed stuff about the first episode -- mostly that if you thought the first season was cringy and written poorly, you'd think the same for this one.)
Well, so far, this game is pretty much like Guardians of the Galaxy. A big forgettable experience. I think this game has been selling way less than the first season and Before The Storm. Despite me hating the first season so much, at least I had joy watching it on youtube and making fun of it, even BTS. This game however, I just can't enjoy anything out of it, it's so boring. I tried watching some of my favorite youtubers playing it, even MetallicaRules (Deleted his playthrough btw) and they also couldn't help me go through it.
Damn, Episode 5 is still slated to come out in December, huh?
Pretty bold of Dontnod (and Square Enix) to keep pushing through the long d… moreevelopment times for each episode and deliver them in the time that they're required. Good for them.
It's been a 4 month wait for each episode in this season, hasn't it? I don't know how many LiS fans are playing the sequel, but to those who are, I want that kind of patience. Just over a full year of waiting to get the entire 5-Episode season.
(also... Is it any good? I've only heard some mixed stuff about the first episode -- mostly that if you thought the first season was cringy and written poorly, you'd think the same for this one.)
Eh, I deleted the first two episodes because what I intended to be good natured fun (playing the game buzzed and taking a drink every time something cringy happened) didn't end up being such for some viewers. That and I was kind of embarrassed by some of the actions in those videos. The thing is I do have a play through of Episode 3 I've been holding onto on my computer, one that is completely normal and like my other ones, I just never got onto uploading it, that and a lot of people weren't too thrilled with the first two episodes I put up anyway. I've really been wanting to, because trust me, there's A LOT to poke fun of in the episode (specifically a very out of place music montage that literally comes right the hell out of nowhere and Daniel acting like a bratty cunt).
Well, so far, this game is pretty much like Guardians of the Galaxy. A big forgettable experience. I think this game has been selling way le… moress than the first season and Before The Storm. Despite me hating the first season so much, at least I had joy watching it on youtube and making fun of it, even BTS. This game however, I just can't enjoy anything out of it, it's so boring. I tried watching some of my favorite youtubers playing it, even MetallicaRules (Deleted his playthrough btw) and they also couldn't help me go through it.
(also... Is it any good? I've only heard some mixed stuff about the first episode -- mostly that if you thought the first season was cringy and written poorly, you'd think the same for this one.)
I thought the first episode was a good introduction to the season,unfortunately episode 2 was really mediocre and not much happened in it,and when something did happen it felt forced,and i haven't played episode 3 yet but i've heard good and weird things about it.
Overall i guess the game is fine the problem is the wait between the episodes it's way too long.
Damn, Episode 5 is still slated to come out in December, huh?
Pretty bold of Dontnod (and Square Enix) to keep pushing through the long d… moreevelopment times for each episode and deliver them in the time that they're required. Good for them.
It's been a 4 month wait for each episode in this season, hasn't it? I don't know how many LiS fans are playing the sequel, but to those who are, I want that kind of patience. Just over a full year of waiting to get the entire 5-Episode season.
(also... Is it any good? I've only heard some mixed stuff about the first episode -- mostly that if you thought the first season was cringy and written poorly, you'd think the same for this one.)
Just finished Episode 4. To be honest, it felt really contrived and underwhelming. Life is Strange 2 is sadly not anywhere near the level of greatness of the first game.
Just finished Episode 4. To be honest, it felt really contrived and underwhelming. Life is Strange 2 is sadly not anywhere near the level of greatness of the first game.
So far I tried to stay atleast somewhat positive about this season, but I just can't do it anymore.
This was by far the most boring thing I have ever forced myself to play through.
Haven't played through the episode yet or seen any parts of it, but judging by reactions here and other places, it seems that this episode is just as pointless, infuriating, overly long, directionless, pedantic, and boring as the previous 3 in the season. Why am I not surprised?
All aboard the Life is Strange hate train. I am MetallicaRules, your conductor. I have been operating this train since January 30th, 2015, and as far as I can see, there is still no end in sight.
Haven't played through the episode yet or seen any parts of it, but judging by reactions here and other places, it seems that this episode i… mores just as pointless, infuriating, overly long, directionless, pedantic, and boring as the previous 3 in the season. Why am I not surprised?
All aboard the Life is Strange hate train. I am MetallicaRules, your conductor. I have been operating this train since January 30th, 2015, and as far as I can see, there is still no end in sight.
I'd honestly am waiting to play this serious a 4 month wait between episodes is flat out ridiculous luckily I've been able to avoid spoilers looking forward to Dec 3 lol literally a day before my birthday .
