Ok, I finished Resident Evil 8, finally. I LOVE THIS GAME. It is without a doubt my game of the year. This game did not disappoint me at all. I have a few complaints but they did not ruin the game at all.
The design is not "1 to 1" like he claims, and the game does actually say it was inspired by the movie in the bonuses, so I don't think he he has much of a case. They are really just similar, which may not be best him to say similarity is copying when his design of this monster is very obviously based off a Big Daddy from Bioshock.
A Dutch filmmaker has accused Capcom of plagiarising his own creative work by using a similarly designed character for a boss in Resident Ev… moreil: Village, I'll link it and put it in a spoiler tag so nobody accidentally clicks on it
Also I found a clip of some motion capture being done for Resident Evil: Village, if anyone wants to watch it I'll spoiler tag it
More motion capture stuff, this time in the form of an image showing how motion capture was done involving Lady Dimitrescu. To be more specific, the tweet shows what techniques were used to demonstrate her height during motion capture for other characters
Capcom did not show Ethan's face at the end? Just why? If they are gonna just kill him like that at the end, why not let us have a last look at him with his face revealed? It felt very anticlimatic.
the Doll house, after Castle Dimitrescu, reminded me a lot of the last level of Silent Hill 2. It does feel identical. Like they take your weapons away and you have to survive the bottom floor without them.
If I'm being honest, Residnt Evil never had a consistent lore to begin with.
Remember in RE0 where they retconned the origin of the T-Virus and had this scientist, who was killed by Wesker and Birkin, be the one responsible for the whole incident in the Arklay Mountains and not necessarily Spencer? The later games never acknowledge that story and pretend it never existed despite being canon.
It also seemed they wanted to connect the Birkin's laboratory with whats-his-name scientist's, even though that shouldn't even be possible because Birkin's just a few miles away from the RPD and RE0 takes place way way far from the Raccoon City, unless it's just a copy-and-paste blueprint made by Umbrella.
Also, RE0 showed that Rebecca did encounter more than just zombies, like a Tyrant, hunters, leech monsters etc. but in REmake, she is completely defenseless against ONE hunter.
Finished up the game after pretty much dedicating all day to playing it. As a whole I liked it a lot. A lot of content, and simply just fun … moreto play. I do wish I played on hardcore thought as I only died twice, both during boss fights, so I was never really challenged that much. Story was also pretty good, but the ending gets a bit sloppy in that regard. Not terrible by any means, but I think I see why a lot of early reviews said the ending bit of the game is a bit of a stumble. Also speed running this game seems like a nightmare, my timer was at 9 hours (With an actual time of around 12 hours) and looking back at the game as a whole, I would imagine getting that finish the game in 4 hours is hard as hell. Still haven't even gotten the chance to play The Mercenaries.
anyways spoilers and junk for anyone who cares:
Anyway. Really good game. Liked it a lot.
Yeah I'm not really that concerned with RE having inconstancies as its been pretty common, but I did remember thinking once the twist happens in RE8 that it doesnt make much sense RE7 lore wise, but its nothing that actually hinders the story experience in the end.
Overall I liked RE8's story a lot, I think my only real criticism would be the overall RE story barely moves forward after it really seemed like 8 was suppose to.
If I'm being honest, Residnt Evil never had a consistent lore to begin with.
Remember in RE0 where they retconned the origin of the T-Vir… moreus and had this scientist, who was killed by Wesker and Birkin, be the one responsible for the whole incident in the Arklay Mountains and not necessarily Spencer? The later games never acknowledge that story and pretend it never existed despite being canon.
It also seemed they wanted to connect the Birkin's laboratory with whats-his-name scientist's, even though that shouldn't even be possible because Birkin's just a few miles away from the RPD and RE0 takes place way way far from the Raccoon City, unless it's just a copy-and-paste blueprint made by Umbrella.
Also, RE0 showed that Rebecca did encounter more than just zombies, like a Tyrant, hunters, leech monsters etc. but in REmake, she is completely defenseless against ONE hunter.
I was kind of expecting Ethan's face to be shown at the very end and it was a bit odd why they didn't do it. Narratively if they were going to show his face, I think it would make the most sense for the camera to pan up giving him some hero shot + face reveal at the end.
I think Capcom just wants player's to always feel like Ethan is a part of you and officially revealing his face may take that away. But it is also possible because Ethan may not actually be dead/ Capcom does have more plans with Ethan. Fun fact, the character on the side of the road is Ethan and I am sure it was intentionally done by Capcom for whatever reason. It is possible Rose can actually talk to Ethan as apparently infected who die's conscious is stored in the Metamycyte (probs spelt horrible wrong there) so Rose having those powers may be able to really talk to him beyond the grave, which also means Ethan may actually be able to be resurrected. It is possible that will be part of RE9 and once he is brought back we see his face. It just kind of sucks it may be a while until we see where the story goes after a pretty confusing post credit scene leaving us with a ton of questions.
Ethan being dead brings more questions. Like, wasn't Eveline the one in charge of the whole Mold infection in the whole swamp in Louisiana? Why couldn't she just kill Ethan by, I dunno, UN-mold him? It doesn't even make sense for her to threaten Ethan by saying "DIE" in the mine shaft since, you know, he was already dead. Also, wouldn't Ethan being dead the whole time make Clancy's death feel pointless? I mean, would Lucas' puzzle room actually kill Ethan completely if he solved the puzzle without cheating?
Yeah I'm not really that concerned with RE having inconstancies as its been pretty common, but I did remember thinking once the twist happen… mores in RE8 that it doesnt make much sense RE7 lore wise, but its nothing that actually hinders the story experience in the end.
Overall I liked RE8's story a lot, I think my only real criticism would be the overall RE story barely moves forward after it really seemed like 8 was suppose to.
