Does anyone like Catwoman?
Given how there's many choices to love or disdain completely, who likes or dislikes Catwoman based on their play through of Season 2? There are times where you can just leave her from the Suicide Squad, out of Gotham, and set her free without love. Despite her wretched morals and betraying you at Riddler's for the Laptop, does anyone feel it's right to give her a second chance?
In my normal play through, I did the obvious actually. I set Catwoman free, sided with her completely, forgiven her for what she did, romanced, and took her out into the Batcave.
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I like catwomen.
She's fine, but I don't have any romantic or friendly interest in her. Sold her out to the pact without a second thought and didn't try to apologize for it during the fight on the roof in episode 5. Nor did I ask Waller to free her. Asked Waller to not go after Avesta instead.
a little.
I think
Selina is bae, she and Bruce are meant for each other.
I would say that most people do like Catwoman.
I love Catwoman so much that when I was playing through the first season, I totally forgot she was dating Harvey until that scene. She's badass, she's funny. What's not to like?
I love what telltale has done with catwoman she’s one of my favourite characters. I like the development of her, how she changes from being a thief to a genuine caring person who sees the error of her ways and starts to help do good. it keeps her being an interesting character. Also the chemistry between her and Batman is great. Their scenes together are some of my favourites in the game.
I love her, great character. I secured her freedom and told her I loved her
In the Second Season I like her, but not in the first season, cause she was essentially using Harvey. It's the main reason I didn't romantically pursue her at all. I couldn't do that to Harvey.
Catwoman is everything in my life
Yeah ill always support her no matter what
...You don't realize that Avesta never gets punished, at all right? After the events of Season 2, if you ask her to work for you, she goes to work with you at Wayne Enterprises scot free.
Harvey: "How could you?!"
Bruce: "Sorry man, totally forgot."
Serious question for the male members, are there exceptions to the Bro Code? If the woman in question rates a 9 or above, is there wiggle room to the Bro Code or does it need to involve a full leather/spandex body suit first?
I couldn't romance her in my canon game for using Harvey to get to Bruce. I'm definitely not saying a woman shouldn't have her own agency, but using men is a horrid quality. However, solely based on S2 - she lost me at Riddler's hideout as far as liking her.
Actually, I do know that. Here's a thought for you. Maybe I like Avesta and prefer her to Catwoman so I asked for her safety even if I didn't need to. I don't care what Waller does with Catwoman.
...literally me during that scene. I WAS SUCH A BAD FRIEND. HARVEY, FORGIVE ME.
A man of honor would not forget. My Bruce didn't try to pet any cat, and he had the moral authority.
Also, I don't like Catwoman. I dislike thieves. I am the law.
I might misunderstand your question but I will give it an attempt to answer it. If I wrongly answer it I apologize
First of all the whole "Bro Code" or whatever you want to call it is just childish and quite immature.
Now to your question:
You seem to imply that Catwoman is just only a nice figure in a bodysuit, and maybe that's just enough for some and I doubt a lot of people can disagree that she is, in fact, attractive as Catwoman and Selina. I personally am more interested in the character and the character development, I've always been a fan of redemptions stories in general as I find them more interesting than the straight hero line. (Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Oskar Schindler in Schindler’s List, Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones and so on...)
I really like what Telltale has done with both Batman and Bruce as well as I really enjoy what they have done with Catwoman and Selina, in my book Selina had her own personal agenda in season one and tried to hide away what she really felt because that's just what she has always done. In season two she opened up towards Bruce and even though they got their differences I really hope they could manage to work it out in the future. Their relationship has always been interesting since its almost at the edge of forbidden love.
So no, the leather suit does not really have anything to do with this at all
Lol. Bro code cannot be violated no matter what. I had an anti Selina playthrough though I felt a bit bad for her in the Villian ending since she was helping me. But then I remembered my boi Harvey and let her be a slave to Waller(WHO I HATE)
Thank you for a well thought out reply, 19Street95. I was rather hoping for a case in her defense that didn't involve physicality. To clarify, the 'bro code' is what my male friends call it, and while the 'bro's before ho's ' quote is quite off-putting - it's actually a mature philosophy men get quite the bad rap for.