I finished the episode three days or so ago and had some time to think about it and the season as a whole.
I enjoyed LiS1 despite its flaws. I didn't like Before the Storm. I've been pretty favorable towards LiS2 throughout the first three episode, eventhough there's plenty to criticise. But episode 4 encapsules everything that doesn't work for me.
The biggest problem is by far the narrative structure. LiS1 - and to a lesser extent BtS - took place in one place across every episode, with the same characters throughout. You get to know Arcadia Bay and the characters living in it over all episodes and this is what LiS is best at: giving the player a feel for a place.
LiS2 doesn't have that. While the story in LiS1 unfolded in a pretty serialized way throughout each episode, LiS2 relies on a semi-monster-of-the-week structure, where each episode features its own place and its own set of characters. Only in special cases does a character appear in two episodes. What binds it all together are Sean, Daniel and their roadtrip to Mexico.
There are several problems with that.
First: there is no feeling of a significant overarching story. The episodes are all around two and a half to three hours long, where you spend most of the time either walking around areas, talking to your brother or being a bystander in someone else's more interesting story. Only in a few key moments do you actually take part in the story.
Second: since most of the interesting storylines happen to other characters and you can be sure that by the end of the episode or by the start of the next you'll be miles away from all of it, most of these storylines either don't get resolved or get resolved through simple text messages or other collectibles, which is not only unsatisfying but also quite frustrating. Best example is Captain Spirit's fate if he got run over by a car at the end of episode 2, which will be revealed in episode 4 by ... a letter. Oof.
Third: due to this narrative structure, conflict cannot be build up through character motivation. Here, it often feels like it was shoehorned in at random intervals to get the characters from one point to the next, be it the racist truck driver in E1, the cops in E2 or the racist brothers(?) in E4, though this one is debateable because this scene didn't really add or change anything in my playthrough.
Fourth: since they need to creat completely new enviroments and characters for every episode, developement time increases significantly. Three to four months between episodes is tough, but it's made a little bit better by the fact that not much happens in each episode anyway.
I do think Sean is one of the best characters in the whole series, but they really botched Daniel. By the end of episode 4 I really couldn't stand him.
I wrote a couple of months ago how DontnoD is pretty bad at handling "action" in their games, be it a physical confrontation or just fighting in general. This becomes really apparent in the church scene at the end of E4, which didn't work at all for me. I think I now know, what the problem is: the sound design.
There is no escalating stakes represented in the sound. No music, no soundeffects outside of dialogue and punches. No layering. Nothing. It's just way too clean and empty. Comparing that to any of the Telltale action scenes, the difference is STAGGERING.
To also say something positive about the game: it is really beautiful. The direction, camerawork, framing. There are shots in there that are simply breathtaking.
So that was my little random rumbling rant about LiS2.
I hope in Ep.5 -- Sean gets to kick some ass. He held his ground well enough in Ep.1, but since then -- he's just been taking these beatings over and over again. It'd be nice to see him kick someone's ass in Ep.5
I'm back from the pits of the abyss cause rebrands, and am itching to interact here and it so happens that I played this here episode.
This was a weird episode not gonna lie. It seriously felt like a draft to a script more so than a finished episode. Way too many conveniences popping into place (none I won't get into due to spoilers) and ideas that seemed cool in premise but ultimately failed in execution (the walky talky and "stealth" scenes). It also felt incredibly short despite taking 3 hours. Life is Strange has always suffered from inconsistent pacing but this episode in particularly was rough! My biggest caveat tho would have to be how there's no cliffhanger or conflict by the end of the episode. everything is taken care of in the episode and yeah they still need to get to their end goal of mexico but there's no shocking twists or turns to really get me excited. The teaser at the end was also laughably bad.
Despite all those problems...It was a'ight. Like a 6/10. Easily my least favorite episode this season.
You know, I completely forgot that the 5th episode was coming out. Didn’t even hear or see anything in regards to a trailer. I’d be very interested to know the sales numbers for this game, especially compared to the first one.
Episode 5 was great. I got the feels as soon as I realized who the girls in the photo were. They finally gave some closure to people who saved Chloe. I ended up with Daniel in Mexico as supervillians.
You know, I completely forgot that the 5th episode was coming out. Didn’t even hear or see anything in regards to a trailer. I’d be very interested to know the sales numbers for this game, especially compared to the first one.
Episode 5 was solid and really impressive in how they handled the endings. I may be wrong but from the looks of it by EP5 how you raised Daniel should be locked into place. Meaning if you wanted to be more nicer/threatening Daniel is gonna refuse. I can't say I loved any of the 4 endings but I really appreciate this episode and the season as a whole. Unlike Life is strange 1 I can remember this series fondly (despite episode 4's big issues...).
