Season 2 remains my favourite season of Stranger Things.
The awesome unsettling plot of Will being taken over by the Upside Down, topped … moreoff by some really impressive acting done by Noah Schnapp, detailing that slow shift.
(He's underused in most of the series, IMO)
I finally started watching Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 7. I was thinking if I should actually watch the other seasons before the final one but because I'm not really someone who has that patience to watch every single episode, I decided to just jump right into it. I recently finished watching episode 10. Now I'm ready for the last 2.
Star Wars after 1983 has pretty much been all over its timeline, so other than the original trilogy, it's probably a good candidate for watching in whatever order you like.
I finally started watching Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 7. I was thinking if I should actually watch the other seasons before the final o… morene but because I'm not really someone who has that patience to watch every single episode, I decided to just jump right into it. I recently finished watching episode 10. Now I'm ready for the last 2.
I haven't seen that episode yet but man this season has been awesome,didn't like the sisters arc with Ahsoka though it should've been 2 episodes instead of 4 imo (ep 7 was basically filler lol)
Watching Ahsoka grow and learn through the whole show is great,if you don't feel like doing that then perhaps watch Rebels next when this season is over it's not like Clone Wars but it still has some amazing episodes. (Ahsoka and many other characters from Clone Wars are in it)
Agreed, I don't understand the purpose of the episode where they escaped but get captured again. That was soo pointless. Would have preferred to know how Darth Maul escaped Darth Sidious instead.
I haven't seen that episode yet but man this season has been awesome,didn't like the sisters arc with Ahsoka though it should've been 2 epis… moreodes instead of 4 imo (ep 7 was basically filler lol)
Also i remember using this guide to watch the show
Watching Ahsoka grow and learn through the whole show is great,if you don't feel like doing that then perhaps watch Rebels next when this season is over it's not like Clone Wars but it still has some amazing episodes. (Ahsoka and many other characters from Clone Wars are in it)
They gave Jonathan his own song, and then fully embraced the 80's love ballad music video style, down to the transitions and visual editing. Hilarious for me.
Stranger Things S2 Why should I write my thoughts about that.
Wow, that was such a GOOD season!
I was so shocked by how good it was by the end. The second season started off just a bit slow, but... Holy hell, it was worth it!
I really liked the introduction to new characters and the refreshing style they chose when writing the story for this season. It made it feel as if you were learning these things as the characters were, which only adds more to the experience!
Noah Schnapp's character (Will) was involved the most in the plot, and I'm here for it! Will is such a fleshed-out character, and the way he was written was so complex.
It really is a shame he isn't used as much in season three (From what our poultry friend has told us.)
Now, onto season three's episodes...
Yeah, I'm kinda with @AChicken on this one. I couldn't hold it in near the end in particular and it was honestly one of the better songs at that point in the movie.
@AChicken@DabigRG It's not that it was made bad. In fact, it was made very well. It's just that the scene felt unnecessary. But now thinking back, it did have more meaning than just Lovey dovey stuff.
It was about him thinking his way through an emotional slump and trying to remember what his goals are. My brain somehow missed that part and thought he was just love sick.
Thinking that way, my first impression was that he was hollow and only thought about one thing. But I see there is more character depth than what I first saw. Now the scene doesn't feel so disconnected from everything else, I can appreciate it more.
I also learned another thing: I shouldn't smoke weed when watching a movie for the first time
@AChicken @DabigRG It's not that it was made bad. In fact, it was made very well. It's just that the scene felt unnecessary. But now thinki… moreng back, it did have more meaning than just Lovey dovey stuff.
Thinking that way, my first impression was that he was hollow and only thought about one thing. But I see there is more character depth than what I first saw. Now the scene doesn't feel so disconnected from everything else, I can appreciate it more.
I also learned another thing: I shouldn't smoke weed when watching a movie for the first time
May the 4th be with you. I finished watching the final episode of the Clone Wars show and I'm so depressed that it's over. The clone wars era is complete.
