The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oooh, sale for 13 Sentinels, y'all gotta play it.

  • Lol that's what I get for not paying attention.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    ...I think you're a bit late on that, lmao.

  • Yeesss. DeadlyComics is great! Everything they do is gold.

    AChicken posted: »

    Ohhh I just love the vibe from every single one of this guy's videos! And he finally went full "nostalgia mode"! (I say this, and practically have no experience with the camcorder generation, but it still evokes those feelings for me!!)

  • edited November 2020

    Netflix released an animated short called 'If Anything Happens I Love You,' and it follows two parents struggling to cope with the loss of their daughter who was killed in a school shooting.

    Much of the short deals with the grieving process of the parents with their shadows representing their feelings and emotions throughout the short as they begin to reminisce over the life and loss of their child. The short is hauntingly beautiful with its sketchy drawn on paper art style, giving off a cold, worn and empty feeling which I feel is a good method of portraying the couples state of mind. The parents struggle to communicate with one another, each of them filled with anger and sadness, both at each other as well as themselves, despite the nature of the event that took their childs life being totally out of their control.

    That's not to say the short is entirely bleak. When memories of their daughter come into play, the visuals turn vibrant and lively with an upbeat/poppy song playing in background, but even in joy there is always an underlying melancholy spread throughout. If I had to criticise it, I would say that the transition in and out of the song they use near the start is a little awkward but that's about it.

    If Anything Happens I Love You is a powerful short and a wonderful addition to Netflix's animation lineup. It's heartbreakingly beautiful and could very easily be mistaken as an adaption of a true story, and Lord knows there are many stories in the real world just like this. It also has a great message (which I am about to butcher) of focusing on the good memories you got to make with those you love rather than the memories you won't get to, no matter how difficult it may be. I highly recommend it.

  • What's goin on?

  • edited November 2020

    I just saw that this morning. It's a wonderful (though sad) animated short.
    The art style was a cool, unique sketchbook-inspired look, and I also really enjoyed how they didn't use any dialogue throughout, leaving the interpretation of the characters' feelings and events up to the viewer.

    The film, like you said, had is hauntingly depressing moments. The imagery of the little girl packing for school, seeing her parents' shadows begging her not to leave the safety of their family, unable to stop her from walking into the school (despite the viewer knowing what awaits them there) tore my heart to pieces.

    I can see how the transition in and out of the pop song they use in the middle of the short can be a bit jarring or off-putting, but I enjoyed it.
    I watched it on a TV with speakers in front and behind me (I don't mean to brag, at all), and the sound mixing they do as the song fades in and the parents start to reminisce about their good memories with their kid was quite cool to hear. Starting off as a low, faded tune behind me, eventually fading in and out around the room until it surrounds the whole scene.
    It might sound similar using headphones, but I wouldn't know. Good sound mixing though!

    Great message, and yeah, I might also butcher it, but...
    The parents seemed to use their kid's death as an excuse to distance themselves from each other and tried to stay in this bubble of grief (which is valid given what they've been through), but upon entering their child's room and talking about their true feelings can they try to overcome their grief and mourn together. That's my thoughts on it.

    Now, on an unrelated note, I've been binging She Ra season 4 for the past week, and just got to the end of it! (The Season!) The stakes are really ramping up and this season has been action-packed! Can't wait to see how it ends!

    • Goddamn I love and hate (as in feel sorry for) where they're taking Catra's character. They've really managed to humanize her and get into her thoughts and feelings about her friendships and regrets this season, and I love it.
      She's so self-destructive when it comes to realizing her own faults and it sucks to see that she's aware of the damage she's causing to her friends.

    • They've even managed to make me feel kinda sorry for Hordak, the big bad villain, and that's nice. I assumed the final fight between Catra and Hordak would be his last, and assumed he'd die there, crushed under rubble, but no! He gets saved by Horde Prime and they actually have a little face-to-face chat. Now, he gets decommissioned or whatever by the end of that, but that's exactly what I was hoping for in his character arc. He succeeds, tries to prove to his superior that he's a good follower, then it turns out that his superior is now the big bad villain and takes over.

    • Double Trouble is such an interesting character. Was kinda surprised they were playing both sides by the end of the season, but, c'mon, it's literally in their name. Hopefully we see more of 'em later.
    • Scorpia!! Glad to see that she's finally found her pack. She's been so mistreated and misguided the past few seasons I'm glad to see her actually have faith in herself and finding her place in the world.
    • I'm liking the shift from Horde Soldier to Rebellion Asset for Shadow Weaver, but there's still something that's bothering me about her character. It's probably just her imposing voice, but the fact that they haven't dropped the whole "Adora thinks SW is still planning something" subplot makes me this SW is still planning something.
    • Cool to get more Mara details this season, especially on the fact that the First Ones probably weren't good people and just wanna blow up their enemies.
    • The lack of Entrapta this season was really felt, and I'm glad they didn't throw her away after seemingly banishing her to her death. They almost had me in the end, in thinking she wanted to die with all her favourite technology, but no. She's still in the team! Gah I love her personality and voice.

