The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Gonna be flying back home at midnight then I'll be placed under mandatory quarantine for the next two weeks in a hotel room. Wish me luck.

  • edited November 2020

    Can you not? Just be happy that you are about to get the new Xbox. No need to convince other people to do the same. Let them choose whatever they prefer.

    It's a divine sign - buy an XBOX.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited November 2020

    My friend, my friend, tis' but a joke. The fact that I am desperately pleading with people to buy an Xbox should tell you something about how I understand the perception of my favorite console series.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Can you not? Just be happy that you are about to get the new Xbox. No need to convince other people to do the same. Let them choose whatever they prefer.

  • I kind of saw it coming. Just needed a test for it.

    My friend, my friend, tis' but a joke. The fact that I am desperately pleading with people to buy an Xbox should tell you something about how I understand the perception of my favorite console series.

  • I feel you , when life gives you lemons you make lemonade.


    My friend, my friend, tis' but a joke. The fact that I am desperately pleading with people to buy an Xbox should tell you something about how I understand the perception of my favorite console series.

  • Plus I prefer XBoX in the Spence it has better security I mean if you look at it Sony has been hacked twice I remember back in 2010 -2011 the networked got hacked.

    And the that what time The interview was about to be relaxed...but I wouldn’t go too far into the detail considering that’ll lead to politics.

    But yeah...with that being said definitely go for the new Xbox.

    My friend, my friend, tis' but a joke. The fact that I am desperately pleading with people to buy an Xbox should tell you something about how I understand the perception of my favorite console series.

  • I just learned that Robert Patrick, who played as T-1000 from Terminator 2 Judgement Day, also played as Piandao from Avatar The Last Airbender. Seriously, the more I learn about that show, the more I love it.

  • edited November 2020

    I didn't know it could ever come to this, but I'm fucking losing myself. Let me tell you this, some people are not as innocent as people think they are. Especially not in this community....

  • nothing's on my mind. no thoughts. just pain.

  • edited November 2020

    I have arrived in my home country and am now officially in quarantine for the next two weeks lol.

    Unfortunately the internet speed is molasses.

  • Some dumb mother fucker seriously swatted Ubisoft's Montreal offices.

  • same

    nothing's on my mind. no thoughts. just pain.

  • edited November 2020

    I'd love too but it's kinda hard when it's about someone u all probably know and I don't want to start any drama again. I don't know you, and I don't know what you will do with the info. Your probably a great guy, but.. Idk..

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    @IronWoodLover @Thebatman377 You guys need to talk?

  • I feel that, it's good man.

    I'd love too but it's kinda hard when it's about someone u all probably know and I don't want to start any drama again. I don't know you, and I don't know what you will do with the info. Your probably a great guy, but.. Idk..

  • edited November 2020

    I know what you mean. I too know some people in this community can be questionable, having been backstabbed by a few people here. Probably one of the many reasons I stopped visiting.

    I didn't know it could ever come to this, but I'm fucking losing myself. Let me tell you this, some people are not as innocent as people think they are. Especially not in this community....

  • I'm ok, just getting crushed by college work :)

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    @IronWoodLover @Thebatman377 You guys need to talk?

  • yea...

    Melton23 posted: »

    I know what you mean. I too know some people in this community can be questionable, having been backstabbed by a few people here. Probably one of the many reasons I stopped visiting.

  • An animated parody of the Hilda intro, but inspired by the Legend of Zelda: BOTW. Gimme.

  • edited November 2020

    Has anyone been watching nothing but, horror movies lately? I feel like I am not the only one here.

    I have watching nothing more than anime horror movies like Dead Space Downfall and Dead Space Aftermath. Watching horror movies like Cabin Fever,Wrong Turn, Sleepy Hollow (kinda of hard to call that a horror movie even through it has horror in it in a Tim Burton) and i watching right now The Thing a John Carpenter classic horror cult film.

    I have been trying to find ways to end my boring day. I have been hitting the gym daily. Still I am waiting for the Cyberpunk 2077 game very badly tbh.

  • It's adorable, I love it!

    AChicken posted: »

    An animated parody of the Hilda intro, but inspired by the Legend of Zelda: BOTW. Gimme.

  • Has anyone been watching nothing but, horror movies lately? I feel like I am not the only one here.

    Yeah, I watched Candyman for the first time in Halloween. Tony Todd owns that role so hard.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Has anyone been watching nothing but, horror movies lately? I feel like I am not the only one here. I have watching nothing more than ani

  • If I have to give y'all some advice, don't date crazy.

