The Collection from 2017 removed dialogue that was present in standalone versions, like the option to speak to Christa near the End of Episode 3, though I haven't played it, I'd say they brought it back in and kept the dialogue the same.
By the way, is there anything new added to the seasons? For example: certain dialogues with characters that the collection misused. It is a shame that it is still not working yet, but alas.
In the original Xbox 360 version there was a dialogue option when leaving the dairy in S1 where you can say to Carley/Doug what you thought about them leaving the motel unattended, this was removed for the PS4 version and every version after that. Instead lee just says they made the right call. Not sure why they couldn't have brought that back in the definitive
The Collection from 2017 removed dialogue that was present in standalone versions, like the option to speak to Christa near the End of Episode 3, though I haven't played it, I'd say they brought it back in and kept the dialogue the same.
In the original Xbox 360 version there was a dialogue option when leaving the dairy in S1 where you can say to Carley/Doug what you thought … moreabout them leaving the motel unattended, this was removed for the PS4 version and every version after that. Instead lee just says they made the right call. Not sure why they couldn't have brought that back in the definitive
I was talking about Fanboy in general, it wasn't directed towards you, not sure why you felt that way. Telling others to show some respect and appreciation for the hard work they have done, while pointing out some of the flaws, isn't being a fanboy. As you've mentioned in your post, "we are all fanboys" and I totally agree with that. I've tried both brands X and Y, and they both have their pros and cons, but if someone ask me which is better, I would not say brand X, brand Y sucks, that would be a fanboy. Instead, I present data from both sides, and let them decided on their own.
A real world example would be Android vs iOS
I like Android for it's simplicity and ease of use, such as when backing up photos from the phone, all one needs to do is, connect it to their machines, and just copy and paste it over, like a standard USB flash drive. iOS on the other hand does not work like that, it requires their own software do complete the same task, which I find to be extremely annoying.
iOS on the other hand offers better support and security, this is the part where Android comes up short. While a 5 year old phone can still download the latest version of iOS. Android phones on the other hand, a 2 year old phone is consider to be outdated, therefore it's not allowed to download the latest version of Android.
Since the fanboy comment you replied to was definitely directed towards me, I just want to explain that I defend the Brand because it is now… morehere near as bad as people make out. If such a Brand can have such an impact on my life and change it for the better, as well as doing the same for millions of people, then there is truly something special about it that not a lot of people see as they prefer to bash it when possible.
They go on as if it causes sleepless nights, panic attacks, and all that.
I am well aware there are people out there who take it to an extreme, but all I've done was stand up and defend the Brand, I haven't doxxed anyone, nor do I have any knowledge as to how that can be accomplished. I haven't threatened anyone, I am not like that.
The problem is, people who speak positively about a game and defend it are perceived to be fanboys, while the people who walk all over it, shit talk the game on any and all platforms are perc… [view original content]
I know man, I don't mean to be rude to you, but I said at the start of the comment that the "fanboy" comment you replied to was directed at me, I was being called the "fanboy" by someone else, who happened to be someone who you replied to and explained the toxicity of people online who go to extreme lengths. There are points where I say "you", but I didn't direct that at you personally, that's more towards the onlookers and any user that behaves similarly to some of the toxic folk on here. I have no issue with you whatsoever man, so I am deeply sorry if my comment made you feel otherwise.
I was talking about Fanboy in general, it wasn't directed towards you, not sure why you felt that way. Telling others to show some respect a… morend appreciation for the hard work they have done, while pointing out some of the flaws, isn't being a fanboy. As you've mentioned in your post, "we are all fanboys" and I totally agree with that. I've tried both brands X and Y, and they both have their pros and cons, but if someone ask me which is better, I would not say brand X, brand Y sucks, that would be a fanboy. Instead, I present data from both sides, and let them decided on their own.
A real world example would be Android vs iOS
I like Android for it's simplicity and ease of use, such as when backing up photos from the phone, all one needs to do is, connect it to their machines, and just copy and paste it over, like a standard USB flash drive. iOS on the other hand does not work like that, it requires their own software do complete the same ta… [view original content]
I don't see you defending as being a fanboy, all I see is asking others for a bit of respect and appreciation with the work the developers have done with the game. While I did reply to that other member by saying "fanboys are toxic, better stay far away from them", I also replied to your post
You said
That is just unfortunate then, there seems to be a number of people who just don't appreciate the work being put in.
