The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Happy Halloween 🎃

  • Rip Sean Connery.

  • edited October 2020

    What a terrible way to end this Halloween season, in 2020 no less. Because the original James Bond actor, Sean Connery, passed away at 90 years old.

    I never watched his James Bond films but the scene where he mentions his name in Dr. No will always be one of the most iconic scenes in cinema. Once you see it, you can never unsee it. Rest in peace, legend.

  • I was listening to 98 .9 Rock on my phone heard this news was paused for a moment when he died but yeah Dr . No and the rest of his bonds films were pretty good.

    Now I can just imagine him and Roger Moore debating in the afterlife which bond film was better . 😂

    AronDracula posted: »

    What a terrible way to end this Halloween season, in 2020 no less. Because the original James Bond actor, Sean Connery, passed away at 90 ye

  • Telltale got rid of the "shop" links on the website.
    Hopefully, they make a real merch store instead of TeeBubble or whatever the site was called.

  • Nah, now they're just gonna sell Telltale flip-flops through their own website!

    Happy Halloween!

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Telltale got rid of the "shop" links on the website. Hopefully, they make a real merch store instead of TeeBubble or whatever the site was called.

  • So, I actually ended up buying those bootleg Telltale Batman lego figurines. I have to keep up my title as the "Telltale historian" after all.*

    *Not an official title, but I own so much Telltale merch that I might as well be.

  • edited November 2020

    I just finished The Outer Worlds, clocking in at 38 hours. It's very good and I enjoyed my time with it immensely. The writing is incredibly sharp, witty and just plain fun, without losing sight of morbidity of the corporate dystopia that the game is set in. It's one of the better written games I've played in recent memory. I would honestly recommend the game just on the writing alone. The voice acting in general is also very good. Big ups to Ashley Burch as Parvati who ended up being one of my favourite characters. Actually big ups in general to the main cast of characters who I ended up loving the more I played the game.

    Another big strong suit I'd say would be that game isn't open world. At least not really. You get a bunch of different sandbox styled levels of various sizes, each with their own unique environments, creatures, architecture, missions and characters that help to keep things fresh.

    As for the gameplay, it's definitely outdated. It's not bad at all, but it feels like a slightly more updated version of the New Vegas gameplay from 2010, so if you enjoyed the jankiness of the gameplay in that you'll probably like this. The animations are also incredibly stilted which tends to take away from the more emotional moments in the game. Another criticism I have would be that there are moments in the game where choices end up being too binary for my liking or overly linear, but these moments are very few and far between. There's also this weird difficulty spike towards the end of my playthrough that turned enemies into bullet sponges which wasn't great, but it was just this one moment for me.

    Overall, the game visually and gameplay-wise is pretty outdated, but the games writing and its wonderful cast of characters, in my opinion, does more than enough to keep me wanting to play it. I'll probably try out the Perils on Gorgon DLC and the second expansion whenever that comes out.

  • It's honestly hard to believe a lot can change in an entire year... Or that it's November already. To be honest, I'm half expecting the calenders to just go back to January 2020 after New Years.

  • That does sound like a 2020 thing that can happen.

    It's honestly hard to believe a lot can change in an entire year... Or that it's November already. To be honest, I'm half expecting the calenders to just go back to January 2020 after New Years.

  • My last hope for this year is for Playstation 5 and its launch titles (namely Miles Morales and Demon's Souls) to live up to the hype.

    Resident Evil 3 Remake and The Last of Us Part 2 were my most anticipated games of the year and both didn't end up well, though I still enjoyed RE3 for what it is.

  • edited November 2020

    I'm playing GOTG Episode 1 right now, and boy this is still such a hidden gem.

    There's some noticible flaws to it, with the character models looking kinda off and not very cohesive, artistically, and your usual janky presentation courtesy of the Telltale Tool... But looking past that, yeah, there's a good game here with an enjoyable plot, and a damn good amount of satisfying choice/consequence, however minimal (compared to ANF of the same year).

    Yes, I've mused about this before long ago, but I felt like revisiting it. A lot of great work was put into this game's branching script, I'll tell you that. I'm still finding some interesting and unique dialogue paths, even after I've played this game twice before and looked over other people's playthroughs.

  • I never understood why it looked so outdated, especially compared to Batman S2.

    AChicken posted: »

    I'm playing GOTG Episode 1 right now, and boy this is still such a hidden gem. There's some noticible flaws to it, with the character mod

  • edited November 2020

    I like how much of Weird Al's earlier discography was making popular songs be about eating food and then Richard Harris was like
    ♪Someone left the cake out in the rain.♪
    ♪ I don't think that I can take it♪
    ♪'Cause it took so long to bake it♪
    ♪And I'll never have that recipe again!♪

  • edited November 2020

    For anyone who's having a stressful and anxiety-riddled night tonight, I'm sorry, I'm with you on that.
    Hopefully we can get through this soon.