  • Hilda Season 2 comin' out on December 14 yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Hmmmm...

    I will admit, even though I don't really like MCSM all that much. This is extremely fun to put together.

  • was pretty much spot on with my guesses other than demon's souls and spider-boi. and animal crossing is indeed a nice surprised. not really a fan of hades so idk how i feel about it getting in but AYYY NO THREEMAKE NOMINATION BOYSSS

    sad that tony hawk got snubbed, but hoooo boy last of us 2 getting a goty nom will definitely be a completely non-controversial pick and everybody will definitely be fine with it and it will spark no gamer outrage at all. not one bit. maybe one of these days i'll reveal how i feel about the game. pffft, nah. definitely not.

    regardless, shaping up to be a pretty interesting game awards this year. lots of diverse picks for nominations, rumored silent hill announcements, supposedly we're getting more cyberpunk and elden ring news, all very exciting. hope kojima will announce his new thing during the show, that'd be super exciting.

    bloodborne was nominated in 2015 and sekiro won goty last year so i'd be shocked if demon's souls wasn't at least considered. not to mention

  • Yoooo, 13 Sentinels got nominated for best narrative, that's great!

  • Man saw someone say "Make Minecraft Story Mode Season 3" and the mad lad actually did it!

    Hmmmm... I will admit, even though I don't really like MCSM all that much. This is extremely fun to put together.

  • edited November 2020

    I don't know what you're talking about. This forum has always stayed away from any controversial and/or argumentative topics of the sort!

    rumored silent hill announcements

    New Silent Hill pachinko announced for international release.

    was pretty much spot on with my guesses other than demon's souls and spider-boi. and animal crossing is indeed a nice surprised. not really

  • New Silent Hill pachinko announced for international release.

    thank goodness, all my friends know i physically cant gamble unless i do it while i watch a man slowly deteriorate as he desperately tries to remember what happened to his wife.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I don't know what you're talking about. This forum has always stayed away from any controversial and/or argumentative topics of the sort! rumored silent hill announcements New Silent Hill pachinko announced for international release.

  • a man slowly deteriorate as he desperately tries to remember what happened to his wife.

    Replace wife with life and I think you just described the average casino player.

    New Silent Hill pachinko announced for international release. thank goodness, all my friends know i physically cant gamble unless i do it while i watch a man slowly deteriorate as he desperately tries to remember what happened to his wife.

  • silent hill 2 sequel where pyramid head is just a debt collector trying to get james' money after he lost it all in a bet and never paid up

    lupinb0y posted: »

    a man slowly deteriorate as he desperately tries to remember what happened to his wife. Replace wife with life and I think you just described the average casino player.

  • edited November 2020

    IO Interactive's new IP in development right now has been revealed, and it's a licensed James Bond game!

    I'm hyped and pretty excited for them. If anyone can do spy thrillers, it's IOI. Very interested to see how different they can make this feel from their current HITMAN trilogy, as that one already has loads of Bond-heavy spy vibes.
    But damn, we might actually have a good 007 video game out there in the future, in who knows how long!

  • Ah man, with that 007 news, seeing that new Hilda Season date, and also a bunch of people here getting into animating their own Telltale sequels, that's just makes me real happy.

    I've had an anxious and pretty depressing past couple of days, but you guys are great!

  • I've had an anxious and pretty depressing past couple of days, but you guys are great!

    Nooo, you are great! Hopefully, you'll feel better soon.

    AChicken posted: »

    Ah man, with that 007 news, seeing that new Hilda Season date, and also a bunch of people here getting into animating their own Telltale seq

  • Skunkape announced that if you own the original Telltale Sam and Max on Steam, you'll be able to get the remaster for 50% off!

  • Me after watching the new Adventure Time special.

  • Dude, when I saw this, I almost screamed. I have never gotten so excited from a teaser trailer! Hitman is the closest thing we've had to a James Bond game in the past few years.
    I'm so happy that IO Interactive is behind it (and hopefully MGM doesn't mess them around too much)

    AChicken posted: »

    IO Interactive's new IP in development right now has been revealed, and it's a licensed James Bond game! I'm hyped and pretty excited f

  • ...I think you're a bit late on that, lmao.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Skunkape announced that if you own the original Telltale Sam and Max on Steam, you'll be able to get the remaster for 50% off!

  • edited November 2020

    Ohhh I just love the vibe from every single one of this guy's videos! And he finally went full "nostalgia mode"! (I say this, and practically have no experience with the camcorder generation, but it still evokes those feelings for me!!)

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