In which I replied
There will always be some people who are just never pleased with anything, and will always look for something negative to moan about even when there is none. They seem to have this grudge, and pretentious attitude, as if the world owes them something, and they're better than everyone. While in reality the world owes them nothing, and they're no better than everyone else.
I know man, I don't mean to be rude to you, but I said at the start of the comment that the "fanboy" comment you replied to was directed at … moreme, I was being called the "fanboy" by someone else, who happened to be someone who you replied to and explained the toxicity of people online who go to extreme lengths. There are points where I say "you", but I didn't direct that at you personally, that's more towards the onlookers and any user that behaves similarly to some of the toxic folk on here. I have no issue with you whatsoever man, so I am deeply sorry if my comment made you feel otherwise.
I know, it's no fault of yours man, my explanations are all over the place to make a long, messy explanation short, I have no issue with you, I wasn't directing any form of negativity toward you, I was just stating my actions and how they differ from what is known as a "fanboy" and how I was labelled that by a fellow Forum User. Anyway, no issue with you, sorry if my comments appeared as such, you've been pretty decent to me, so thank you
I don't see you defending as being a fanboy, all I see is asking others for a bit of respect and appreciation with the work the developers h… moreave done with the game. While I did reply to that other member by saying "fanboys are toxic, better stay far away from them", I also replied to your post
You said
That is just unfortunate then, there seems to be a number of people who just don't appreciate the work being put in.
In which I replied
There will always be some people who are just never pleased with anything, and will always look for something negative to moan about even when there is none. They seem to have this grudge, and pretentious attitude, as if the world owes them something, and they're better than everyone. While in reality the world owes them nothing, and they're no better than everyone else.
If thats how you feel I can just say its pretty obvious youve reached a point where no matter what they do, youll praise it and say its amazing. You act like I dont like it for no reason because you personally love it. So its pointless. If you say I just blindly hate it, then you just blindly love it. And its not like I just always hated the series and just come here to shit on it, I loved the series and it became disappointing and I wanted it to be better thus why I criticize. Im sorry Im not like you and will just accept whatever crap they throw at us the consumers.
(also youre point about clicking disco broccoli multiple times is stupid Im sorry, anyone who has played many Telltale games sees that it was the one inspect option that didnt go away after you clicked it, and 9 times out of 10 when that happens, its because something happens if you click it again, so stop acting as if its some super hidden thing because it isnt. Like I figured out instantly something would happen if I kept clicking, what am I suppose to do just stop because I dont know whats going to happen and maybe I wont like it? Maybe Ill keep clicking and Ill love what happens, wont know till I do it.)
Also again, I give them praise where its due I've already gone over that, not sure why you think even if they did everything I DEMAND them to do you think I would still go "man you guys suck" when I have never done that. You keep trying to paint me as if I just refuse to say they do anything right when I have multiple times. Its why I criticize later episodes of Final Season because what they were doing so well in episodes 1 and 2 because I had faith they would continue with what they were doing so well with, but it was turned around and it went back to feeling extremely mediocre. So what you think I just changed my mind for no reason cuz I just wanna go "Grrr!!! Fuck Telltale!!! Grrrrr!!!" ? Also no idea what the fuck you are saying about me saying OG Telltale's catalogue was bad. When have I ever said that? Half my criticisms are how the newer Telltale games are nothing like the older ones and how the older ones felt like the dev teams behind them cared a lot more and had a much stronger vision for the story.
Heres me pointing out my opinion. I said I didnt like the direction they took it. I said I wasnt going to just give them praise for the direction they took it in. (almost like I didnt like it personally thus why Im not going to praise the final product due to them taking it in a direction I was not a fan of) Its beyond self explanatory. Like serious bruh moment right there. I dont need to keep writing "my opinion" when its pretty clear my whole post is my opinion.
There's something about your comment that leads me to believe you didn't have a lot of fun typing it.
Jokes aside, you are holding all Dev… mores responsible for a report that informs that there were some Staff that behaved inappropriately towards their colleagues. Since the report doesn't give any names, let's just assume that all Staff were like that am I right? Good one mate.