The episode itself was pretty good, it's full of emotions but do not expect much from it. I hated how short it was, I kinda wanted to see more than just the certain characters survive Order 66. But I'll forgive them for not having us wait for a whole week just for this. I really enjoyed the ending of it though, it really did justice to the conclusion of the Clone Army. Definitely recommended to see it right now.
It's over. This is probably gonna be the last time I was hyped for Star Wars. I'm really glad Katheleen Kennedy didn't touch the final season with her dirty hands. Dave Filoni knows how to make a female character likeable. I cannot thank him enough for not giving up on this series. I have so many things to say but this is the last thing I want to say to my childhood.
After The Clone Wars, I finally got around to watch the Mandalorian as well and I recently finished the final episode. It's a pretty good show so far. I like Mando's character, he is easily the best bounty hunter character of the franchise and yes, I dare to say he is better than the Fett family (Jango and Boba). Baby Yoda is easily the cutest thing I've ever seen in the Star Wars universe, no doubt about it and I'm so surprised that the special effects are soo good. Because it's pretty rare for sci-fi TV shows to have the CGI this good.
Just saw (Iron Sky : The Coming Race) on Netflix last night which was pretty cool which they would’ve added some more talkative interactions with one of the characters.
Like this one scene when they showed all the former leaders and tyrants in our previous centuries and A millennias ago like Caligula who made his horse (ivory manager) they also showed Joseph Stalin etc but not much of a upper characters have much interaction .
Other then that I hope they make a third installment of the film because...
In the credits of the film with lastbremains of humanity if you saw the first Iron Sky film you can see them heading to Mars and I wasn’t supplied the USSR was station their and you here Soviet background music as you see the hammer and sickle and Soviet satellites surrounding the station.
Ayeee, I finished all of what they have of Stranger Things so far.
I think I've never felt so connected to characters as I have with the characters of Stranger Things, I guess it is because they all are the same age as me. lol
Anyway, the story was soo good! The introduction for the new characters was mind blowing (Dare I say... Mindflaying.), and that ending made me tear up.
Nope. Though, it was kind of obvious considering he's a major character that we never really saw die/get vaporized, which would have been a major event. Current fan theory has him escaping into the Upside Down hole before the Russians find him over there and take him captive.
In the final scene of Season 3, you can read the Russians talking about "an American" prisoner of theirs, but they move on and give some other chump to their secret Demogorgon.
Anyway... yes. He's alive and mostly well in Russia I guess.
Ayeee, I finished all of what they have of Stranger Things so far.
I think I've never felt so connected to characters as I have with the … morecharacters of Stranger Things, I guess it is because they all are the same age as me. lol
Anyway, the story was soo good! The introduction for the new characters was mind blowing (Dare I say... Mindflaying.), and that ending made me tear up.
-See's S4's trailer.-
I finished watching Season 1 of Barry. An HBO series created by Bill Hader and Alec Berg, with Hader playing the lead role.
It's a show about a Hitman who discovers he has an interest in acting, and tries to leave behind this dark side of his life. Of course, the past just keeps coming back for him in the worst ways.
It's a great, funny show with lots of great moments to empathize with Barry himself. He's a great character with flaws, and I actually find myself identifying with him a lot, (which makes sense, given that I was assigned a fight scene to play Barry in, and would have performed had quarantine not happened). He's afraid to stand up to his handler, is a nervous, meek individual (as shown when he performs in a few scenes), and struggles to integrate himself with the rest of his theatre group. However, when it comes down to it, he's able to push through and develop a real love for the arts and respect for his teacher. Though for the bad side, he's prone to peer pressure by some ex-Marine friends, has a bit of toxic masculinity and attachment issues regarding his "new girlfriend" (obviously I do not identify with these aspects) and tends to fantasize a future life with kids with said girlfriend.
