All the RE Engine games have been really good with optimization but RE7 as the first did have a few hiccups, and RE8 seems to be smoother. Feels a ton like RE7 in terms of gameplay.
Which demo did you play first? Village or Castle? I feel from the demo i saw. The Castle looks very amazing and graphics look good too. Also thoughts on the game even though you played just the Demo so far?
Downloaded the demo to give it a bench mark test on my PC and the game is super well optimized. All the RE Engine games have been really goo… mored with optimization but RE7 as the first did have a few hiccups, and RE8 seems to be smoother. Feels a ton like RE7 in terms of gameplay.
Also fun fact because I have not seen anyone do it in any videos, you can actually shoot while blocking for a short time. I will say I am a bit worried running is too fast because honestly Ethan books it hard af and it was really easy to run by everything.
Did the Village but I stopped before entering the house because I don't want spoilers, played all of the Castle because it is a lot less story focused. Graphically both locations are really cool.
Overall I think I am going to like it a lot. I just have some gripes from a design point. I really wish the inventory didn't pause the game, and I dont like how its RE4 inspired. RE4 nostalgia is kind of annoying in all honesty and for some reason everyone who circle jerks about that game's inventory system fails to see how RE7's was literally just the RE4 inventory but streamlined to not be a waste of time. I also wish key items actually filled up your inventory which I actually really dont like as making it so your "item management" is really just guns and consumables rather than needing to pay attention to important pick ups with your supplies seems like an odd choice.
Anyway, even after all that complaining I really like everything else. Really looking forward to it. I wish it was a little bit more like RE7 in its design, but there's enough of it for me to be excited.
All the RE Engine games have been really good with optimization but RE7 as the first did have a few hiccups, and RE8 seems to be smoother. F… moreeels a ton like RE7 in terms of gameplay.
Which demo did you play first? Village or Castle? I feel from the demo i saw. The Castle looks very amazing and graphics look good too. Also thoughts on the game even though you played just the Demo so far?
Anyway, even after all that complaining I really like everything else. Really looking forward to it. I wish it was a little bit more like RE7 in its design, but there's enough of it for me to be excited.
Same here too. I think it will be a interesting and cool game. I feel like the Castle is going to be more interesting than the village. Cause a beautiful castle like that? Definitely will be going through a lot cause i think it going come off like Maze from what u saw from the demo. It feels like you running around and possibly might encounter with those three daughters of Lady Dimitrescu and herself. Accidentally saw a video with a image of her in the Castle with you. So Yea it will bring cool to see the reviews soon
Did the Village but I stopped before entering the house because I don't want spoilers, played all of the Castle because it is a lot less sto… morery focused. Graphically both locations are really cool.
Overall I think I am going to like it a lot. I just have some gripes from a design point. I really wish the inventory didn't pause the game, and I dont like how its RE4 inspired. RE4 nostalgia is kind of annoying in all honesty and for some reason everyone who circle jerks about that game's inventory system fails to see how RE7's was literally just the RE4 inventory but streamlined to not be a waste of time. I also wish key items actually filled up your inventory which I actually really dont like as making it so your "item management" is really just guns and consumables rather than needing to pay attention to important pick ups with your supplies seems like an odd choice.
Anyway, even after all that complaining I really like everything else. Re… [view original content]
Actually very interested in seeing the other areas of the other 2 houses. Apparently Bovento (def spelt wrong lol) is heavily horror focused according to Capcom.
Anyway, even after all that complaining I really like everything else. Really looking forward to it. I wish it was a little bit more like RE… more7 in its design, but there's enough of it for me to be excited.
Same here too. I think it will be a interesting and cool game. I feel like the Castle is going to be more interesting than the village. Cause a beautiful castle like that? Definitely will be going through a lot cause i think it going come off like Maze from what u saw from the demo. It feels like you running around and possibly might encounter with those three daughters of Lady Dimitrescu and herself. Accidentally saw a video with a image of her in the Castle with you. So Yea it will bring cool to see the reviews soon
Downloaded the demo to give it a bench mark test on my PC and the game is super well optimized. All the RE Engine games have been really goo… mored with optimization but RE7 as the first did have a few hiccups, and RE8 seems to be smoother. Feels a ton like RE7 in terms of gameplay.
