The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I like the rounded character designs in this. Cute.

  • man i am not prepared for it to be march again next week.

  • Some games never had any beta depots uploaded such as ANF.

    Did you see the Updated cut content video?

  • I wish the depots were a bit more interesting. I wasnt aware of them until I saw InColdBlood's video and decided to check some out but they aren't as interesting as I'd hoped. It may be worth using the Telltale extractor to see if there is anything unused within the beta manifest but I never bothered as I assumed there probably isn't.

    I really wish older games like Tales had the manifest available because I'd bother to screw around with looking for anything unused from cut content I know of just to see if there is "more" to it. I wouldnt be super surprised if some cut stuff that isnt normally findable is in these gotg and minecraft manifest but its probably nothing interesting as these are like 2 weeks before release builds. Its mostly just an animation that doesnt play out correctly yet or missing music or sound instead of an actual different scene.

    (Also not related but Im still pretty puzzled with something that happened with Tales that I won't be able to check again for a long time now with the new Gearbox update, but when I was making that cut content stuff, there was a mutant bullymong texture fully in the game for ep 3s files that was simply called something like "mutantbullymong." Doesnt really matter as searching mutant found it. But once it came to actually saving everything to share, suddenly I could never find it again. Which was pretty weird.)

  • Thanks that occurred to me while typing that there was probs still the og depots up, good to hear they still are. I will find that mutant bullymong again.

    Also I wonder if ep3 has a different color dome towards the end. In the trailer when Valloy attacks the shade in the dome is orange, not blue. This remains in the files but I was never able to get it to change when I was messing around. I wonder if that slightly older build still keeps the sun-rising dome color.

  • What the fuck is wrong with our society? Henry Cavill is being threatened by the internet for dating Gina Carano. The fact that this is even a thing makes me wish 2012 End of the World rumor was true.

  • Lol what? I'm not a fan of Gina, but I know it's definitely not my place to say who can date whom. Cavill can date whoever he wants for whatever reasons they may be.
    Jeez, the internet is crazy.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What the fuck is wrong with our society? Henry Cavill is being threatened by the internet for dating Gina Carano. The fact that this is even a thing makes me wish 2012 End of the World rumor was true.

  • Whoo! Just finished one of the major acting projects of my Second year. An intensive acting workshop of works from George Bernard Shaw. I played 3 characters from different excerpts of plays, we all had to use the RP dialect (British English) and a memorized script, which we streamed together through Zoom to friends, family and faculty.
    We did it twice, with one run-through taking just about 6 hours. (I wasn't on for the whole 6 hours, but we were all in the same Zoom room for that long!)

    While I tripped up some of my lines on the second time today, I made it through! Ooh, I feel so amped up!!

  • Nice, congrats. I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning, I have no idea how you or other actors can remember all of their lines in a play, show, or movie that goes on for that long. Takes a lot of skill.

    AChicken posted: »

    Whoo! Just finished one of the major acting projects of my Second year. An intensive acting workshop of works from George Bernard Shaw. I pl

  • Ah, thank you!

    And yes, it's pretty darn hard! (though, some of us who were overwhelmed with the more complex scripts were allowed to have a script off-camera to check if they get stuck -- one benefit of isolated zoom rehearsals)

    Anyway, it's as they all say: Practice, practice, practice!

    Nice, congrats. I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning, I have no idea how you or other actors can remember all of their lines in a play, show, or movie that goes on for that long. Takes a lot of skill.

  • I've been looking forward to this game for a while now since they announced it,this looks awesome.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Loving that this game visually it looks like a big budget animated movie. Hopefully they manage to full off the gameplay which looks pretty neat as well.

  • I've been wondering @Poogers555 what happened to some of your videos ? Tried finding that one video of Bruce telling Selina he loved her and getting rejected and realized it wasn't there anymore.

  • Hey I ended up taking a few of them down mostly because of some copyright concerns and wanted to be safe. Some of them I kind of looked back on and wasn't a big fan.

    Somehow you aren't the only one who has asked me about the videos but I'll actually go put some back up sometime this week.

    iFoRias posted: »

    I've been wondering @Poogers555 what happened to some of your videos ? Tried finding that one video of Bruce telling Selina he loved her and getting rejected and realized it wasn't there anymore.

  • That video was fine actually, the one that caused the biggest issue for me of all things was the Batman in 16 seconds video as it was deemed inappropriate.

  • edited February 2021

    Also on an unrelated Youtube note-

    If I get one more "This is fake" comment on my videos that say unofficial three times Im gonna lose it.

  • wh- what?

    Link. Please.

  • It would be cool if that's what Season 2 looks like, with a bunch of wide-shots.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • edited February 2021

    Quickly looked up articles on this and they link about 3 tweets with 40 likes tops actually talking about Henry dating her (some just pointing it out and not even making anything with it). There is however a bunch of tweets talking about how cancel culture is going after Henry after taking Gina from them or how him having dated her makes them like Henry even more? The articles also laughably link stuff like someone being mad Henry hasn't greeted the actress for Supergirl or people mad that Henry isn't in the new Superman, which are completely detached from the article's headline.