The humour in the show is fun as well, with some scenes playing out in a heightened realist state (the chief detective tries to break into an encrypted file by going through a sequence -- 0001, 0002, 0003, etc. and ends up getting locked out, or, an interrogator tries to construct the most elaborate way to make his captor feel afraid instead of just threatening him with his life). The bulk of the good, funny scenes comes from the interactions with the Chechen mob, Barry's newest employers looking to start a not-gang-war. The right-hand man to the boss Goran is a man called NoHo Hank. He's got a real thing for Barry (unconfirmed whether he's gay for him, but it's questioned in a joke), looking up to him constantly and trying to be accommodating to nearly everyone he meets.
The theatre-troupe aspects are pretty spot-on with the games and a few pieces of advice, if my education is of any proof. However, there's one thing later on where an actor is encouraged to use their personal experiences to draw on for emotion every time, and for me, we've been told that's not encouraged and very emotionally unsafe.
This is probably a really convoluted way to explain some of my favourite parts of this show, so I'll just say... Find Barry. Watch Barry. This show is a treat. (Now I've got to find Season 2.)
This is really fucking good for a dependent animation, the music, voice acting, character design, the premise, and the humor. It's all just amazing. I was a bit skeptical, as I saw some things on twitter about it being 'offensive' and 'misogynistic'. Characters can be perceived as that, but they are played off as jokes. So, yeah. I was kinda taken aback about that at first, but I gave it a try anyway.
And, honestly. It was really good, they are in hell what are you expecting? For them to be nice? They are in hell for these reasons, being sexist, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and other shit like that.
I'm gonna stop here, so it doesn't get too political.
Just finished watching the Finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender. It was epic, it was long, it was satisfying. As someone on this forum can attest to, it took me a long time to finish it -- so long in fact that it nearly got removed off of Canadian Netflix on January 1st... but luckily that didn't happen and we're at where we are today. (I blame my stubborn nature on trying to make a good thing last as long as possible. I.E.: Taking 3 month breaks between seasons.)
But now that it's done... It was quite the fun experience. I can relax now that I've finally completed this journey. You're in for a treat, Deku.
I finally got around to watching 'Hazbin Hotel'.
This is really fucking good for a dependent animation, the music, voice acting, characte… morer design, the premise, and the humor. It's all just amazing. I was a bit skeptical, as I saw some things on twitter about it being 'offensive' and 'misogynistic'. Characters can be perceived as that, but they are played off as jokes. So, yeah. I was kinda taken aback about that at first, but I gave it a try anyway.
And, honestly. It was really good, they are in hell what are you expecting? For them to be nice? They are in hell for these reasons, being sexist, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and other shit like that.
I'm gonna stop here, so it doesn't get too political.
Anyway, Hazbin Hotel is good.
Because of some mental sensitivities I'll be leaving this short. The Dragon Prince: season 1 through season 3, one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. I highly recommend it.
Because of some mental sensitivities I'll be leaving this short. The Dragon Prince: season 1 through season 3, one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. I highly recommend it.
Been watching a lot more of The Simpsons lately. The newer ones aren't awful, but they're certainly lacking the charm S1-10 had. Sad thing is, they wouldn't need to do a lot to get it back. From what I can see, the classic Simpsons focused on a plot with jokes peppered around them.
The new ones seem to be jokes first, plot second which leads to the characters becoming more and more silly and the plot going more and more absurd as a result.
It's rare, but the best "new" simpsons episode I've seen is Halloween of Horror. If you're an old fan, this might scratch that itch.
The Willoughbys, it was good. I liked how it was a good family movie, but it had some dark and some dirty jokes that I laughed my ass off when hearing. This movie is a gem, and they should make more films like this...
Yesterday I finished watching The Midnight Gospel. Very interesting, unique, and pretty weird show.
As mentioned here before, the show offers interesting conversations about spirituality, religion and mindfulness and while some of it I don't necessarily agree with and some of it I don't really understand, it's those nuggets of resonating mantras and ideas that you look forward to hearing.
I'm not sure if the interviews themselves are taken from Duncan Trussell's own podcast, or if they're special interviews made just for the show -- but if they are, then the mixing of them into the weird series of events as well as added lines that I assume they brought the interviewees back into the studio for is a really cool move.