One of the best games I've played in a long time. Its actually given me a new perspective on the world. I hate to admit it, but I was like those rednecks at the border when I was kid. I haven't thought like that about immigrants for a very long time. But I never went as far as to use racial slurs against anybody. This game made me realize that people of all ethnicity no matter their age are discriminated against. This is a game that I will never forget. And the ending I got where Sean surrenders but reunites with Daniel was heart warming. 10/10
Just finished the last episode. It was a great episode. I wasn't expecting it to be, but it really was great. The scene at the border was intense and made me nervous. But what I liked most was the return of David. At first, I thought, "That looks and sounds like David." Then he said something like, "When I was solider...", and wow. It was like Kenny returning in TWD Season 2 all over again.
Just finished the last episode. It was a great episode. I wasn't expecting it to be, but it really was great. The scene at the border was in… moretense and made me nervous. But what I liked most was the return of David. At first, I thought, "That looks and sounds like David." Then he said something like, "When I was solider...", and wow. It was like Kenny returning in TWD Season 2 all over again.
X Focus? Why you gotta do this to me? I'm playing Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Episode 3 launch trailer
Ep 1 grew on me a lot actually. First playthrough I thought it was fine, second playthrough and beyond I ended up really really liking it. Didn't like Ep 2. But I think I might feel pretty good about Ep 3 for Cassidy alone. Already practically loved her in Ep 2.
So far as a whole, I'm not really digging this season the way I did Season 1 and to a lesser extent BtS. But hopefully Wastelands will be the episode to rejuvenate the season for me, because I want to feel great about this. So far, I don't feel as emotionally invested as I was in previous installments.
I enjoyed the episode well enough, but Daniel is really getting on my nerves.
Ah well, atleast there were boobies to take my mind off of him.
I definitely liked this episode a hell of a lot more than Ep 2. As I said in the subreddit, Cassidy was a big piece in the reason this episode succeeded for me. Some flaws are still there, such as the over the top conflict that tends to feel undeserving, but it wasn't to the extent of Ep 2, which I appreciated.
More or less this felt like a good return to form for the devs. I had no problem with the uneventfulness of episode 2, but the conflict with the grandparents was just so undeserving that I completely checked out. I didn't feel any of the emotions they wanted me to feel. But this episode was completely different in that regard. I felt almost everything they wanted me to. Though, I'm still not invested in Sean and much less Daniel, who is quickly becoming one of the worst characters for me (I understand he's a kid, but it's very hard to make a child character compelling to me, because that almost ALWAYS means they will inevitably throw tantrums and act out in ways that is very costly. A convenient way to create conflict rather than just being a character all their own.) That said, that's where the undeserving conflict comes back in. Merrill understood that it's a tough age for Daniel. Deducting the pay of everyone as well as the intent to beat the kid just because he was where he wasn't supposed to be felt overdone just for the sake of tension. Subtlety towards conflict has almost never been in the devs game plan, but this season it's almost laughably over the top and on the nose.
Having said all that, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Was expecting a shakeup, but wasn't expecting shit to go that south for Sean especially. Shout out to the savior of this season in Cassidy, but since we don't stay in any one location for an extended time, she is likely to not return next episode, which would be highly unfortunate. But hopefully they can do something good with the momentum I think they've gained with this episode.
They also got a bit ballsy with the partial nudity. My eyes popped a bit at the beginning of the game after the first chapter.
Just finished EP3. It was pretty good. The highlight being able to romance Cassidy. I wonder how many weed pods you can cut. I was able to get to 11.
Ok guys, no spoilers but I literally had to stop playing out of sheer boredom and frustration with episode 3. I stopped right before I go to the lake for the little brothers training session. Does the episode get better??? So far it is the cringiest, most propaganda filled shit I have ever suffered through.
That's saying a lot considering this series. I haven't seen or played it, but I know it takes place on a pot farm or something in regards to marijuana. I figured this would give ample room for some bullshit political injections and pandering, but is it really that bad? Like, is it worse than the gas station guy from the first episode? Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me, feels like these writers live in a fucking bubble most of the time.
S1 was cringey at times but was still a very good story. The prequel wasn't that bad either.
S2 is literally the most repulsive propaganda piece I've ever seen in a video game. It's literally a bunch of French developers intersecting their political beliefs into what they think life in America is actually like.