    I'm willing to bet this about Henry is some made up narrative for clicks and it's a shame that people take these headlines at face value and run with it, though the fault really lies on the journalists.

    AChicken posted: »

    Lol what? I'm not a fan of Gina, but I know it's definitely not my place to say who can date whom. Cavill can date whoever he wants for whatever reasons they may be. Jeez, the internet is crazy.

  • Me looking at Pokemon Snap 2 like

  • Ah, just as I thought: over blown out of proportion.

    Quickly looked up articles on this and they link about 3 tweets with 40 likes tops actually talking about Henry dating her (some just pointi

  • Replayed Metro: Exodus and still really enjoyed it. I still think it's a great addition to the Metro series despite, in my opinion, having the weakest narrative so far. Not to say that it's bad but in comparison to the 2033 and Last Light, I would consider it the weakest. Gonna spoiler tag this so it doesn't take up so much space. No actual spoilers are in this.

    The plot is more straight forward with the story essentially being a roadtrip through the remnants of Russia in an effort to find a place to call home, whereas 2033 dealt with the mysteries of the Dark Ones and their potential threat to the people of the metro, and Last Light dealing with the aftermath of a genocide as well as a war between competing ideologies. There's still some mystery involved and really great world building in each level (aside from one of the more linear levels which I thought was pretty bad). There's really interesting stuff like a cult that fears electricity, a Mad Max styled group of slavers who worship fire, a settlement made up of the survivors from a local school, etc. Lots of really cool information you can pick up from dialogue, journals and recordings. The game also has a lesser focus on the supernatural which I think is a bit of a shame since these were some of the best parts of the previous game, though it does come back in full force by the end in an incredibly tense final level. The ending also had me pretty teary eyed which is always a good thing.

    Gameplay is still fun. I really enjoy exploring every nook and cranny to find hidden supply caches, secrets and weapon parts. I also like the addition of the new morality system, in which the game tells the player which NPC's can be killed (of which there are many) and which you should probably avoid killing if you want the good ending. It's a big improvement over the previous two games and something I wish other games like Dishonored would take inspiration from. It really let's you play around with your arsenal instead of simply having to constantly sneak behind guards to knock them out one by one. I also like the day/night system, it really helps to provide a good amount of variation between playthroughs. The first time I played the game I had reached an area in one of the more linear levels at night and could pretty easily sneak around to knock out the good NPC's, this time around however it was in the day time, which made things a lot more challenging with enemies being able to see me a lot more easily.

    I do have a couple pretty big criticisms. For one thing the voice acting can be pretty horrendous. Exodus easily has the weakest voice acting in the series so far. You still get some good moments here and there from some of the main characters (specifically Anna, Miller and some side characters), but some of the side characters voices can be very not good. It also doesn't help that some of the dialogue doesn't translate as well to english or the voice direction just isn't as strong, which isn't great when a seasoned voice actor like Steve Blum ends up sounding like an amateur.

    My other issue is the treatment for the female characters, aside from Giul and Katya (though the latters voice acting is pretty bad), can be really underwhelming. Anna, while better here than in Last Light, very rarely gets her time to shine. She gets a couple moments here and there and some really good (optional) "conversation" between her and Artyom, but the rest of the time she's pretty much the damsel in distress waiting for you to save her. It's still better than her treatment in Last Light, but it's not all that great of an improvement.

    One of the newer characters, Olga, is also pretty poorly written. Really underdeveloped and you don't spend a lot of time with her. She's written to be an Amazon warrior kind of character but you don't ever see her do any fighting unlike Anna and Giul. It feels like she's kinda there to be eye candy since she's the only character in the game who wears revealing clothing for some reason despite every other inhabitant of Taiga wearing like two to three layers of clothing and armour. There are even a few moments where you can hear NPC's and other characters just talk about how hot she is lmao. You're also told multiple times that she isn't the only woman in her settlement but you don't ever see any other which feels weird. She also gets this kinda awkward romance plot with one of the side characters that gets developed off screen.

    Overall, despite these issues, I would still consider the game to be really good and something I'll keep going back to just like the other Metro games. I just hope that 4A Games does a better job with the voice acting and writing, particularly for their female characters in the next game.

  • But it's like three whole people! That's as many as one and a half couples and that's terrible.

    AChicken posted: »

    Ah, just as I thought: over blown out of proportion.

  • Yep, that's what a lot of panics tend to boil down to, people elevating incredibly fringe cases with barely any support.

    AChicken posted: »

    Ah, just as I thought: over blown out of proportion.

  • For those who care I put some of my videos back on my channel if fellas wanna check them out.

    Also @AChicken this is the Gryff Queen video

  • A little late, but... Open world Pokemon game!

  • edited March 2021

    According to an interview with Deathloop game director, Dinga Bakaba, the game will feature some familiar powers from the Dishonored series as well as the inclusion of trinkets, which are Deathloops version of the whale charms from Dishonored, which you can use to modify weapons and yourself.

    “We decided to bring back quite a few of the powers that we have in the Dishonored series,” he continued. “I think it’s something that will make players feel right at home. And then there are a few twists and modifications. I think that’s a good view of the main player tools.”