There's something noble and honorable in putting the brotherhood/sisterhood of friendship before hormones and romances. No individual owns or owes another, but it is respectful to clarify how a friend feels ( and let them know if they are being played ) before moving in on someone.
Using people is one thing put me off of Selina, first Harvey, then Bruce. I still ended things on good terms with her as a friend, and waited to see how she'd develop in S2. She betrayed Bruce a second time in S2 at Riddler's hideout. Now if the player takes the villain route, there's an opportunity for trust not to be misplaced... but that's not the route I took.
Don't get me wrong, I do love a good redemption story. It's characters that aren't squeaky clean that I enjoy, which is what brings a lot of us to Bruce. He's not that guy. He breaks the law for justice. He misuses company resources and time for his crusades. The other side of what puts me off a Catwoman romance is that it's been done too many times, and in almost all the same way. I've seen this story before, and I'm ready for something new.
I do still want Catwoman around, and I would have loved TT to have explored that relationship and backstory between Selina and Riddler. That was something new for both characters. What I really love about TellTale's Batman is when they subverted expectations. They've played it safe with Selina, so she's very much the same as always.
You make some really good points and I agree with you on most of it.
I also appreciate that Bruce can walk on the line that he is almost becoming the people he wants to stop, it keeps it more interesting then if he was only the hero and did everything right all the time, Bruce can let people die for the benefit of himself during season two while he is undercover, sure he might not "directly" kill anybody but he is involved in a lot of deaths.
I think the reason why the Batman and Catwoman "love story" is done so frequent is that most people do actually like it. I agree that something new is most often, always a nice welcome and refreshing but I can understand why Telltale choose to "play it safe". It is rarely it manages to work out fully in the end as far as I've seen between Bruce and Selina so I am interested if this series will keep on going (god I hope it does...) that we might get at least one happy ending for them both?
I know I mentioned it before but it would be so interesting to make the main characters be forced to work together in the future, I would love to see the dynamics between John, Bruce, Selina, Gordon and so on... and maybe even spice that up with the pact against a "bigger threat". Some sort of revenge/redemption for John/Joker would be nice to see and could be a way to involve him in season three. (which I think he deserves to be involved in)
Well, I just hope we will continue the story with these characters, and let the drama continue...
She is fine, if kind of generic and cliche. Telltale explored so many characters in a more unique way but we got a pretty vanilla Catwoman
I find Bruce,John,Harley and Waller to be much more interesting then Cat. Like The Pact arc was just astonishingly brilliant and I'm suprised that the plot diden't make her a member of the organisation, shaking things up a little. Hell even Bruce was a member.
She was a member(ish) though the Pact was 100% more intriuging.
Indeed. The Pact > Suicide Squad
She's a good ally, but not romantically.
Well in S1 she was kinda bitch, like "ya gimme a kiss then I will steal your Things
but in S2 she grow up and now I can say I 100% trust her in anything and, of course, my Bruci boi is romantically interested in her.
She has a fantastic ass
I slept with her. Sided with her every time. But I gave her to the pact, mistakenly thinking it would buy me some time to stay under cover until after the robbery, then I could save Catwoman.
But nope. They got her straight away and she hated me
I like Catwoman she is to me the best girlfriend for Bruce Wayne and Batman. Catwoman is much more capable in terms of stealing because she is a master pickpocket, she can also crack almost any safe, she can even sneak into intensely locked areas. She is also much more flexible and agile than Batman. She can pull off acrobatic like moves that Batman can't do because the armor is to heavy for him and that also costs him his agility.
Avesta seems like a much better option for Bruce, but I expect her to be Telltale's version of Talia in Season 3, which could change my opinion.
One of my absolute favorite characters and my number one disappointment of the season was that we got little to no closure with her in the final episode. One of the best parts of the season to me was their relationship and that whole segment of letting her stay in Wayne Manor and hang out in the Batcave. Was so disappointed we didn't get more of that.
