I had no idea anything was happening today with Borderlands! This is unexpected good news.
Also what's the deal with recasting Rhys's voice actor when his original VA is completely available as I understand it? Are the original Tales writers at AdHoc? Is there hope for a sequel?
AdHoc consist of most of the creative leads of Tales from the Borderlands. They have no involvement with the rerelease nor does the New Telltale. It also seems this is only a re-release with nothing else, so 2K got the publishing rights and put it back on stores and it seems thats about it.
The Troy Baker recast thing is a bit of a mess, but Troy Baker says he was contacted by Gearbox telling him he was coming back in BL3 and asked if he was interested. He said yes and was told they'd contact him soon and never did. He later said he assumed it was because he was union and Gearbox didn't want to work with him anymore because of that. That part gets a bit messy, but it does seem that Gearbox 100% contacted Troy Baker and then just recasted him without ever going further than asking if he wanted to come back.
So good news is Tales is back. Bad news is New Telltale doesn't have those rights back.
I had no idea anything was happening today with Borderlands! This is unexpected good news.
Also what's the deal with recasting Rhys's voi… morece actor when his original VA is completely available as I understand it? Are the original Tales writers at AdHoc? Is there hope for a sequel?
I'm not familiar with the original lighting. Nothing screams "upgrade" to me in this clip. Looks as normal as usual.
After all this time. F17 Hype has finally come full circle.
Holy shit, I hadn't realized it was that date!
Meme magic is real.
And lol yeah what was up with all that vtesting?
Time to look out for any TFTB updates (if any) rolling out in the next week. I wonder if they've patched out the choice screens or if it's just blank as usual.
AdHoc consist of most of the creative leads of Tales from the Borderlands. They have no involvement with the rerelease nor does the New Tell… moretale. It also seems this is only a re-release with nothing else, so 2K got the publishing rights and put it back on stores and it seems thats about it.
The Troy Baker recast thing is a bit of a mess, but Troy Baker says he was contacted by Gearbox telling him he was coming back in BL3 and asked if he was interested. He said yes and was told they'd contact him soon and never did. He later said he assumed it was because he was union and Gearbox didn't want to work with him anymore because of that. That part gets a bit messy, but it does seem that Gearbox 100% contacted Troy Baker and then just recasted him without ever going further than asking if he wanted to come back.
So good news is Tales is back. Bad news is New Telltale doesn't have those rights back.
I'm assuming on F17 an update will be released. They mentioned it will be sold all in one packaged so maybe that will only be relevant on consoles, but it seems like the "choice screen will be blank" literally means it will be blank, not that it was "removed." Like I said earlier, it seems because Gearbox/2K didn't talk to New Telltale they don't have access to those servers which Telltale does still own and I guess GB/2K didn't care enough to make their own or figure out how to implement their own server in the tool.
Either way, if F17 brings an update I'll look around in the files and junk and see if theres any sign of what vtest is. It is possible they were attempting to make a proper remaster thing but it felt apart because no one knew how to use the tool, so maybe that remains in the files. I really dont think theres any hidden upgrades or anything like that as they would've said that.
I'm not familiar with the original lighting. Nothing screams "upgrade" to me in this clip. Looks as normal as usual.
After all this ti… moreme. F17 Hype has finally come full circle.
Holy shit, I hadn't realized it was that date!
Meme magic is real.
And lol yeah what was up with all that vtesting?
Time to look out for any TFTB updates (if any) rolling out in the next week. I wonder if they've patched out the choice screens or if it's just blank as usual.
Yeah its kinda crazy. Like I know these limbo licenses can be a bit complicated and technically 2K/Gearbox didnt actually own the "Tales from the Borderlands" IP but they are also a big company with a lot of money, so I really dont know how it took them 2 years to get it.
It also seems this is only a re-release with nothing else, so 2K got the publishing rights and put it back on stores and it seems thats abou… moret it.
Which really begs the question of why they took so long when they promised to put it back on stores in early 2019, lmao.
We finally got our F17 release boys. True this is not how I expected it to happen, but for the meme, I’m fucking ecstatic. True the lack of choice screens is disappointing, but what matters is getting more people to play this fantastic game.
AdHoc consist of most of the creative leads of Tales from the Borderlands. They have no involvement with the rerelease nor does the New Tell… moretale. It also seems this is only a re-release with nothing else, so 2K got the publishing rights and put it back on stores and it seems thats about it.
