TFTB returning to stores on February 17th for PC, PS4 and Xbox One - rated for Switch in Taiwan
Previous title:
Tales from the Borderlands is receiving updated builds potential return to shelves
Original Title:
TFTB has had a new build of the game uploaded to SteamDB, hinting at a rerelease
Steam store page
PS4 store page
XBOX store page
Epic store page
It looks like someone from Gearbox is making changes to the TFTB servers on Steam, it seems they uploaded a test build of the game that requires a password to download TFTB hasn't been updated in almost 9 months otherwise.
At the very least, it looks like Gearbox is still looking to republish the game with altered choice servers and copyright info I'd assume.
Tales has not had an update on SteamDB aside from automatic stuff like the review score changing since September 17th (4 days after BL3 launched) where they uploaded a library asset so that the game would have a banner in the updated Steam UI. No unsupported Telltale Games like MCSM or GOTG have this. TFTB is the only one.
Redux being real against all odds would be such a meme
Not sure if I'm allowed to encourage this.. but if anyone can crack the encrypted password for the "vtest'" branch it would be possible for anyone to download this branch directly through the Steam client...
So I figure I'll come a bump this as it is interesting to note that Tales did get another update that other Telltale games have not, and again is more than just changenumbers. However Im really not sure if this means much at all, but I guess its worth mentioning.
(also daily reminder Redux aint real, but I do hope this leads to TFTBL being put back on stores)
Also completely unrelated but they changed The Wolf Among Us' Steam description for some reason and Im really not sure why.
I guess its a bit more streamlined but that is a weird thing to change after all this time.
Something big is happening with TFTB, looks like they changed it enough to the point where they had to resubmit it for ratings
Hmmm... certainly interesting.
Those regular changenumbers I dont believe mean anything and are just generic steam file updates that happen for Steam's purposes (even other unlisted Telltale games have gotten those on the same days,) the others like ratings and vtest do I believe imply someone actually editing though for the specific depot (which other Telltale games have not gotten.) It does seem something is happening with Tales. The question is what exactly, Tales of Monkey Island didnt get any updates like this, it kinda just happened. Hopefully Telltale/AdHoc are the ones who obtain the license as Gearbox/2K did say they were planning on bringing it back before Telltale returned.
I think Telltale will be the ones to get these rights back but its still really interesting for what exactly is happening behind the scenes as it would imply changes of some sort are happening. Again, no way Redux is real- but I do wonder if maybe they are going to add something like a dev commentary or small bonus features like Walking Dead Definitive so not only does it come back to shelves but has something to gain interest in buying for those who didnt before. (Maybe even a 5 dollar DLC like Shadows Edition. Unsure what that would be but would be cool.)
I really do think it means something. Unsupported games like MCSM and GOTG have gone years without any updates like that aside from review percentages. Plus Tales went 3 months in between the creation of the "vtest" depot to the creation of the "ratings" depot. In this 3 month period: Tales received no updates on SteamDB aside from those random changenumbers happening in a span of a week before the "ratings" depot.
Whatever it is they're definitely working in-engine on the game, and I really doubt removing Telltale branding/changing the online servers took this long. I also doubt the music licensing was an issue at all. Prettymuch all the TFTB songs were completely under the radar prior to being used in the game, with maybe Kiss The Sky and Busy Earnin' being small exceptions. These songs inclusions earned the publishers money not just from the use of the song in the game, but also from thousands of Spotify and apple music plays.
Things I think they might be doing
TFTB is my favorite Telltale Game, a 9/10 IMO. I think it's the best in quality too. I just wish the game wasn't such a graphical mess. Still looks more stylized than BL1 or 2 IMO.
It's worth noting that prior to BL3, every single Borderlands game got rereleased with upgraded graphics, with Borderlands 1 remastered and BL2/TPS's UHD texture packs. All of the Borderlands games also got their soundtracks released except Tales. Jared from Bay Area Sound said that he has "tried" (we don't know if he was successful) talking to Gearbox about releasing the Tales OST.
I think they're bumping up the visuals and removing some bugs, and then will release Soundtrack same day as TFTB rerelease.
I think Gearbox is involved in rather than New Telltale. This is a really small thing and doesn't deconfirm anything but: I checked every Gearbox Software and Telltale games depots, trying to see if any others had a depot named either "vtest" or "ratings."
The only other game that had that exact spelling was Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, with "ratings"
It's still possible that LCG TTG could be publishing this game, but this points to Gearbox developing this.
I'm still hoping Telltale will be the ones to get the license back especially considering they may partner with AdHoc again in the future meaning Telltale would have the rights to make a sequel a lot easier as well as having a good chunk of the original creative team. Its also completely possible Telltale and Gearbox are working on something in private right now involving Tales and it isnt just Gearbox related.
That said Im not sure what exactly they would be adding/changing. Most I can think about is fixing Zer0s lines in episode 5 (which was actually said to be a glitch and it would be fixed but never was) other than that Tales doesn't really have any other issues, not super sure what some of your complaints about the textures or Rhys' hair are as I dont remember Tales having textures I would consider being muddy nor there being clipping issues so bad it took me out of the experience. But all that said no way they are going to replace Troy Baker. Thats completely pointless to do, especially if they arnt going to make a bonus episode which no way is Gearbox making people who have no clue how to use the Telltale Tool do. That would be a waste of money and resources on Gearbox's end.
But I am curious about what is happening behind the scenes. Maybe they are adding more costumes to BL3 if you have Tales or if you buy it now if you didnt before. Could be they are making a Switch port. Who knows, my prediction is BL3 heads and maybe a concept art section is all will be added if this editing in the engine stuff does in fact mean new content. I just hope Telltale is involved and will be the ones who actually own the license.
That had better not ever fucking happen.
Wait, so the Redux trailer leak was fake?
Yeah, 100% fake
Somebody is getting their ******* a** ****** up
That's a lot of nitpicking dude lmao
I mean I said it's my favorite game of all time, if I'm trying to find flaws I'm going to have to reach a bit
Someone mentioned to me that the TFTB Depots were updated 12 days ago.
Just to clarify, this wasn't any of the Tales Depots that were changed. It was the June 2010 DirectX depot that hundreds of games use.
Think hard, Bill.
Think hard
More small updates today, probably not random updates.
I’m fairly certain we’re getting a formal announcement relatively soon. All there is now to do is wait.
The updates today were still regular auto Steam updates- they weren't significant. So far theres still only been 2 updates that meant something in the games files were actually manually changed, those being the vtest update and the ratings update. The rest have all been pretty standard Steam updates that happen no matter what, even if its a delisted game.
To @4k60fpsHDR and @Poogers555 respectively, of course.
Maybe a change in title for this thread would be in order?
I would probably suggest changing the title to something more along the lines of "Tales from the Borderlands is receiving updated builds of the game." And then maybe something at the end along the lines of it possibly meaning the game is returning to stores at some point. So far none of the updates I would say actually "hint a re-release." Like sure it very likely means something is happening behind the scenes, but this isnt like the Steam Database Batman Noir where we knew DLC was coming.
Vtest was given another update - meaning something was updated within the files privately again
I do hope we find out whats going on with TFTBL soon
3 hour long new episode and Rhyiona becomes the new canon
We live in a world where Rhyiona is frowned upon
What a world we live in, indeed.
Yes, what a world this is, Poogs.
Or, as I like to call it --