Also fun fact because I have not seen anyone do it in any videos, you can actually shoot while blocking for a short time. I will say I am a bit worried running is too fast because honestly Ethan books it hard af and it was really easy to run by everything.
For a hot minute I was thinking I'd missed the window to play the RE8 demo.
Well, I was right, but luckily Capcom decided to extend the timeframe for a full week. Good.
Are we just gonna ignore the fact Leon and Claire had the same speed in RE2make? When they run from Mr. X, they don't look like they run for their lives but instead, they play the baits for him.
Are we just gonna ignore the fact Leon and Claire had the same speed in RE2make? When they run from Mr. X, they don't look like they run for their lives but instead, they play the baits for him.
I played the Village demo. Hot damn is this game good looking. The character models are absurdly detailed. Also pleasantly surprised by Ethan's voice acting. He's a lot more emotive in this than in the entirety of RE7. It took me 25 minutes to beat it so I might try out the Castle demo next.
I really hope the full game has an FOV slider though.
Also I wouldn't recommend watching anyone's reviews, tons of spoilers. Hell, I clicked one that said spoiler free in the title and the literal first second starts spoiling stuff.
I just finished replaying RE7 main story and there is something I don't think I ever noticed. After the credits rolled, after seeing the picture of the Baker family, I hear a phone ringing, with the screen being black. I'm not exactly certain what it means or is it just teasing the sequel.
Just looked it up and its apparently been there since the very start. I had no idea, really cool find! Some people think it is actually Ethan's codex which buzzes from a "target acquired" which actually may have been teasing RE8. But at the same time, probably not.
If its suppose to be the codex referencing Ethan as a target that would mean Capcom already knew what was going to happen to Ethan in RE8, and I dont think they knew seeing how Ethan being much more of a character in RE8 seems to be from feedback after the game released. But it is possible. Apparently the Old Woman from RE8 can be found in Lucas's room, and allegedly Capcom apparently has a RE7, 8, 9 storyline fully thought out.
I just finished replaying RE7 main story and there is something I don't think I ever noticed. After the credits rolled, after seeing the pic… moreture of the Baker family, I hear a phone ringing, with the screen being black. I'm not exactly certain what it means or is it just teasing the sequel.
Apparently the Old Woman from RE8 can be found in Lucas's room
Wait really? Is it like a picture or something?
allegedly Capcom apparently has a RE7, 8, 9 storyline fully thought out.
That's pretty cool if they've got a whole trilogy planned out for Ethan. Is this the first time they've actually planned out a story instead of just winging it every game?
Just looked it up and its apparently been there since the very start. I had no idea, really cool find! Some people think it is actually Etha… moren's codex which buzzes from a "target acquired" which actually may have been teasing RE8. But at the same time, probably not.
If its suppose to be the codex referencing Ethan as a target that would mean Capcom already knew what was going to happen to Ethan in RE8, and I dont think they knew seeing how Ethan being much more of a character in RE8 seems to be from feedback after the game released. But it is possible. Apparently the Old Woman from RE8 can be found in Lucas's room, and allegedly Capcom apparently has a RE7, 8, 9 storyline fully thought out.
Apparently the Old Woman from RE8 can be found in Lucas's room
Wait really? Is it like a picture or something?
allegedly Capco… morem apparently has a RE7, 8, 9 storyline fully thought out.
That's pretty cool if they've got a whole trilogy planned out for Ethan. Is this the first time they've actually planned out a story instead of just winging it every game?
Haven't gotten very far, but I am enjoying the game a lot. Sadly, I would not say it feels very similar to RE7 in terms of design at all which is a bit disappointing, but I do really enjoy this design style as well. Would I prefer if it were more similar to RE7? Yes, but this is still good.
Also. Do not equip weapon charms. They are so distracting and for some reason you can enable them in-game but can't remove them unless you go to settings, only from the main menu and select to simply "not display" them. I have no idea why its like this and its a weird hassle for cosmetics. And seriously, they are distracting. Thing is flinging all over the place, so I would recommend not putting them on your gun.
Haven't gotten very far, but I am enjoying the game a lot. Sadly, I would not say it feels very similar to RE7 in terms of design at all whi… morech is a bit disappointing, but I do really enjoy this design style as well. Would I prefer if it were more similar to RE7? Yes, but this is still good.
