The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Its pretty crazy how basically the ps1 ps2 and pc versions all have their own kind of flavor yet are still all kinda the "same" which is why I feel an interesting idea for these to be "remade" would kinda just combine it all because like I was saying, if it were to happen, what version would be the one to be remade? PS1, PS2, or PC version? Taking the strongest parts per game and mixing it all together..

    I had the ps2 version and I remember I would reload the night time levels and sneak outside to screw around the prefects. I dont think (or at least I cant remember anymore lol) a Filch level for ps2, so that would be an awesome to add to a remake as every game I feel has something thats really cool that isnt in the others. Gotta squish it all together damnit! (at least the Harry Potter RPG is still coming kinda soon)

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah, I played some of the Harry Potter games, but on PC (which is relevant, because the console versions and the PC version of the first 2

  • And I don't remember prefects even being in the PC version, so that'd be pretty rad indeed if they decided to somehow combine them, haha. I remember that the final level was pretty hilarious, because it involved Quirell turning his head like an owl so that Voldemort's face would be in the front and that in order to defeat him, you had to get behind the mirror so that his Avada Kedavra spells would reflect right back at him. Fun stuff.

    Oh yeah, that Harry Potter RPG is supposed to release someday in 2021, right? The leaked footage looked nice, but considering that it appeared like 2 years ago, I wonder how will the final product look like. Might be completely different by now.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its pretty crazy how basically the ps1 ps2 and pc versions all have their own kind of flavor yet are still all kinda the "same" which is why

  • 8 year old me must've been spoiled (or my nostalgia glasses are on) because nearly all my childhood licensed games were fun. Open Season, Shrek 2, Shark Tale, Spongebob Squarepants movie, Wallace and Gromit in Project Zoo, Robots. Yeah they weren't perfect but they were legitimate games.

    Fuck give me my xbox and ps2 back I want to relive my childhood.

    AronDracula posted: »

    This is EXACTLY the same style. I also played a WALL-E game but it was on PS3 and it's different. @lupinb0y You just hit us with a lot of nostalgia. The good old days of licensed video games.

  • Oh my God, it's July 1st and I almost completely forgot.

    Happy Bobby Bonilla Day everyone! May this special day be filled with good tidings, except for Mets fans.

  • People on here when I mention the Ratatouille movie game as a joke.

  • Just remembered I played this DS version, enjoyed it a ton way back when.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    People on here when I mention the Ratatouille movie game as a joke.

  • Yep, that's the one I played too. I remember liking it quite a bit.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Just remembered I played this DS version, enjoyed it a ton way back when.

  • Anyone else remember the PS1 and PS2 Harry Potter games?

    My childhood!

    I wish there had been more ambitious games made around the Harry Potter universe. There's supposedly this huge Harry Potter RPG in the works but its announcement keeps getting delayed...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Everyone here talking about old games. Anyone else remember the PS1 and PS2 Harry Potter games? Those games were honestly really good and

  • I think comparing the two really downplays how utterly awful the latter TWDG sequels really were...

    I'm just gonna go ahead and say this, most of telltale's walking dead sequels (even ANF, at least in some aspects.) are better than most of the majority of TLOU part 2 storyline.

  • I still have PTSD from hiding from Filch in the library, definitely my least favourite level, lol.

    That's definitely one of the most memorable parts for me too (I had the PS1 version so I don't know if it's exactly the same). I also remember fighting the giant, having a race with Peeves, throwing marshmallow-y looking things to stun trolls, playing flute to get Fluffy to sleep, and playing human chess.

    The most traumatizing parts for me though was those damn fucking carts at Gringots. I can't tell you how much time I spent trying to pass the third level... also the quidditch matches were... an experience!

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah, I played some of the Harry Potter games, but on PC (which is relevant, because the console versions and the PC version of the first 2

  • shrek 2 on the ps2 is the best game ever made

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    8 year old me must've been spoiled (or my nostalgia glasses are on) because nearly all my childhood licensed games were fun. Open Season, Sh

  • All this talk about these old games makes me really depressed my PS2 stopped working and that I gave away my PS1 to someone who never returned it.

  • Kind of off topic, but Ratatouille has such a great ending.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    People on here when I mention the Ratatouille movie game as a joke.


    Way better than it had any right to be.

    shrek 2 on the ps2 is the best game ever made

  • Since we're all still talkin about old games and PS2, I cant be the only one who knows and actually played this cursed game

    He knows Frog-Foo.

  • What do you mean?

    I think comparing the two really downplays how utterly awful the latter TWDG sequels really were...

  • Hi, everyone. It's been a while since I've been here. I'm aware The Walking Dead game is sadly no more (with it over and done, I felt what more do I have to express in this community). I'm not sure.

    But in news of said Walking Dead. My brother just showed me at the end of Negan Lives, Kirkman wrote a message and at the end it said "PS Clementine Lives"

    What does that mean? Who knows? But I like to remain optimistic and hopeful.

    Me upon reading that:

  • edited July 2020

    Not even close. I can't believe some people are unironically saying this,seriously ANF was fucking cursed man never forget it. And S2 as much as i like it also had massive problems. And TFS's "story" is not even worth mentioning lol.

    I'm just gonna go ahead and say this, most of telltale's walking dead sequels (even ANF, at least in some aspects.) are better than most of the majority of TLOU part 2 storyline.

  • What if I were to post these images on r/gamingleaksandrumours for epic reddit gamer karma super cool and be a cool guy to continue the fuel of telltale leaks haha just kidding...


