The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited June 2020

    Tbf I have nothing but good memories any year between when I was born and 2013. After that things started to suck. I think we can all admit that we all got molested by 2016, and 2020...well...

    2008 was horrible.

  • 2021 shouldn't be bad at least I can't wait for the 3rd and final Jurassic World film.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Tbf I have nothing but good memories any year between when I was born and 2013. After that things started to suck. I think we can all admit that we all got molested by 2016, and 2020...well...

  • edited June 2020

    I just finished season 1 of The Dragon Prince. It's a lot of fun, I really liked it! The characters are likable, it has good voice acting, the visuals look great for the most part (aside from some of the minor characters), and I really particularly enjoy the armour designs in the show, with King Harrow, Amaya, Claudia and Soren being some of my favourites.

    There are some issues, like the humour falling a bit flat at times, and there are definitely a few issues with the animation with it sometimes looking like a straight up slide show, but for the most part it's actually pretty good, especially during the action sequences.

    I'm eager to see where it'll go from here.

  • I can't wait for the 3rd and final jurassic world film

    Wait, it's the final one!

    Noooooooooooo, how did I not know?

    2021 shouldn't be bad at least I can't wait for the 3rd and final Jurassic World film.

  • I hear positive things about that from time to time. Maybe if Voltron among other shows doesn't do much for me, I'll give it a look.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I just finished season 1 of The Dragon Prince. It's a lot of fun, I really liked it! The characters are likable, it has good voice acting, t

  • Much like the animation, the humor does improve as well in future seasons. As much as I love the show, I’ll admit that there were a handful of jokes I felt that fell flat in S1, which I found surprising considering the head writer of Avatar made this show. S2 is definitely when the show starts hitting its stride.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I just finished season 1 of The Dragon Prince. It's a lot of fun, I really liked it! The characters are likable, it has good voice acting, t

  • Right so I’m redecorating my room. Seeing as I like pretty much every colour, I can’t decide what the main colour theme should be. I’m thinking of having a primary, secondary as well as a tertiary colour to compliment the other 2. Any ideas?

  • Great News: It’s really looking like Tales From The Borderlands is indeed coming back.

    In the Legendary Collection of The Pre Sequel on Switch, the TFTB skins are supposedly there... just locked...


  • I'm betting it's code that they forgot to remove for the collection, but I'd love to be proved wrong. (Does SHIFT accounts still work with Tales/Pre-Sequel linking? )

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Great News: It’s really looking like Tales From The Borderlands is indeed coming back. In the Legendary Collection of The Pre Sequel on Switch, the TFTB skins are supposedly there... just locked... Thoughts?

  • Sadly that probably doesnt mean anything. Tales probably will be coming back in someway somewhat soon-ish but I wouldnt say thats a sign it is happening. It just remains in the files, theres no reason to actually go in and remove them even if the license holders never ever plan on getting Tales back on shelves.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Great News: It’s really looking like Tales From The Borderlands is indeed coming back. In the Legendary Collection of The Pre Sequel on Switch, the TFTB skins are supposedly there... just locked... Thoughts?

  • edited June 2020

    I just finished season 3 of The Dragon Prince. It's definitely not perfect, but I really enjoy this show, it's legitimately great! I've said it before a couple times already, but I will keep saying it. Netflix is absolutely killing it in the animation department.

    Pretty much everything I praised it for previously, like the characters and voice acting, continue strongly. I love what they did with Callum, Rayla and Ezran. The humour is also handled much better than the first season. It's a lot less awkward. Season 2 and 3 still have that low framerate animation style buts it's significantly better than it was in the first season.

    It might sound a bit weird but I like that the show doesn't have an aversion to blood like most other animated shows aimed at younger audiences. I don't think it's needed but it helps to make certain scenes feel more visceral, especially during combat. But even when there isn't blood, hot damn this show can be violent. Some people don't just die, they get fuckin' KILLED.

    I think the only issues I had would be some of the pacing. Each season only has nine episodes so they clearly want a tighter focus on story, but at the same time it makes certain things like traveling move a bit too fast for my liking. I feel like this is a show that would have benefited from "filler" episodes.

    My other problem is that Netflix still hasn't announced a fourth season which is worrisome since it's been more than six months since season 3 was released. I need more of this injected into my veins.