Last episode is definitely the best, also confirmed to be a tear-jerker, talking about Duncan's relationship to his late mother and coming to terms with death and "the truth" that everyone on earth tries to avoid -- that everyone will inevitably die and those left over have to keep living, knowing the other person has crossed over into an unknown plane of existence.
One big caveat is that I found it pretty hard to keep track of the conversation and the weird/mystical events happening on screen, having to either go back every few minutes if I missed something or just wear headphones and focus more on the dialogue.
My top episodes are definitely Ep8 (for that sweet sadness and adorable visuals of teddy bears performing love experiments, also just really nice ending), Ep4 (for the interesting medieval visuals, intro to the awesome rose flower and cool talk of mindfulness), Ep6 (for the look into the "real world" of TMG and brief conversation with David), Ep5 (for the interesting hook of a time-loop-death prison and the weird, abstract visuals of that soul thread thing... Didn't quite understand that at all, but I liked it), and Ep3 (for the cool design of the Fishbowl Man, adorable crew of classical-music pirate cats and I guess I found the interview from that episode to be interesting.)
Been watching some Charlie Chaplin movies on the Criterion Channel and I can't believe I've slept on his work for so long. The physical comedy actually still really holds up.
edit: whoops wrong thread for og comment @lupinb0y
Just started She-Ra (and the Princesses of Power) -- boy that's a mouthful.
By just started, I mean I'm literally at the beginning of it, just finished the two-part pilot. I really enjoy this thing, and I think it's going to be a wonderful ride. I don't think I'll binge the whole 5 seasons in three days like Lupin did, but this'll be a show to savour, for sure. (My buddy @MetallicaRules, just from my first impressions on it, this is a nice fantasy show to check out, definitely some Avatar vibes here, especially with the main trio).
Gosh, I'm already a big fan of the voice-acting. I don't know if it's the voice talent, the writing, or the direction of it, but a lot of it feels so natural yet emotive. It's soothing to my ears. The relationship between Adora and Catra is fun from the first few scenes they're together, and I can't wait to see how it unfolds over the course of the show. On that note, maybe it's just because of her snarky personality, but I'm really getting some Shego vibes (à la Kim Possible) from Catra.
The world is a nice treat, with a vibrant colour pallete. Light purples, pinks and blues for nature, while places where the evil Horde inhabit are desolate greens, greys and reds. The design of the ancient temples is cool, with lots of crystals and interesting line-design hieroglyphic things. I also like the juxtaposition of the medieval-style good guys vs. the technology-inspired bad guys. That's an interesting and cool concept for the world.
The music is also a fun treat so far. It's a good cinematic classical score with a few tracks adding in some electronic vibes to them. It's unique.
I think most people just refer to it as SPOP because of it's long ass name. I can't speak too much about it, but from what I have seen, I'm just not sure if I'd be able to get into it. Not saying it's bad or I don't like it (like I said, haven't seen or heard enough about it to make that assumption), but I'm just not sure if it's a show I can get into. I've heard it's got a lot of similarities to Avatar, but I've never really been into the He-Man/She-Ra universe/shows. Don't know what it is, but it just doesn't click for me. I do know one thing in regards to Catra, but I won't say due to spoilers. I might give it a shot at some point, once I have the time.
edit: whoops wrong thread for og comment
Just started She-Ra (and the Princesses of Power) -- boy that's a mouthful.
By just… more started, I mean I'm literally at the beginning of it, just finished the two-part pilot. I really enjoy this thing, and I think it's going to be a wonderful ride. I don't think I'll binge the whole 5 seasons in three days like Lupin did, but this'll be a show to savour, for sure. (My buddy @MetallicaRules, just from my first impressions on it, this is a nice fantasy show to check out, definitely some Avatar vibes here, especially with the main trio).
