The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • why'd you get rid of the Randall pfp man damn i loved that one.

    Deltino posted: »

    screw borderlands i just want jurassic park 2

  • Who is that?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Today has been pretty neat.

  • yes. Yes. YES!

    Deltino posted: »

    screw borderlands i just want jurassic park 2

  • They didn't even bother to give her a second chance by telling her to either shut up or get fired.

    Well, to be fair, she definitely got chances. This is like the fourth time where people call for her being cancelled and Disney surely gave her warnings afterwards, without doubt.

    That being said I don't agree with the decision to fire her, but she has definitely been warned.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yes because making terrible political comparisons totally makes you a complete terrible actress. Jesus Christ, do I always have to remind ev

  • Return of the king

    Deltino posted: »

    screw borderlands i just want jurassic park 2

  • edited February 2021

    I also cancelled my sub.

    All she did was call out violence against people for political beliefs. She used the fascism of the Nazis and how they turned people against a innocent group as an example.

    I 100% agreed with here, our society is too malicious towards people who think differently.

    Also, let’s remember that this is a Disney animator who is still employed by them and received no punishment for this: (nsfw warning)

    not embedding this

    Well, just cancelled Disney+. It's not even a matter of whether or not you agree with some of the things she said or posted, I personally

  • Guys, I said to cool it down.

  • Dojo is mega mad. He will break into your house and take a sledgehammer to your router if you can't careful.

    Seriously though; we don't want be discussion killers friends, but we are getting much closer into the political discussion. Let's avoid that, because it never goes well (maybe go to PMs or something for a deeper discussion?).

    As a peace offering, here is a Star Wars related up-and-coming meme:

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Guys, I said to cool it down.

  • So after today's viewing of Wandavision, the parents became curious little critters and wanted to browse the Disney service a bit. So, we obliged. Ended up re-watching a few old short films of theirs and... man, animation is just so freaking dope. It fills me with such joy.

    (Unfortunately I can't find the full shorts for free. Have to make do with official clips.)

    Here's the Blue Umbrella. OMG this short is not only good-looking, but really sweet and creative. A bunch of different objects tries to help a Blue Umbrella meet with a Red one. Super cool how they each have something resembling a face.
    Clip 1 Clip 2

    Another is Paperman, where a man tries to catch the attention of a woman across the street using paper airplanes. I looove the black-and-white style and the CGI actually looks stylized enough to make it look 2D-ish.

    There's also Feast, about a dog's perspective and love of food and how that changes as his owner's life changes, too. The animation on this one is super slick, I adore it, it's a feast for the eyes.

    Now, there's also a cool animated film I want to bring up. Lupin III: The First. I'm not familiar with the films or the character, but this entry is a gorgeous CGI rendition of his escapades, and I really need to get my hands on a copy of it. (Heck, I should see the old Ghibli film about Lupin that has completely passed me by.)

    This film looks so gorgeous. This is how you do 3D anime. It also reminds me of that 3D CGI Tintin film that was also really well-made.

  • So... Anybody see the new Sonic movie title reveal?


  • Ah, I went back home to Malaysia to visit family between semesters, and yeah I've returned to upside down land for finish up my studies.

    AChicken posted: »

    I don't think it was entirely about her political comments, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back, it seems. I remember a bunch

  • Review?

    So... Anybody see the new Sonic movie title reveal? Heh...

  • Are you kidding me? I meant reveal. lol

    DabigRG posted: »


  • So in addendum to the post I made in the last of us thread turns out screenwriter of the upcoming Lord of the Rings show expressed interest in writing a Dishonored tv series. She has credits in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.

    So yeah

  • Oh, well yeah.
    Emerald Hill.