She was far too deceitful and distrusting in my opinion especially with how she'd instantly turn on Bruce/Batman without hesitation or question.
Three of my four Bruce Wayne's/Batman's know where they stand with Selina/Catwoman.
The fourth's relationship with her is more complicated.
Good Batman
Selina and Catwoman is his friend
However she knows that their friendship doesn't come before the job as was proven when he sacrificed her in order to save Harvey at the debate.
He didn't try and kiss her outside of the stack deck
He didn't sleep with her due to the fact he told her how he just wanted them to be friends. He did suggest she come and stay at Wayne Manor.
When he confronted her outside of the city he told her how she was more than just a thief due to her having fought by his side and together they saved a lot of lives.
He didn't tell her that Gordon was coming for her.
Although he did make it up to her by showing her the Batcave.
He did also sacrifice himself when it came to the laptop.
They did fight the pact together in the Sanctus facility
He did trust her with the key when (villain) Joker kidnapped them.
An he did have Waller clear her criminal record.
Good and Bad Batman
Selina and Catwoman is his girlfriend
An while the relationship 'good' Batman and Catwoman have is one where their friendship doesn't come before the job as far as this Batman and Catwoman's relationship is concerned it does come before the job as was proven when he sacrificed Harvey in order to save her.
An when they went to visit Harvey in the hospital he told her that he had done it because he had feelings for her and when she told him she couldn't see Harvey he told her he understood and when she asked him not to tell Harvey she was there he did as she asked.
He did try and kiss her outside of the stacked deck.
He did also sleep with her.
He suggested she stay at Wayne Manor and when she told him why she had to leave he told her he understood although he didn't like it.
When he confronted her outside of the city he told her how she was more than just a thief and the reason why he believed that was because she had saved his life.
He warned her that that Gordon was coming for her.
He also showed her the Batcave.
An sacrificed himself when it came to the laptop.
He did demand that Waller let Catwoman go when he was negotiating with her ontop of the GCPD building. However refused to trade his friend John Doe for his girlfriend Catwoman.
When Catwoman told him if she didn't do what Waller wanted the collar could kill her he told her that he wouldn't let Waller control her like she was doing.
After she had saved him from the destroyed GCPD roof he did tell Catwoman he loved her.
An he did call in the favour Waller owed him for saving his life and got her to release Catwoman.
Bad Batman
Didn't trust her from the start.
Sacrificed her in order to save Harvey
Didn't try and kiss her outside of the stacked deck
Didn't sleep with her.
Told her she should get out of Gotham instead of inviting her to Wayne Manor
When he confronted her outside of the city he agreed with her that she was just a thief and nothing more.
He didn't tell her that Gordon was coming for her.
He didn't allow her into the Batcave
He sacrificed her when it came to the laptop.
He didn't trust her with the key when (villain) Joker kidnapped them.
An he told Waller that she was one of her 'assets' and to do with her what she wanted.
50/50 Batman
Not really sure where he stands with Selina/Catwoman
He sacrificed Harvey in order to save her.
An when they went to visit Harvey in the hospital he told her that he had done it because he had feelings for her and when she told him she couldn't see Harvey he asked her not to make him go into the hospital room alone and when she asked him not to tell Harvey she was there he did due to the fact he felt he owed Harvey the truth after having allowed him to get his face smashed in and due to the fact she had confessed to toying with Harvey and Harvey being his friend.
He did try and kiss her outside of the stacked deck.
He did also sleep with her.
However he didn't suggest she stay at Wayne Manor instead she suggested she leave Gotham.
When she texted him asking if he was still crazy after having gotten out of Arkham he told her that he was and thanked her for checking in.
When he confronted her outside of the city because she told him she had simply been using both him and Harvey he told her how she was just a thief and nothing more.
When they met up again with the Pact he told her that they could be professional.
He warned her that that Gordon was coming for her however he again told her that what they were doing was strictly professional.
He didn't allow her into the Batcave
However he did sacrifice himself when it came to the laptop.
He didn't agree to fight the pact with her in the Sanctus facility.