My issue isn't completely on your mixed feelings towards an Easter Egg, (which I will remind you and other folks requires a several amount of interactions to get) it's how literally anything they do, Skybound, Telltale, The StillNotBitten Team, you seem to take such a strong issue with, and make an issue out of something that isn't there. I have no doubt that if they catered to your very specific desires, you'd still complain because your mind seems to shift from one desire to another.
You go on as if OG Telltale's Catalogue was bad, but I'll share a fact of my own and… [view original content]
Yeah I've said my piece, before you commented I was tempted to type another response, but at the end of my latest comment on the discussion, I agreed that the discussion shouldn't continue any further, so I shall stick by that man
In the original Xbox 360 version there was a dialogue option when leaving the dairy in S1 where you can say to Carley/Doug what you thought … moreabout them leaving the motel unattended, this was removed for the PS4 version and every version after that. Instead lee just says they made the right call. Not sure why they couldn't have brought that back in the definitive
I'm on the PC and after redownloading the game, Developer Commentary is still missing from my game. Skybound did respond back to me and told me where to go, but it's still not there.
It's random, some ran fine from the start, others had problems even after patch. Then there are other variables to take into consideration, such as age of machine, environment, and other nonsense. I had this person where their machine would constantly freeze, after they plugged into another wall outlet, the problem went away.
It's random, some ran fine from the start, others had problems even after patch. Then there are other variables to take into consideration, … moresuch as age of machine, environment, and other nonsense. I had this person where their machine would constantly freeze, after they plugged into another wall outlet, the problem went away.
I think the Definitive Series is a great move on Skybound's part. I mean what else were they supposed to do to make back some of the money they lost? Especially with such a small development team. And most of the fans like it too.
Season 1 looks nice and is a welcome change. Some parts look gorgeous, some parts look bad. Something I can see myself playing. Season 2, for me at least, most of it looks inferior and I would much rather play the normal version. Season 3 is interesting because ANF looked shit before, so now it seems like "well let's try this style" and it actually brings something new and somewhat cool. Again, some parts look washed out and bad but I can see myself playing this one in the future, mostly because of how the "doll" models and faces have been fixed. Episode 5 looks a lot better.
Honestly, my main problem is how the graphic black happens so close to where the camera is. I knew it wouldn't be like TFS, but still it's a bit jarring how literally everything has to be graphic black. Especially in tight rooms/camera views, it looks wierd because it's all black and rustic right behind the character's face. Sure it's an acquired taste, but you don't have to make everything look like a comic. Looks really bad in those spaces.
And the big one, I don't know why but making everything look graphic black, for me at least, really takes away from the immersion. It definitely looks like the games weren't made with that intention or even possibility. I just like something about how grounded and gritty the original seasons look, and the graphic black kinda takes away from that. But it's probably just me. In general, yes game very good. The developers poured their blood, sweat and tears and there was an insane amount of dedication and effort and determination to make this product the very best it could be, and this gargantuan effort is not something I want to undermine with this mini-review. It must have taken hundreds of hours to get this product done. So much programming, so much art, updating the new models, creating the model viewer, etc. Just a mammoth amount of work that honestly forces me to rethink how I go about treating dissapointments. Like, honestly dudes, this is insane! Massive props and respect and kudos and all that shit to my main crew, StillNotBitten team (one hell of a name might I add) for sticking it out and putting together a neat little product, one last time, for the fans. Massive respect.
I think the Definitive Series is a great move on Skybound's part. I mean what else were they supposed to do to make back some of the money t… morehey lost? Especially with such a small development team. And most of the fans like it too.
Season 1 looks nice and is a welcome change. Some parts look gorgeous, some parts look bad. Something I can see myself playing. Season 2, for me at least, most of it looks inferior and I would much rather play the normal version. Season 3 is interesting because ANF looked shit before, so now it seems like "well let's try this style" and it actually brings something new and somewhat cool. Again, some parts look washed out and bad but I can see myself playing this one in the future, mostly because of how the "doll" models and faces have been fixed. Episode 5 looks a lot better.
Honestly, my main problem is how the graphic black happens so close to where the camera is. I knew it wouldn't be like TFS, but still it… [view original content]
So in the original New Frontier game you can slap Ava. They Removed it in the Collection, and it seems they removed it from the Definitive series too. (Edit: I did the dialogue leading up to the slap Ava choice but the scene leading up to it didn't happen including the choice itself).