Gosh, I'm already a big fan of the voice-acting. I don't know if it's the voice talent, the writing, or the direction of it, but a lot of it feels so natural yet emotive. It's soothing to my ears. The relationship between Adora and Catra is fun from the first few scenes they're together, and I can't wait to see how it unfolds over the course of the show. On … [view original content]
It was okay for its time, I had a few issues with the continuity... But, it's nothing that truthfully ruins the experience. Same for pacing, but it's not too bad for a 50 minute Anime Film.
The art is what you'd expect if you've ever seen Dragon Ball Z. For the most part at least, the art and line work is perfect! But, the colours are definitely a bit off.
Let me stop being a bit critical, and I shall talk about the positives...
I really like the idea of a tournament, but it just took wayyy too long to get to the villain, Bojack. He doesn't show up until like 30 minutes into the film... And the film is 50 minutes long. lol
I still like the film, I just felt it was a bit bland by today's standards with the pacing of characters. But, I like Dragon Ball. So, I'm kinda used to it...
I finally started watching Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 7. I was thinking if I should actually watch the other seasons before the final one but because I'm not really someone who has that patience to watch every single episode, I decided to just jump right into it. I recently finished watching episode 10. Now I'm ready for the last 2.
Star Wars after 1983 has pretty much been all over its timeline, so other than the original trilogy, it's probably a good candidate for watching in whatever order you like.
Deku, how's your watch-through of Stranger Things been going? Finished the 2nd season?
Yeah, I'm on the third season. This is such a good show.
So I decided to see Frozen 2 last Saturday or whenever and this happened.
So many emotions, I felt. After watching Clone Wars S7 Episode 11
I haven't seen that episode yet but man this season has been awesome,didn't like the sisters arc with Ahsoka though it should've been 2 episodes instead of 4 imo (ep 7 was basically filler lol)
Also i remember using this guide to watch the show
Watching Ahsoka grow and learn through the whole show is great,if you don't feel like doing that then perhaps watch Rebels next when this season is over it's not like Clone Wars but it still has some amazing episodes. (Ahsoka and many other characters from Clone Wars are in it)
Agreed, I don't understand the purpose of the episode where they escaped but get captured again. That was soo pointless. Would have preferred to know how Darth Maul escaped Darth Sidious instead.
Yeah, I wasn't a fan of that part.
I loved this part.
They gave Jonathan his own song, and then fully embraced the 80's love ballad music video style, down to the transitions and visual editing. Hilarious for me.
Stranger Things S2 Why should I write my thoughts about that.
Wow, that was such a GOOD season!

I was so shocked by how good it was by the end. The second season started off just a bit slow, but... Holy hell, it was worth it!
I really liked the introduction to new characters and the refreshing style they chose when writing the story for this season. It made it feel as if you were learning these things as the characters were, which only adds more to the experience!
Noah Schnapp's character (Will) was involved the most in the plot, and I'm here for it! Will is such a fleshed-out character, and the way he was written was so complex.
It really is a shame he isn't used as much in season three (From what our poultry friend has told us.)
Now, onto season three's episodes...
Yeah, I'm kinda with @AChicken on this one. I couldn't hold it in near the end in particular and it was honestly one of the better songs at that point in the movie.
@AChicken @DabigRG It's not that it was made bad. In fact, it was made very well. It's just that the scene felt unnecessary. But now thinking back, it did have more meaning than just Lovey dovey stuff.
It was about him thinking his way through an emotional slump and trying to remember what his goals are. My brain somehow missed that part and thought he was just love sick.
Thinking that way, my first impression was that he was hollow and only thought about one thing. But I see there is more character depth than what I first saw. Now the scene doesn't feel so disconnected from everything else, I can appreciate it more.
I also learned another thing: I shouldn't smoke weed when watching a movie for the first time
Re-watching Code Lyoko on YouTube.
That whole subplot was kinda unnecessary, if we're being fully honest.
Hell, he even disappears from the movie afterwards until Anna literally needs him to scoop in.
At least we got some guano on top of it.
Nice, I was thinking of doing that myself until I deleted the playlist off my account. Is it still good as you remember?
Kinda jumping in here, but rewatching the first episode was kinda awkward.