    Are you kidding me? I meant reveal. lol

  • I finished Little Nightmares 2 and I thought it was great! Stunning visuals, spooky atmosphere, terrifying creature designs (fuck the Teacher in particular holy shit she freaks me out so bad), incredible sound design, spooky soundtrack, combat helps add some variety to the game and provide some pretty tense, albeit frustrating situations, and of course a pretty interesting story to boot. Tarsier Studios does a pretty good job of building upon what they established in the original game.

    I do have a couple complaints. Aside from the combat, the gameplay is pretty much identical to the previous game which is fine but this includes the same issues caused by the placement of the camera. As in sometimes I'm not sure what I'm jumping for is actually correctly in front of me due to the games perspective which has led me to dying a few times more than I would have liked. This issue carries forward to the combat which can be pretty frustrating since if you miss a swing you'll get one hit killed by enemies and have to redo fights right from the start.

    Also I think the game, while still tense to the very end, loses its scare factor in the final act similar to its predecessor. The enemies are still a little unsettling but a lot less terrifying than those that came before. Also I broke one of the puzzles in the game preventing me from progressing but this was easily fixed by starting from the newest checkpoint.

    Overall I think it is a pretty great follow-up. It carries forward a lot of what made the original game great but at the same time brings in some of the same issues that can get pretty frustrating at times. If Tarsier Studios decides to make a third game, I wonder if it'd be a good idea for them to try going full 3D third person platformer. I think it'd be neat having your perspective be close to the ground (considering the size of the main character) as you wander around environments solving puzzles and hiding from monsters. Though I wouldn't be mad if they decided to stick with the usual 2.5D and just further improve on what they already have.

  • I'll definitely pick it up once it gets to a sale price I'm comfortable with.

    I played the demo, and it looks just as promising as the first. It seems like the same kind of gameplay loop except with an NPC companion, but there was never anything wrong with it in the first place, so that's fine.

    A few notes though: This game (understandably) runs the poorest on the Switch. I found that there seems to be a pretty noticeable delay in pushing buttons/sticks and moving the character. Also, controller-wise, the vibration is significantly "worse" on the Switch. For whatever reason, whenever the controllers vibrate in a short jolt, it's as if the motors have been cranked up to 200%. They're not only felt, but heard. The worst part is that nearly every throw, large jump, or spooky moment pulses this vibration, so you'll be hearing a 'BZZT' a lot on the Switch. Even the person sitting next to me as I played it was confused as to why it was so loud.

    I installed the demo on my Playstation and the input lag and controller noise was a lot less noticeable. Those nintendo 3D motors must be some powerful stuff, but I found it took me out of the experience more than I'd like (and I could just disable the vibration, but I feel the game wouldn't be the same without it).

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I finished Little Nightmares 2 and I thought it was great! Stunning visuals, spooky atmosphere, terrifying creature designs (fuck the Teache

  • honestly, I just want Minecraft Story Mode 3 :#

  • Are there any other Silent Hill games worth playing? I heard that SH3 is great and the rest appear to be divisive, especially SH4 and Homecoming.

  • That's weird. Might be because of the Switch's HD Rumble and Tarsier Studios just didn't properly "optimise" it I guess. Or they really wanted you to feel those vibrations lol.

    AChicken posted: »

    I'll definitely pick it up once it gets to a sale price I'm comfortable with. I played the demo, and it looks just as promising as the fi

  • edited February 2021

    It just hit me that I'm probably going to explain the details about this pandemic to someone who doesn't know about it in the future.

    Like... This was such a huge event that affected literally everyone living in 2020, and one day I'm gonna have to explain to a child "well, back in the year 2020, everyone's lives basically screeched to a halt." as if it was common knowledge and universally understandable, yet they'll have no idea how weird it was to live through.

  • Unfortunately, yeah. But then again that's how it is today even with some huge events in history.

    AChicken posted: »

    It just hit me that I'm probably going to explain the details about this pandemic to someone who doesn't know about it in the future. Lik

  • A couple decades from now, you're bringing your kid in to see the optometrist. The examination goes by quick and the optometrist says, "Everything's looking good, he has 20/20 vision!," and the memories come flooding back.

