If Borderlands 3 takes place far after Tales From The Borderlands, they need to make it a direct sequel, taking place right after Fiona and Rhys open the vault.
Jesus Christ I really hope not, main line Borderlands/Gearbox writing team has been complete trash for a long ass time now, way worse than post 2016 Telltale.
I really dont want a Tales 2 without Nick Herman whos already seemed to not like the direction Gearbox has been going with Tales characters.
Jesus Christ I really hope not, main line Borderlands/Gearbox writing team has been complete trash for a long ass time now, way worse than p… moreost 2016 Telltale.
I really dont want a Tales 2 without Nick Herman whos already seemed to not like the direction Gearbox has been going with Tales characters.
Still, it's nice to hear they're not writing those characters off. Now I just hope Vaughn and Rhys aren't complete disasters in BL3, but from what I gathered so far I'm not holding my breath.
Jesus Christ I really hope not, main line Borderlands/Gearbox writing team has been complete trash for a long ass time now, way worse than p… moreost 2016 Telltale.
I really dont want a Tales 2 without Nick Herman whos already seemed to not like the direction Gearbox has been going with Tales characters.
I am both excited at the desire to continue and worried about what it would be (you can be both at the same time). It shows they at least have a passion for it. But if they do go forward with a second season, it needs to be Troy Baker as Rhys, and they should have Adhoc help develop it in some way.
I mean I like my narrative point and click games so....I dunno I'd be down to see something come out of a sequel. It won't feel the same without the original team of writers tho.
Tales was a commercial flop to the "old Telltale", who was shipping out games like they were candy on a yearly basis, and expecting them to sell like TWAU or TWD. The decline in sales started in the GoT and Tales era, but not because the games were awful, but because they were unpolished buggy messes who brought close to nothing new in terms of gameplay to the table. All this with 400 people on their payroll.
These new executives seem to have a different approach to selling these games: one at a time, small teams and outsourcing motion capture (whereas "old Telltale" did all animation by hand!!!).
I mean, it's always been a possibility, since 2K has the rights and I'm sure people were even willing to do it.
The fact of the matter is that Tales was a commercial flop, which is why we never got a sequel and why we'll never get one, either.
I'd be down for it, but yeah it would be best if the original creative team be a part of this hypothetical second season.
Though, this is just the words of one writer in the article, though. Best not to get one's hopes up too much. 2K would have to give Telltale the license again, and this new Telltale still has a game to make and a reputation to build. It's a great possibility though, if there's enough room for a story.
Its gonna take me forever to find it but on his twitter he mentioned how Rhys didnt feel right and was also showing disdain for Gearbox/Randy Pitchford's actions.
Can you post any evidence of Nick not liking it, I've never heard or seen anything.
What if Gearbox gave the job of Tales S2 to Adhoc, which is like 2/3rds of the original creative team.
I mean same guy probably had that amazing idea of "lol what if hear me out dudes... his name was...Rhys STRONGFORKS!!! Haha get it? Cuz Reese WITHERSPOON??? haha you see its funny cuz their both named "Rhys" yes I know Reese Witherspoon has nothing to do with Borderlands but XD funny!!!"
This is just one guy,he seems like a big fan and it's cool but i don't think it's gonna happen.
* and it's very likely that if they make another game it wouldn't be as good as the first one anyway.
I mean same guy probably had that amazing idea of "lol what if hear me out dudes... his name was...Rhys STRONGFORKS!!! Haha get it? Cuz Rees… moree WITHERSPOON??? haha you see its funny cuz their both named "Rhys" yes I know Reese Witherspoon has nothing to do with Borderlands but XD funny!!!"
Well who hasn't posted disdain for Pitchford, the guy is a prick and hated within the gaming community. Dude was also just held in contempt, so that's certainly not a good thing.
Its gonna take me forever to find it but on his twitter he mentioned how Rhys didnt feel right and was also showing disdain for Gearbox/Randy Pitchford's actions.
Well who hasn't posted disdain for Pitchford, the guy is a prick and hated within the gaming community. Dude was also just held in contempt, so that's certainly not a good thing.
I just checked. He said it was pretty weird, which it is, but nothing more. Someone else then said that the mustache is short hand for dreams coming true to which Herman replied by asking if he should give up now.
Its gonna take me forever to find it but on his twitter he mentioned how Rhys didnt feel right and was also showing disdain for Gearbox/Randy Pitchford's actions.
Or is Kevin Bruner the second Randy Pitchford? 🤔 I think Randy's been a known asshole for longer than Bruner, though I guess he hasn't run his company into the ground.
Being an asshole (who's rather controversial and also rather... toxic) whilst having a successful gaming studio is a touch better than being an asshole and willingly sabotaging your own company due to jealousy, poor decisions and greed.
Or is Kevin Bruner the second Randy Pitchford? 🤔 I think Randy's been a known asshole for longer than Bruner, though I guess he hasn't run his company into the ground.
These new executives seem to have a different approach to selling these games: one at a time, small teams and outsourcing motion capture (whereas "old Telltale" did all animation by hand!!!).