So in the original New Frontier game you can slap Ava. They Removed it in the Collection, and it seems they removed it from the Definitive s… moreeries too. (Edit: I did the dialogue leading up to the slap Ava choice but the scene leading up to it didn't happen including the choice itself).
The Definitive's menu is a really nice environment of nostalgia. Clem's house, but all dilapidated. Kinda makes me wonder if this concept was going to be used for the Final Season in a more "fan-servicey" kind of ending to the series, or if it was made specifically as a menu for this edition. (The side trophies/achievements certainly seemed like they were pointing towards a round-trip back to her house, but maybe that's just me. -- "You and Me: Came Full Circle", things like that...)
Looking at ANF's menu... yeah, Skybound wasn't lying. They really recreated the menus of each season faithfully, and that includes the style-less Netflix-type menus of that era. Really jarring to see that the other seasons look the same as ever, with lots of unique parts and a visual flair, and ANF is just... bleh.
Also, yeah, there are some overlooked things indeed in this edition. I've only found one so far, but it's probably the first of many judging by others' responses. Not a big deal yet though... In the "Developer Commentary" menu, the track/video for S3E5's From The Gallows notes that 'Jeff Shine' (Javier Garcia) is on the panel talking about the episode, when his name is actually 'Jeff Schine'. Oops, just the main actor of the season, no biggie.
Also yeah, my Definitive Edition is working fine on PS4. I can access and play the commentary videos, and access all the season's menus.
Early draft has been confirmed Clem would go back to her house and some work was done on it which then became the main menu. It didnt really get that far other than she goes home though apparently.
The Definitive's menu is a really nice environment of nostalgia. Clem's house, but all dilapidated. Kinda makes me wonder if this concept wa… mores going to be used for the Final Season in a more "fan-servicey" kind of ending to the series, or if it was made specifically as a menu for this edition. (The side trophies/achievements certainly seemed like they were pointing towards a round-trip back to her house, but maybe that's just me. -- "You and Me: Came Full Circle", things like that...)
Looking at ANF's menu... yeah, Skybound wasn't lying. They really recreated the menus of each season faithfully, and that includes the style-less Netflix-type menus of that era. Really jarring to see that the other seasons look the same as ever, with lots of unique parts and a visual flair, and ANF is just... bleh.
Also, yeah, there are some overlooked things indeed in this edition. I've only found one so far, but it's probably the first of many judging by … [view original content]
I still cannot see the developer commentary even after downloading the game twice. And does Season 2 have the option to turn off graphic black or is it on by default because, I cannot see a option to turn it off in Season 2. I don't want to turn it off, it's because of the missing developer commentary, I don't know if graphic black option missing in Season 2 is another problem that I'm having, along with the missing developer commentary, or it's done like that on purpose. I have not pay attention to Season 3 yet, or played that long into the game, as I'm still bummed out and still hoping there is a fix because I want to replay the game with developer commentary.
I did e-mail them and first they said it's under Season Select which I don't see it, but that's for the Xbox and PS4. On the PC version they said it's inside Season Select. I went inside Season Select and it's still not there either. I went to YouTube to check out game plays of it and it clearly shows for PS4 and Xbox it's under Season Select, but I can't find a game play where someone show the menu for the PC version.
I also asked them will the commentaries be on the physical copy as I did order a physical copy, and they said, no with the 10 hours of footage, it's too large to fit on to a disc. They also mentioned I need to be connected to the internet to see that feature. Well I am connected to the internet, and I still cannot see it. The other thing is, if the footage is not on the disc, due to its size, and I have to connect to the internet to see it, it means it's streaming from somewhere. Well that does not matter, because not everyone has the privilege of having faster internet, and some even have data caps. They should have done it in a way, where everything gets downloaded, not streamed. The game download is already 49.7GB in size, so I don't mind downloading another who know how GB more just for that 10 hours of footage. Developer Commentaries is the primary reason I pre-order it, along with the other physical goodies, but with some restrictions or this "fine print" nonsense, after I got the game, is not a way to make a customer satisfied with their purchase. The other problem is, I cannot tell if the problem is on EpicGames end or the digital code I got which somehow don't include the developer commentary.
