Star Wars Episode 9: Rise of Skywalker DISCUSSION (Was the new trilogy worth it?)
Post anything related to the recent Star Wars film released in theaters because there is no need to piss off our lord @Poogers555 in Whatever thread. DO NOT FORGET to use spoilers window if you want to talk about the plot of the film.
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EU: Kyle Katarn, Revan, HK-47, Jacen Solo, Kreia, Mara Jade, Starkiller
Disney: Some emo boi, some white dudes, let's make Luke a girl, good guy stormtrooper, not palpatine, not Boba Fett, babies are cute
Apparently people who went to the exclusive premier really enjoyed it (neglecting sites like rotten tomatoes and shit like that cos we all know they can’t review for shit, they literally gave it like a 50% and said “weeeellll it lacks imagination but it does do right by the fans” breh then how’s that a 50? That’s at least a 70. Plus fighting on top of a submerged Death Star feels imaginative to me, even most IMDb reviews are saying the whole movie is one big fan fiction. Is that a good thing? Sure sounds like it. we need to stop relying to heavily on reviews if you ask me. Relying on what other people think of the movie rather than making up your own mind is never how it should have been done, and rotten tomatoes is just a complete joke of a critic site. I’m looking forward to seeing it this weekend.
Edit: so after doing some digging through reviews, I found more positive than negative, however some say that it won’t be for everybody, however plenty will find that it will end the saga on a high, which means it’s likely definitely better than TLJ, so we can start by taking that W and then seeing what the 20th is like
I was originally invested in the Sequel trilogy, but I have become disinterested after spending these years thinking about it.
I haven't watched the movie so I cannot judge it. But I won't be watching it because I am genuinely not interested in the movie. All of my investments were lost after TLJ. There were no reasons for me to go and watch the last movie because there was nothing that I wanted to see.
Only seeing it because my dad bought tickets. I'm going to reserve judgement until I see it but I'm keeping my expectations very low to be safe
I bet, that in like ten years, they'll (They is disney, BTW) remake the all of the star wars movies. And they'll cast Logan Paul as Luke Skywalker. And it'll be as bad as the other fucking disney remakes. Sorry if I sound like a fucking jerk, I just fucking hate disney's new marketing campaign. If you can even call it that, Star wars' profit margins keep going down. People are becoming disinterested in star wars, it's not as popular as it was in the late 80's/90's. If 'Rise Of Skywalker' isn't good, the franchise will be doomed. It's been doomed right after they killed Han Solo. And, guys, be prepared, Twitter is gonna be a shit show tonight!
So, I saw the movie yesterday and honestly, it wasn't good. I was actually one of the apparently crazy people who thought that TLJ was alright, but this one just didn't do it for me. It wasn't like super bad, just way too fan-servicey for my taste, not to mention that everyone beside Kylo and Rey were reduced to side characters (which is a shame, because I liked Finn in TFA). I dunno, overall it was pretty meh. 5/10
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the newest episode of Mandalorian, which I find more entertaining.
Dude, have you seen the ranking they gave the last Jedi? And I know for a fact you hate the fucker. So you of all people here shouldn’t trust review sites. I’m sure you understand that it’s unfair only trusting reviews if they’re negative
Just got back from seeing it. I'd say out of the Sequel trilogy this new one is my favourite of the three. I still think they should have moved on from the Skywalkers and Sith though and focused the Sequel trilogy on a new threat.
I want to watch the Mandolarian. From what I have heard so far, it sounds like the world building is intriguing. Unfortunately, I do not have Disney + and it is not yet available in my country.
Ah yes, it's not available here either. Sometimes, you need to get creative. :^) feel like ill get some hate for this but i am a fan of rylo (Kylo Ren/Rey)
Your link isn't working.
And they do have some good chemistry together,their scenes in TLJ were the best thing in the entire movie,much better than Finn and Rey in TFA.
Sorry for the broken link, when i post a gif sometimes it works other times its just red text. whatever happens i cant get it to work a the time. T__T
the gif just shows Kylo Ren and Rey in the forest in TFA - Rey cant move and Ren asks where is the map, gets no reply and is told by a stormtoopers that needed other soliders, Ren repies we got what we need and makes Rey fall unconconiseds
how about this
Haven’t seen it yet, will this Sunday, but it seems that the majority of fans, not critics, liked the film, or at the very least thought it was ok
There is a a clash online about this film, its all over youtube and i am sick to death of it, the writters vs the fans. I go into the film with no/low expedations and came out with small positives, same with TLJ, sadly people wil be aguring about this movie FOREVER MORE.........god
thats good to hear... but still worried by the clash
I certainly think that the film has flaws. But strangely enough, I liked this one a lot more than TLJ. That being said, I think there is quite a bit of cheap fan service and Palpatine's return feels like a desperate attempt to find a big baddie, but there were a few nice nods to the other trilogies that made this film actually feel like it belonged as part of this saga. I'd probably go with a 7/10, but I only just saw it a few hours ago so maybe sleeping on it will change my mind.