Still good after I'm done with the Orginal I'll watch Code Lyoko : Evolution .
So many good shows from the early 2000's I also liked Totaly Spies and Martin Mystroy and Kappa Miky.
May the 4th be with you. I finished watching the final episode of the Clone Wars show and I'm so depressed that it's over. The clone wars era is complete.
The episode itself was pretty good, it's full of emotions but do not expect much from it. I hated how short it was, I kinda wanted to see more than just the certain characters survive Order 66. But I'll forgive them for not having us wait for a whole week just for this. I really enjoyed the ending of it though, it really did justice to the conclusion of the Clone Army. Definitely recommended to see it right now.
It's over. This is probably gonna be the last time I was hyped for Star Wars. I'm really glad Katheleen Kennedy didn't touch the final season with her dirty hands. Dave Filoni knows how to make a female character likeable. I cannot thank him enough for not giving up on this series. I have so many things to say but this is the last thing I want to say to my childhood.
After The Clone Wars, I finally got around to watch the Mandalorian as well and I recently finished the final episode. It's a pretty good show so far. I like Mando's character, he is easily the best bounty hunter character of the franchise and yes, I dare to say he is better than the Fett family (Jango and Boba). Baby Yoda is easily the cutest thing I've ever seen in the Star Wars universe, no doubt about it and I'm so surprised that the special effects are soo good. Because it's pretty rare for sci-fi TV shows to have the CGI this good.
Just saw (Iron Sky : The Coming Race) on Netflix last night which was pretty cool which they would’ve added some more talkative interactions with one of the characters.
Like this one scene when they showed all the former leaders and tyrants in our previous centuries and A millennias ago like Caligula who made his horse (ivory manager) they also showed Joseph Stalin etc but not much of a upper characters have much interaction .
Other then that I hope they make a third installment of the film because...
In the credits of the film with lastbremains of humanity if you saw the first Iron Sky film you can see them heading to Mars and I wasn’t supplied the USSR was station their and you here Soviet background music as you see the hammer and sickle and Soviet satellites surrounding the station.
Ayeee, I finished all of what they have of Stranger Things so far.
I think I've never felt so connected to characters as I have with the characters of Stranger Things, I guess it is because they all are the same age as me. lol
Anyway, the story was soo good! The introduction for the new characters was mind blowing (Dare I say... Mindflaying.), and that ending made me tear up.
-See's S4's trailer.-
Nope. Though, it was kind of obvious considering he's a major character that we never really saw die/get vaporized, which would have been a major event. Current fan theory has him escaping into the Upside Down hole before the Russians find him over there and take him captive.
In the final scene of Season 3, you can read the Russians talking about "an American" prisoner of theirs, but they move on and give some other chump to their secret Demogorgon.
Anyway... yes. He's alive and mostly well in Russia I guess.
Yeah, I was thinking that at first. But, then I thought "Well after all that has happened I doubt that they would bring him back so quickly.". lol
But, yeah. Stranger Things is good, and I am now a fan of it.
I finished watching Season 1 of Barry. An HBO series created by Bill Hader and Alec Berg, with Hader playing the lead role.
It's a show about a Hitman who discovers he has an interest in acting, and tries to leave behind this dark side of his life. Of course, the past just keeps coming back for him in the worst ways.
It's a great, funny show with lots of great moments to empathize with Barry himself. He's a great character with flaws, and I actually find myself identifying with him a lot, (which makes sense, given that I was assigned a fight scene to play Barry in, and would have performed had quarantine not happened). He's afraid to stand up to his handler, is a nervous, meek individual (as shown when he performs in a few scenes), and struggles to integrate himself with the rest of his theatre group. However, when it comes down to it, he's able to push through and develop a real love for the arts and respect for his teacher. Though for the bad side, he's prone to peer pressure by some ex-Marine friends, has a bit of toxic masculinity and attachment issues regarding his "new girlfriend" (obviously I do not identify with these aspects) and tends to fantasize a future life with kids with said girlfriend.