  • Magenta 😆

    Melton23 posted: »

    Right so I’m redecorating my room. Seeing as I like pretty much every colour, I can’t decide what the main colour theme should be. I’m thinking of having a primary, secondary as well as a tertiary colour to compliment the other 2. Any ideas?

  • Apparently, Disney+ users and Star Wars fans got some really good news.

    The director, Jon Favreau, just confirmed that The Mandalorian hasn't faced any delays and that it will be out in October.

  • It might sound a bit weird but I like that the show doesn't have an aversion to blood like most other animated shows aimed at younger audiences. I don't think it's needed but it helps to make certain scenes feel more visceral, especially during combat. But even when there isn't blood, hot damn this show can be violent. Some people don't just die, they get fuckin' KILLED.

    Now this is interesting.

    Jon Favreau, just confirmed that The Mandalorian hasn't faced any delays and that it will be out in October.

    It certainly helps that they finished filming Season 2 last fall, so all they need to work on is special effects and editing, something people can still easily do at home during the pandemic. Cool.
    I'm worried for the Marvel shows though, since Falcon and the Winter Soldier was nearly done filming in Prague before Covid shut it down, and I heard they were supposed to do some reshoots. Currently, it's set to release in the fall, but if they can't get back out there to film, it might not be ready then (or we'll have a much different story than originally planned).

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I just finished season 3 of The Dragon Prince. It's definitely not perfect, but I really enjoy this show, it's legitimately great! I've said

  • I'm worried for the Marvel shows though since Falcon and the Winter Soldier was nearly done filming in Prague before COVID shut it down, and I heard they were supposed to do some reshoots. Currently, it's set to release in the fall, but if they can't get back out there to film, it might not be ready then (or we'll have a much different story than originally planned).

    Yeah, I'm worried about Falcon and Winter Soldier too. I was excited for those, it's a shame they've been potentially delayed. At least we got the Mandalorian.

    I'm almost positive 'What If...' didn't get delayed though, it's animation. So that's a bit easier than shooting a film with a camera and with a team of people.

    I can't wait to see what the future holds though, because I bet it will be awesome.

    AChicken posted: »

    It might sound a bit weird but I like that the show doesn't have an aversion to blood like most other animated shows aimed at younger audien

  • Glad you liked it.

    One of the things that surprised was what they could get away with showing, especially in the Season 3 finale. Kasef shot through the head with an arrow by Aanya was not something I thought they could get away with. Then they top it with Soren “killing” Viren. Sure it was an illusion, but you see the sword through his chest, you see the blood, they went far with that. Even at the very end, when Claudia brings Viren back, you can actually see the feet of a dead soldier in the background, implying Claudia killed them to save Viren.

    I overall agree with 9 episodes not being enough, I’ve also thought the pacing can be a bit fast sometimes, but don’t expect that to change. The creators seem content with only 9 episodes and are okay with it, so don’t expect that to change in the future.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t be worried about Netflix cancelling it. While yes it has been a while since Season 3 with no news of a Season 4, I just don’t see Netflix not renewing it. It’s been very successful, it just got nominated for 2 Emmys, there’s a video game in the making, a Book One novelization just came out, and there’s a graphic novel due for release in September that is supposed to bridge the gap between Books 3 and 4. The creators also said they are determined to finish this story in anyway possible, even if Netflix does cancel it.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I just finished season 3 of The Dragon Prince. It's definitely not perfect, but I really enjoy this show, it's legitimately great! I've said

  • edited June 2020

    Man, when Viren kills people he sure goes ham. That episode when he's being arrested, I was shocked when he pretty much performs Mortal Kombat fatalities on the guards. Freezing and shattering one dude and then immolating another guy into ash. And when he kills the Sunfire Queen and she's just trying to grab at her face that's burning away. OOF. Netflix really gave them a lot of liberties with what they could get away with.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t be worried about Netflix cancelling it. While yes it has been a while since Season 3 with no news of a Season 4, I just don’t see Netflix not renewing it. It’s been very successful, it just got nominated for 2 Emmys, there’s a video game in the making, a Book One novelization just came out, and there’s a graphic novel due for release in September that is supposed to bridge the gap between Books 3 and 4.