Finished episodes 1 and 2. I'm digging this game. The latter half of episode 2 did annoy me though when they decided to make every possible mistake you could do as a fugitive all in a single morning! First getting increasingly involved with the neighbor, then going to that market and topping it by going through Claire and Stephen's stuff. I also thought Sean was really obnoxious when arguing with Claire. "I can see now why mother left you". Claire was extremely good to the boys, they are running away from the police, and Sean complains about having to follow a handful of rules? I was shaking my head in disbelief.
I thought episode 3 was definitely the worst one so far. The new characters were pretty stale imo.
I don’t like Cassidy anymore. I would’ve given her a chance, but she’s fuck buddies with everyone at the camp
Damn, Episode 5 is still slated to come out in December, huh?
Pretty bold of Dontnod (and Square Enix) to keep pushing through the long development times for each episode and deliver them in the time that they're required. Good for them.
It's been a 4 month wait for each episode in this season, hasn't it? I don't know how many LiS fans are playing the sequel, but to those who are, I want that kind of patience. Just over a full year of waiting to get the entire 5-Episode season.
(also... Is it any good? I've only heard some mixed stuff about the first episode -- mostly that if you thought the first season was cringy and written poorly, you'd think the same for this one.)
Well, so far, this game is pretty much like Guardians of the Galaxy. A big forgettable experience. I think this game has been selling way less than the first season and Before The Storm. Despite me hating the first season so much, at least I had joy watching it on youtube and making fun of it, even BTS. This game however, I just can't enjoy anything out of it, it's so boring. I tried watching some of my favorite youtubers playing it, even MetallicaRules (Deleted his playthrough btw) and they also couldn't help me go through it.
Eh, I deleted the first two episodes because what I intended to be good natured fun (playing the game buzzed and taking a drink every time something cringy happened) didn't end up being such for some viewers. That and I was kind of embarrassed by some of the actions in those videos. The thing is I do have a play through of Episode 3 I've been holding onto on my computer, one that is completely normal and like my other ones, I just never got onto uploading it, that and a lot of people weren't too thrilled with the first two episodes I put up anyway. I've really been wanting to, because trust me, there's A LOT to poke fun of in the episode (specifically a very out of place music montage that literally comes right the hell out of nowhere and Daniel acting like a bratty cunt).
I thought the first episode was a good introduction to the season,unfortunately episode 2 was really mediocre and not much happened in it,and when something did happen it felt forced,and i haven't played episode 3 yet but i've heard good and weird things about it.
Overall i guess the game is fine the problem is the wait between the episodes it's way too long.
Have some goddamn faith, Daniel!
The episode 4 trailer premiered at Gamescom.

Just finished Episode 4. To be honest, it felt really contrived and underwhelming. Life is Strange 2 is sadly not anywhere near the level of greatness of the first game.
This game is even receiving low views on youtube. I knew it was going to be worse. This whole franchise won't get another chance, I bet.
So far I tried to stay atleast somewhat positive about this season, but I just can't do it anymore.
This was by far the most boring thing I have ever forced myself to play through.
Haven't played through the episode yet or seen any parts of it, but judging by reactions here and other places, it seems that this episode is just as pointless, infuriating, overly long, directionless, pedantic, and boring as the previous 3 in the season. Why am I not surprised?
All aboard the Life is Strange hate train. I am MetallicaRules, your conductor. I have been operating this train since January 30th, 2015, and as far as I can see, there is still no end in sight.
Whining about something for 4 years sure seems like time well spent.
It was a joke, calm down.
Needed to do this because we all forgot an old meme
I'd honestly am waiting to play this serious a 4 month wait between episodes is flat out ridiculous luckily I've been able to avoid spoilers looking forward to Dec 3 lol literally a day before my birthday .
I finished the episode three days or so ago and had some time to think about it and the season as a whole.
I enjoyed LiS1 despite its flaws. I didn't like Before the Storm. I've been pretty favorable towards LiS2 throughout the first three episode, eventhough there's plenty to criticise. But episode 4 encapsules everything that doesn't work for me.
The biggest problem is by far the narrative structure. LiS1 - and to a lesser extent BtS - took place in one place across every episode, with the same characters throughout. You get to know Arcadia Bay and the characters living in it over all episodes and this is what LiS is best at: giving the player a feel for a place.
LiS2 doesn't have that. While the story in LiS1 unfolded in a pretty serialized way throughout each episode, LiS2 relies on a semi-monster-of-the-week structure, where each episode features its own place and its own set of characters. Only in special cases does a character appear in two episodes. What binds it all together are Sean, Daniel and their roadtrip to Mexico.
There are several problems with that.
First: there is no feeling of a significant overarching story. The episodes are all around two and a half to three hours long, where you spend most of the time either walking around areas, talking to your brother or being a bystander in someone else's more interesting story. Only in a few key moments do you actually take part in the story.