    So, yeah, one season remaining! And it's gonna get good probably!!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Netflix released an animated short called 'If Anything Happens I Love You,' and it follows two parents struggling to cope with the loss of

  • edited November 2020

    I can see how the transition in and out of the pop song they use in the middle of the short can be a bit jarring or off-putting, but I enjoyed it.

    I don't think the song itself is bad. I enjoyed it and its use makes sense in the context of things. It's just that I felt they should have faded the song out more slowly than what they did, which is why I felt the transition between the song and the more general soundtrack was so jarring.

    The imagery of the little girl packing for school, seeing her parents' shadows begging her not to leave the safety of their family, unable to stop her from walking into the school (despite the viewer knowing what awaits them there) tore my heart to pieces.

    And when the title of the short comes into play. Just oof. Didn't even think of the importance of the title when I went in.

    Also Netflix has another two animation shorts to look out for. Canvas, a story about a wheelchair bound grandfather who's loses his inspiration to paint after the death of his wife, and Cops and Robbers, which is supposed to be a commentary on racial profiling and police violence (very timely). Canvas will be out sometime next month, not sure about Cops and Robbers though. Very excited for those two!

    She-Ra spoiler talk below:

    She's so self-destructive when it comes to realizing her own faults and it sucks to see that she's aware of the damage she's causing to her friends.

    Yep. This is Catra at her absolute worst. Scorpia leaving was the absolute rock bottom for Catra.

    They've even managed to make me feel kinda sorry for Hordak, the big bad villain, and that's nice.

    It's a wonderful feeling whenever writers manage to truly make you feel bad for a villain because the next one in line is so much worse.

    Double Trouble is such an interesting character.

    Yeah, DT's a really fun character. They're a huge asshole but they're also really charismatic so I found it hard not to like them.

    Scorpia!! Glad to see that she's finally found her pack. She's been so mistreated and misguided the past few seasons I'm glad to see her actually have faith in herself and finding her place in the world.

    Only the best for everyone's favourite scorpion.

    the fact that they haven't dropped the whole "Adora thinks SW is still planning something" subplot makes me this SW is still planning something.

    It certainly doesn't help that SW in general is a very abusive character. I think it'd be hard for anyone to every really truly trust her.

    Cool to get more Mara details this season, especially on the fact that the First Ones probably weren't good people and just wanna blow up their enemies.

    I'm surprised at how hard that image of the pie at the end of the 'Hero' episode hit me lol. Damn, pie was cuttin' onions.

    The lack of Entrapta this season was really felt, and I'm glad they didn't throw her away after seemingly banishing her to her death. They almost had me in the end, in thinking she wanted to die with all her favourite technology, but no. She's still in the team! Gah I love her personality and voice.

    Yep, she's great in the 4th season however limited her screen time was and continues to be great later on. On a different note, I learned that her voice actress Christine Woods, also played Dawn, the police officer who kills Beth in The Walking Dead.

    So, yeah, one season remaining! And it's gonna get good probably!!

    You're in the endgame now.

    AChicken posted: »

    I just saw that this morning. It's a wonderful (though sad) animated short. The art style was a cool, unique sketchbook-inspired look, and

  • Where's my Pepsiman remaster/remake? The world needs the return of Pepsiman.

  • Ooookey-dokey, now that I'm feeling a bit more cheered up, I'm streaming GOTG Episode 3 now.

    Was gonna do it earlier in the week, but, well, drama happened.
    Come. See this overlooked game as I try to commentate about all the fun little details contained within.

  • Only four more days of quarantine then I'll be freeeeeeeeeeee

  • edited November 2020

    Only 28 more days of lockdown then I'll be freeeeeeeee

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Only four more days of quarantine then I'll be freeeeeeeeeeee

  • This is kind of some sort of update, so I'll just say it here: I'm hitting a week in school where I've been given shit-tons of homework and classes, so it's gonna be maybe a while before I get this project to be polished.

    Hmmmm... I will admit, even though I don't really like MCSM all that much. This is extremely fun to put together.

  • edited November 2020

    I’m ready to fuck up that covid vaccine and get my life back. It won’t do shit to me, If anything I’ll give the vaccine a low grade fever and pain at the injection sight. I’m simply built different and the Pfizer vaccine isn’t ready for the beating it is about to ensue from my body.

    /s I’m not taking it lol I’m just sick of these fucking masks

  • Great... My little brother has been lying about doing his schoolwork and attending class and now the school just came out to our house. Just perfect.

  • I guess having your schooling online does make it easy to ditch class. Not that it is good to do.

    Great... My little brother has been lying about doing his schoolwork and attending class and now the school just came out to our house. Just perfect.

  • So you won't be taking the vaccine once it's available? Why?