Yeah that is what I am mostly talking about how the twist Ethan is already dead is a bit of a plot hole. Based on what we know about Evaline, Ethan being infected with mold should mean Eveline can just kill him, but who knows. It may be like how Zoe was infected but Eveline didn't just kill her, and Zoe didn't really have that bad of symptoms. It is implied Eveline was losing her powers towards the end, so maybe she accidently infected Ethan with something too strong. So I feel that may have needed a bit more fleshing out, which is why earlier I brought up maybe Ethan should've been dead before the game starts and Mia with her Connections used a separate sample as a test, and Ethan never knew that Mia had revived him, which also explains why Mia knows Ethan is actually dead as it was a bit odd for her to reveal that if theres no real context for why she'd know. It would also mean Ethan's infection is a bit more stand alone, so it removes why Evaline would allow Ethan to exist.
So it turns out at one point the item box was going to appear and the game was going to be much more like RE7 in terms of gameplay until they decided to make it more like RE4. Part of me wishes it was more like RE7 but I can see why they changed it seeing just how large it is, and having to run back to item boxes I would imagine would get really annoying as you may need to run a really far way.
That said, I am pretty bummed to hear the main reason why RE8 is a lot more toned down in horror is because apparently a ton of feedback was RE7 was too scary. I wish they didn't take that as a negative, but apparently a lot of it lead to people quitting the game because they were too afraid to continue. Really loved RE8 but I wish it was more scary, as after the second Lord a lot of the horror is pretty much done and then it become a horror themed adventure game. Nothing wrong with that, but I have been really longing for another RE7 like experience in terms of atmosphere and scares, so I would've liked it if RE8 kept horror around longer.
I can't even recall people complaining that RE7 was "too scary". Yeah, the lack of item boxes is a bit of a let down but it's still ten times better than the inventory management from RE0. Also, RE8 did have some great scares. I jumped like 4 times throughout the entire playthrough.
So it turns out at one point the item box was going to appear and the game was going to be much more like RE7 in terms of gameplay until the… morey decided to make it more like RE4. Part of me wishes it was more like RE7 but I can see why they changed it seeing just how large it is, and having to run back to item boxes I would imagine would get really annoying as you may need to run a really far way.
That said, I am pretty bummed to hear the main reason why RE8 is a lot more toned down in horror is because apparently a ton of feedback was RE7 was too scary. I wish they didn't take that as a negative, but apparently a lot of it lead to people quitting the game because they were too afraid to continue. Really loved RE8 but I wish it was more scary, as after the second Lord a lot of the horror is pretty much done and then it become a horror themed adventure game. Nothing wrong with that, but I have been really longing for another RE7 like experienc… [view original content]
On the topic of Ethan's face, this video shows off his face in RE8. Pretty cool seeing they used the same face scan. I do kinda wish we got to see his face at the end. Its strange how the model viewer actually gave his face an expression, as you see in the cut scenes in other freecam videos, and pretty much every fan render of the character, he always has this blank stare because 0 animation. Would've been pretty cool to actually see his face animated.
Yeah, that part is frustrating as fuck. I'd rather have him show his face for the sacrifice than save it for the sequel. If that is their plan, then it should be an emotional pay off.
After playing Village, I don't feel replaying Resident Evil 7 again because Village's gameplay is a huge upgrade compared to RE7's. At least I don't feel like replaying its bonus content like Not a Hero and End of Zoe.
I'm just gonna stick with the more recent games starting from 7- I'd go:
I still think RE7 is probably one of the best designed so I think I'd still consider it my favorite, but it does suffer from issues like the ship really slowing things down with a level that isn't very fun. Village surprisingly does not have a sluggish part on the replay, even Donna's house which I thought was going to feel really dragged on the replay is actually very quick on the replay. And RE2R was also super good. Honestly those 3 are all super good games with easy 9s, so it is pretty hard to just say "X is better" imo.
I think the only one of those 4 I mentioned that is pretty easy to rank is RE3R because it simply is the weakest. Short, pretty linear, not very inspired feeling. I do think it gets crapped on a bit too hard because I would not say it is bad at all, but I think Capcom probably should've sold it for 40 bucks and it would've been received a lot better, as the 60 dollar purchase makes it seem like it was going to be a pretty big game, rather than what it really is, an in-between game with a much smaller scope.
How would you rank the RE games you played? Here is my list:
* REmake
* RE8
* RE3 (Original)
* RE2 (Remake)
* RE7
* RE5
* RE4
* RE2 (Original)
* RE3 (Remake)
* RE6
* RE0
* RE Revelations 2
* RE Code Veronica
it does suffer from issues like the ship really slowing things down with a level that isn't very fun.
What makes that ship sequence so slow in RE7 is the tape Mia is forced to watch to recover her lost memories. You cannot skip that tape like you can with the previous tapes and I was not okay with that.
I'm just gonna stick with the more recent games starting from 7- I'd go:
* RE7
* RE8
* RE2R
* RE3R
I still think RE7 is probably… more one of the best designed so I think I'd still consider it my favorite, but it does suffer from issues like the ship really slowing things down with a level that isn't very fun. Village surprisingly does not have a sluggish part on the replay, even Donna's house which I thought was going to feel really dragged on the replay is actually very quick on the replay. And RE2R was also super good. Honestly those 3 are all super good games with easy 9s, so it is pretty hard to just say "X is better" imo.
I think the only one of those 4 I mentioned that is pretty easy to rank is RE3R because it simply is the weakest. Short, pretty linear, not very inspired feeling. I do think it gets crapped on a bit too hard because I would not say it is bad at all, but I think Capcom probably should've sold it for 40 bucks an… [view original content]
You know. After playing Village, I am feeling less excited for Resident Evil 4 Remake. It wouldn't make much of a difference compared to RE8 other than characters, settings and playstyle.
Finally finished Resident Evil 8. Probably my GOTY so far, I really enjoyed the overall experience. It has that nice mix of scary, stupid and cool to it that I really like. Might even be my favourite RE game so far.