    It helps but it doesn't totally put away my fears since Netflix has a history of cancelling very well received shows, regardless of the accolades. I'll have to pick up that graphic novel though when it releases, it sounds neat!

    The creators also said they are determined to finish this story in anyway possible, even if Netflix does cancel it.

    Yeah I heard that they'll approach other networks if Netflix cancels it, but if that does happen they might not be able to get away with some of the stuff they already have like the violence, certain relationships, etc.

    Glad you liked it. (Spoiler) I overall agree with 9 episodes not being enough, I’ve also thought the pacing can be a bit fast sometime

  • Technically that was Aaravos that killed the Sun Queen, but you're still correct, these deaths can be pretty gruesome. Forgot about the guy he froze and smashed, that honestly shocked me when they showed that.

    You can buy the graphic novel off of Amazon (and no I'm not just saying to buy it there because that's who I work for), it's supposed to focus mainly on Rayla in regards to what happened at the very end of Season 3. It's called Through The Moon.

    Don't miss this exclusive, original story set between seasons 3 and 4 of the hit animated series The Dragon Prince!

    The Dragon Prince has been reunited with his mother, the Human Kingdoms and Xadia are at peace, and humans and elves alike are ready to move on.

    Only Rayla is still restless. Unable to believe Lord Viren is truly dead, and haunted by questions about the fate of her parents and Runaan, she remains trapped between hope and fear. When an ancient ritual calls her, Callum, and Ezran to the Moon Nex¬us, she learns the lake is a portal to a world between life and death. Rayla seizes the opportunity for closure-and the chance to confirm that Lord Viren is gone for good.

    But the portal is unstable, and the ancient Moonshadow elves who destroyed it never intended for it to be reopened. Will Rayla's quest to uncover the secrets of the dead put her living friends in mortal danger?

    Don't miss this exclusive, original graphic novel from Peter Wartman and Xanthe Bouma, with story by The Dragon Prince creators Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    (Spoiler) Honestly, I wouldn’t be worried about Netflix cancelling it. While yes it has been a while since Season 3 with no news of a

  • Nice! Love Rayla so I'll be looking forward to that.

    I'll probably get it at a local comic book store, since the ones here are pretty good when it comes to getting new graphic novel releases. Plus no delivery fee.

    (Spoiler) You can buy the graphic novel off of Amazon (and no I'm not just saying to buy it there because that's who I work for), it's su

  • edited June 2020

    The PS5 event has officially been rescheduled to June 11th -- this Thursday -- 4pm EDT, same as the last date.
    Sidenote: Seems weird to me that every company's been delaying announcements or special events by 2-3 weeks (or indefinitely until things quiet down), but Sony? Just a week. Huh. (Then again, I'm sure things like EA Play -- which was supposed to be this Thursday -- got pushed back further because there might be some plan for an inside look into next-gen games that could get revealed by Sony.)

    Also, this is an interesting parallel. Next console gets revealed and a couple days later a Last of us title comes out.

  • Adobe Premier trying to render a single .png

  • Life has never been the same since I learned that Stuart Little is actually a human boy that just looks like a rat instead of actually being a rat.

  • Stuart Little is a human furry...

    Eh, I still think that Remy would beat Stuart Little in a fight.

    (It has been brought to my attention that I said a food name and not the rat's name, I have wronged you all... To make up for it, I will post funny rat meme because rat is rat.)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Life has never been the same since I learned that Stuart Little is actually a human boy that just looks like a rat instead of actually being a rat.

  • edited June 2020

    Hold on a minute... WHAT?!

    (From Wikipedia)
    It is a realistic fantasy about a mouse-like human boy named Stuart Little. According to the first chapter, he ″looked very much like a rat/mouse in every way″.

    I'm pretty sure I've only ever seen the film, and I'm pretty sure the film drops any notion of a mouse-looking-human boy, and just sticks with "mouse".

    Here's another big reveal about the movie: M. Night Shyamalan was one half of the writer's team for Stuart Little.


    Eh, I still think that Ratatouiee would beat Stuart Little in a fight.

    The name's Remy, my dude. Ratatouille is the food.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Life has never been the same since I learned that Stuart Little is actually a human boy that just looks like a rat instead of actually being a rat.