    AChicken posted: »

    It just hit me that I'm probably going to explain the details about this pandemic to someone who doesn't know about it in the future. Lik

  • For some stupid reason, I never thought about how much Nintendo hates fan remakes of their own IPs. Like they just refuse to have their own fans have fun with their own creations influenced by their idol studio. That is just bullying stuff if you ask me.

  • nintendo fanboys are on another level with their brand loyalty. Never saw any other fanbase even close to being so loyal.

    AronDracula posted: »

    For some stupid reason, I never thought about how much Nintendo hates fan remakes of their own IPs. Like they just refuse to have their own

  • edited February 2021

    Super busy the last couple of days, but the Rock and Roll Hall of Shame Fame put out it's list of the 2021 nominees. As usual, it's an assortment of legitimate rock acts and artists that have absolutely nothing to do with rock but are big music names to draw in viewers because the RRHOF is a fucking joke. But anyway, the nominees:

    1. Mary J. Blige: The first of many questionable choices. What's her connection to rock and roll? Well, she had a role in the film adaptation of Rock of Ages, so I guess that's enough for them, put her on the list. Blige is definitely a big name and popular R&B and hip hop. She has had no direct influence or impact on rock music or rock acts. But with 13 albums and 50 million albums sold, the RRHOF couldn't care less about the genre these artists belong to, despite being a ROCK AND ROLL museum. And while she's certainly not one of the worst acts I've ever listened to, I see no spot for her in music's upper echelons outside of her mainstream success. An undeserving choice that could have and should have gone to better artists, that being said, she'll probably get in because the Rock Hall lost all semblance of credibility years ago.
    2. Kate Bush: 20 seconds into watching her Babooshka video and I'm already confused, but I can't say I'm not entertained. Bush has made a name for herself due to her experimental style and music writing. This is also not her first time being nominated, she was also nominated in 2017 but didn't collect enough votes. Can't say I dislike her music, it's interesting, albeit not my personal style, but again, I can't see why she should be in a HOF meant for rock music, when she wasn't an actual rock artist. Even with some notable accomplishments to her name (being the first woman to top the UK charts at the young age of 19), her pop and experimental style are an odd fit for the Rock Hall, and I'd imagine this will have the same result as her first nomination, coming up short.
    3. Devo: They made Whip It, which is probably one of the most 80's things to come out of the 80's, and that's saying a lot. I can't say it's not catchy, but what else are they really known for, seem more like one hit wonders than anything else. But at least they have to do with rock music, being a popular new wave band and their influence on alternative rock, but at the same time, can't say their success warrants a Rock Hall acceptance, their chances are slim. But if artists singing about social commentary with a mix of humor are considered nomination worthy, I look forward to Psychostick's nomination when they become eligible, and their acceptance speech to be delivered by none other than Bruce Campbell.
    4. Foo Fighters: I'm going to say it, the Foo Fighters are infinitely better than Nirvana. If accepted, this will be Dave Grohl's second time being inducted (first of which was for Nirvana), and along with mainstream and critical success, the Foo Fighters are one of the most well known rock acts of the late 20th century. Their music has grown and developed over the years, from classic hits like Monkey Wrench and My Hero, to newer hits like Walk, the Foo Fighters definitely have a strong case.
    5. The Go-Go's: Another new wave oriented artist/band, The Go-Go's are an all-female led band that had good success in the 80's and have continued to record new music here and there. Easily their most well known track is We Got The Beat, being a huge hit in clubs when originally released and still being a staple on classic rock radio today. That said, while some case can be made, if we're judging solely on quality and credentials, it's a long shot they get in. But hey, I'd prefer them over the next artist on the list.