The Troy Baker recast thing is a bit of a mess, but Troy Baker says he was contacted by Gearbox telling him he was coming back in BL3 and asked if he was interested. He said yes and was told they'd contact him soon and never did. He later said he assumed it was because he was union and Gearbox didn't want to work with him anymore because of that. That part gets a bit messy, but it does seem that Gearbox 100% contacted Troy Baker and then just recasted him without ever going further than asking if he wanted to come back.
So good news is Tales is back. Bad news is New Telltale doesn't have those rights back.
This is good news i was actually playing the pre-sequel so this'll give me an excuse to play it again now that they're putting it back on stores and it's good for the people who never played it.
That's really... interesting? Seems like that would have been announced at the same time.
Also interestingly enough is if Gearbox is in charge of Tales now that would mean they did find a way to use the tool despite the fact it seems they dont even know how to implement their own servers with the tool. I almost feel like this will end up being a mistake for Tales as I dont see how they wouldnt be able to get the server back up but are able to fully port it to a different console.
According to this article, Tales from the Borderlands was rated for Nintendo Switch in Taiwan (along with a game from my favorite series, Ac… moree Attorney that was never released outside Japan, huzzah!)
An update has been released, I'm downloading it now. Let's see if anything has truly been modified.
Also tfw Gearbox is selling it for more than what Telltale was selling it when it was taken down.
Also, if you are some big nerd like me you might find this interesting. Seems Gearbox is using a lot of old archived promo images for Tales including this never before seen one. Still the same scene, but the shot is never in-game. (And as far as I know was never circled around during Tales ep 1 promo images.)
Its still not correct but they lowered the pitch. Def an improvement.
Actually its kind of hard to tell if its been altered pitch or they actually did them again. I'll get a better idea once I can replay the sound files back to back.
Closing credits got downgraded af. Skips over the choices made and instead goes right to the credit crawl, but now its just a black screen instead of that desert texture. The speed is also like 2X.
Worried if EP 5's got changed now.
Also a bit disappointed they didnt swap Jack's episode 1 model with his better one.
EP5 is fine, with telltale credits too. The reason telltale credits are sped up is because Gearbox adds every single one of their employees to the credits of all their projects. So it has all the BL3 credits + old telltale credits + China credits + 2k credits
The credits are so long they have to loop the songs.
Closing credits got downgraded af. Skips over the choices made and instead goes right to the credit crawl, but now its just a black screen i… morenstead of that desert texture. The speed is also like 2X.
Worried if EP 5's got changed now.
Also a bit disappointed they didnt swap Jack's episode 1 model with his better one.
Jesus that seems so weird to put everyone's name on something they didnt even work on. Pretty sure the Chinese company is the only one that actually worked on it as I am assuming they outsourced someone them because no one could figure out how to use the tool.
EP5 is fine, with telltale credits too. The reason telltale credits are sped up is because Gearbox adds every single one of their employees … moreto the credits of all their projects. So it has all the BL3 credits + old telltale credits + China credits + 2k credits
The credits are so long they have to loop the songs.
I had no idea anything was happening today with Borderlands! This is unexpected good news.
Also what's the deal with recasting Rhys's voice actor when his original VA is completely available as I understand it? Are the original Tales writers at AdHoc? Is there hope for a sequel?
The only date it could’ve been lol #F17
AdHoc consist of most of the creative leads of Tales from the Borderlands. They have no involvement with the rerelease nor does the New Telltale. It also seems this is only a re-release with nothing else, so 2K got the publishing rights and put it back on stores and it seems thats about it.
The Troy Baker recast thing is a bit of a mess, but Troy Baker says he was contacted by Gearbox telling him he was coming back in BL3 and asked if he was interested. He said yes and was told they'd contact him soon and never did. He later said he assumed it was because he was union and Gearbox didn't want to work with him anymore because of that. That part gets a bit messy, but it does seem that Gearbox 100% contacted Troy Baker and then just recasted him without ever going further than asking if he wanted to come back.
So good news is Tales is back. Bad news is New Telltale doesn't have those rights back.
I'm not familiar with the original lighting. Nothing screams "upgrade" to me in this clip. Looks as normal as usual.
Holy shit, I hadn't realized it was that date!
Meme magic is real.
And lol yeah what was up with all that vtesting?
Time to look out for any TFTB updates (if any) rolling out in the next week. I wonder if they've patched out the choice screens or if it's just blank as usual.
Which really begs the question of why they took so long when they promised to put it back on stores in early 2019, lmao.
I'm assuming on F17 an update will be released. They mentioned it will be sold all in one packaged so maybe that will only be relevant on consoles, but it seems like the "choice screen will be blank" literally means it will be blank, not that it was "removed." Like I said earlier, it seems because Gearbox/2K didn't talk to New Telltale they don't have access to those servers which Telltale does still own and I guess GB/2K didn't care enough to make their own or figure out how to implement their own server in the tool.