Also. Do not equip weapon charms. They are so distracting and for some reason you can enable them in-game but can't remove them unless you go to settings, only from the main menu and select to simply "not display" them. I have no idea why its like this and its a weird hassle for cosmetics. And seriously, they are distracting. Thing is flinging all over the place, so I would recommend not putting them on your gun.
First 35 minutes in and I am soo pumped. Although, I noticed that they did not get the pronounciation for romanian words right, being romanian myself and all. I understand it's hard for english speakers to speak romanian but it still feels off and I'm not okay with that.
Other than that, the game is looking good so far. And it runs soo well on PS4.
Three and a half hours in and the game is giving me the kind of heart palpitations RE7 did so I'd say it's doing a good job with the scares so far. Not used to having so much ammo though lol.
I have to finish Village first, I know but after like 3 hours of playing, I feel like it's pointless to remake Resident Evil 4 because RE8 is pretty much a spiritual sequel to that game. I mean, it has pretty much everything that defined that game, gameplaywise. Not to mention, it is possible for Capcom to reuse some of RE8 assets for that game.
Finished up the game after pretty much dedicating all day to playing it. As a whole I liked it a lot. A lot of content, and simply just fun to play. I do wish I played on hardcore thought as I only died twice, both during boss fights, so I was never really challenged that much. Story was also pretty good, but the ending gets a bit sloppy in that regard. Not terrible by any means, but I think I see why a lot of early reviews said the ending bit of the game is a bit of a stumble. Also speed running this game seems like a nightmare, my timer was at 9 hours (With an actual time of around 12 hours) and looking back at the game as a whole, I would imagine getting that finish the game in 4 hours is hard as hell. Still haven't even gotten the chance to play The Mercenaries.
anyways spoilers and junk for anyone who cares:
Was a bit surprised how fast Lady D and her daughters are out of the story. I already expected them not to last that long, but pretty much every encounter with the daughters you kill them right there. Maybe that is just how I played though, but I didnt feel like I wish rushing or anything. That said Castle D was so cool.
Then comes Donna B. This part I am a bit mixed on as demon baby thing is scary as hell, but thinking about how this whole lord is basically just a gimmick level isn't the most fun, and I would imagine is going to be everyone's least favorite on replays. So I really like this sequence, but I dread it for future runs. I also was a bit disappointed with Dona and Angie as a whole. I felt they could've really gone full on creep factor with Angie but they didn't, and by the time we kill her, we don't really get a chance to know her. So she was pretty underdeveloped.
Salvador segment was ok. Overall just decent I would say, except for that terrible part with the levers. Not very clear what the hell is happening, and didn't help that for whatever reason if you fall into the water from the platform the game tosses you into a specific place on the map but it isn't seamless, and when I fisted got insta-killed I thought it was a glitch.
I was a bit surprised with Heisenberg being more focal and having a lot more depth. Overall pretty fun part of the game, plus he talked about Chris punching boulders so that was pretty cool. Although it was fun using our make shift tank, I think it did jump the shark a bit.
Then Mother Miranda and the conclusion. This is where it kind of loses me. She isn't explained in the best way, and turns our the Umbrella origin story stuff was incredibly minor which I was pretty bummed about. (Pretty sure all you find is a letter from Spencer.) Mother Maranda and the Mold origin is a bit too tossed to the side, when it should be a bigger deal in the RE universe. Now knowing the full story, I can see why this was at one point internally considered a spin off game in terms of storyline.
Then there's the retcon about Ethan. I don't actually hate it, but it feels kind of sloppy. Ethan being dead is actually a pretty cool idea, but it does cause some story issues of if he was literally only alive due to the mold, why didn't Eveline just like... make him not alive from the mold? Plus Mia knowing Ethan was dead doesn't make much sense either. When it was first being revealed, I was kind of hoping it was going to be revealed Ethan was dead even before RE7 takes place (maybe he died in a car crash or something) and that Mia, seeing how she was part of The Connections, secretly used a mold sample to reanimate him. This way it makes sense why Mia knows and considers it a secret while still maintaining the Ethan takes all the damage in the world story, and that Ethan's mold infection isn't directly connected to Eveline.