    6. Jay-Z: Fucking why?! In what universe does Jay-Fucking-Z have anything to do with rock, and what self-respecting, supposedly "Rock and Roll" Hall of Fame would let this shitstain get in over dozens of more well deserving acts. No I'm not bitter that he, as co-owner of the New Jersey Nets, moved the team to Brooklyn, and then promptly sold his ownership after doing so, thus taking away one of New Jersey's only professional sports teams (now all I've got left are the Devils). Frankly, he has no spot here. I don't care about his success, or popularity, he's a rapper, not a rocker, get that shit out of here, I want nothing to do with this.
    7. Chaka Khan: Honestly, as much as her music isn't my thing, hard to argue against putting The Queen of Funk in there. Funk, more specifically Khan's music, have had a direct influence on numerous rock acts, and Khan has had success not only as a solo artist, but in Rufus as well. A very talented singer, she's also collaborate with several rock acts like Chicago and Ray Charles. I think this might finally be her year.
    8. Carole King: King is actually already in the RRHOF, but she was only inducted as a songwriter back in 1990. Now, she is being nominated as a musician. Again, not a huge fan of her music, it's a bit too soft and slow for my taste, but a very strong case can be made for her induction, and much like Khan, I think this will probably be her year to get in. Whether or not she deserves it, I'm not really going to say that much because, well, I really just don't know that much else about her. Like I said, I've listened to her, but I really don't have a strong opinion either way. Her music can be classified as some form of rock, so it's not a bad choice if it happens, just not my first.
    9. Fela Kuti: Honestly, I've never even heard of this guy before his nomination, but somehow, as of writing this, he is leading the entire fan vote with over 132,000 votes. Born in Nigeria, Kuti was a huge social and political activist, and it was shown in his music. Combining funk, jazz, and African music, he was a pioneer of what was dubbed Afrobeat. As the Herald Sun described him: "Imagine Che Guevara and Bob Marley rolled into one person and you get a sense of Nigerian musician and activist Fela Kuti." I'm not exactly sure Che Guevara, an authoritarian mass murdering homophobe, is someone you want to be compared to, but to each his own.
    10. LL Cool J: See what I said about Jay-Z, but remove the part about the Nets saltiness.
    11. New York Dolls: One of the most successful and popular punk rock bands of the 70's. Their live shows were always a fun sight, from their energetic performances to their eccentric clothing, it helped pave the way for future glam rock/metal acts of the 80's. While they didn't have a long career, it was certainly an impactful one. That being said, despite being an actual rock act, considering some of the other big names here, I'm not getting my hopes up.
    12. Rage Against The Machine: Honestly, considering the events of 2020 and what this band often sings about, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Rage Against The Machine is not even remotely subtle with their themes and lyrics, they're overtly, in your face political. And honestly, while a lot of bands can't pull that off, RATM does it pretty well, even if you don't agree with the content of the lyrics. Even Paul Ryan, former Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, a man on the complete opposite side of the political spectrum, likes their music. Tom Morello is a great guitarist, and with everything that happened in 2020, I don't see how they don't get in, which is kind of sad because the band should be judged as a whole, not just because some of their songs might be relevant at the time.
    13. Todd Rundgren: I do not understand how he's not in the Hall. Along with having a successful music career, he's also a successful music producer, producing legendary albums like Bat Out of Hell (Meatloaf) New York Dolls (New York Dolls), and We're An American Band (Grand Funk Railroad). Oh yeah, I know why, he's not a household name. God I fucking hate the RRHOF.
    14. Tina Turner: Tina was inducted into the RRHOF back in 1991 as a member of Ike & Tina Turner, but she has not yet been inducted as a result of her own solo career. Which honestly baffles me that the supposed Queen of Rock and Roll is not in there as a solo artist, she's more than earned it AND has the name recognition to make an impact. She's currently one of the Top 5 vote getters in the fan vote, so maybe that sends a clue to the other hundreds of voters to get her in there.