The humour in the show is fun as well, with some scenes playing out in a heightened realist state (the chief detective tries to break into an encrypted file by going through a sequence -- 0001, 0002, 0003, etc. and ends up getting locked out, or, an interrogator tries to construct the most elaborate way to make his captor feel afraid instead of just threatening him with his life). The bulk of the good, funny scenes comes from the interactions with the Chechen mob, Barry's newest employers looking to start a not-gang-war. The right-hand man to the boss Goran is a man called NoHo Hank. He's got a real thing for Barry (unconfirmed whether he's gay for him, but it's questioned in a joke), looking up to him constantly and trying to be accommodating to nearly everyone he meets.
The theatre-troupe aspects are pretty spot-on with the games and a few pieces of advice, if my education is of any proof. However, there's one thing later on where an actor is encouraged to use their personal experiences to draw on for emotion every time, and for me, we've been told that's not encouraged and very emotionally unsafe.
This is probably a really convoluted way to explain some of my favourite parts of this show, so I'll just say... Find Barry. Watch Barry. This show is a treat. (Now I've got to find Season 2.)
I finally got around to watching 'Hazbin Hotel'.
This is really fucking good for a dependent animation, the music, voice acting, character design, the premise, and the humor. It's all just amazing. I was a bit skeptical, as I saw some things on twitter about it being 'offensive' and 'misogynistic'. Characters can be perceived as that, but they are played off as jokes. So, yeah. I was kinda taken aback about that at first, but I gave it a try anyway.
And, honestly. It was really good, they are in hell what are you expecting? For them to be nice? They are in hell for these reasons, being sexist, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and other shit like that.
I'm gonna stop here, so it doesn't get too political.
Anyway, Hazbin Hotel is good.
Just finished watching the Finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender. It was epic, it was long, it was satisfying. As someone on this forum can attest to, it took me a long time to finish it -- so long in fact that it nearly got removed off of Canadian Netflix on January 1st... but luckily that didn't happen and we're at where we are today. (I blame my stubborn nature on trying to make a good thing last as long as possible. I.E.: Taking 3 month breaks between seasons.)
But now that it's done... It was quite the fun experience. I can relax now that I've finally completed this journey. You're in for a treat, Deku.
Scoob! was NOT worth the twenty bucks.
At least Zombie Island and Witch's Ghost are pretty good.
The shit-fits on Twitter and Letterboxd over Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss give me life.
Yeah, those people are so fucking annoying yet so hilarious.
Because of some mental sensitivities I'll be leaving this short. The Dragon Prince: season 1 through season 3, one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. I highly recommend it.
I've had The Dragon Prince on my list on Netflix for the longest time ever, I just haven't gotten to it yet.
Been watching a lot more of The Simpsons lately. The newer ones aren't awful, but they're certainly lacking the charm S1-10 had. Sad thing is, they wouldn't need to do a lot to get it back. From what I can see, the classic Simpsons focused on a plot with jokes peppered around them.
The new ones seem to be jokes first, plot second which leads to the characters becoming more and more silly and the plot going more and more absurd as a result.
It's rare, but the best "new" simpsons episode I've seen is Halloween of Horror. If you're an old fan, this might scratch that itch.
The Willoughbys, it was good. I liked how it was a good family movie, but it had some dark and some dirty jokes that I laughed my ass off when hearing. This movie is a gem, and they should make more films like this...
am i the only one who thinks the nanny is epic
Yesterday I finished watching The Midnight Gospel. Very interesting, unique, and pretty weird show.
As mentioned here before, the show offers interesting conversations about spirituality, religion and mindfulness and while some of it I don't necessarily agree with and some of it I don't really understand, it's those nuggets of resonating mantras and ideas that you look forward to hearing.
I'm not sure if the interviews themselves are taken from Duncan Trussell's own podcast, or if they're special interviews made just for the show -- but if they are, then the mixing of them into the weird series of events as well as added lines that I assume they brought the interviewees back into the studio for is a really cool move.
