The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Well, that's kind of what they were known for, Good Old Games.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I knew about it but I didn't know they were giving a lot of classic games.

  • At least I finally found an easy way to play Silent Hill 4 and the Alone in the Dark games (The good ones). Those are perfect for this Halloween season.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well, that's kind of what they were known for, Good Old Games.

  • The 3D-2D animation blend is infecting video games and I hope it goes viral. And patient zero is the next Need for Speed lol

    Looks very cool. I hope a lot of that was from gameplay/in-engine footage, because I like the style of animated characters in realistic cars, the smoke trails, the winged-big-jumps.
    Really starts to give a unique identity to this "realistic graphics" game that's felt a bit flatlined in recent years (especially for Need for Speed).

  • I am having Wolf 2 withdrawals so, I think I mentioned this before about Wolf 2's concept art being color coded, but I was thinking about it again and it made me realize there is probably going to be a sizable amount of Mundy characters. This post has all the character concept art so far.

    Fables are represented with purple backgrounds while mundys are in blue. Bigby is the only one with a true mix as he walks in both worlds more than ever this time around, but his Wolf form is totally purple. Even the key art of Wolf 2 keeps these blue and purple color schemes as clashing colors with Bigby being the one truly mixed between.

    The reason I say I think this means there will be a rather sizable Mundy side characters is mostly because there is a pixel mistake with one of the crops. Bigby's concept art on the right side has a sliver of purple because it was off a bit when cropping. All the concept art is probably from a character line up image and due to the background color coding, I wouldn't be surprised if the full image of all the characters is split up between left side Mundys, Bigby in the center, and the right side being Fables, with the background image fading from blue to purple. So that said, I think Faye will be one of many Mundys, so incoming Branagin return as well. If we ever see this full sheet or other concept in general, I'd wager the anger management group leader will be on there as well as Branagin (although I am going to wager she may not be as big of a character or we may see something like she hasn't really been the same since her brains got scrambled)

    Now the real questions is, is this over evaluation? The answer is yes.

  • edited October 2022

    I interrupt another Poogs post about TWAU to bring you a special news bulletin.

    LOLMets has returned in force, I repeat, LOLMets has returned. 101 win season, dominating their division for the majority of the year, a lineup and rotation of studs, all to blow it in humiliating fashion in the last couple of weeks.

    Swept by the Braves in the most important series of the year, losing the division to them, forced to play a struggling Padres team in a bullshit Wild Card round, and get eliminated in 3 games. You guys fucking suck, and this Yankee fan is happy to witness it.

    Congratulations, the Phillies made it further than you, the fucking Phillies!

  • ESRB had this listed as dialogue in New Tales

    “I'm riddled with STDs”; “May Heaven be one big orgy"; "...all they want to do is fornicate..."; "You said 'that ain't good' and I said 'title of our sex tape.' Because we'd have sex."

  • It's even worse than i thought,God help us all.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    ESRB had this listed as dialogue in New Tales “I'm riddled with STDs”; “May Heaven be one big orgy"; "...all they want to do is fornicate..."; "You said 'that ain't good' and I said 'title of our sex tape.' Because we'd have sex."

  • ...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    ESRB had this listed as dialogue in New Tales “I'm riddled with STDs”; “May Heaven be one big orgy"; "...all they want to do is fornicate..."; "You said 'that ain't good' and I said 'title of our sex tape.' Because we'd have sex."

  • "My word...! I- I think it's trying to be funny!"

    iFoRias posted: »

    It's even worse than i thought,God help us all.

  • If you want even more about how totally great New Tales is going to be there's some dev diaries you can read.

    First one is basically explaining why removing features from a game with almost no features is a good thing while let's be honest just an excuse for having less branching by making sure players shouldn't be taking note of any kind of actual branching.

    Second one talks of how its so interesting and unique New Tales is about the more ordinary people in a larger universe and how its a common story element being seen today like the original Tales didn't do this 8 years ago, but 0 mention lol

    Also Gearbox don't say capitalism bad in your article for the millionth time while selling over priced DLC #13354 and making a new game out of a corpse of the old one you didn't make as you dispose of all talented and creative force behind the original and sell it as a single player narrative game with a deluxe edition without realizing any irony challenge impossible af

  • I'm sorry I wont shut up about new tales, I know its unhealthy

  • edited October 2022

    It’s actually painful to watch

    And don’t apologize, I felt the same way about the Clem comic

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I'm sorry I wont shut up about new tales, I know its unhealthy (Spoiler)

  • The Chainsaw Man anime begins today, very excited to see the adaptation with how much top tier talent is involved.

  • edited October 2022

    Telltale pulling stuff out from the vault!