    (and no that doesnt mean what you think it does smh)

  • edited July 2020

    (and no that doesnt mean what you think it does smh)

    You mean that it doesn't mean that TFTB Redux is totally fake?
    Gotcha. Thanks, Poogs. Very Cool!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What if I were to post these images on r/gamingleaksandrumours for epic reddit gamer karma super cool and be a cool guy to continue the fuel

  • edited July 2020

    seriously ANF was fucking cursed man

    Oh I know it was cursed, that's why I said "at least in some aspects"

    And S2 as much as i like it also had massive problems. And TFS's "story" is not even worth mentioning lol.

    Well, fuck all of the telltale's TWD sequels then, lmao why not?

    iFoRias posted: »

    Not even close. I can't believe some people are unironically saying this,seriously ANF was fucking cursed man never forget it. And S2 as much as i like it also had massive problems. And TFS's "story" is not even worth mentioning lol.

  • I know, hence saying most.
    Spiderman 2, Minority Report, and Batman Begins come to mind

    There are some actually decent licensed games out there, man.

  • Agreed, especially when you have siblings to play it with

    shrek 2 on the ps2 is the best game ever made

  • What are some fun internet templates besides Tiermaker?

  • Yes and yes. I loved the minigames. PS1 Hagrid rocks.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Everyone here talking about old games. Anyone else remember the PS1 and PS2 Harry Potter games? Those games were honestly really good and

  • edited July 2020

    Not again. Please. NOT AGAIN.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What if I were to post these images on r/gamingleaksandrumours for epic reddit gamer karma super cool and be a cool guy to continue the fuel

  • Do you pronounce sriracha as "sir-ah-cha" or "Ssh-ra-cha"?

  • IGN giving TLOU part 2 a 10/10 is the same thing as they did with TWD: ANF, which is not surprising.

  • I’d do it lol, it will get people talking and show gearbox people still care about TFTB even when they don’t

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What if I were to post these images on r/gamingleaksandrumours for epic reddit gamer karma super cool and be a cool guy to continue the fuel

  • Well I think Redux would have already accomplished that- this is honestly just a joke making fun of all the "telltale leakz" that come from that subreddit that get so much traction there despite the fact none of them turned out true. (also I do plan to release what Im working on here so then everyone would just think I made all the other Telltale leak stuff lmao) You know also cuz...

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    I’d do it lol, it will get people talking and show gearbox people still care about TFTB even when they don’t

  • There was one where you could start a hunger games with any people you choose, but most of the results are randomized. I can get you a link if you have interest in it . Or if you are looking to have a computer guess someone you are thinking of you could go with Akinator. But most of the entertainment comes when it guesses wrong (Which I have no doubt you could make a fool out of it).

    Other than that, you could try searching 'character competitive roster' or something a bit more smart. There have to be some hidden gems out there waiting to be found.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What are some fun internet templates besides Tiermaker?

  • Hm, intriguing. I believe I saw that Hunger Games one at some point.

    I'm mainly looking for grouping or creative display templates to potentially change up.

    There was one where you could start a hunger games with any people you choose, but most of the results are randomized. I can get you a link

  • A burger is a sandwich but a sandwich isn't a burger. Just like how a hotdog is a sandwich but a sandwich isn't a hotdog. Sandwiches are a category of food that contain a number of other subcategories. In this essay I will-

  • Yayyy the best E3 presentation returns again this year!

  • You know you’re in New Jersey when, at 8am, you’re debating with someone on whether it’s called Taylor Ham or Pork Roll. Unless you’re from Jersey, you just don’t understand how serious this topic is for us.

  • Bravo- this is alpha team. Posting cringe in T-Minus Soon

  • I strongly doubt Kirkman is doing anything other than having a bit of fun with that. If my memory is right, he concluded the Issue #193, the last issue of The Walking Dead Comics with "PS Negan Lives" knowing that Negan has a strong following of fans that were desperate for more Negan. Obviously, since then, Kirkman produced a one-off comic dedicated to Negan, but I doubt Clementine will receive the same treatment, and I'm kind of glad. Don't get me wrong, if I had to trust anyone affiliated with Skybound to pen a Clementine Story, Kirkman would be the guy, he's a genius, but I think he knows when it's best to leave a Story well enough alone.

    Kirkman is definitely aware of that fanbase that's desperate for more Clementine, who also happens to have a massive following, she's practically in the Top 3 most beloved characters in the franchise, and knows that his "Letter Hacks" section is picked apart by fans, so in mentioning her, it creates quite a bit of hysteria and buzz, but doesn't everything he says do just that? I mean, look at how he "revealed" the cause of the virus, he jokingly responded "Space Spore." and media outlets jumped on it as the real thing, he later came out and said it was a joke.

    To be honest, I think Skybound are sticking to keeping Clementine's Story closed, rather than open it up again, they haven't much reason to continue her Story, and putting her into a Comic Book format wouldn't work because of the various branching paths her Story takes, unless he pens and prints different versions that take into account these various branching paths, which would be costly and time consuming, he definitely won't be doing it.

    So to summarise, I wouldn't take it as a hint, Kirkman loves to joke around, Clementine's Story will most likely remain concluded

    MaconMajr posted: »

    Hi, everyone. It's been a while since I've been here. I'm aware The Walking Dead game is sadly no more (with it over and done, I felt what

  • The Reviewers for both games just enjoyed them for what they were?

    IGN giving TLOU part 2 a 10/10 is the same thing as they did with TWD: ANF, which is not surprising.

  • Then they are not professional reviewers.

    The Reviewers for both games just enjoyed them for what they were?

  • edited July 2020

    Well, I guess you're right.

    But it's not surprising when IGN likes something and gives it a higher score and most of the fandom are not surprised either or they get pissed off.

    I have a question for you, do you like both TLOU 2 and ANF or don't like neither?

    The Reviewers for both games just enjoyed them for what they were?

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