Last episode is definitely the best, also confirmed to be a tear-jerker, talking about Duncan's relationship to his late mother and coming to terms with death and "the truth" that everyone on earth tries to avoid -- that everyone will inevitably die and those left over have to keep living, knowing the other person has crossed over into an unknown plane of existence.
One big caveat is that I found it pretty hard to keep track of the conversation and the weird/mystical events happening on screen, having to either go back every few minutes if I missed something or just wear headphones and focus more on the dialogue.
My top episodes are definitely Ep8 (for that sweet sadness and adorable visuals of teddy bears performing love experiments, also just really nice ending), Ep4 (for the interesting medieval visuals, intro to the awesome rose flower and cool talk of mindfulness), Ep6 (for the look into the "real world" of TMG and brief conversation with David), Ep5 (for the interesting hook of a time-loop-death prison and the weird, abstract visuals of that soul thread thing... Didn't quite understand that at all, but I liked it), and Ep3 (for the cool design of the Fishbowl Man, adorable crew of classical-music pirate cats and I guess I found the interview from that episode to be interesting.)
Been watching some Charlie Chaplin movies on the Criterion Channel and I can't believe I've slept on his work for so long. The physical comedy actually still really holds up.
edit: whoops wrong thread for og comment
Just started She-Ra (and the Princesses of Power) -- boy that's a mouthful.
By just started, I mean I'm literally at the beginning of it, just finished the two-part pilot. I really enjoy this thing, and I think it's going to be a wonderful ride. I don't think I'll binge the whole 5 seasons in three days like Lupin did, but this'll be a show to savour, for sure. (My buddy @MetallicaRules, just from my first impressions on it, this is a nice fantasy show to check out, definitely some Avatar vibes here, especially with the main trio).
Gosh, I'm already a big fan of the voice-acting. I don't know if it's the voice talent, the writing, or the direction of it, but a lot of it feels so natural yet emotive. It's soothing to my ears. The relationship between Adora and Catra is fun from the first few scenes they're together, and I can't wait to see how it unfolds over the course of the show. On that note, maybe it's just because of her snarky personality, but I'm really getting some Shego vibes (à la Kim Possible) from Catra.
The world is a nice treat, with a vibrant colour pallete. Light purples, pinks and blues for nature, while places where the evil Horde inhabit are desolate greens, greys and reds. The design of the ancient temples is cool, with lots of crystals and interesting line-design hieroglyphic things. I also like the juxtaposition of the medieval-style good guys vs. the technology-inspired bad guys. That's an interesting and cool concept for the world.
The music is also a fun treat so far. It's a good cinematic classical score with a few tracks adding in some electronic vibes to them. It's unique.
I think most people just refer to it as SPOP because of it's long ass name. I can't speak too much about it, but from what I have seen, I'm just not sure if I'd be able to get into it. Not saying it's bad or I don't like it (like I said, haven't seen or heard enough about it to make that assumption), but I'm just not sure if it's a show I can get into. I've heard it's got a lot of similarities to Avatar, but I've never really been into the He-Man/She-Ra universe/shows. Don't know what it is, but it just doesn't click for me. I do know one thing in regards to Catra, but I won't say due to spoilers. I might give it a shot at some point, once I have the time.
I watched 'Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound'.
It was okay for its time, I had a few issues with the continuity... But, it's nothing that truthfully ruins the experience. Same for pacing, but it's not too bad for a 50 minute Anime Film.
The art is what you'd expect if you've ever seen Dragon Ball Z. For the most part at least, the art and line work is perfect! But, the colours are definitely a bit off.
Let me stop being a bit critical, and I shall talk about the positives...
I really like the idea of a tournament, but it just took wayyy too long to get to the villain, Bojack. He doesn't show up until like 30 minutes into the film... And the film is 50 minutes long. lol
I still like the film, I just felt it was a bit bland by today's standards with the pacing of characters. But, I like Dragon Ball. So, I'm kinda used to it...
Anyway, DBZ Films are good.