Please don't Bring my memories from 2015.
New updates to VTEST Depot for first time in months.
Just announce it Randy PLEASE
Man the one day I stopped checking that dumb database lmao
I really want to know what this is as this point. I really thought it was going to be announced at that Gearbox Publishing thing as it made sense.
After Sam and Max today, whatever this ends up being, really hoping the New Telltale is involved.
Randy needs to stop capping
feel like this everytime tftbl steam database gets updated. please randy. ill never criticize borderlands 3 again if you just rerelease the game. randy.

Re-release that does nothing but swap Troy Baker out for Ray Chase, Zer0 voice is still busted, bonus content is written by Gearbox narrative team.
Literally just put back on shelves.
Gearbox saw the Redux trailer and decided to actually make it real exactly how it was advertised.
Choose a timeline.
i dont wanna live in this timeline bro.....................ive gotta hold hope that either we get a rerelease that just doesn't add anything except maybe fancier graphics or something. or maybe the dream scenario where we get new shit written by the actual tftbl writers...............
Nothing major, but Vtest was apparently given another update yesterday
Randy needs to stop capping and just say what it is already
tftbl anniversary alignment chart. fingers crossed boyz.
Chaotric neutral should be the game being rereleased, but now Rhys has a mustache in the present day segments.
More 🧢 from Randy

Man Im really hoping Telltale/AdHoc has some actual involvement with this whenever its revealed. Could you imagine a story based game getting DLC 5 years later by people who had 0 part in the game's creative process releasing a bonus chapter for it with additional content? Would probably be one of the biggest slaps to the face to the original devs.
"Hey bro, I wrote a new ending for you."
i just want to know what this is at this point.
imagine all of this work...
just to put up a BUY NOW button onto Steam and remove half the music inside of the game
You see an announcement
"Tales from the Borderlands: Remaster! Available Now!"
You click the youtube link. It is finally happening!
The company logos appear...
Gearbox... 2K... Bruner House...