I like that there was a good amount of enemy variety, the characters are surprisingly charismatic and fun especially Heisenberg, it legitimately has one of the pantshittingly scariest moments I've ever had playing a game, and the story is really entertaining, not amazing by any means but very enjoyable. The game also gives Ethan more characterisation which I really like. He's still kinda bland but that's mostly because he's literally just a regular dude and not some action hero like most other characters in the RE universe, but I really like that. He's that good kind of bland.
I don't really have much to complain about, though I do think one of the levels towards the end goes on a bit too long and one of the Lord levels isn't nearly as interesting as the others because of it just being a gauntlet of enemies that eat up your ammo.
I'm very much looking forward to whatever it is they have in store in the next game.
That fuckin' dollhouse is pure evil. I haven't been that scared playing a game in a long time. I cannot believe how bad that baby got me. When it first popped up I legitimately yelled out in terror. That whole thing was some Silent Hill shit.
I'm surprised smaller of a role Lady Demitrescu had overall. They did a good job hiding a lot of the story in their promos.
I really like the connections between this game and RE7. I had an inkling that the molded were involved when I noticed the similarities between the crystals in this game and Zoe's crystalisation in the previous game.
I kind of wish that we got to see the return of the Molded towards the end or something. I think it would have been neat to have a "Oh shit it's these guys" moment.
That mech battle between Ethan and Heisenberg was so stupid but I absolutely loved it. Really dumb but really fun.
RIP Ethan. You were a cool guy.
Playing as Chris was a nice surprise. I really liked how powerful you felt in comparison to Ethan. Chris is an absolute tank in this. It felt cathartic being able to easily mow down hordes of enemies in a hail of bullet rather than running dodging while trying to conserve ammo.
Looks like the next mainline game will follow Rose which will be interesting since it would take place well over a decade after the Ethan's passing.
Considering Ethan's made of mold, I wonder if this means he'll be back. Come on Capcom, give the man a happy ending.
I also noticed the crystallization on defeated enemies and figured it was mold related. But I was also expecting the mold to be involved regardless. Either way, much better way to deal with removing dead bodies from the game instead of RE3's "and then the zombie bursted into goop!" lol. I was also really hoping for the molded to make a final appearance to be honest. I feel like towards the end it would've been cool to see them return. But I think they dont because the Molded are technically separate as in the Village is creates Lycans by also using the parasite, and I believe Eveline basically created mold because she didn't have the full metamycye connection or Caydu. idk weird RE Lore, was honestly kind of shocked RE fans aren't upset that the mold is revealed to be more super natural as before RE8 released so many people were like "better end up being a virus!" Which I mean, it is, but the mold origin is basically some weird living hive mind thing in a cave.
Im curious if we will actually play as Rose. One con of killing off Ethan going forward is now our (mostly) regular guy is gone who I think works best gameplay wise. Rose seemingly has some sort of powers so playing as her may be a bit strange? I guess we will see where it goes. I do wonder if Ethan is actually going to be revived somehow.
Also just going into rumors, rumor is 9 is meant to be the last "sequel" in RE. A reason why 8 is called Village is because Capcom wants to get away from numbers as the series grows and future games won't be as concerned with a bigger story and focus more on one off stories. Allegedly, I guess we will see how that goes. Anyway, Resident Evil: Phoenix - Ethan rises from the dead once again!
Finally finished Resident Evil 8. Probably my GOTY so far, I really enjoyed the overall experience. It has that nice mix of scary, stupid an… mored cool to it that I really like. Might even be my favourite RE game so far.
I like that there was a good amount of enemy variety, the characters are surprisingly charismatic and fun especially Heisenberg, it legitimately has one of the pantshittingly scariest moments I've ever had playing a game, and the story is really entertaining, not amazing by any means but very enjoyable. The game also gives Ethan more characterisation which I really like. He's still kinda bland but that's mostly because he's literally just a regular dude and not some action hero like most other characters in the RE universe, but I really like that. He's that good kind of bland.
I don't really have much to complain about, though I do think one of the levels towards the end goes on a bit too long and one of the Lord levels isn'… [view original content]
I feel like there hasn't been a time jump. Like obviously there is a time jump, but I don't think its been 15-20 years. Mostly because I dont see RE jumping like this seeing how every mainline game takes place in current year of release, so I dont see them breaking that mold, plus that makes OG RE characters in their 60s. Eveline had rapid age issues, and the Rose Flask have a warning on them about rapid aging. So it may end up being Rose is actually 3 years old.
Finally finished Resident Evil 8. Probably my GOTY so far, I really enjoyed the overall experience. It has that nice mix of scary, stupid an… mored cool to it that I really like. Might even be my favourite RE game so far.
I like that there was a good amount of enemy variety, the characters are surprisingly charismatic and fun especially Heisenberg, it legitimately has one of the pantshittingly scariest moments I've ever had playing a game, and the story is really entertaining, not amazing by any means but very enjoyable. The game also gives Ethan more characterisation which I really like. He's still kinda bland but that's mostly because he's literally just a regular dude and not some action hero like most other characters in the RE universe, but I really like that. He's that good kind of bland.
I don't really have much to complain about, though I do think one of the levels towards the end goes on a bit too long and one of the Lord levels isn'… [view original content]
the mold origin is basically some weird living hive mind thing in a cave.
Oh shit you're right. I completely blanked on the mutamycete being some weird Lovecraftian shit that Miranda just finds in a cave. I guess it makes sense going forward, the stuff that happens in 7 and 8 with all the physic and telekinesis gets really hard to explain away as a virus.
Rose seemingly has some sort of powers so playing as her may be a bit strange?
She probably has the same powers as Eve, probably even more so considering she's supposed to be the perfect version of her. If she's going to be a big character in the future it might be she'll play a big part but we'll be playing as someone else without super powers. Probably Ethan lol. I doubt that they're done torturing him just yet.
Anyway, Resident Evil: Phoenix - Ethan rises from the dead once again!