Yes EpicGames helped Skybound and TellTale because without them Clementine's story will never be finished and I really appreciate that, but their platform is absolute trash. There is no user reviews or discussion boards. On Steam there are user reviews and discussion boards for every game, where users can go there to see if anyone else is having the same problem and see if there is a solution for it. I hope Definitive Edition ends up on Steam.
I replied back that I still cannot see it inside Season Select and they have not got back to me yet.
The Collection from 2017 removed dialogue that was present in standalone versions, like the option to speak to Christa near the End of Episode 3, though I haven't played it, I'd say they brought it back in and kept the dialogue the same.
In the original Xbox 360 version there was a dialogue option when leaving the dairy in S1 where you can say to Carley/Doug what you thought about them leaving the motel unattended, this was removed for the PS4 version and every version after that. Instead lee just says they made the right call. Not sure why they couldn't have brought that back in the definitive
Okay; thank you for letting me know. 😊
Oh, cool.
I was talking about Fanboy in general, it wasn't directed towards you, not sure why you felt that way. Telling others to show some respect and appreciation for the hard work they have done, while pointing out some of the flaws, isn't being a fanboy. As you've mentioned in your post, "we are all fanboys" and I totally agree with that. I've tried both brands X and Y, and they both have their pros and cons, but if someone ask me which is better, I would not say brand X, brand Y sucks, that would be a fanboy. Instead, I present data from both sides, and let them decided on their own.
A real world example would be Android vs iOS
I like Android for it's simplicity and ease of use, such as when backing up photos from the phone, all one needs to do is, connect it to their machines, and just copy and paste it over, like a standard USB flash drive. iOS on the other hand does not work like that, it requires their own software do complete the same task, which I find to be extremely annoying.
iOS on the other hand offers better support and security, this is the part where Android comes up short. While a 5 year old phone can still download the latest version of iOS. Android phones on the other hand, a 2 year old phone is consider to be outdated, therefore it's not allowed to download the latest version of Android.
I know man, I don't mean to be rude to you, but I said at the start of the comment that the "fanboy" comment you replied to was directed at me, I was being called the "fanboy" by someone else, who happened to be someone who you replied to and explained the toxicity of people online who go to extreme lengths. There are points where I say "you", but I didn't direct that at you personally, that's more towards the onlookers and any user that behaves similarly to some of the toxic folk on here. I have no issue with you whatsoever man, so I am deeply sorry if my comment made you feel otherwise.
I don't see you defending as being a fanboy, all I see is asking others for a bit of respect and appreciation with the work the developers have done with the game. While I did reply to that other member by saying "fanboys are toxic, better stay far away from them", I also replied to your post
You said
In which I replied
I know, it's no fault of yours man, my explanations are all over the place
to make a long, messy explanation short, I have no issue with you, I wasn't directing any form of negativity toward you, I was just stating my actions and how they differ from what is known as a "fanboy" and how I was labelled that by a fellow Forum User. Anyway, no issue with you, sorry if my comments appeared as such, you've been pretty decent to me, so thank you 
If thats how you feel I can just say its pretty obvious youve reached a point where no matter what they do, youll praise it and say its amazing. You act like I dont like it for no reason because you personally love it. So its pointless. If you say I just blindly hate it, then you just blindly love it. And its not like I just always hated the series and just come here to shit on it, I loved the series and it became disappointing and I wanted it to be better thus why I criticize. Im sorry Im not like you and will just accept whatever crap they throw at us the consumers.
(also youre point about clicking disco broccoli multiple times is stupid Im sorry, anyone who has played many Telltale games sees that it was the one inspect option that didnt go away after you clicked it, and 9 times out of 10 when that happens, its because something happens if you click it again, so stop acting as if its some super hidden thing because it isnt. Like I figured out instantly something would happen if I kept clicking, what am I suppose to do just stop because I dont know whats going to happen and maybe I wont like it? Maybe Ill keep clicking and Ill love what happens, wont know till I do it.)