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    I’m ready to fuck up that covid vaccine and get my life back. It won’t do shit to me, If anything I’ll give the vaccine a low grade fever an

  • Cyberpunk 2077 spoilers are out and about, so be wary when navigating through social media or any forums

  • tfw the plot to Cyberpunk 2077 is actually just Tales from the Borderlands

    Cyberpunk 2077 spoilers are out and about, so be wary when navigating through social media or any forums

  • Cyberpunk is that TftB sequel we are waiting for.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    tfw the plot to Cyberpunk 2077 is actually just Tales from the Borderlands

  • That's the funny thing about it. They've got us in two different programs. He's in a recently formed program that is only county-wide, and I'm in one that is statewide. The program I'm in emails parents literally the minute they can as 'absent' or 'tardy'. I'm not getting why they only send my mother emails about his presence until after the day. (Which leads to the always great breakfast rant by my mother... You've gotta love those. lmao)

    Like, I get that this is a new situation for everyone. But, it's an automated message.

    Something tells me that my little brother is gonna be in the same grade, next year. Really hoping the dude doesn't fail, but jesus fucking christ. He is screwed.

    I guess having your schooling online does make it easy to ditch class. Not that it is good to do.

  • edited November 2020

    Would not be surprised at all given the similarities in story and themes.

    (Hyper-futuristic setting, involves a malevolent being uploaded into your own brain, totally doesn't want to take control or exploit you like every other character who has ever done this.)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    tfw the plot to Cyberpunk 2077 is actually just Tales from the Borderlands

  • edited November 2020

    Gonna be free from hotel quarantine in less than 48 hours \( '0' )/

    Well as free as my country's movement control order will allow me to be, but free nonetheless.

  • How do I lower the size of my comments on here?

  • Well, just don't write as many comments.

    Oh, you mean the font size.

    Use <font size="1">This is in small font.</font>

    lupinb0y posted: »

    How do I lower the size of my comments on here?

  • Thanks lol

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Well, just don't write as many comments. Oh, you mean the font size. Use This is in small font.

  • Man. Tales from the Borderlands really gonna turn 6 years old today without re-releasing?

  • Jeez, it's been that long already? Could at least throw us a pair of socks...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Man. Tales from the Borderlands really gonna turn 6 years old today without re-releasing?

  • I find it really nice how i haven't seen a moderator comment here in a while, and yet the community is still behaving ourselves. Sure there are only a dozen of us left, but it's still nice.

  • edited November 2020

    The mods don't have to make themselves known to keep the peace.

    They're always watching from the shadows.


    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    I find it really nice how i haven't seen a moderator comment here in a while, and yet the community is still behaving ourselves. Sure there are only a dozen of us left, but it's still nice.

  • I had it...I had it in my grasp. It was the closest I ever got. My name, my street address, my damn credit card, it was all set. The PS5 was practically mine for the taking. My hopes are alive for the first time since it went on sale, everything in my info was correct, and it was still in the first two minutes of Walmart putting it back on sale. All I had to do is hit the Place Order button and it's finally mine...

    Item is out of stock.

    Pain once again consumes my entire being.

  • edited November 2020

    Just did a blood test. They stabbed me and stole my blood. I'll know if I'm Covid free within the hour or so they say.

    Cool I tested negative for Covid. I shall be free from this place on the morrow.

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Me when I find out the stores in my country cannot afford PS5 units until January 2021.

  • I have finally been released from the shackles of quarantine

  • Since it's the Steam Autumn Sale, anyone have any game recommendations they wanna share?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited November 2020

    Good story driven content I'd recommend would be Ace Attorney, the Zero Escape trilogy and AI: The Somnium Files. I'll also throw in my favorite JRPG series of all time, Trail, specifically starting with the Trails in the Sky trilogy.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Since it's the Steam Autumn Sale, anyone have any game recommendations they wanna share?

  • Dead By Daylight with no DLC for $8:
    Is it worth a buy? Asking for myself and want some second opinions.

    am i able to choose if i am the killer or a survivor?

  • I think it definitely is. The only thing you miss out on not buying DLC's are most of the characters and killers. If you like playing killer it can get dull because you only have like 5 killers, but players doesnt matter that much, because most good perks are from the OG batch either way. I've played a lot these past 2 years and I still basically just play as Dwight with his perks (which is the original character I believe).

    You can also buy a lot of the killers and survivors in the gamestore without putting out real money, but you'll have to play for quite a while to collect enough to buy them.

    And no, you are not missing out on maps without buying the DLCs. The maps are in game without having to buy them, and theres literally no use whatsoever to buy DLCs if you want all maps.

    Yeah you can choose whether you want to play killer or survivor.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Dead By Daylight with no DLC for $8: Is it worth a buy? Asking for myself and want some second opinions. am i able to choose if i am the killer or a survivor?

  • edited November 2020

    Basically what captainivy said.

    But also, the Licensed Killers are the ones that you can't grind currency for, I'm pretty sure you have to shell out real money for them. They do regularly go on sale, with a few dropping to 5$ or lower on Steam I think, so they're a great investment in a sale.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Dead By Daylight with no DLC for $8: Is it worth a buy? Asking for myself and want some second opinions. am i able to choose if i am the killer or a survivor?

  • edited November 2020

    Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it is time for holiday shopping. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and all the Christmas deals that are made available for all of us to savor. But for me, I've only got one thought going through my mind...WELCOME TO HELL!

    For us at Amazon, this is already the most stressful and exhausting time of the year. So please, be kind to me and my guys and go easy on us when you're ordering your Christmas presents.

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