The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • This is quality content.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    new gif for mods to give bans just dropped, you are welcome mods

  • Game Awards 2023

    -Adam Harrington just won best performance
    -Wolf 2 just won best narrative

    Geoff Keighley says here is a new world premiere from Telltale Games. Cut to Borderlands Vault Logo with a big 2 on it.

    Pipas posted: »

    What is going on?

  • also 2K give Tales back to Telltale I aint askin again

  • This is the good meme

    Poogers555 posted: »

    also 2K give Tales back to Telltale I aint askin again

  • edited February 2022

    Sabaton, a band that only writes about history, released a new song today about a Belgian/British soldier named Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart. I had never heard of this guy until today, and after reading more about him, I never realized that actual humans can have fucking plot armor!

    Dude, this man was a literal badass! This man fought in 3 wars, including both World Wars. He was shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, ear, and groin. He was shot right in his eye and survived, then removed the glass eye he was given and opted to wear an eye patch, while continuing to fight. He would often lead his own men into battle, placing himself on the front lines instead of in the back giving out orders. He survived two plane crashes. He successfully tunneled his way out of a prisoner of war camp. He fucking ripped off his own fingers after a doctor refused to amputate his left hand (which they eventually did due to him, you know, tearing off his own fingers). And after all of that, he still lived to be 83, dying in 1963. This man was literally unkillable, he could not die.

  • I imagine the medics saying, "Oh, it's you again."

    Sabaton never seems to run out of war stories that most have never heard of. Anyone who liked this video should check out some of the others. They have a lot of them!

    Sabaton, a band that only writes about history, released a new song today about a Belgian/British soldier named Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart.

  • edited February 2022

    It’s one of the reasons why they’re one of my favorite bands, they tell a lot of great but unheard/not popular stories about people and battles.

    • No Bullets Fly: Nazi fighter pilot Franz Stigler refusing to shoot down a B17 bomber piloted by British pilot Charlie Brown. Two eventually reunite and become close friends until they die.
    • The Last Battle: Nazi troops, American soldiers, and prisoners of war including a tennis athlete and two former French prime ministers fighting together to defeat a Nazi squadron in Austria.
    • White Death: Finnish sniper Simo Häyhä, one of the deadliest snipers of the Talvisota (Winter War) between the Soviets and the Finns from 1939-1940. He had 500 kills, almost all with a no scope rifle.
    • Uprising: Polish underground rebellion efforts while under Nazi occupation.
    • Attack of the Dead Men: German Empire forces repelled at Osowiec Fortress by Russian troops in WW1. After using chlorine gas on the Russians, the Germans assumed them to be dead. Only to face a counter charge from near zombie like Russian troops (blood pouring from their eyes and mouth, skin peeling off, coughing up bits of their lungs), causing them to run in terror.
    • Inmate 4859: Polish soldier Witold Palecki voluntarily agrees to be captured and sent to Auschwitz. He gathered pivotal intelligence and documented atrocities during his incarceration that he would smuggle out to the Allies.
    • Carolus Rex: the reign of Charles XII of Sweden in 1697 at the age of 15. He would be the last great king of the Swedish Empire. Despite his age, he was not only an astute politician, but military leader, never losing in battle.
    • Ghost in the Trenches: Native Canadian/Canadian First Nations soldier Francis Pegahmagabow, the most decorated indigenous soldier in Canadian military history. Known for his marksmanship and being a reliable scout.
    • 82nd All the Way: Sgt. Alvin York of the US Army single-handedly captures 132 German forces after taking control of a machine gun nest.
    • Soldier of 3 Armies: Finnish soldier Lauri Allan Törni that despised communism so much he fought under 3 flags just to fight against it. The Finns during the Winter War, for the Waffen-SS of Nazi Germany after Finland’s defeat by the Soviet Union (should be noted that he did not actually support Nazi ideology, but fought with them solely to fight against the Soviets, the enemy of my enemy is my friend sort of thinking) and then for America as a Green Beret (Army Special Forces), where he died in Vietnam. Buried at Arlington National Cemetery, the only Waffen-SS officer buried there.
    • Winged Hussars: The Polish Winged Hussars lead the largest cavalry charge in history, ending the 60 day siege of Vienna by the Ottoman Empire in 1683. It is one of the most pivotal moments in European history, as it led to the formation of the Holy League, ending the Ottomans attacks against “the Christian World,” and started their decline as a military power.
    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I imagine the medics saying, "Oh, it's you again." Sabaton never seems to run out of war stories that most have never heard of. Anyone who liked this video should check out some of the others. They have a lot of them!