Excuse you, clearly it's going to be Resident Evil: Dominatrix with the rise of another hot lady villain trying to obliterate you. Giving the fans more of what they really want.
A reason why 8 is called Village is because Capcom wants to get away from numbers as the series grows and future games won't be as concerned with a bigger story and focus more on one off stories.
That's interesting. I wonder how the big characters are going to be involved with all this as we still don't know much about Umbrella or the BSAA two games into this "reboot." Maybe they'll just be tangentially involved like Chris was in this, where we'll play as random schmucks thrust into horrible situations and we'll occasionally meet some legacy characters here and there. They're all gonna be fuckin' old if it's all set in the grown up Rose timeline.
Yeah that's true but wasn't that because Even was artificially birthed and raised in a lab? Rose got a relatively normal life.
Oh yeah also, what was up with the Umbrella logo actually being hundreds of years old?
RE never really makes scientific sense lol, but as long as it is explained as experiments everyone seems to accept it, so I am a bit surprised seeing everyone cool with that but back when the game was talking Werewolves and Vampires there was a pretty large group of people going "REEEEEE not my Re!!!!" I actually like what they ended up doing, having it so there is some weird creepy thing thats unexplainable and the person exposed to it does experiments on it. Pretty good mix of super natural and science fiction. (also the mutamycete is actually mentioned in RE7 with a very bare bone reference to its discovery leading into 8.)
Yeah, I think Rose is more likely to be an important, but non-playable character (although some concept art shows her with a gun and stuff with a note saying she was meant to fight Ethan's enemies, which is why I think rapid ageing is probably involved. Plus the notes on the flasks I feel are very purposefully placed.) Evie had rapid age issues due to the experiment not being perfect, and technically Rose is part of a science experiment as well that isnt finished due to Ethan stopping Miranda before the ceremony, so it is possible she does have rapid age stuff. Bringing Ethan back is a bit tricky because his story does feel kind of finalized, but now the fan base wants him back lmao. I wouldnt be too surprised if they say screw it and bring him back and wrap it up with a trilogy though.
If there is a time jump, it could be interesting if they set it up as the "last OG RE" and give a last hurray with old Chris, Leon, Jill, Etc. And I could see them doing that if thats the direction they want to take the series. I feel my only real complaint about RE8's story would be it doesnt move the overall plot that much after it really seemed like they were going to. Umbrella's origin is not really that much from the village, the emblem seemingly comes from an ancient civilization that lived there but thats all we know, The Connections are still pretty vauge (although the Trauma pack DLC does reveal it is lead by a very minor character from RE5 that worked with Spencer) and now the BSAA is seemingly compromised. Looking forward to what is next either way, Capcom has been on a roll for a long time now.
also the mutamycete is actually mentioned in RE7 with a very bare bone reference to its discovery leading into 8.
Yeah I remember that. It was mentioned in the exposition room in the underground lab right?
If there is a time jump, it could be interesting if they set it up as the "last OG RE" and give a last hurray with old Chris, Leon, Jill, Etc.
They've done a pretty good job of keeping crossover between the OG gang minimal so I think it'd be kinda weird to have them all come together like the Avengers for the "last" game. I could see at least one other character popping up with Chris again (probably Leon for like the third time) but not the whole gang.
The Connections are still pretty vauge (although the Trauma pack DLC does reveal it is lead by a very minor character from RE5 that worked with Spencer) and now the BSAA is seemingly compromised.
Maybe the next game will have a more urban setting with an outbreak happening in and around the BSAA Europe HQ or something. 7 started in a small shanty town, Village in a... village, and the 9th game in a city to continue the escalation.
They've done a pretty good job of keeping crossover between the OG gang minimal so I think it'd be kinda weird to have them all come together like the Avengers for the "last" game.
RE6 but like- not ultra action focused. Or fuck it idk Resident Evil: Fast and Furious "One last Bio-weapon, Leon?"
Chris alone stands against Wesker. He pulls out a vial holding the Infinite Virus, a bioweapon combining all the virus's from the previous Resident Evil games. He injects the contents of the vial into his system and says, "I... Am...... Redfield."
Sacrificing himself as he transforms into a kaiju sized version of himself, giving him the strength take down Wesker for good. By punching him into the Earth's core, destroying every cell in Wesker's body.
And at the end of the game there's a funeral attended by every living playable character in the RE universe, even Sheva.
It seems that this game won't get a DLC because someone told me that Capcom is mostly known for announcing DLC before the release of the main game. Not a Hero DLC was announced before RE7's release for example.
I think I'd prefer this approach anyway. Last time the DLC was delayed really badly and it was just ok. I'd rather they'd just get going on the next game.
Also, I do think Mercenaries might get a free update in like a month like RE2R got the ghost survivor stuff. Will probably add more playable characters.
It seems that this game won't get a DLC because someone told me that Capcom is mostly known for announcing DLC before the release of the main game. Not a Hero DLC was announced before RE7's release for example.
I was gonna play and finish the story on "Village of Shadows" difficulty. With no unlimited ammo no less. Then......I raged quit after the second lycan attack. Not only you have low health but those fucking lycans are bullet sponges. It took me 20 bullest and 10 knife stabs to take on ONE SINGLE LYCAN!!! This isn't a joke. "Village of Shadows" makes RE7 "Madhouse" look like child's play in comparison.
You need to use your previous save and youre going to need infinite ammo. The intro is basically impossible unless you already have your gear from a previous save, and boss fights are bullet sponges. I tried to play as legit as possible, and after the first attack I didn't use any infinite ammo until boss fights because it was ridiculous.. Moreau I straight up ran out of ammo, ammo to craft, and ammo to find and he wasn't dead so I honestly had 0 choice.
I was gonna play and finish the story on "Village of Shadows" difficulty. With no unlimited ammo no less. Then......I raged quit after the s… moreecond lycan attack. Not only you have low health but those fucking lycans are bullet sponges. It took me 20 bullest and 10 knife stabs to take on ONE SINGLE LYCAN!!! This isn't a joke. "Village of Shadows" makes RE7 "Madhouse" look like child's play in comparison.