  • Hey guys it’s been a long day for me I bought myself a new iPad.

  • I know we have a no politics rule but... I had to say it fellas

  • it's rhysha btw

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I know we have a no politics rule but... I had to say it fellas

  • it's rhysha btw

    AChicken posted: »

    it's rhysha btw

  • edited November 2020

    Went back to listen to the Far Cry 5 propaganda soundtrack because I think it's legitimately good, then I look at the comments section and it's just filled with people who unironically think that the villains of the game are a positive representation of patriotism.

    These people literally fell for the fictional villains cult propaganda. I can't even.

  • People harass me to go out and vote I’d rather play video games all day then get crazy people coming at my door calling me to vote.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I know we have a no politics rule but... I had to say it fellas

  • They hated AChicken because he spoke the truth.

    AChicken posted: »

    it's rhysha btw

  • Or maybe because he misspelled Rhyiona (it's ok for me tho because I forgive him).

    They hated AChicken because he spoke the truth.

  • Doesn't it suck when you fail NNN in your sleep?

  • edited November 2020

    So the next Battlefield game is scheduled to release in 2021, according to GameSpot:

    During the company's latest investors call, it confirmed that the next Battlefield game is coming to next-generation consoles in holiday 2021, with more details to be revealed in the spring.

    "DICE is creating our next Battlefield game with never-before-seen scale," EA said during the call. "The technical advancements of the new consoles are allowing the team to deliver a truly next-gen vision for the franchise. We have hands-on playtesting underway internally." Moreover, EA confirmed that the next Battlefield game "is set to launch in holiday 2021." Ahead of its release, the studio says it will share "a lot more about the game in the spring."

    Although details about the next Battlefield are scant, EA's Laura Miele teased the game will turn DICE's "crazy ambitious ideas" into reality. "Our studios are taking their crazy ambitious ideas and making them real," Miele said during EA Play 2020. "Every console generation DICE sets the bar for excellence in audio and visual presentation. We are creating epic battles at a scale and fidelity unlike anything you've experienced before."

    Link to GameSpot Article:

  • They hated AChicken because he spoke the truth.

    They hated AChicken because he spoke the truth.

  • I hope they bring the character customisation forward but like with more face options, and I don't know how it would work or make any sense in a modern day setting but I think it would be neat to have the fortification building from BF5.

    So the next Battlefield game is scheduled to release in 2021, according to GameSpot: During the company's latest investors call, it co

  • Fucking Nevada. You suck.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Nevada always have sucked.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • I have finished 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, I cannot stress enough how fantastic this game is and what a pleasant surprise it was. I highly recommend it to anyone who has a PS4.

  • edited November 2020

    Looks pretty engaging and unique. I like mind-bending stories about crazy sci-fi concepts. Never heard of VanillaWare or their catalog, however.

    Not quite sure what I'm getting into though, and it looks pretty pricey so I'll definitely keep an eye out for it in a sale.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I have finished 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, I cannot stress enough how fantastic this game is and what a pleasant surprise it was. I highly recommend it to anyone who has a PS4.

  • Not quite sure what I'm getting into though

    That's the best way to go into it.

    AChicken posted: »

    Looks pretty engaging and unique. I like mind-bending stories about crazy sci-fi concepts. Never heard of VanillaWare or their catalog, howe

  • I'll keep it that way don't you worry :tongue:

    And it's not a knock on the game itself, just gonna wait for a sale to feel financially secure in my purchase. When buying digital, I only buy it full-price if I want it day one. If not, just be patient. I've had bad experiences in the past with sudden price-drops/sales soon after buying something.
    Heck, just a few days ago I was contemplating buying Hand of Fate 2 for its full price, since it hasn't gone on sale on PS4 for nearly a year now -- while going on sale multiple times on Switch throughout 2020, so I assumed the devs just forgot about the one port -- but no, all of a sudden it's now half price on PS4. Dodged a bullet there.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Not quite sure what I'm getting into though That's the best way to go into it.

  • Very clever, and I have to agree :joy:

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • I say give them a chance, if the faces aren't to your liking, you always have the originals to go to and play to your heart's content, apparently the announcement was delayed because they weren't satisfied with the quality, so they're taking it very seriously

  • Hi.

    Johnny Depp got fired by Warner Bros. I'm so angry I can't see straight.

    That was all.

  • Really hyped for this but i'm hoping they do more than update the graphics and have the game play at 60 fps on consoles,we already have a lot of mods that improve the graphics and restore content.
    What i hope they do is change the gameplay of the first game because it's pretty outdated and change the driving of the Mako and make it drive more like the Nomad in ME Andromeda.

    Anyway we'll see soon enough i'm glad to see it's finally here.

    Mass Effect fans, keep your eyes peeled tomorrow:

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