  • edited February 2022

    By the way, while we’re talking about Sabaton, @lupinb0y, maybe you can help me understand. What is the connection between Sabaton and The Owl House. I’m in a couple different Sabaton related subreddits, and it feels like every week, I see a cross post from The Owl House subreddit about Sabaton. One was every Owl House character’s favorite Sabaton album. Another was a who would win meme, Night Witches (first all female air squadron, the 588th night bomber regiment, for the Soviets) or Gay Witches (and it was a picture of Luz and Amity). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, I love that it potentially exposes more people to Sabaton, I’m just curious what the connection is.

    Edit: found the meme

  • edited February 2022

    Lol I have absolutely no idea. I honestly didn't even know what Sabaton was until you just mentioned it and I very rarely visit the TOH subreddit, but that's pretty funny that there's some fandom crossover with a Disney cartoon and a heavy metal band.

    By the way, while we’re talking about Sabaton, @lupinb0y, maybe you can help me understand. What is the connection between Sabaton and The O

  • edited February 2022

    If the fandom is this metal obsessed, I might have to start watching.

    Going through Google, there's a few others. Hooty listening to The Last Stand (189 members of the Swiss guard defending the Vatican during the Siege of Rome, 1527), and Luz and the Golden Guard getting attacked while The Red Baron is playing (I feel like this one is obvious who it's about). I swear it's bizarre, but again, not complaining. Perhaps with the new season coming up we get more, and I say bring it on.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Lol I have absolutely no idea. I honestly didn't even know what Sabaton was until you just mentioned it and I very rarely visit the TOH subr

  • Finished playing Assassin's Creed the Ezio trilogy for the first time since ages ago. That was the golden age of the franchise and none of the future games will ever capture the same magic.

  • I'm confused... Isn't telltale supposed to be, y'know, dead?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited February 2022

    A new company was formed in 2019, and they bought Telltale's name and assets (under new leadership, which wants to prevent the mistakes of Telltale 1.0, such as crunch, excessive rewrites, old game engines, etc.)

    They hired a combination of old Telltale 1.0 staff and new staff members, and they are currently developing (a new version of) Wolf Among Us Season 2 as well as The Expanse (based off of a sci-fi TV series on Amazon Prime Video).

    Zappedzilla posted: »

    I'm confused... Isn't telltale supposed to be, y'know, dead?

  • edited February 2022

    The Telltale brand was revived in September 2019 by a company named LCG Entertainment, who acquired some Old Telltale IP and hired some Old Telltale Staff, they released a Batman Collection in around the start of 2020, and have been working on The Wolf Among Us 2 since December 2019. Telltale is being run by management that has no past affiliation with Old Telltale, who are examining the steps of Old Telltale and ensuring they don't treat their Staff in a similar fashion.

    Zappedzilla posted: »

    I'm confused... Isn't telltale supposed to be, y'know, dead?

  • Yes sir this sure is one super bowl. I don't know, I'm not american.

    I will be back next year to make this exact same joke again.

  • People were saying all year, the offensive line of the Bengals is going to be their downfall. And guess what happened, they let Joe Burrow out there to die. They would have won, no doubt, if you don't let Burrow get sacked 7 fucking times. And because of that, I lost out on $115.

  • Oh hey, The Expanse section exists now

  • edited February 2022

    And because of that, I lost out on $115.

    Interesting thing tbh that I actually almost bet the Bengals to win for $200 and then I thought "idk but,I think maybe I should bet the Rams. Even though I don't want to them to win and I have this weird feeling they were not going to win". Turns out I was right. Also those refs,man. At this last 2-3 minutes of the game in the 4th quarter? Ugh that was trash

    Ugh idk it seemed very weird. I am not only seeing BS with that crap. Still i did win money from that $200 bet. Wished the Bengals still won and still didn't get that weird feeling that in my entire life turns out to come truth in weird ways.

    People were saying all year, the offensive line of the Bengals is going to be their downfall. And guess what happened, they let Joe Burrow o

  • One could say the forums have been- EXPANDED

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Oh hey, The Expanse section exists now

  • ...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    One could say the forums have been- EXPANDED

  • edited February 2022

    Can confirm. Looks pretty super from north of there.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yes sir this sure is one super bowl. I don't know, I'm not american. I will be back next year to make this exact same joke again.

  • By the way, we've moved some of the Expanse/Wolf threads that were in General to the Expanse and Wolf forums, since New Telltale seems to be starting to get into the swing of things, it would be best to start posting news and topics involving them in their sections.

  • edited February 2022

    Resident Evil 4 remake reveal I assume.

    Inb4 they've been purchased by Microsoft.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Oh, huh

  • Inb4 they've been purchased by Microsoft.

    Oh god please no... Capcom needs to stay independent cause their redemption is really up there. They don't need any publisher's help.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Resident Evil 4 remake reveal I assume. Inb4 they've been purchased by Microsoft.