Either way, if F17 brings an update I'll look around in the files and junk and see if theres any sign of what vtest is. It is possible they were attempting to make a proper remaster thing but it felt apart because no one knew how to use the tool, so maybe that remains in the files. I really dont think theres any hidden upgrades or anything like that as they would've said that.
Yeah its kinda crazy. Like I know these limbo licenses can be a bit complicated and technically 2K/Gearbox didnt actually own the "Tales from the Borderlands" IP but they are also a big company with a lot of money, so I really dont know how it took them 2 years to get it.
We finally got our F17 release boys. True this is not how I expected it to happen, but for the meme, I’m fucking ecstatic. True the lack of choice screens is disappointing, but what matters is getting more people to play this fantastic game.
God, please
Haha, F17! This is perfect.
Tbh I wasn't expecting any upgrades, I'm just glad it's back for sale so that more people can enjoy it.
Took them forever though.
The real question is will Zer0's episode 5 voice be fixed after all this time?
The answer is obviously no but it would be pretty neato.
[siiigh] why'd you have to remind me of that, Poogs??
Meme magic is the most powerful of all magics.
I think that's a feasible thing that could have been changed, wouldn't surprise me.
Assfucks pieces of shit.
TFTB is coming to the Epic Games Store
This is good news i was actually playing the pre-sequel so this'll give me an excuse to play it again now that they're putting it back on stores and it's good for the people who never played it.
I’m going to miss the crazed hysteria over vtest lol
I already bought it on disc so I’m not as excited but it’s still nice that more people will get to play this amazing game
If Tales is coming back to shelves then Hell must certainly be freezing over
signs of the end times, perhaps
According to this article, Tales from the Borderlands was rated for Nintendo Switch in Taiwan (along with a game from my favorite series, Ace Attorney that was never released outside Japan, huzzah!)
That's really... interesting? Seems like that would have been announced at the same time.
Also interestingly enough is if Gearbox is in charge of Tales now that would mean they did find a way to use the tool despite the fact it seems they dont even know how to implement their own servers with the tool. I almost feel like this will end up being a mistake for Tales as I dont see how they wouldnt be able to get the server back up but are able to fully port it to a different console.
...and the crowd goes mild. good to see something going on, at least
The inevitability that Gearbox is really gonna make Tales 2 hitting in.
It's over.
It's back. < 3
Added 13 minutes ago. $19.99
An update has been released, I'm downloading it now. Let's see if anything has truly been modified.
Also tfw Gearbox is selling it for more than what Telltale was selling it when it was taken down.
This makes me so happy. Finally.
(No mention of Telltale anywhere on the PS4 store page though... Not even the copyright/licenses fine print. RIP
they added the 2k and gearbox logos to the beginning lol.
Also, if you are some big nerd like me you might find this interesting. Seems Gearbox is using a lot of old archived promo images for Tales including this never before seen one. Still the same scene, but the shot is never in-game. (And as far as I know was never circled around during Tales ep 1 promo images.)
Also the new EGS page only has images of Rhys.
Gearbox really has a hard on for pretending Fiona doesn't exist.
Havent launched it yet but 7GB update seems like a bit much lmao.
I'll dive into the files later and see if I see anything "new" from Gearbox.
Watched the credits, looks like they outsourced to somewhere in China to so far just add new logos and a new legal agreement at the start
Those intros are loud af they gotta patch that
Lol at gearbox outsourcing a TTG tool project to some random dev that has no clue how to use it
Intro seems fine, so far the weirdest change is they changed the audio for when you click and hover over buttons in the menu.
Holy shit. Zer0's voice has been "fixed."
Its still not correct but they lowered the pitch. Def an improvement.
Actually its kind of hard to tell if its been altered pitch or they actually did them again. I'll get a better idea once I can replay the sound files back to back.
Closing credits got downgraded af. Skips over the choices made and instead goes right to the credit crawl, but now its just a black screen instead of that desert texture. The speed is also like 2X.
Worried if EP 5's got changed now.
Also a bit disappointed they didnt swap Jack's episode 1 model with his better one.
EP5 is fine, with telltale credits too. The reason telltale credits are sped up is because Gearbox adds every single one of their employees to the credits of all their projects. So it has all the BL3 credits + old telltale credits + China credits + 2k credits
The credits are so long they have to loop the songs.
Jesus that seems so weird to put everyone's name on something they didnt even work on. Pretty sure the Chinese company is the only one that actually worked on it as I am assuming they outsourced someone them because no one could figure out how to use the tool.