    Wait a minute, I feel like I'm forgetting something. Another artist perhaps nominated, no, surely that isn't possible, I could've sworn I got everyone. Let me take another quick look...oh yes, there is another one, a band very near and dear to my heart. The last nomination for this year's RRHOF ceremony is...


    Up the fucking irons my fellow metalheads! This is Iron Maiden's first nomination, despite being eligible since 2005 (that's absolutely absurd it took this long just to get nominated). With some of metal's most famous and classic albums like The Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, and Powerslave, they are metal and music legends. Hell, lead singer Bruce Dickinson is in the running for the real life Most Interesting Man in the World (musician, author, screenwriter, international fencing competitor, pilot, professor, and cancer survivor). The leading band of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, whose music inspired the likes of Metallica, Megadeth, Avenged Sevenfold, Trivium, and Anthrax (among others), there are only a couple of acts on this entire list more deserving than Maiden. And if you doubt me for a second, go listen to Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and come back to me.

    That being said...they stand no chance. Inductees this year will probably be Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, Tina Turner, RATM, Foo Fighters, Carole King, Chaka Khan, and Fela Kuti.

    You know, RRHOF, if diversity was so important for this year's nomination process (their words, not mine), then where in the ever loving hell is one of the most famous female rock artists of all time, Pat Benatar? You have continuously snubbed her from being inducted, and you didn't even nominate her this year, despite doing so last year. Oh yeah, I'm really sure Mary J. Blige, or LL Cool J, are more deserving than fucking Pat Benatar. Go fuck yourselves you elitist pricks.

  • After over a year without one, Nintendo is finally releasing a full-size Direct, just like they used to.

  • I think 50 minutes might be a bit bigger than what they used to do, but I'm hype.

    AChicken posted: »

    After over a year without one, Nintendo is finally releasing a full-size Direct, just like they used to.

  • Excite Bike for Smash Ultimate please

    AChicken posted: »

    After over a year without one, Nintendo is finally releasing a full-size Direct, just like they used to.

  • Nah dude, Loaderbot for Smash. It's a big day tomorrow. It's all connected

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Excite Bike for Smash Ultimate please

  • Ohhh hell yes. Disney Plus is getting an awesome content upgrade next week.
    They're adding a "Star app" channel to a bunch of regions (I think all?) outside of the USA.

    I'm pretty sure the Star app is the umbrella streaming hub that houses a bunch of Disney subsidiaries like FX, 20th Century Movies and Television, Hulu, etc.. This means a lot of "Disney's" more mature content is coming to the service. In the newsletter about it, they're advertising shows like Justin Roiland's "Solar Opposites" (which is supposed to be a Hulu original/Exclusive?) as well as good old freakin' Deadpool. Finally, the catalog gets some more mature titles.

  • So does that mean Alien and Predator will also reach the service?

    AChicken posted: »

    Ohhh hell yes. Disney Plus is getting an awesome content upgrade next week. They're adding a "Star app" channel to a bunch of regions (I t

  • Yay!

  • YO I'm happy for y'all. I really gotta start this show.

    (I just found out a few days ago that fans were gonna try to get the show trending on Twitter again for a big watch-party in March. Glad that's not needed! Though we still don't know if this is HBO giving the show one more chance, or if it's actually popular enough that it should be okay.)

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • edited February 2021

    I don't know, but I'll let you know next week!
    (I assume that not all Fox/Hulu content is going to make it to Star, -- because it's not called the "Fox App" or "FX App" -- but I guess we'll see how many strings Disney was able to pull...)

    AronDracula posted: »

    So does that mean Alien and Predator will also reach the service?

  • Go watch it, it's very good.

    AChicken posted: »

    YO I'm happy for y'all. I really gotta start this show. (I just found out a few days ago that fans were gonna try to get the show trendin

  • "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is for good boys and girls."

  • edited February 2021


    I can't wait to see what horrible mentally scarring thing they do to me this season!

    dojo32161 posted: »


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