  • Could also be the RE8 DLC

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Resident Evil 4 remake reveal I assume. Inb4 they've been purchased by Microsoft.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited February 2022

    ...hey, they're finally back from their trip to the moon!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    they died

  • I see...

    A new company was formed in 2019, and they bought Telltale's name and assets (under new leadership, which wants to prevent the mistakes of T

  • Make more sense since they don't reveal more than one RE projects in development.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Could also be the RE8 DLC

  • Spent the whole day replaying The Wolf Among Us. Still a great game after all these years.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited February 2022

    Dojo created a The Expanse TV series discussion thread over on the newly added Expanse forum.

    I myself was watching some of the earlier episodes; would you guys be interested in having kind of a "book club" type of discussion, where we all have a discussion about X episode of the show on Y date?

    It might be a fun way to have us catch up on the show. It has around 6 seasons of content, but with Wolf coming out in 2023 and the Expanse presumably coming after Wolf 2, it'll probably give us a ton of time to get caught up.

  • edited February 2022

    Lol the countdown was just for an update the RE website. They added a history section that goes through the development of RE1, RE2, RE3 and RE0 as well as concept art with more games being added next week.

    It's neat but a countdown feels a bit much.

    Fml nevermind I was misinformed. They teased this yesterday but the countdown's still going on.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Could also be the RE8 DLC

  • Ooh, sounds fun

    Dojo created a The Expanse TV series discussion thread over on the newly added Expanse forum.

  • This should be a bannable offense

    Poogers555 posted: »

    One could say the forums have been- EXPANDED

  • The trailer for the Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers movie is out and... I'm honestly pretty into it! It's straight up a spiritual sequel to Roger Rabbit. You got the different blends of animation including the fucking Robert Zemeki's motion capture and the live action cats! There's even an appearance from the Rabbit himself! The only thing I wish they did was have the 2D characters actually be 2D instead of 2.5D. It's probably easier to animate it this way but it would have been nice to see.

    I don't have the highest hopes of it turning out amazing or even actually good but it's being directed and voice acted by the Lonely Island so there will probably be a few chuckles at the very least.

    The trailer alone feels like The Lonely Island hotboxed themselves through the entire writing process, but the synopsis is also pretty nuts.

    Several years after the end of Rescue Rangers, Chip and Dale are currently living a life of mediocrity in a world where humans and cartoon characters live together. Meanwhile, traditionally animated characters are struggling to make ends meet after computer animation becomes the new normal. Now, Chip and Dale must renew their partnership to try and save a friend from falling victim to video piracy.

  • I'd love to get involved in a Book Club type of discussion for The Expanse show, though I don't think I'd have too much to offer in terms of discussion.

    Dojo created a The Expanse TV series discussion thread over on the newly added Expanse forum.

  • I haven't ever seen the Chip N Dale show, but this still looks really interesting to me! (Was just about to share it here too lol)

    The mix of 2D-3D and CGI-3D is cool and works really well, plus the script lampooning reboots and fundamental changes to characters to fit a new demographic.
    Bit weird they're using two celebrity voices actors for it, since I'm sure there's still the original VAs available to at least voice one of them, but... corporation gotta corporate.

    It's even directed by a member of the Lonely Island, that'll be interesting...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The trailer for the Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers movie is out and... I'm honestly pretty into it! It's straight up a spiritual sequel to Rog

  • Also done platinuming The Wolf Among Us, just needed to complete the Book of Fables. While replaying the game, I need to point this out. New Telltale NEEDS to bring back the goddamn rewind feature in Wolf 2. I don't care (In fact, no one cares, except the old stupid Telltale) how underused it is, no one wants to replay an episode if they intend to change one or two choices only, and considering the first game had non-narrative trophies, if they are gonna bring back the Book of Fables in Wolf 2 as well, then I would lose patience if I had to replay an entire episode for not three, not two but ONE missing Fable page.

  • edited February 2022

    I'd be surprised if the book doesn't return. I actually wish other Telltale games had something similar to it, it was a fun addition. I do hope they put rewind back as well. It was always a bit strange it was gone in all honesty. It wasn't like it didn't exist, it was essentially just locked behind the dev debug tools. To allow users to use it though it would need some more art assets, and extra UI work so it seems a bit strange that something overall really minor was considered too much and not used enough to justify the cost. I mean studios can be weird and even something in your mind you imagine would not be very expensive can for whatever reason have some sort of production reason, but rewind does feel a bit strange even now for why they removed it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Also done platinuming The Wolf Among Us, just needed to complete the Book of Fables. While replaying the game, I need to point this out. New

  • I assume what will happen is they'll have the original VA's voicing them when they're "acting" at the start of the movie and then someone yells cut and that's when they use their "real" voices for the rest of the movie.

    AChicken posted: »

    I haven't ever seen the Chip N Dale show, but this still looks really interesting to me! (Was just about to share it here too lol) The mi

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