An when he was negotiating with Waller on ontop of the GCPD building his demand was that Avesta be left alone and he agreed to turn John Doe in in exchange.
When Catwoman told him if she didn't do what Waller wanted the collar could kill her he told her not to hold back and that he could take it.
An that was the last time they saw one and other.
i like her version so much in the telltale games the best for me she so cute and more innocent than any version i love how to turn completely flustered when batman tell her i love you and than she leaves after she take him to his home i think she became shy to face Bruce after what he said to her.
Now that I've played this game at 3 times, I have a far better perspective of Catwoman/Selina and I'd say her character grew on me in Season 2. I've seen people commenting that she betrayed Bruce/Batman before by stealing (and then giving back) his things. I don't get the big deal about stealing the decryptor. She's given things back before when asked, so she will give back the decryptor when asked.
Another thing most players missed out on - she never ratted out Bruce's Batman identity or said he was the mole when it truly mattered, which was during Harley's interrogation over the laptop. This was a life and death situation where she was interrogated by Harley, a trained psychiatrist no less. She doesn't rat him out under intense pressure, even if the player opted to friendzone, or hurt her before, or opts to betray her thereafter. That's real integrity.
I'd say this Catwoman/Selina character is far more honorable and morally upright than most people give credit to.
If we follow the comics canon, she's only 23 when she first meets Bruce and Harvey in Season 1. I get the impression she was still very young, and like the comics, still finding herself and putting up a front of selfishness and deceit to protect her emotions, as she was abused as a child. Yet there was a speck of innate heroism in her when she saved Batman's life from Lady Arkham. By Season 2, she has matured and proved her worth in the situations that truly mattered.
Catwoman represents the type of criminal who sincerely wants a fresh start, but is trapped in a life of crime because of the failure of law enforcement and also due to the tendency for people to be judgmental. But when it comes to a life or death situation, she always does the right thing when it really matters. Batman, in the comics and in the logical flow of the game, has the unwavering belief that deep down, Catwoman is a noble person and sees the good in her when others only see the worst. He believes in her even when she doesn’t believe in herself.
Like many people have observed - will Bruce trust Selina with his jewellery? probably not. But will Bruce trust Selina with his life? Definitely, without a doubt.
Not only like her, but also love her because of two reasons, first she's hot and second because batman needs someone to be more than just friend. But i like snow more than cat.
To me, looks is not everything. She's lasted 70 years in the comics because her redemption arc is so interesting to explore. She has a complex, multifaceted personality that is intriguing to write about.
The choice-driven story forces you to be self-aware. The moment Bruce makes the decision to use John, toy with his feelings, betray his friendship to get into the Pact for an organisation he knows is dubious, he has lost the moral ground to condemn others for the same sins.
I do not get why people should feel "betrayal" over the decryptor. Why take issue on this when she never betrayed you on something much more important - telling the Pact that he is Batman? I don't get the issue about dating Harvey. He didn't take it seriously, that's why he flirts with Vicki Vale, so why should she? It is common for adults in their 20s to date non-seriously; this is not Disney.
So say, you are angry about her actions in S1, but in S2 you are also doing the very same things you are condemning her for - using, lying, deceiving, betraying John at every point in the story to help the Agency obtain a biological WMD and experiment on humans. Mr Freeze is a criminal, but he is still human.
Yes indeed. I'm a Harley fan, but I really like the friendship between Catwoman and Harley. I know there's not much of it in Telltale, but I would like to have it explored.
I hope there will be a Gotham City Sirens game, whether under the new management or another company. Catwoman had a great redemption story in TEW and I can see her as a playable character leading the all-female anti-hero team of Gotham City Sirens. I can see Bruce & Selina working together to free Harley from Waller, and Selina guiding Harley on the right path.
I loved the Gotham City Sirens comics which had Catwoman as a redeemed heroine, helping Harley recover from her break-up with Joker and guiding Poison Ivy to use her powers for good, with Batman helping her out wherever he can. It will fit in so well with the redemption theme.
We had Bruce & Selina team up to fight Joker & Harley in TEW and it was so fun! I'd love to see the two couples finally getting along together.