Also again, I give them praise where its due I've already gone over that, not sure why you think even if they did everything I DEMAND them to do you think I would still go "man you guys suck" when I have never done that. You keep trying to paint me as if I just refuse to say they do anything right when I have multiple times. Its why I criticize later episodes of Final Season because what they were doing so well in episodes 1 and 2 because I had faith they would continue with what they were doing so well with, but it was turned around and it went back to feeling extremely mediocre. So what you think I just changed my mind for no reason cuz I just wanna go "Grrr!!! Fuck Telltale!!! Grrrrr!!!" ? Also no idea what the fuck you are saying about me saying OG Telltale's catalogue was bad. When have I ever said that? Half my criticisms are how the newer Telltale games are nothing like the older ones and how the older ones felt like the dev teams behind them cared a lot more and had a much stronger vision for the story.
Heres me pointing out my opinion. I said I didnt like the direction they took it. I said I wasnt going to just give them praise for the direction they took it in. (almost like I didnt like it personally thus why Im not going to praise the final product due to them taking it in a direction I was not a fan of) Its beyond self explanatory. Like serious bruh moment right there. I dont need to keep writing "my opinion" when its pretty clear my whole post is my opinion.
Furry, prick gobshite telling me how to spend my money.
Daaad, the lights are shaking again
Ffs can we please stop with the whole fanboy/hate discussion, thank you
Do you want the Big Bad Wolf to take you away again?
Yeah I've said my piece, before you commented I was tempted to type another response, but at the end of my latest comment on the discussion, I agreed that the discussion shouldn't continue any further, so I shall stick by that man
apart from lighting proplems and long loading times I'm not having any issues with the game
The PS4 version is still having problem even after the patch, I feel bad for those who got the PS4 version and can't even play the game.
Maybe you can mention this to Skybound support?
I don't see the point. It was a nice feature to have but I doubt they'd add in one piece of dialogue now.
Then get the FUCK back inside!
I am on ‘400 Days’ at the moment on the collection instead of the definitive version. Note: replaying.
Which console?
Im on the Ps4
I'm on the PC and after redownloading the game, Developer Commentary is still missing from my game. Skybound did respond back to me and told me where to go, but it's still not there.
How is that possible? I thought all PS users had issues. Non bene.
It's random, some ran fine from the start, others had problems even after patch. Then there are other variables to take into consideration, such as age of machine, environment, and other nonsense. I had this person where their machine would constantly freeze, after they plugged into another wall outlet, the problem went away.
might be because I'm using a external harddrive instead of the PS4 system storage
The PS4 system storage is still a harddrive
Oh, I see; am unlucky.
I think the Definitive Series is a great move on Skybound's part. I mean what else were they supposed to do to make back some of the money they lost? Especially with such a small development team. And most of the fans like it too.
Season 1 looks nice and is a welcome change. Some parts look gorgeous, some parts look bad. Something I can see myself playing. Season 2, for me at least, most of it looks inferior and I would much rather play the normal version. Season 3 is interesting because ANF looked shit before, so now it seems like "well let's try this style" and it actually brings something new and somewhat cool. Again, some parts look washed out and bad but I can see myself playing this one in the future, mostly because of how the "doll" models and faces have been fixed. Episode 5 looks a lot better.
Honestly, my main problem is how the graphic black happens so close to where the camera is. I knew it wouldn't be like TFS, but still it's a bit jarring how literally everything has to be graphic black. Especially in tight rooms/camera views, it looks wierd because it's all black and rustic right behind the character's face. Sure it's an acquired taste, but you don't have to make everything look like a comic. Looks really bad in those spaces.
And the big one, I don't know why but making everything look graphic black, for me at least, really takes away from the immersion. It definitely looks like the games weren't made with that intention or even possibility. I just like something about how grounded and gritty the original seasons look, and the graphic black kinda takes away from that. But it's probably just me. In general, yes game very good. The developers poured their blood, sweat and tears and there was an insane amount of dedication and effort and determination to make this product the very best it could be, and this gargantuan effort is not something I want to undermine with this mini-review. It must have taken hundreds of hours to get this product done. So much programming, so much art, updating the new models, creating the model viewer, etc. Just a mammoth amount of work that honestly forces me to rethink how I go about treating dissapointments. Like, honestly dudes, this is insane! Massive props and respect and kudos and all that shit to my main crew, StillNotBitten team (one hell of a name might I add) for sticking it out and putting together a neat little product, one last time, for the fans. Massive respect.
