They used a background from that old “fake” leaked picture of Bigby.... I don’t even know anymore
They used a background from that old “fake” leaked picture of Bigby.... I don’t even know anymore
Dont worry I am sure r/gamingleaksandrumours will inevitably have complete faith in whatever next Telltale leak inevitably happens for the millionth time
Oh well, was fun while it lasted. I guess it's better than to get hyped over nothing.
ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵉᶜᵒⁿᵈ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵐᶦˢˢᵖᵉˡˡᵉᵈ ᵀᵂᴬᵁ ᵃˢ ᵀᵂᵁᴬ ᵗᵉˡᵗᵃˡᵉ ᵖˡˢ
Hmm, I think I know why you posted this haha. The reaction to the winner of that award will cause quite a giggle
UPDATE: the reaction has indeed caused a bit of a giggle
Man I never really liked how award shows do some awards during a pre-show. Just like, thanks bro guess my award isn't good enough for the actual show or for me to speak lmao
Imagine being responsible for the name of your project and what you do is mash the buttons on a calculator and your boss would accept it without a single thought.
Imagine being responsible for the name of your project and what you do is mash the buttons on a calculator and your boss would accept it without a single thought.
Honestly this event is making me appreciate the impact of video games, it's all a celebration of what brings us together, and appreciating the art and creativity that stems from them, you'll always get that vocal crowd of tosspots that cause a divide because "game doesn't suit me", but they are irrelevant. What matters is what these games can do and the joy they can bring, they emotion they bring out, while I said last week that the attitudes of some make me embarrassed to be someone who consumes entertainment, there's a larger crowd that makes me proud
You're unreal man I don't consume eSports, but sure let them at it rather than shame them for enjoying competitive events on their favourite games. Just chill out please
Yeah I get smaller underappreciated awards like ESports and Music (unfortunately) get shown beforehand, but Action/Adventure was surprising! That's one of the big genres!
Man I never really liked how award shows do some awards during a pre-show. Just like, thanks bro guess my award isn't good enough for the actual show or for me to speak lmao
Someone find Aron, I hope he hasn't had a heart attack.
Also cool, but dang I wanted Ashley Johnson. Abby was fine, but Ellie had a much more powerful arc and performance, IMO.
(LOL you can hear all the celebratory texts she's getting!)
You're unreal man I don't consume eSports, but sure let them at it rather than shame them for enjoying competitive events on their favourite games. Just chill out please
Someone find Aron, I hope he hasn't had a heart attack.
Also cool, but dang I wanted Ashley Johnson. Abby was fine, but Ellie had a much more powerful arc and performance, IMO.
(LOL you can hear all the celebratory texts she's getting!)
Of course I don't mind! I read it three times, I'll actually quote it here
Shame on them then. Not really
Based on the comment of mine you replied to, it seems to appear you direct shame to those who enjoy eSports. The "not really" part seems to be in response to me saying there's a crowd that cares for it.
I was just about to comment that lol
anyway insert "imposter Bigby" joke here
the community manager is probably going to save herself by replying with an “imposter bigby” joke
tfw Among Us gets a spot at the Game Awards, but no Wolf Among Us.
Oh well, was fun while it lasted. I guess it's better than to get hyped over nothing.
ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵉᶜᵒⁿᵈ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵐᶦˢˢᵖᵉˡˡᵉᵈ ᵀᵂᴬᵁ ᵃˢ ᵀᵂᵁᴬ ᵗᵉˡᵗᵃˡᵉ ᵖˡˢ
For those interested, a pre-show does start at 6:30 EST (about 15 mins from now)
There probably won't be that much happening there but if you are interested be sure to check it out.
I still need a minute to recover from knowing Bigby isnt going to open a door and ask if its me again tonight.
This Devolver Digital presentation is priceless
Devolved was kind of cringe man. But I'll remember it, which is more than I can say for most games.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hmm, I think I know why you posted this haha. The reaction to the winner of that award will cause quite a giggle
UPDATE: the reaction has indeed caused a bit of a giggle
Of, I predicted TLOU2 would won best action/adventure. Hope is already lost
You're gonna be seeing this a few more times I expect lmao
Funny thing is winner of the action/adventure category has gone on to win GOTY for the past three years
I don't know how my lungs are going to cope if that happens...
Man I never really liked how award shows do some awards during a pre-show. Just like, thanks bro guess my award isn't good enough for the actual show or for me to speak lmao
Platinum really be like let's mash our faces into a calculator to come up with a title for Nier: Replicant.
Sounds like Sydnee was naming out a line of code from the new Nier game
Worst name for a game I've ever heard
The Nier one? Trust me, Yoko Taro does shit like this for a purpose constantly, lmao.
Imagine being responsible for the name of your project and what you do is mash the buttons on a calculator and your boss would accept it without a single thought.
They really making Steven A speak during the Pre-show instead of the actual show
Done dirty.
They let him do whatever.

Seems popular enough to have its own dedicated segment, so I'd wager there's a crowd that care
Shame on them then. Not really
Honestly this event is making me appreciate the impact of video games, it's all a celebration of what brings us together, and appreciating the art and creativity that stems from them, you'll always get that vocal crowd of tosspots that cause a divide because "game doesn't suit me", but they are irrelevant. What matters is what these games can do and the joy they can bring, they emotion they bring out, while I said last week that the attitudes of some make me embarrassed to be someone who consumes entertainment, there's a larger crowd that makes me proud
Did not expect Final Fantasy for Smash! (oof another swordfighter, also I don't know any FF's so I don't exactly care that much) Looks cool tho!!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well fuckin' deserved hot damn.
You're unreal man
I don't consume eSports, but sure let them at it rather than shame them for enjoying competitive events on their favourite games. Just chill out please 
I will give props for not making me wait for Smash. I wish it was Crash, but at least I knew who Sephiroth was.
Yeah I get smaller underappreciated awards like ESports and Music (unfortunately) get shown beforehand, but Action/Adventure was surprising! That's one of the big genres!
I mean, I have nothing against Laura Bailey. She did a great performance but she deserved a better character than Abby.
Someone find Aron, I hope he hasn't had a heart attack.
Also cool, but dang I wanted Ashley Johnson. Abby was fine, but Ellie had a much more powerful arc and performance, IMO.
(LOL you can hear all the celebratory texts she's getting!)
Geoff really do be doing the "whos getting kicked from the zoom call" Battle Royal lmfao
Read my comment again if you don't mind.
I'm trying to call Thanos to snap his finger but he is not answering.
Of course I don't mind! I read it three times, I'll actually quote it here
Based on the comment of mine you replied to, it seems to appear you direct shame to those who enjoy eSports. The "not really" part seems to be in response to me saying there's a crowd that cares for it.
Take it easy lad and just enjoy the Awards
Hey Joe, you wanna play a zombie game?