  • Truly Unrivaled by pretty much anything that's come before

    Credit to u/ChipperClegane

  • The name's Remy, my dude. Ratatouille is the food.

    Remy totally would. He picked up a whole kitchen knife at one point; he definitely could do some damage.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hold on a minute... WHAT?! (From Wikipedia) It is a realistic fantasy about a mouse-like human boy named Stuart Little. According t

  • edited June 2020

    This is kinda a weird thing to say randomly but I feel like Troy Baker is 100% going to be in The Wolf Among Us 2 assuming there is a new major male character role. It feels like every video he is in where he talks about Telltale, he always brings up Nick Herman and Pierre Shorette and how much he enjoyed working with them. Even more interesting is he was just recently talking about Batman S1 and he said Nick and Pierre had this idea that he loved and thought was incredible about Oz that Nick and Pierre had thought up of but was ultimately shot down by executives and higher ups because it "broke the cannon too much."

    I'm actually super interested to know what that idea was seeing how (according to the game's credits at least, who knows if their involvement was actually a lot bigger behind the scenes) Nick and Pierre did not have that major of a role in the creative process anymore post TFTBL and then they left mostly due (iirc from the Campo Santo interview) the company not making games they were excited about anymore. Kinda wanna know what their original ideas for Batman were seeing how I always thought it was really odd a lot of the AdHoc crew post TFTBL were in minor creative roles compared to what they were doing before hand.

    (Anthony Ingruber I wouldnt be surprised if he will also appear as Boy Blue seeing how it seems people working at modern Telltale right now like him and Anthony obviously seems like he wants to get back into doing Telltale VO)

  • edited June 2020

    edit moved to next-gen thread

  • Yeah, to me at least it seemed that GOT and MCSM were the last games made by the same people who made the first few Telltale Games. After that, you could tell with Michonne and Batman that executives had more control than the writers.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    This is kinda a weird thing to say randomly but I feel like Troy Baker is 100% going to be in The Wolf Among Us 2 assuming there is a new ma

  • If I remember that Campo Santo interview correct I believe Nick said they had to kinda cash in their karma chips to make it happen because they worked there so long, and seeing how higher ups wanted to just abruptly cancel the game half way through, I wouldnt be too surprised if there was an active effort to make sure they were in roles that could no longer stand in the way of executive choices once Tales ended.

    Who knows if theres any truth to that theory, but I always thought it was so weird some of the longest and most talented staff members after Tales seemed to have their roles reduced the year after and then left the studio.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Yeah, to me at least it seemed that GOT and MCSM were the last games made by the same people who made the first few Telltale Games. After that, you could tell with Michonne and Batman that executives had more control than the writers.

  • If either of them voice anyone from Fables, it's going to be Boy Blue. That character screams Troy Baker.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    This is kinda a weird thing to say randomly but I feel like Troy Baker is 100% going to be in The Wolf Among Us 2 assuming there is a new ma


    DC/WB is hosting a conference/virtual con on August 22nd where they plan on announcing a bunch of new games, movies and comics and showing off footage for upcoming ones. This could be our first real look at TWAU2 assuming AdHoc/Telltale have made it far enough in development to whip up a trailer. If not, they may at least do some interviews.

  • Eh- I dont know. I dont really think Troy would be that great of a cast for Boy Blue. Granted I haven't heard him do more of a "20 year old" voice before so maybe he can, but I feel the closest we get would be Boy Blue sounding like Rhys if Troy voiced him. I feel Troy would better fit someone like Prince Charming. (Unlikely Charming will appear, but I feel he is more suited to voice a more "manly" character rather than one thats suppose to be more boyish.)

    booper posted: »

    If either of them voice anyone from Fables, it's going to be Boy Blue. That character screams Troy Baker.

  • Not getting my hopes up : This seems more like a DCEU and Rocksteady thing regarding the superheroes of DC, rather than the other 2nd party IP like the Vertigo stuff eg Fables.

    Plus, I think we have a few more months before TWAU2 has anything to show. I don't expect anything until Q4.

    booper posted: » DC/WB is hosting a conference/virtual con on August 22nd

  • edited June 2020

    Now I feel stupid for making my last post.

    tl;dr: AT&T is selling off WB's gaming division. Apparently they're negotiating with several large companies including EA to sell everything to them. I don't think it needs to be said how bad this is, especially for nuTelltale/AdHoc.