I wonder why they didn’t just stick to the graphic black effects in outdoor scenes or big spaces. Even TFS kept graphic black off most indoor scenes.
Over a week after its initial release, I finally have my disc of the Definitive Series.
Here's hoping it works properly on my PS4.
(P.S. it's cool and weird to see Telltale's logo on the back of the box)
So in the original New Frontier game you can slap Ava. They Removed it in the Collection, and it seems they removed it from the Definitive series too. (Edit: I did the dialogue leading up to the slap Ava choice but the scene leading up to it didn't happen including the choice itself).
Is Babyzone’s the original or collection? 🙂
The Definitive's menu is a really nice environment of nostalgia. Clem's house, but all dilapidated. Kinda makes me wonder if this concept was going to be used for the Final Season in a more "fan-servicey" kind of ending to the series, or if it was made specifically as a menu for this edition. (The side trophies/achievements certainly seemed like they were pointing towards a round-trip back to her house, but maybe that's just me. -- "You and Me: Came Full Circle", things like that...)
Looking at ANF's menu... yeah, Skybound wasn't lying. They really recreated the menus of each season faithfully, and that includes the style-less Netflix-type menus of that era. Really jarring to see that the other seasons look the same as ever, with lots of unique parts and a visual flair, and ANF is just... bleh.
Also, yeah, there are some overlooked things indeed in this edition. I've only found one so far, but it's probably the first of many judging by others' responses. Not a big deal yet though... In the "Developer Commentary" menu, the track/video for S3E5's From The Gallows notes that 'Jeff Shine' (Javier Garcia) is on the panel talking about the episode, when his name is actually 'Jeff Schine'. Oops, just the main actor of the season, no biggie.
Also yeah, my Definitive Edition is working fine on PS4. I can access and play the commentary videos, and access all the season's menus.
Early draft has been confirmed Clem would go back to her house and some work was done on it which then became the main menu. It didnt really get that far other than she goes home though apparently.
I still cannot see the developer commentary even after downloading the game twice. And does Season 2 have the option to turn off graphic black or is it on by default because, I cannot see a option to turn it off in Season 2. I don't want to turn it off, it's because of the missing developer commentary, I don't know if graphic black option missing in Season 2 is another problem that I'm having, along with the missing developer commentary, or it's done like that on purpose. I have not pay attention to Season 3 yet, or played that long into the game, as I'm still bummed out and still hoping there is a fix because I want to replay the game with developer commentary.
I should get around to tracking down the commentaries. It's like one of the three actual selling points from what I've heard.
I did e-mail them and first they said it's under Season Select which I don't see it, but that's for the Xbox and PS4. On the PC version they said it's inside Season Select. I went inside Season Select and it's still not there either. I went to YouTube to check out game plays of it and it clearly shows for PS4 and Xbox it's under Season Select, but I can't find a game play where someone show the menu for the PC version.
I also asked them will the commentaries be on the physical copy as I did order a physical copy, and they said, no with the 10 hours of footage, it's too large to fit on to a disc. They also mentioned I need to be connected to the internet to see that feature. Well I am connected to the internet, and I still cannot see it. The other thing is, if the footage is not on the disc, due to its size, and I have to connect to the internet to see it, it means it's streaming from somewhere. Well that does not matter, because not everyone has the privilege of having faster internet, and some even have data caps. They should have done it in a way, where everything gets downloaded, not streamed. The game download is already 49.7GB in size, so I don't mind downloading another who know how GB more just for that 10 hours of footage. Developer Commentaries is the primary reason I pre-order it, along with the other physical goodies, but with some restrictions or this "fine print" nonsense, after I got the game, is not a way to make a customer satisfied with their purchase. The other problem is, I cannot tell if the problem is on EpicGames end or the digital code I got which somehow don't include the developer commentary.
Yes EpicGames helped Skybound and TellTale because without them Clementine's story will never be finished and I really appreciate that, but their platform is absolute trash. There is no user reviews or discussion boards. On Steam there are user reviews and discussion boards for every game, where users can go there to see if anyone else is having the same problem and see if there is a solution for it. I hope Definitive Edition ends up on Steam.
I replied back that I still cannot see it inside Season Select and they have not got back to me yet.
Pretty sure it's the original.