Ok, I started VOS again, but with infinite ammo this time. I only died twice when the lycan group attacked. The lack of ink ribbons is kinda disappointing but at the same time, I'm happy with the autosave. Because you don't find any typewriters before the first encounters with lycans and it would have been a pain in the ass to just start right from the beginning.
Looking back at the very first trailer of this game, it really shows that Elena and the other village survivors were supposed to play a bigger role in the story. I feel like Luiza's house was supposed to be the only place in the village where you can save the game and probably have the merchant manage your weapons and items. Also, it seems that Elena was either going to be a guide for Ethan or maybe have the same role as Ashley from RE4.
I love this game but I would love to see a Director's Cut version with all these characters affecting the story.
They probably just didn't want to show off too much which is why the marketing was so focused on the villagers and Lady Dimitrescu considering the events of the game. Unless they crunched the hell out of their developers, that would be a lot to change in less than a year.
Looking back at the very first trailer of this game, it really shows that Elena and the other village survivors were supposed to play a bigg… moreer role in the story. I feel like Luiza's house was supposed to be the only place in the village where you can save the game and probably have the merchant manage your weapons and items. Also, it seems that Elena was either going to be a guide for Ethan or maybe have the same role as Ashley from RE4.
I love this game but I would love to see a Director's Cut version with all these characters affecting the story.
It is likely everyone in the Village still died, Elena would survive though and there was a planned playable section with her that was cut. Based on leaks on this game from before the reveal which talked about how the game was in a Village and a Castle with Vampire women who turn into bugs, at one point you'd play as a female protagonist trying to escape a cave, which we see in this trailer as Elena with a lantern in a cave. It seems a lot of stuff was cut or re-worked in Village, I mean even Ada was suppose to have a major role at one point. (Also that Elena leak did mention this Witch was referred to as Scarlet and turned into a giant spider, so kinda sad it was removed as it seemed like it would've been another very horror inspired section.)
Looking back at the very first trailer of this game, it really shows that Elena and the other village survivors were supposed to play a bigg… moreer role in the story. I feel like Luiza's house was supposed to be the only place in the village where you can save the game and probably have the merchant manage your weapons and items. Also, it seems that Elena was either going to be a guide for Ethan or maybe have the same role as Ashley from RE4.
I love this game but I would love to see a Director's Cut version with all these characters affecting the story.
Wasn't Ada's inclusion very early on in development when they were still figuring things out? I don't think it progressed further beyond some early concept art and writing. Though I wasn't aware about the rest of the stuff with Elena and the spider lady which actually sound pretty neat, but I feel like that has to have been stuff that was cut early on, long before the reveal trailer. That seems insane to rework that much in under a year.
It is likely everyone in the Village still died, Elena would survive though and there was a planned playable section with her that was cut. … moreBased on leaks on this game from before the reveal which talked about how the game was in a Village and a Castle with Vampire women who turn into bugs, at one point you'd play as a female protagonist trying to escape a cave, which we see in this trailer as Elena with a lantern in a cave. It seems a lot of stuff was cut or re-worked in Village, I mean even Ada was suppose to have a major role at one point. (Also that Elena leak did mention this Witch was referred to as Scarlet and turned into a giant spider, so kinda sad it was removed as it seemed like it would've been another very horror inspired section.)
I would assume Ada was cut pretty early, but they do have multiple designs for her plus an Alternate storyboard with finalized designs for all the Lords. I would say she was probably cut in the final stages of pre-production, but who knows things can change. A lot of the bonus stuff confirmed the game used to play like RE7 so at some point they did completely change the game design after doing some testing. A lot of RE stuff seems to get a ton of reworks though. RE8 also revealed a ton of RE7 development stuff and its crazy how the family was going to be way bigger. RE7 also has a pretty good short behind the scenes video where they were making the game in Unity for testing that included some of that original design stuff. Im sure most of the concept art stuff was cut earlier on thought, similar to how Ada was probably cut relatively early.
Wasn't Ada's inclusion very early on in development when they were still figuring things out? I don't think it progressed further beyond som… moree early concept art and writing. Though I wasn't aware about the rest of the stuff with Elena and the spider lady which actually sound pretty neat, but I feel like that has to have been stuff that was cut early on, long before the reveal trailer. That seems insane to rework that much in under a year.
Ok, I finished Resident Evil 8, finally. I LOVE THIS GAME. It is without a doubt my game of the year. This game did not disappoint me at all. I have a few complaints but they did not ruin the game at all.
The design is not "1 to 1" like he claims, and the game does actually say it was inspired by the movie in the bonuses, so I don't think he he has much of a case. They are really just similar, which may not be best him to say similarity is copying when his design of this monster is very obviously based off a Big Daddy from Bioshock.
Am I the only one who doesn't understand why
Capcom did not show Ethan's face at the end? Just why? If they are gonna just kill him like that at the end, why not let us have a last look at him with his face revealed? It felt very anticlimatic.
the Doll house, after Castle Dimitrescu, reminded me a lot of the last level of Silent Hill 2. It does feel identical. Like they take your weapons away and you have to survive the bottom floor without them.
If I'm being honest, Residnt Evil never had a consistent lore to begin with.
Remember in RE0 where they retconned the origin of the T-Virus and had this scientist, who was killed by Wesker and Birkin, be the one responsible for the whole incident in the Arklay Mountains and not necessarily Spencer? The later games never acknowledge that story and pretend it never existed despite being canon.
It also seemed they wanted to connect the Birkin's laboratory with whats-his-name scientist's, even though that shouldn't even be possible because Birkin's just a few miles away from the RPD and RE0 takes place way way far from the Raccoon City, unless it's just a copy-and-paste blueprint made by Umbrella.
Also, RE0 showed that Rebecca did encounter more than just zombies, like a Tyrant, hunters, leech monsters etc. but in REmake, she is completely defenseless against ONE hunter.