Kylo Ren's mask is good representation of this trilogy, started okay in TFA, smashed in TLJ by Rian Johnson, and then JJ did his best to put it all back together.
Watched The Rise of Skywalker last night and I gotta say...
It was alright... Good at best, actually.
damn your right wow
This movie was the most beautiful, inspiring, and nostalgia ridden Star Wars movie I have ever watched. Nearly cried multiple times. I know I defend it, but it makes TLJ look like utter garbage
I will say though, the only disappointing parts for me was not having Kylo’s force ghost with Luke/Leia at the end, as well as not having the ghosts of the fallen Jedi behind Rey while facing off palpatine, helping to fend off his lightning.
I’ll thrive in the clash. Idc what the fans think, as long as the trilogy represents exactly what I want then I’ll sit here basking in happiness and revelling in the suffering of those who hated it 😈 Star Wars isn’t the fandom, remember? It’s the universe. But holy shit this was a good watch. Probably my 3rd, maybe 4th fav Star Wars movie.
I liked it. J.J saw what went wrong with certain characters in TLJ and pulled them from the spotlight while also adding a few new ones that peaked my interest.
I got really excited when Reylo happened. My only complaint is that is was short lived and the fate of Ben. The last Skywalker/Solo
Dude, your spoiler tag isn't working.
It's not as bad as the 'critics' say, most of them are being toxic AF!
That's why I bolded Spoiler
But lets be real; if youre coming in here without seeing Star Wars 9 or not expecting to see a load of spoilers; you havent been on a forum before. Don't take offense to this comment
It seems obvious that most people who hate this movie are cynical asshole critics (quote stolen from Big Daddy, in case anybody caught on. honestly though, they don’t seem to like anything so I’d focus more on the fan response) As well as people who are still a bit sore after last Jedi, who went into this movie expecting and trying to hate it.
Sorry, i didn't know.
And, no offense taken at all!
Saw it a few days ago.
I enjoyed it, the pacing I felt was rough, as there were parts I liked, some I really didn't care for. First third, good. Second third, meh. Last third, good.
While I think the amount of fanservice the movie throws at you is cool to see, it does at one point end up being too much. It's just... "Really? Wow what a coincidence"
Lighstsaber battles were really good. Found myself wanting to pick one up and fight the nearest sith lord after the movie. Too bad I have neither in my life.
That one double-visions fight near the end of the first act was my favourite. You know the one.
I think the climax tried to be too much at once. Also had way too much convenience, even for this series.
It's just... oh boy.
Palps wants Rey to take his place on the throne. Or, she could kill him, then he will posess her body and sit on the throne anyway.
When Ben shows up, uh oh they have a special bond through the force, so Palps gets the ability to drain both their life forces for special life regeneration. Oh and he gets a bonus power boost and shoots lightning into the sky, disabling everyone's ships. Yeah and then Ben gets tossed into a hole (later find out he survives), then Rey gets powered up by all the dead Jedi (actually really cool btw), and reflects Palps' lightning back to him. Then he dies. Then Rey dies, Ben gives her his and Leia's last life force, they kiss (for some reason) and then Rey lives. Yay, but I think to get to that definitive end it was... rough.
As for Rey:
At first I thought her origin was just out of the blue, but that setup could have been possible (also having the setup for the Emperor's return because that's just explained in the title crawl) if it was properly set up in this trilogy. Problem is, JJ only chose to direct the first, and later chose to return for the last one. I think as Exec. Producer, and the one to kick off the Sequels, he had some knowledge as to how this would go, and some of what we have in this film is part of that. If he had made The Last Jedi, things would probably be on track and would make more sense.
About Rey's origins, someone informed me of this really great 2016 blog post that gets it right. (and I found this video from 2 years ago that rips it off)
Personally, I agree with other people that this movie really should have been broken up into two parts, given how much we're dealing with and how much they wanted to wrap up the Francise as a whole, rather than just this trilogy.
really hope kelly marie tran got a big fat check for being in this movie so she can buy herself something nice. she deserves so much fucking better than what jj and disney did to her and rose. anyway the movie's a 3/10
"Rise of Skywalker"
You misspelled “what the fans did to Kelly”
Kelly was a lot more likeable in this film. To be honest; none of the "Newer" characters outside Force Awakens were all that compelling. The only interesting "New" characters in RoS was that lady in the gold helmet that had that history with PO. I hope Adam and Daisy got fat checks from this film. They're giving this movie everything they got.
the correct opinion. jj did her dirty but the toxic fanbase is far more to blame.