    Puts on tin foil hat.

    I wonder if this really is just them re-using powers or if the game secretly takes place in Dishonored universe somewhere down the line.

  • @AChicken I heard that The Legend of Korra reached Netflix in Canada. Now it's your chance to see it.

  • It has! Thanks!

    That's really strange... It's part of a major Nickelodeon franchise, Avatar has been really popular in the past year, and yet... it wasn't on their "Coming Soon" tab, and I usually check that on Netflix at the start, middle, and end of each month. Somehow, Korra wasn't there a couple days ago when I last checked. I wonder if that deal only recently fell through. Thanks again.

    AronDracula posted: »

    @AChicken I heard that The Legend of Korra reached Netflix in Canada. Now it's your chance to see it.

  • Same thing happened to me. When I checked Netflix at the beginning of December, Korra just happened to pop in there. There was no announcement whatsoever, they just added LOK there and that's it.

    AChicken posted: »

    It has! Thanks! That's really strange... It's part of a major Nickelodeon franchise, Avatar has been really popular in the past year,

  • edited March 2021

    Aliens: Fireteam has been announced with a reveal trailer. It's a Left 4 Dead styled third person co-op shooter that is set 23 years after the original Alien trilogy that will be releasing this year.

    The game will feature 20 different enemy types, including 11 unique types of Xenomorph, as well as Synthetics. Players will be able to customise their characters with cosmetics and play as five different classes known as Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc, and Recon.

  • I feel like I am the only one who isn't a fan of L4D. I just don't like multiplayers in general as I used to. I'd rather take a sequel to Alien Isolation instead of just another generic multiplayer game with a blockbuster theme slapped into it.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Aliens: Fireteam has been announced with a reveal trailer. It's a Left 4 Dead styled third person co-op shooter that is set 23 years after t

  • Interesting... I'm not too big a fan of L4D. What I've played of it is fun, but it's only at its best when you're playing with other human people, hopefully friends.
    Not sure how that style of gameplay (with different enemy types that should be easily recognizable) would translate well to an Alien game, since the Xenos are some pretty abstract-looking creatures and if this game is saturated in darkness, it could be pretty hard to coordinate. ...Maybe that's the point?

    Also teased recently: Marvel Comics is releasing an original Comic book series on the Aliens universe.
    I was wondering why there's so much resurgence in the Aliens IP, until I realized that this year is the Aliens' 42nd anniversary. So, that's a reference to LV-426, the Alien planet. Ha, ha...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Aliens: Fireteam has been announced with a reveal trailer. It's a Left 4 Dead styled third person co-op shooter that is set 23 years after t

  • Thing that works perfectly fine in a program, literally 0 reason to change it.

    "We fucked up the program and made what took 2 steps take 15 steps now for no actual reason."

  • Me after seeing the leaks for Elden Ring

  • me when the

  • Interesting view disparity. Wonder why that's the case.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    me when the

  • Thanks! :)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    For those who care I put some of my videos back on my channel if fellas wanna check them out. Also @AChicken this is the Gryff Queen video

  • I probably won't make a part 3 unless something big happens or I somehow come across something big I missed before I feel is worth including. With both videos I feel practically everything is covered in terms of cut content.

    All I can really think of is if I wanted to go more in depth of what the script files actually say instead of briefly summarizing them. For example episode 2 pretty much has an entirely different episode script in the files but I chose to just go over the major beats instead of going into as much detail as the script actually is, but I also don't feel it is completely worth going over that script in even more detail than I already did as it would probably make more sense to just export the original scripts in a more readable form for those who want to read it.

    Other than that, pretty sure most unused scenes I covered. I didn't include some of the broken ones that dont really tell anything, like ep 2 had a scene where Rhys gut punches Vasquez to escape but its mostly just audio as all you see is the ground. There is one scene that I didnt include that I am 99% sure actually works in game though. When I first was messing around with it, it wasnt working except audio but later scenes were working once I did it correctly and I believe these ones work too but didnt bother to go back as I didnt feel it was worth doing. But, similar to how Fiona and August talk in ep 2 has an original version, it seems Rhys and Vasquez had a slightly different intro hallway walk where Vasquez just tries to tell Rhys that he is a loser iirc. And a bunch of smaller scenes that are kinda pointless, that although can be a bit interesting, aren't interesting enough to really show or talk about.

    So yeah, probably no part 3 unless something changes as everything is pretty much covered as far as I know. I did figure out what the "rhyssavesfiona" animation was about though. It wasnt that Fiona was tied up, but it was part of an original exaggerated scene (probably original "blow his mind") where Rhys "saves" Fiona. It was meant to replicate something like this:

    Which is kinda obvious why it was changed as they probably didn't want to represent their second playable character in that way, plus seems this was very early on when a Rhys and Fiona romance was more considered where Rhys would pretend he saved the day and had Fiona swooning over him or something. Again, kinda obvious why changed.

  • tfw you just made me go back and watch part 2 and I immediately noticed a major editing mistake. fuck.

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