The Bigby Wolf in Smash Bros Leak Is Gaining Credibility...
This was posted on March 31st, not April Fools
So this guy: his credibility isn’t exactly amazing. He’s made YouTuber ConnorEatsPants famous after Connor’s legendary jebait. He’s gotten lots wrong too.
However, VGCultureHQ is now claiming days later that this is indeed NOT April Fools and that they can confirm Bigby will be joining the battle. They talked to one of their sources and are testifying on his behalf.
This could be HUGE for the Telltale community if true, it still seems unlikely since Bigby would be an out of this world pic and Marcus has credibility... but imagine how awesome this could be...
(I’ll believe this over Tales From The Borderlands redux any day)
Its completely bonkers. Its such a weird thing too. Marcus Sellars pretty much only ever talks about Nintendo, then out of no where in November he said Wolf 2 at the Game Awards. Him saying something Telltale related in the first place is highly unusual for him to say.
But for him to get Wolf 2 correct and then the next thing he "leaks" being Bigby is in Smash Bros does have me intrigued. Dont get me wrong, Marcus Sellars is one of the worst "leakers" there is getting either everything wrong, piggy-backing, or states the obvious. Theres only been a few times hes actually been the first to claim something and was correct, but nothing I would really consider huge. But even Marcus, ConnorEatsPants exposed me, Sellars cant be stupid enough to actually just say "Bigby Wolf in Smash" unless something happened that he would truly think its happening- which almost begs the question: Does he actually have a real source for Telltale out of all things?
At the end of the day, I doubt it. Its Marcus Sellars, and as much as I'd love Bigby in Smash... adding him would probably go down as the most controversial thing to ever happen in Smash Bros. I honestly have no idea if everyone would love it for being so insane or hate it for being so insane. Is weird how others have backed it up now though.
(watch this end up being real and its the most insane marketing campaign for New Telltale)
I call 'DOUBT'.
There are believable things here just as much as there are unbelievable things.
The good?:
The bad:
Fingers crossed though?
(TBH I have more faith in the Poker Night 3 'leak' than this. TFTB redux is... Well, we'll see I guess.
Why TWAU? How does that even happen? These guys can't even do headers on their social media pages properly, but now they're going to be in Smash? Also it'd be too controversial, Bigby doesn't fit in all that well, it's almost as wild as saying Kenny (TWD) for Smash.
If it isnt a sword character ppl s reaction range from ´´Okay, dont know this guy but that s fine.´´ to only a few comments about how they dont know the character and sleep memes. So it wouldnt be much of an outrage if Bigby got in.
Yeah its pretty obviously fake but id immediatelly buy the pass just for Bigby if this did happen.
I’ll eat my Rhys socks whole if this happens
I would say people would be mostly pissed off. Bigby is from a small game that not a lot of people who play Smash even know about, he'd be the first character not originated from a video game, "not on a Nintendo system" (because Smash fans love to say that when the "rule" has been broken multiple times) and in general its a beyond out there pick. People will hate it because they dont know who he is or love it because how batshit it would be. But knowing the Smash community most will hate it. The only way people will love it is if a more credible person leaks this and it becomes way more main stream, everyone gets pissed, bigger names defend it and say it be really cool, then he is revealed and suddenly everyone is "wtf I love Bigby now!" Smash community is weird. If a "controversial" character leaks before reveal everyone loves it, if revealed without a leak everyone hates it.
I'll just say it: fake, fake, very fake, 100% fake. Not happening.
But it's fun to speculate what Bigby's moveset would be like. He could have a "rage meter" where he starts off as human Bigby and slowly gets more and more wolf-like, unlike he's the 30-foot giant wolf with his "Huff and Puff" attack. One of his side specials could be the "Crowd Control" thing he has, and the stage would be, ummm, well I dunno. Fabletown, surely, maybe a bit of a rotating roster - the Woodlands, the Trip Trap, etc.