Yeah I'm not really that concerned with RE having inconstancies as its been pretty common, but I did remember thinking once the twist happens in RE8 that it doesnt make much sense RE7 lore wise, but its nothing that actually hinders the story experience in the end.
Overall I liked RE8's story a lot, I think my only real criticism would be the overall RE story barely moves forward after it really seemed like 8 was suppose to.
I was kind of expecting Ethan's face to be shown at the very end and it was a bit odd why they didn't do it. Narratively if they were going to show his face, I think it would make the most sense for the camera to pan up giving him some hero shot + face reveal at the end.
I think Capcom just wants player's to always feel like Ethan is a part of you and officially revealing his face may take that away. But it is also possible because Ethan may not actually be dead/ Capcom does have more plans with Ethan. Fun fact, the character on the side of the road is Ethan and I am sure it was intentionally done by Capcom for whatever reason. It is possible Rose can actually talk to Ethan as apparently infected who die's conscious is stored in the Metamycyte (probs spelt horrible wrong there) so Rose having those powers may be able to really talk to him beyond the grave, which also means Ethan may actually be able to be resurrected. It is possible that will be part of RE9 and once he is brought back we see his face. It just kind of sucks it may be a while until we see where the story goes after a pretty confusing post credit scene leaving us with a ton of questions.
Yeah, I do agree a little bit. I also think that
Ethan being dead brings more questions. Like, wasn't Eveline the one in charge of the whole Mold infection in the whole swamp in Louisiana? Why couldn't she just kill Ethan by, I dunno, UN-mold him? It doesn't even make sense for her to threaten Ethan by saying "DIE" in the mine shaft since, you know, he was already dead. Also, wouldn't Ethan being dead the whole time make Clancy's death feel pointless? I mean, would Lucas' puzzle room actually kill Ethan completely if he solved the puzzle without cheating?
Oops, I meant to say at the end. That's what I was talking about
Not showing Ethan's face at the end. Not beginning.
Yeah that is what I am mostly talking about how the twist Ethan is already dead is a bit of a plot hole. Based on what we know about Evaline, Ethan being infected with mold should mean Eveline can just kill him, but who knows. It may be like how Zoe was infected but Eveline didn't just kill her, and Zoe didn't really have that bad of symptoms. It is implied Eveline was losing her powers towards the end, so maybe she accidently infected Ethan with something too strong. So I feel that may have needed a bit more fleshing out, which is why earlier I brought up maybe Ethan should've been dead before the game starts and Mia with her Connections used a separate sample as a test, and Ethan never knew that Mia had revived him, which also explains why Mia knows Ethan is actually dead as it was a bit odd for her to reveal that if theres no real context for why she'd know. It would also mean Ethan's infection is a bit more stand alone, so it removes why Evaline would allow Ethan to exist.
So it turns out at one point the item box was going to appear and the game was going to be much more like RE7 in terms of gameplay until they decided to make it more like RE4. Part of me wishes it was more like RE7 but I can see why they changed it seeing just how large it is, and having to run back to item boxes I would imagine would get really annoying as you may need to run a really far way.
That said, I am pretty bummed to hear the main reason why RE8 is a lot more toned down in horror is because apparently a ton of feedback was RE7 was too scary. I wish they didn't take that as a negative, but apparently a lot of it lead to people quitting the game because they were too afraid to continue. Really loved RE8 but I wish it was more scary, as after the second Lord a lot of the horror is pretty much done and then it become a horror themed adventure game. Nothing wrong with that, but I have been really longing for another RE7 like experience in terms of atmosphere and scares, so I would've liked it if RE8 kept horror around longer.
I can't even recall people complaining that RE7 was "too scary". Yeah, the lack of item boxes is a bit of a let down but it's still ten times better than the inventory management from RE0. Also, RE8 did have some great scares. I jumped like 4 times throughout the entire playthrough.
On the topic of Ethan's face, this video shows off his face in RE8. Pretty cool seeing they used the same face scan. I do kinda wish we got to see his face at the end. Its strange how the model viewer actually gave his face an expression, as you see in the cut scenes in other freecam videos, and pretty much every fan render of the character, he always has this blank stare because 0 animation. Would've been pretty cool to actually see his face animated.
Yeah, that part is frustrating as fuck. I'd rather have him show his face for the sacrifice than save it for the sequel. If that is their plan, then it should be an emotional pay off.
After playing Village, I don't feel replaying Resident Evil 7 again because Village's gameplay is a huge upgrade compared to RE7's. At least I don't feel like replaying its bonus content like Not a Hero and End of Zoe.
How would you rank the RE games you played? Here is my list:
I'm just gonna stick with the more recent games starting from 7- I'd go:
I still think RE7 is probably one of the best designed so I think I'd still consider it my favorite, but it does suffer from issues like the ship really slowing things down with a level that isn't very fun. Village surprisingly does not have a sluggish part on the replay, even Donna's house which I thought was going to feel really dragged on the replay is actually very quick on the replay. And RE2R was also super good. Honestly those 3 are all super good games with easy 9s, so it is pretty hard to just say "X is better" imo.
I think the only one of those 4 I mentioned that is pretty easy to rank is RE3R because it simply is the weakest. Short, pretty linear, not very inspired feeling. I do think it gets crapped on a bit too hard because I would not say it is bad at all, but I think Capcom probably should've sold it for 40 bucks and it would've been received a lot better, as the 60 dollar purchase makes it seem like it was going to be a pretty big game, rather than what it really is, an in-between game with a much smaller scope.
What makes that ship sequence so slow in RE7 is the tape Mia is forced to watch to recover her lost memories. You cannot skip that tape like you can with the previous tapes and I was not okay with that.
You know. After playing Village, I am feeling less excited for Resident Evil 4 Remake. It wouldn't make much of a difference compared to RE8 other than characters, settings and playstyle.