Also in the end scene I was a bit bummed we don't see a giant whole in Ethan's chest. Even during the final boss she comments on his heart being gone, so I wish that was visual.
Then the final scene is a bit confusing as well. Not really confusing, but just in general the ending feels a bit incomplete knowing its probably going to be answered in RE9 years from now, and a bit disappointing as RE8 seemed like it was going to move the overall RE story forward, but in the end it didn't really. I am also assuming Rose rapidly aged similar to Eve, and even the flask mention rapid aging. That or the RE universe just jumped like 17 years. But as a story about Ethan, real good. (Although Chris feels a bit tacked on.)
Also they killed Ethan "Chad" Winters. Why am I crying in the village rn?
So apparently Ada Wong was going to be in Village at one point. That's pretty crazy. I wonder a lot about cut content in this game to be honest. Some stuff that was cut was playing as Elena as it was leaked back in the day plus the reveal trailer has a scene of her that isn't in Village, and at one point the daughters were suppose to mutate into spider-things, I guess this became part of MM final battle instead.
The level with Donna, the doll master, is probably my least favorite part of the game so far. It's not bad and I think it's kind of unique, but compared to the previous and next levels, it's kind of underwhelming. Not to mention, it felt like the motel chapter from Silent Hill 2.
A Dutch filmmaker has accused Capcom of plagiarising his own creative work by using a similarly designed character for a boss in Resident Evil: Village, I'll link it and put it in a spoiler tag so nobody accidentally clicks on it
More motion capture stuff, this time in the form of an image showing how motion capture was done involving Lady Dimitrescu. To be more specific, the tweet shows what techniques were used to demonstrate her height during motion capture for other characters
Which demo did you play first? Village or Castle? I feel from the demo i saw. The Castle looks very amazing and graphics look good too. Also thoughts on the game even though you played just the Demo so far?
Did the Village but I stopped before entering the house because I don't want spoilers, played all of the Castle because it is a lot less story focused. Graphically both locations are really cool.
Overall I think I am going to like it a lot. I just have some gripes from a design point. I really wish the inventory didn't pause the game, and I dont like how its RE4 inspired. RE4 nostalgia is kind of annoying in all honesty and for some reason everyone who circle jerks about that game's inventory system fails to see how RE7's was literally just the RE4 inventory but streamlined to not be a waste of time. I also wish key items actually filled up your inventory which I actually really dont like as making it so your "item management" is really just guns and consumables rather than needing to pay attention to important pick ups with your supplies seems like an odd choice.
Anyway, even after all that complaining I really like everything else. Really looking forward to it. I wish it was a little bit more like RE7 in its design, but there's enough of it for me to be excited.
Same here too. I think it will be a interesting and cool game. I feel like the Castle is going to be more interesting than the village. Cause a beautiful castle like that? Definitely will be going through a lot cause i think it going come off like Maze from what u saw from the demo. It feels like you running around and possibly might encounter with those three daughters of Lady Dimitrescu and herself. Accidentally saw a video with a image of her in the Castle with you. So Yea it will bring cool to see the reviews soon
Actually very interested in seeing the other areas of the other 2 houses. Apparently Bovento (def spelt wrong lol) is heavily horror focused according to Capcom.
Wait so Ethan can actually run this time instead of moving at the speed of molasses running down a hill?
Yes, Ethan is a lot faster and it is much more apparent once you play it rather than watch on youtube. Dude straight up running a marathon.
For a hot minute I was thinking I'd missed the window to play the RE8 demo.
Well, I was right, but luckily Capcom decided to extend the timeframe for a full week. Good.
Are we just gonna ignore the fact Leon and Claire had the same speed in RE2make? When they run from Mr. X, they don't look like they run for their lives but instead, they play the baits for him.
Ethan is the most powerful Resident Evil character because he can run.
Laughs in Resident Evil 6
Because everyone in that game is a superhero. They can run and also survive absolutely anything.
I played the Village demo. Hot damn is this game good looking. The character models are absurdly detailed. Also pleasantly surprised by Ethan's voice acting. He's a lot more emotive in this than in the entirety of RE7. It took me 25 minutes to beat it so I might try out the Castle demo next.
I really hope the full game has an FOV slider though.
tfw there are already mods
Reviews are out, large majority of 8s and 9s.