Yeah, no. This is OBVIOUSLY not happening, why would the likes of Nintendo put Bigby Wolf of all characters in Smash Bros? Considering the nature of TWAU and Fables, I just don't see this happening. Nintendo isn't necessarily known for having Adult characters in games marketed for all ages. It would just be random, like, this dude specializes in Nintendo leaks. But, out of the blue, this dude just says Bigby Wolf is going to be in smash. People are claiming for him to be a 'liable' source, but I am not buying this at all. There are so many things that are raising red flags here with this dude. So, While I and many others want this to happen, this just can't be true.
Well, Bigby wouldn't exactly be the first adult character in Smash...

Though, yeah, highly unlikely.
What the actual fuck. lol
Pretty sure Bigby being a mature character is the least of his problems when it comes to getting into Smash lol
You know, maybe it's petty, but I'm kind of angry that you guys are putting as much thought and consideration into this, like there's any remote possibility it could be real, when you shat on me back in November/December for trying to find reasons to believe those two Wolf 2 leaks were real. Like come the fuck on lmao
I would believe Goku, Doom Slayer, Minecraft Steve, Reimu and Batman would get in before I'd ever believe Bigby would, but here's the nail in the coffin: Sakurai has said that manga/comic characters will never be in Smash. Period, end of story.
You do realize that Goku is from a manga, right?
I know, I was using him as a point of comparison to illustrate how unlikely this is. Same with Batman. Those two characters have no shot of getting in Smash but they're still more likely to get in than Bigby.
That still is confusing.
Goku and Batman are COMIC BOOK/MANGA characters, where did Bigby Wolf originate from? Oh yeah! The fables COMIC BOOK. If anything, I would say its an equal bet.
Made me think of one of my favorite screenshots:
I mean, most of this thread has been "Yeah, this is definitely not real, but it'd be neat".
Either I'm not explaining myself properly or you're being deliberately difficult, but okay:
Goku and Batman are comic characters. Bigby is a comic character. None of them have a shot at getting in because they're from comics, and Sakurai has said he's not letting comic characters in.
At the same time, Goku and Batman are infinitely more popular, well-known and well-loved than Bigby is, so even though they have zero chances of getting in because, as we've established, they're comic characters, they STILL have a more of a chance than Bigby, who is from an obscure game based off an obscure western comic that has ZERO recognition in Japan or any large international fanbase to speak of. Japan wouldn't want him. America wouldn't want him. Europe wouldn't want him. Which means that the only way he'd get in is if Sakurai himself wanted him, and there's no chance of that happening.
It's like telling someone to imagine a check for a billion dollars and a golden unicorn, and then asking them which one they'd be more likely to find on the street. They're both completely fucking fantastical, but at least the check has some basis in reality.
Lol, yeah naw.
Something something stick of butter. Something something a hotdog bun.
I remember
This obviously adds no credibility but
I find this hilarious how far its going. Seems like every day a news site thats a little bit bigger than the last picks up the story lmao
This is our chance fellas, we can meme Bigby into Smash
> broke: memeing Wolf Among Us 2 into reality
> woke: memeing Bigby Wolf into Smash DLC
This is mad truth
I can't wait to see how far this goes before it all topples over.
Summoning Séance part 2
Dude I cant believe its getting anywhere like... at all.
It started with Marcus Sellars. Guys track record is shit. Although its weird he got Wolf 2 correct, thats like the first thing hes got correct in 2 years. Mans been exposed multiple times. Bigby isnt a video game character which seems to be the only "rule" for Smash as Sakurai has said it. And just in general, it is such a out there pick that honestly makes no sense at all. All that put together, its insane thinking how every day somehow it gets a bigger outlet reporting it.
(after all this watch in 6 months Sakurai is doing the live stream presentation talking about how he is the one man in Japan who has been playing Telltale games since 2004 and feels Wolf Among Us is an untouchable master class of work and the presentation turns into him just doing a live stream of episode 1)
Shit man Telltale needs this publicity.
and during the stream he introduces another weird hobby of his in the same level as counting in binary.