Finally finished Resident Evil 8. Probably my GOTY so far, I really enjoyed the overall experience. It has that nice mix of scary, stupid and cool to it that I really like. Might even be my favourite RE game so far.
I like that there was a good amount of enemy variety, the characters are surprisingly charismatic and fun especially Heisenberg, it legitimately has one of the pantshittingly scariest moments I've ever had playing a game, and the story is really entertaining, not amazing by any means but very enjoyable. The game also gives Ethan more characterisation which I really like. He's still kinda bland but that's mostly because he's literally just a regular dude and not some action hero like most other characters in the RE universe, but I really like that. He's that good kind of bland.
I don't really have much to complain about, though I do think one of the levels towards the end goes on a bit too long and one of the Lord levels isn't nearly as interesting as the others because of it just being a gauntlet of enemies that eat up your ammo.
I'm very much looking forward to whatever it is they have in store in the next game.
That fuckin' dollhouse is pure evil. I haven't been that scared playing a game in a long time. I cannot believe how bad that baby got me. When it first popped up I legitimately yelled out in terror. That whole thing was some Silent Hill shit.
I'm surprised smaller of a role Lady Demitrescu had overall. They did a good job hiding a lot of the story in their promos.
I really like the connections between this game and RE7. I had an inkling that the molded were involved when I noticed the similarities between the crystals in this game and Zoe's crystalisation in the previous game.
I kind of wish that we got to see the return of the Molded towards the end or something. I think it would have been neat to have a "Oh shit it's these guys" moment.
That mech battle between Ethan and Heisenberg was so stupid but I absolutely loved it. Really dumb but really fun.
RIP Ethan. You were a cool guy.
Playing as Chris was a nice surprise. I really liked how powerful you felt in comparison to Ethan. Chris is an absolute tank in this. It felt cathartic being able to easily mow down hordes of enemies in a hail of bullet rather than running dodging while trying to conserve ammo.
Looks like the next mainline game will follow Rose which will be interesting since it would take place well over a decade after the Ethan's passing.
Considering Ethan's made of mold, I wonder if this means he'll be back. Come on Capcom, give the man a happy ending.
I also noticed the crystallization on defeated enemies and figured it was mold related. But I was also expecting the mold to be involved regardless. Either way, much better way to deal with removing dead bodies from the game instead of RE3's "and then the zombie bursted into goop!" lol. I was also really hoping for the molded to make a final appearance to be honest. I feel like towards the end it would've been cool to see them return. But I think they dont because the Molded are technically separate as in the Village is creates Lycans by also using the parasite, and I believe Eveline basically created mold because she didn't have the full metamycye connection or Caydu. idk weird RE Lore, was honestly kind of shocked RE fans aren't upset that the mold is revealed to be more super natural as before RE8 released so many people were like "better end up being a virus!" Which I mean, it is, but the mold origin is basically some weird living hive mind thing in a cave.
Im curious if we will actually play as Rose. One con of killing off Ethan going forward is now our (mostly) regular guy is gone who I think works best gameplay wise. Rose seemingly has some sort of powers so playing as her may be a bit strange? I guess we will see where it goes. I do wonder if Ethan is actually going to be revived somehow.
Also just going into rumors, rumor is 9 is meant to be the last "sequel" in RE. A reason why 8 is called Village is because Capcom wants to get away from numbers as the series grows and future games won't be as concerned with a bigger story and focus more on one off stories. Allegedly, I guess we will see how that goes. Anyway, Resident Evil: Phoenix - Ethan rises from the dead once again!
(also forgot to mention in last comment sorry)
I feel like there hasn't been a time jump. Like obviously there is a time jump, but I don't think its been 15-20 years. Mostly because I dont see RE jumping like this seeing how every mainline game takes place in current year of release, so I dont see them breaking that mold, plus that makes OG RE characters in their 60s. Eveline had rapid age issues, and the Rose Flask have a warning on them about rapid aging. So it may end up being Rose is actually 3 years old.
Oh shit you're right. I completely blanked on the mutamycete being some weird Lovecraftian shit that Miranda just finds in a cave. I guess it makes sense going forward, the stuff that happens in 7 and 8 with all the physic and telekinesis gets really hard to explain away as a virus.
She probably has the same powers as Eve, probably even more so considering she's supposed to be the perfect version of her. If she's going to be a big character in the future it might be she'll play a big part but we'll be playing as someone else without super powers. Probably Ethan lol. I doubt that they're done torturing him just yet.
Excuse you, clearly it's going to be Resident Evil: Dominatrix with the rise of another hot lady villain trying to obliterate you. Giving the fans more of what they really want.
That's interesting. I wonder how the big characters are going to be involved with all this as we still don't know much about Umbrella or the BSAA two games into this "reboot." Maybe they'll just be tangentially involved like Chris was in this, where we'll play as random schmucks thrust into horrible situations and we'll occasionally meet some legacy characters here and there. They're all gonna be fuckin' old if it's all set in the grown up Rose timeline.
Yeah that's true but wasn't that because Even was artificially birthed and raised in a lab? Rose got a relatively normal life.
Oh yeah also, what was up with the Umbrella logo actually being hundreds of years old?
RE never really makes scientific sense lol, but as long as it is explained as experiments everyone seems to accept it, so I am a bit surprised seeing everyone cool with that but back when the game was talking Werewolves and Vampires there was a pretty large group of people going "REEEEEE not my Re!!!!" I actually like what they ended up doing, having it so there is some weird creepy thing thats unexplainable and the person exposed to it does experiments on it. Pretty good mix of super natural and science fiction. (also the mutamycete is actually mentioned in RE7 with a very bare bone reference to its discovery leading into 8.)
Yeah, I think Rose is more likely to be an important, but non-playable character (although some concept art shows her with a gun and stuff with a note saying she was meant to fight Ethan's enemies, which is why I think rapid ageing is probably involved. Plus the notes on the flasks I feel are very purposefully placed.) Evie had rapid age issues due to the experiment not being perfect, and technically Rose is part of a science experiment as well that isnt finished due to Ethan stopping Miranda before the ceremony, so it is possible she does have rapid age stuff. Bringing Ethan back is a bit tricky because his story does feel kind of finalized, but now the fan base wants him back lmao. I wouldnt be too surprised if they say screw it and bring him back and wrap it up with a trilogy though.