Also I wouldn't recommend watching anyone's reviews, tons of spoilers. Hell, I clicked one that said spoiler free in the title and the literal first second starts spoiling stuff.
Off, 2 days left is still too far away if you ask me.
I just finished replaying RE7 main story and there is something I don't think I ever noticed. After the credits rolled, after seeing the picture of the Baker family, I hear a phone ringing, with the screen being black. I'm not exactly certain what it means or is it just teasing the sequel.
Just looked it up and its apparently been there since the very start. I had no idea, really cool find! Some people think it is actually Ethan's codex which buzzes from a "target acquired" which actually may have been teasing RE8. But at the same time, probably not.
If its suppose to be the codex referencing Ethan as a target that would mean Capcom already knew what was going to happen to Ethan in RE8, and I dont think they knew seeing how Ethan being much more of a character in RE8 seems to be from feedback after the game released. But it is possible. Apparently the Old Woman from RE8 can be found in Lucas's room, and allegedly Capcom apparently has a RE7, 8, 9 storyline fully thought out.
Wait really? Is it like a picture or something?
That's pretty cool if they've got a whole trilogy planned out for Ethan. Is this the first time they've actually planned out a story instead of just winging it every game?
A lot of reviews saying the story is super strong so thats pretty cool.
Also this is the image in RE7. May be a coincidence.
why must digital games unlock regionally instead of just dropping the same time as Australia.
12k players... and I'm not one of them
Haven't gotten very far, but I am enjoying the game a lot. Sadly, I would not say it feels very similar to RE7 in terms of design at all which is a bit disappointing, but I do really enjoy this design style as well. Would I prefer if it were more similar to RE7? Yes, but this is still good.
Also. Do not equip weapon charms. They are so distracting and for some reason you can enable them in-game but can't remove them unless you go to settings, only from the main menu and select to simply "not display" them. I have no idea why its like this and its a weird hassle for cosmetics. And seriously, they are distracting. Thing is flinging all over the place, so I would recommend not putting them on your gun.
My copy still hasn't arrived yet.

EDIT: Got it now. YAAY
Which platform do you play it on? If PS4, then how is it running?
Weirdly enough, the demo ran pretty poorly for me 50-60fps but the full game runs at a smooth 120fps with the same settings I put for the demo.
First 35 minutes in and I am soo pumped. Although, I noticed that they did not get the pronounciation for romanian words right, being romanian myself and all. I understand it's hard for english speakers to speak romanian but it still feels off and I'm not okay with that.
Other than that, the game is looking good so far. And it runs soo well on PS4.
POV: You used the lever in the castle dungeon
Three and a half hours in and the game is giving me the kind of heart palpitations RE7 did so I'd say it's doing a good job with the scares so far. Not used to having so much ammo though lol.
I have to finish Village first, I know but after like 3 hours of playing, I feel like it's pointless to remake Resident Evil 4 because RE8 is pretty much a spiritual sequel to that game. I mean, it has pretty much everything that defined that game, gameplaywise. Not to mention, it is possible for Capcom to reuse some of RE8 assets for that game.
Finished up the game after pretty much dedicating all day to playing it. As a whole I liked it a lot. A lot of content, and simply just fun to play. I do wish I played on hardcore thought as I only died twice, both during boss fights, so I was never really challenged that much. Story was also pretty good, but the ending gets a bit sloppy in that regard. Not terrible by any means, but I think I see why a lot of early reviews said the ending bit of the game is a bit of a stumble. Also speed running this game seems like a nightmare, my timer was at 9 hours (With an actual time of around 12 hours) and looking back at the game as a whole, I would imagine getting that finish the game in 4 hours is hard as hell. Still haven't even gotten the chance to play The Mercenaries.
anyways spoilers and junk for anyone who cares:
Was a bit surprised how fast Lady D and her daughters are out of the story. I already expected them not to last that long, but pretty much every encounter with the daughters you kill them right there. Maybe that is just how I played though, but I didnt feel like I wish rushing or anything. That said Castle D was so cool.
Then comes Donna B. This part I am a bit mixed on as demon baby thing is scary as hell, but thinking about how this whole lord is basically just a gimmick level isn't the most fun, and I would imagine is going to be everyone's least favorite on replays. So I really like this sequence, but I dread it for future runs. I also was a bit disappointed with Dona and Angie as a whole. I felt they could've really gone full on creep factor with Angie but they didn't, and by the time we kill her, we don't really get a chance to know her. So she was pretty underdeveloped.