Second: since most of the interesting storylines happen to other characters and you can be sure that by the end of the episode or by the start of the next you'll be miles away from all of it, most of these storylines either don't get resolved or get resolved through simple text messages or other collectibles, which is not only unsatisfying but also quite frustrating. Best example is Captain Spirit's fate if he got run over by a car at the end of episode 2, which will be revealed in episode 4 by ... a letter. Oof.
Third: due to this narrative structure, conflict cannot be build up through character motivation. Here, it often feels like it was shoehorned in at random intervals to get the characters from one point to the next, be it the racist truck driver in E1, the cops in E2 or the racist brothers(?) in E4, though this one is debateable because this scene didn't really add or change anything in my playthrough.
Fourth: since they need to creat completely new enviroments and characters for every episode, developement time increases significantly. Three to four months between episodes is tough, but it's made a little bit better by the fact that not much happens in each episode anyway.
I do think Sean is one of the best characters in the whole series, but they really botched Daniel. By the end of episode 4 I really couldn't stand him.
I wrote a couple of months ago how DontnoD is pretty bad at handling "action" in their games, be it a physical confrontation or just fighting in general. This becomes really apparent in the church scene at the end of E4, which didn't work at all for me. I think I now know, what the problem is: the sound design.
There is no escalating stakes represented in the sound. No music, no soundeffects outside of dialogue and punches. No layering. Nothing. It's just way too clean and empty. Comparing that to any of the Telltale action scenes, the difference is STAGGERING.
To also say something positive about the game: it is really beautiful. The direction, camerawork, framing. There are shots in there that are simply breathtaking.

So that was my little random rumbling rant about LiS2.
I hope in Ep.5 -- Sean gets to kick some ass. He held his ground well enough in Ep.1, but since then -- he's just been taking these beatings over and over again. It'd be nice to see him kick someone's ass in Ep.5
I'm back from the pits of the abyss cause rebrands, and am itching to interact here and it so happens that I played this here episode.
This was a weird episode not gonna lie. It seriously felt like a draft to a script more so than a finished episode. Way too many conveniences popping into place (none I won't get into due to spoilers) and ideas that seemed cool in premise but ultimately failed in execution (the walky talky and "stealth" scenes). It also felt incredibly short despite taking 3 hours. Life is Strange has always suffered from inconsistent pacing but this episode in particularly was rough! My biggest caveat tho would have to be how there's no cliffhanger or conflict by the end of the episode. everything is taken care of in the episode and yeah they still need to get to their end goal of mexico but there's no shocking twists or turns to really get me excited. The teaser at the end was also laughably bad.
Despite all those problems...It was a'ight. Like a 6/10. Easily my least favorite episode this season.
Episode 5 is out now and am currently watching it. I just wanted to say that I noticed a character that sounds a awful lot like Reggie...
You know, I completely forgot that the 5th episode was coming out. Didn’t even hear or see anything in regards to a trailer. I’d be very interested to know the sales numbers for this game, especially compared to the first one.
Episode 5 was great. I got the feels as soon as I realized who the girls in the photo were. They finally gave some closure to people who saved Chloe. I ended up with Daniel in Mexico as supervillians.
I only found out when Dartigan was livestreaming the last episode on Twitch. That proves how terrible the marketing was.
Episode 5 was solid and really impressive in how they handled the endings. I may be wrong but from the looks of it by EP5 how you raised Daniel should be locked into place. Meaning if you wanted to be more nicer/threatening Daniel is gonna refuse. I can't say I loved any of the 4 endings but I really appreciate this episode and the season as a whole. Unlike Life is strange 1 I can remember this series fondly (despite episode 4's big issues...).
One of the best games I've played in a long time. Its actually given me a new perspective on the world. I hate to admit it, but I was like those rednecks at the border when I was kid. I haven't thought like that about immigrants for a very long time. But I never went as far as to use racial slurs against anybody. This game made me realize that people of all ethnicity no matter their age are discriminated against. This is a game that I will never forget. And the ending I got where Sean surrenders but reunites with Daniel was heart warming. 10/10
Just finished the last episode. It was a great episode. I wasn't expecting it to be, but it really was great. The scene at the border was intense and made me nervous. But what I liked most was the return of David. At first, I thought, "That looks and sounds like David." Then he said something like, "When I was solider...", and wow. It was like Kenny returning in TWD Season 2 all over again.
Seeing his pictures with Chloe and Max was really cool. Along with his phone call with Chloe in his trailer
Wow, he has those pictures and talks to Chloe? I got to change my ending now. I sacrificed Chloe in LiS, so I didn't get to see that.