Batman: Enemy Within actually used a mix of motion capture and hand done animation. They had a suit and everything, but it was all rented I believe. If I remember right, Kent Mudle did quite a bit of motion capture specifically for John.
Tales was a commercial flop to the "old Telltale", who was shipping out games like they were candy on a yearly basis, and expecting them to … moresell like TWAU or TWD. The decline in sales started in the GoT and Tales era, but not because the games were awful, but because they were unpolished buggy messes who brought close to nothing new in terms of gameplay to the table. All this with 400 people on their payroll.
These new executives seem to have a different approach to selling these games: one at a time, small teams and outsourcing motion capture (whereas "old Telltale" did all animation by hand!!!).
Of course, we have to wait a see.
These new executives seem to have a different approach to selling these games: one at a time, small teams and outsourcing motion capture (wh… moreereas "old Telltale" did all animation by hand!!!).
Batman: Enemy Within actually used a mix of motion capture and hand done animation. They had a suit and everything, but it was all rented I believe. If I remember right, Kent Mudle did quite a bit of motion capture specifically for John.
Tales did fine in sales the only reason people think it did poorly was because Kevin Bruner said it was a "financial failure," however it was a "failure" it was only called one because it didnt meet his unrealistic expectations so they could expand the studio again. Its like how when Activision/Blizzard said they didnt meet their expectations even though it was the most money they ever pulled in over any year and then fired a ton of people because of it.
I honestly don't think they will dare to do TFTB before the company is finasual stable. Tales was definitely not a financial failure (like Game of thrones,Guardians etc.) but damm when Nick Herman said sales where "decent" and "It's not like we lost money" a part of me bitterly knew that the odds of another season was slim at best.
When you look at how well a game did with the old Telltale you have to consider how ridiculously big the company was. They had 400 people on their payroll!! Tales had AMAZING sales, and any small sized company, such as the current Telltale, would be extremely lucky to make its second season.
Tales did fine in sales the only reason people think it did poorly was because Kevin Bruner said it was a "financial failure," however it wa… mores a "failure" it was only called one because it didnt meet his unrealistic expectations so they could expand the studio again. Its like how when Activision/Blizzard said they didnt meet their expectations even though it was the most money they ever pulled in over any year and then fired a ton of people because of it.
I hope , they get good opening credit themes , I mean I’m biased on (Back To The Top) and the reason I love (Tales From The Borderlands) is because of those opening themes that’s why I got so hooked on that game back in 2017...lets make it happen and hopefully a Wolf among Us Season 2 🙏🏻
So it seems that if the next 2 data mined DLC expansions are indeed both separate expansions, there isnt going to be a Tales DLC. (which is kinda surprising as it seemed like they were setting one up with some of the Rhys voice lines and echos) and seeing how one of the 4 DLCs apparently involves Ava and will probably be the "real" ending to BL3 seeing how the end credits and BL3 ending already hinted Lilith probably isnt dead.
Low key I am a bit happy, as I had said before, I actually think BL3 leaves off at a really good spot for a potential season 2 of Tales that could work super well, and a DLC could potentially put it in a spot where it wouldnt work super well. However, no Tales DLC after what seemed like a set up for a Tales DLC could also mean Gearbox is going to make a Tales 2 which I dont know if Id be happy with seeing how BL3's story is by far the weakest part of the game. Seeing Telltale and AdHoc back just makes me want Tales 2 to be in the right hands, and those hands being AdHoc.
Ship War Revival.
If Borderlands 3 takes place far after Tales From The Borderlands, they need to make it a direct sequel, taking place right after Fiona and Rhys open the vault.
several months later

I think the first shipping war went more like this.
I mean, it's always been a possibility, since 2K has the rights and I'm sure people were even willing to do it.
The fact of the matter is that Tales was a commercial flop, which is why we never got a sequel and why we'll never get one, either.
Jesus Christ I really hope not, main line Borderlands/Gearbox writing team has been complete trash for a long ass time now, way worse than post 2016 Telltale.
I really dont want a Tales 2 without Nick Herman whos already seemed to not like the direction Gearbox has been going with Tales characters.
Tales is tied with TWD season 1 as my favorite telltale series so I hope this comes to pass.
Who is Nick Herman? Was he like the lead writer or something?
Yeah, with different writers.
Still, it's nice to hear they're not writing those characters off. Now I just hope Vaughn and Rhys aren't complete disasters in BL3, but from what I gathered so far I'm not holding my breath.
Can you post any evidence of Nick not liking it, I've never heard or seen anything.
What if Gearbox gave the job of Tales S2 to Adhoc, which is like 2/3rds of the original creative team.
He was the lead director of Tales, one of the three creative heads along with Pierre Shorette (lead writer) and Mark Darin (lead designer).
No wonder Tales was so great. Those are like my 3 top Telltale devs.
I am both excited at the desire to continue and worried about what it would be (you can be both at the same time). It shows they at least have a passion for it. But if they do go forward with a second season, it needs to be Troy Baker as Rhys, and they should have Adhoc help develop it in some way.