Salvador segment was ok. Overall just decent I would say, except for that terrible part with the levers. Not very clear what the hell is happening, and didn't help that for whatever reason if you fall into the water from the platform the game tosses you into a specific place on the map but it isn't seamless, and when I fisted got insta-killed I thought it was a glitch.
I was a bit surprised with Heisenberg being more focal and having a lot more depth. Overall pretty fun part of the game, plus he talked about Chris punching boulders so that was pretty cool. Although it was fun using our make shift tank, I think it did jump the shark a bit.
Then Mother Miranda and the conclusion. This is where it kind of loses me. She isn't explained in the best way, and turns our the Umbrella origin story stuff was incredibly minor which I was pretty bummed about. (Pretty sure all you find is a letter from Spencer.) Mother Maranda and the Mold origin is a bit too tossed to the side, when it should be a bigger deal in the RE universe. Now knowing the full story, I can see why this was at one point internally considered a spin off game in terms of storyline.
Then there's the retcon about Ethan. I don't actually hate it, but it feels kind of sloppy. Ethan being dead is actually a pretty cool idea, but it does cause some story issues of if he was literally only alive due to the mold, why didn't Eveline just like... make him not alive from the mold? Plus Mia knowing Ethan was dead doesn't make much sense either. When it was first being revealed, I was kind of hoping it was going to be revealed Ethan was dead even before RE7 takes place (maybe he died in a car crash or something) and that Mia, seeing how she was part of The Connections, secretly used a mold sample to reanimate him. This way it makes sense why Mia knows and considers it a secret while still maintaining the Ethan takes all the damage in the world story, and that Ethan's mold infection isn't directly connected to Eveline.
Also in the end scene I was a bit bummed we don't see a giant whole in Ethan's chest. Even during the final boss she comments on his heart being gone, so I wish that was visual.
Then the final scene is a bit confusing as well. Not really confusing, but just in general the ending feels a bit incomplete knowing its probably going to be answered in RE9 years from now, and a bit disappointing as RE8 seemed like it was going to move the overall RE story forward, but in the end it didn't really. I am also assuming Rose rapidly aged similar to Eve, and even the flask mention rapid aging. That or the RE universe just jumped like 17 years. But as a story about Ethan, real good. (Although Chris feels a bit tacked on.)
Also they killed Ethan "Chad" Winters. Why am I crying in the village rn?
Anyway. Really good game. Liked it a lot.
Cut content spoilers:
So apparently Ada Wong was going to be in Village at one point. That's pretty crazy. I wonder a lot about cut content in this game to be honest. Some stuff that was cut was playing as Elena as it was leaked back in the day plus the reveal trailer has a scene of her that isn't in Village, and at one point the daughters were suppose to mutate into spider-things, I guess this became part of MM final battle instead.
Here is my reaction to the first chapter of the game:

I just want to say that whoever designed the level for the second boss is pure evil. I am going to die from high blood pressure.
big mommy milkers
I'm not one of them.
Ok, I have to say
The level with Donna, the doll master, is probably my least favorite part of the game so far. It's not bad and I think it's kind of unique, but compared to the previous and next levels, it's kind of underwhelming. Not to mention, it felt like the motel chapter from Silent Hill 2.
Moreau: throwing up and shit

A Dutch filmmaker has accused Capcom of plagiarising his own creative work by using a similarly designed character for a boss in Resident Evil: Village, I'll link it and put it in a spoiler tag so nobody accidentally clicks on it Ltd._pcrid.449670_learning&trk=aff_src.aff-lilpar_c.partners_pkw.10078_plc.Skimbit Ltd._pcrid.449670_learning&clickid=T6J3z0T3VxyLWLMwUx0Mo3EJUkBx482tkXoZQ80&irgwc=1
Also I found a clip of some motion capture being done for Resident Evil: Village, if anyone wants to watch it I'll spoiler tag it
More motion capture stuff, this time in the form of an image showing how motion capture was done involving Lady Dimitrescu. To be more specific, the tweet shows what techniques were used to demonstrate her height during motion capture for other characters