    RIP to TWAU2 again, I guess.

  • I don't think it needs to be said how bad this is, especially for nuTelltale/AdHoc.

    I think it needs to be said. What effect does this have on Telltale Games / AdHoc?

    booper posted: »

    Now I feel stupid for making my last post. tl;dr: AT&T is selling off WB'

  • edited June 2020

    Here's what IGN has to say:

    Any company that does purchase WB Interactive will not gain the rights to IP like Batman or Harry Potter, which is owned by Warner Bros. Instead, any deal will likely include a “commercial licensing agreement where AT&T can continue to get revenue from its IP.”
    A potential purchase will, however, include studios that belong to WB Interactive like NetherRealm and Rocksteady, the developers behind Mortal Kombat, and the Batman Arkham series respectively.

    Basically, WB still owns the rights for its IPs like DC, LOTR, Harry Potter, etc. They'll still continue to receive profits from whatever games are made with those IPs since they're the ones who control the licensing, but the new owners of whichever company buys WB Interactive out will have control over the smaller affiliate studios that are owned by WB, like NRS and Rocksteady, meaning that they'd also have control over what projects live or die, no matter how far along in production they are.

    tbh, I have no idea how deeply entrenched Telltale is with WB Games, but they're still using their IPs and WB was going to publish TWAU2; you can see their logo in the Game Award trailer. This deal could be bad news if Telltale is included in it in any way and whoever buys WB Games up decides to start canceling projects that they don't think are profitable or fit their business model. EA is notorious for doing this, so they're the worst case scenario.

    THAT SAID, I might be totally off the mark here, so if anyone has a better understanding of how a deal like this would work, weigh in. But I do think it's alarming since 1) TWAU (and Telltale Batman) are DC related IPs, 2) TWAU2 is probably going to be a very small production, is a niche title with a niche game model, which would put it on the chopping block, 3) we have no idea what the fuck is going on with Telltale or this game. Either way, I think it's important to talk about.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I don't think it needs to be said how bad this is, especially for nuTelltale/AdHoc. I think it needs to be said. What effect does this have on Telltale Games / AdHoc?

  • There's a 0% chance that Wolf 2 would be canceled this way. It's just not possible. It would be so unreasonable after the big reveal, funding from Epic, and how a whole company of 30 people is solely working on it,

    booper posted: »

    Here's what IGN has to say: Any company that does purchase WB Interactive will not gain the rights to IP like Batman or Harry Potter,

  • Theres no real reason to worry about Wolf 2 with this whole Warner Bros Games being sold thing. Im sure it wont be super convenient but LCG owns The Wolf Among Us, and already completed a license deal for the Fables IP, and are the ones developing it. That whole licensing deal already went down and shouldn't be able to be backed out on. Had Wolf 2 been saved by Warner Bros games directly and was being developed in house at one of their studios (like Rocksteady for example,) then this would be a much more alarming issue. But Warner does not own LCG/Telltale so that wont happen.

    Im not going to act like Im some IP and business know it all because Im not, but I dont realistically see this leading to Wolf 2 being canceled in anyway. If someone ends up buying Warner Bros Interactive (which does not own LCG,) theres no real reason to actively try and stop developing it as they shouldnt be in a position to actually make them stop developing it. Also Fables falls under the same rule of thumb as Batman where Warner and DC still owns the Fables brand. And also again, LCG isnt owned by Warner so whoever buys this cant just go to LCG and tell them to stop. The licensing deal was already finished. The worst that can happen is whoever buys Warner Interactive doesnt invest any money (but Im 95% certain WB wasnt investing any money with LCG in the first place and only made a licensing deal, basically being a one time purchase.)

    booper posted: »

    Here's what IGN has to say: Any company that does purchase WB Interactive will not gain the rights to IP like Batman or Harry Potter,

  • Don’t you just fucking hate it when you run into one major god damn problem on your pc, then when you try to find a solution people either make useless inputs or start using all this geeky command prompt type talk. Like fella, I’m here because I have no idea what I’m doing, what makes you think I’m going to have any idea what you’re talking about?

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