I mean I like my narrative point and click games so....I dunno I'd be down to see something come out of a sequel. It won't feel the same without the original team of writers tho.
Tales was a commercial flop to the "old Telltale", who was shipping out games like they were candy on a yearly basis, and expecting them to sell like TWAU or TWD. The decline in sales started in the GoT and Tales era, but not because the games were awful, but because they were unpolished buggy messes who brought close to nothing new in terms of gameplay to the table. All this with 400 people on their payroll.
These new executives seem to have a different approach to selling these games: one at a time, small teams and outsourcing motion capture (whereas "old Telltale" did all animation by hand!!!).
Of course, we have to wait a see.
Holy ffffffff......
I'd be down for it, but yeah it would be best if the original creative team be a part of this hypothetical second season.
Though, this is just the words of one writer in the article, though. Best not to get one's hopes up too much. 2K would have to give Telltale the license again, and this new Telltale still has a game to make and a reputation to build. It's a great possibility though, if there's enough room for a story.
This is just one guy,he seems like a big fan and it's cool but i don't think it's gonna happen.
Its gonna take me forever to find it but on his twitter he mentioned how Rhys didnt feel right and was also showing disdain for Gearbox/Randy Pitchford's actions.
I mean same guy probably had that amazing idea of "lol what if hear me out dudes... his name was...Rhys STRONGFORKS!!! Haha get it? Cuz Reese WITHERSPOON??? haha you see its funny cuz their both named "Rhys" yes I know Reese Witherspoon has nothing to do with Borderlands but XD funny!!!"
I mean honestly the Borderlands serie (Including Tales) always has that kinda humor, its nothing new.
Well who hasn't posted disdain for Pitchford, the guy is a prick and hated within the gaming community. Dude was also just held in contempt, so that's certainly not a good thing.
The second Kevin Bruner.
I just checked. He said it was pretty weird, which it is, but nothing more. Someone else then said that the mustache is short hand for dreams coming true to which Herman replied by asking if he should give up now.
I don't think it's more than "pretty weird".
Or is Kevin Bruner the second Randy Pitchford? 🤔 I think Randy's been a known asshole for longer than Bruner, though I guess he hasn't run his company into the ground.
Kevin Bruner is in a league of his own.
Being an asshole (who's rather controversial and also rather... toxic) whilst having a successful gaming studio is a touch better than being an asshole and willingly sabotaging your own company due to jealousy, poor decisions and greed.
I just realized the chances of me starting the first one by the end of this year.
Batman: Enemy Within actually used a mix of motion capture and hand done animation. They had a suit and everything, but it was all rented I believe. If I remember right, Kent Mudle did quite a bit of motion capture specifically for John.
I imagine creating those fighting scenes by hand would be a pain in the ass... so I guess it kinda makes sense!
(Sorry for bumping this thread up, I saw this and have had some thoughts on it)
I don't see why they'd do this, the game didn't get a lot of sales.
Tales did fine in sales the only reason people think it did poorly was because Kevin Bruner said it was a "financial failure," however it was a "failure" it was only called one because it didnt meet his unrealistic expectations so they could expand the studio again. Its like how when Activision/Blizzard said they didnt meet their expectations even though it was the most money they ever pulled in over any year and then fired a ton of people because of it.
I honestly don't think they will dare to do TFTB before the company is finasual stable. Tales was definitely not a financial failure (like Game of thrones,Guardians etc.) but damm when Nick Herman said sales where "decent" and "It's not like we lost money" a part of me bitterly knew that the odds of another season was slim at best.
Nope, nevermind...
When you look at how well a game did with the old Telltale you have to consider how ridiculously big the company was. They had 400 people on their payroll!! Tales had AMAZING sales, and any small sized company, such as the current Telltale, would be extremely lucky to make its second season.
that goddamn goatee bearded prick Bruner...
I hope , they get good opening credit themes , I mean I’m biased on (Back To The Top) and the reason I love (Tales From The Borderlands) is because of those opening themes that’s why I got so hooked on that game back in 2017...lets make it happen and hopefully a Wolf among Us Season 2 🙏🏻
No one:
Random guy from an alternate universe with Tales 2:
Nice SFM model, poogs
Thank you
So it seems that if the next 2 data mined DLC expansions are indeed both separate expansions, there isnt going to be a Tales DLC. (which is kinda surprising as it seemed like they were setting one up with some of the Rhys voice lines and echos) and seeing how one of the 4 DLCs apparently involves Ava and will probably be the "real" ending to BL3 seeing how the end credits and BL3 ending already hinted Lilith probably isnt dead.
Low key I am a bit happy, as I had said before, I actually think BL3 leaves off at a really good spot for a potential season 2 of Tales that could work super well, and a DLC could potentially put it in a spot where it wouldnt work super well. However, no Tales DLC after what seemed like a set up for a Tales DLC could also mean Gearbox is going to make a Tales 2 which I dont know if Id be happy with seeing how BL3's story is by far the weakest part of the game. Seeing Telltale and AdHoc back just makes me want Tales 2 to be in the right hands, and those hands being AdHoc.