If there is a time jump, it could be interesting if they set it up as the "last OG RE" and give a last hurray with old Chris, Leon, Jill, Etc. And I could see them doing that if thats the direction they want to take the series. I feel my only real complaint about RE8's story would be it doesnt move the overall plot that much after it really seemed like they were going to. Umbrella's origin is not really that much from the village, the emblem seemingly comes from an ancient civilization that lived there but thats all we know, The Connections are still pretty vauge (although the Trauma pack DLC does reveal it is lead by a very minor character from RE5 that worked with Spencer) and now the BSAA is seemingly compromised. Looking forward to what is next either way, Capcom has been on a roll for a long time now.
RE fanbase to Ethan in RE7 vs RE8
Yeah I remember that. It was mentioned in the exposition room in the underground lab right?
They've done a pretty good job of keeping crossover between the OG gang minimal so I think it'd be kinda weird to have them all come together like the Avengers for the "last" game. I could see at least one other character popping up with Chris again (probably Leon for like the third time) but not the whole gang.
Maybe the next game will have a more urban setting with an outbreak happening in and around the BSAA Europe HQ or something. 7 started in a small shanty town, Village in a... village, and the 9th game in a city to continue the escalation.
RE6 but like- not ultra action focused. Or fuck it idk Resident Evil: Fast and Furious "One last Bio-weapon, Leon?"
Chris alone stands against Wesker. He pulls out a vial holding the Infinite Virus, a bioweapon combining all the virus's from the previous Resident Evil games. He injects the contents of the vial into his system and says, "I... Am...... Redfield."
Sacrificing himself as he transforms into a kaiju sized version of himself, giving him the strength take down Wesker for good. By punching him into the Earth's core, destroying every cell in Wesker's body.
And at the end of the game there's a funeral attended by every living playable character in the RE universe, even Sheva.
You forgot Leon going back in time to stay with Ada
My second part

Quick shoutout to all Ethan Connoisseurs
It seems that this game won't get a DLC because someone told me that Capcom is mostly known for announcing DLC before the release of the main game. Not a Hero DLC was announced before RE7's release for example.
I think I'd prefer this approach anyway. Last time the DLC was delayed really badly and it was just ok. I'd rather they'd just get going on the next game.
Also, I do think Mercenaries might get a free update in like a month like RE2R got the ghost survivor stuff. Will probably add more playable characters.
I was gonna play and finish the story on "Village of Shadows" difficulty. With no unlimited ammo no less. Then......I raged quit after the second lycan attack. Not only you have low health but those fucking lycans are bullet sponges. It took me 20 bullest and 10 knife stabs to take on ONE SINGLE LYCAN!!! This isn't a joke. "Village of Shadows" makes RE7 "Madhouse" look like child's play in comparison.
You need to use your previous save and youre going to need infinite ammo. The intro is basically impossible unless you already have your gear from a previous save, and boss fights are bullet sponges. I tried to play as legit as possible, and after the first attack I didn't use any infinite ammo until boss fights because it was ridiculous.. Moreau I straight up ran out of ammo, ammo to craft, and ammo to find and he wasn't dead so I honestly had 0 choice.
Ok, I started VOS again, but with infinite ammo this time. I only died twice when the lycan group attacked. The lack of ink ribbons is kinda disappointing but at the same time, I'm happy with the autosave. Because you don't find any typewriters before the first encounters with lycans and it would have been a pain in the ass to just start right from the beginning.
Looking back at the very first trailer of this game, it really shows that Elena and the other village survivors were supposed to play a bigger role in the story. I feel like Luiza's house was supposed to be the only place in the village where you can save the game and probably have the merchant manage your weapons and items. Also, it seems that Elena was either going to be a guide for Ethan or maybe have the same role as Ashley from RE4.
I love this game but I would love to see a Director's Cut version with all these characters affecting the story.

They probably just didn't want to show off too much which is why the marketing was so focused on the villagers and Lady Dimitrescu considering the events of the game. Unless they crunched the hell out of their developers, that would be a lot to change in less than a year.
It is likely everyone in the Village still died, Elena would survive though and there was a planned playable section with her that was cut. Based on leaks on this game from before the reveal which talked about how the game was in a Village and a Castle with Vampire women who turn into bugs, at one point you'd play as a female protagonist trying to escape a cave, which we see in this trailer as Elena with a lantern in a cave. It seems a lot of stuff was cut or re-worked in Village, I mean even Ada was suppose to have a major role at one point. (Also that Elena leak did mention this Witch was referred to as Scarlet and turned into a giant spider, so kinda sad it was removed as it seemed like it would've been another very horror inspired section.)
Wasn't Ada's inclusion very early on in development when they were still figuring things out? I don't think it progressed further beyond some early concept art and writing. Though I wasn't aware about the rest of the stuff with Elena and the spider lady which actually sound pretty neat, but I feel like that has to have been stuff that was cut early on, long before the reveal trailer. That seems insane to rework that much in under a year.
I would assume Ada was cut pretty early, but they do have multiple designs for her plus an Alternate storyboard with finalized designs for all the Lords. I would say she was probably cut in the final stages of pre-production, but who knows things can change. A lot of the bonus stuff confirmed the game used to play like RE7 so at some point they did completely change the game design after doing some testing. A lot of RE stuff seems to get a ton of reworks though. RE8 also revealed a ton of RE7 development stuff and its crazy how the family was going to be way bigger. RE7 also has a pretty good short behind the scenes video where they were making the game in Unity for testing that included some of that original design stuff. Im sure most of the concept art stuff was cut earlier on thought, similar to how Ada was probably cut relatively early.