    (Note: they're telling us not to expect any of this as hints towards Season 2. Just some fun behind the scenes social media stuff)

  • edited October 2022

    Whoa holy shit I cant believe they would even Tweet this to be honest. I mean let alone Season 2 isnt out yet youd think if they wanted to share stuff like this theyd wait. Im just shocked that they just casually revealed something like this, I mean hell it even includes an old screenshots with what might have been her step sister or possibly White Queen as its using the old Beauty and Beast apartment? Really makes me wonder how much else they have locked in the vault.

    Also looks like they said theyll share even more because Wolf just turned 9 years old. Honestly if they take this time to reveal stuff that was cut in its full concept glory that is super fucking cool. Telltale has some of the most interesting cut/changed/whatever you want to call it content and Id really love to see it revealed like this.

    AChicken posted: »

    Telltale pulling stuff out from the vault!

  • Poogers555 posted: »

    Whoa holy shit I cant believe they would even Tweet this to be honest. I mean let alone Season 2 isnt out yet youd think if they wanted to s

  • New Tales from the Borderlands recap in 16 seconds

  • Looks like we will find out about Toad tomorrow which I think will probably either talk about his glamor form or maybe it will talk about how he was playable himself.

    Honestly I feel a bit more interested in toad's car though because I wonder what that means lol

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Choose wisely.

  • So today was Mr Toad use to be Jersey like I think we expected

    low key hoping they dive a bit more back into that original storyline with Cindy and the death of her sister. I was pretty surprised they still had images from that build as I thought if anyone had them it would be people who had them kept in their portfolios or something. If we're really lucky maybe they have some footage they could share. Them talking about Cindy like that and showing images was probably the first time Telltale ever really acknowledged an original build further than an offhanded comment.

  • "Obviously money isn't everything... Sure, sure it's important but... It doesn't have to drive your existence like it did mine. There's a healthy balance out there... somewhere."

    "Atlas is going to be different. There are a lot of ways to make a buck out there... I'm not totally sure what we're gonna do just yet, but... I'm excited to figure it out."

    "Ho, ho, ho, she's so funny! Look, I'm not a war monger, okay?"

    Gearbox realized they didn't kill Rhys enough in BL3 and are giving him the Vaughn treatment.

  • The comedy is just so... flat. So predictably safe.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "Obviously money isn't everything... Sure, sure it's important but... It doesn't have to drive your existence like it did mine. There's a he

  • Every line of dialogue is really just a set up and a punchline. If you try making everything quirky silly haha funny all you're going to be left with is flat as hell comedy, and when a more elaborate and more thought out jokes come around, they're surrounded by all the other jokes that the one that actually could be funny gets dragged down as just passable.

    Also at this point I feel pretty convinced the writers on this game played Tales once like 5 years ago or something because everything about this game is so lifeless. It's like they remember one thing about the characters or plot of that game as if it was that simple and one note. Vaughn says bro. The scene where Vaughn and bro are the most affiliated with each other isn't even real, its Fiona mocking Rhys. Last we see him he is a peaceful bandit leader, different than the others. So anyway, now Vaughn yells bro and loves blood and killing.

    Now apparently the moto for Atlas is just "Make Money!!!" like the character arch of Rhys wasn't about realizing he doesn't need to be the top dog at a corporation. But I guess Gearbox just remembered he was a business guy who is now company guy so he loves money.

    Also anyone else hyped for when Gearbox Quebec inviably has a lay offs when this thing goes poorly because the guys doing what the creative team asks them to are the ones that will get screwed over instead of the creative team and their horrible decisions.

    AChicken posted: »

    The comedy is just so... flat. So predictably safe.

  • Oh yeah, the Chainsaw Man anime is going to be fantastic.

  • Seems like Gearbox has entered its final week of marketing and is "ramping up" by showing some more non-player showcases, so anyway.

    Gearbox marketing realizing they have a week to market the most unmarketable shit imaginable

  • Game is 100% going to be a massive financial flop. It was made from the ground up by their Quebec Studio so definitely expensive to make.

    I just cannot believe how bad the writers at Gearbox are. They need to be fired and I don't say that as hyperbole.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Seems like Gearbox has entered its final week of marketing and is "ramping up" by showing some more non-player showcases, so anyway. Gearbox marketing realizing they have a week to market the most unmarketable shit imaginable

  • edited October 2022

    That's why I was saying its really sad knowing all this is going to do screw over the people in Quebec. From a tech and art stand point, it is very well made (assuming release comes and it isn't super buggy, which I am not expecting anyway) and obviously a ton of work went into it. Meanwhile, the narrative side of things is just horrible, and seeing how this whole game is based on story, I don't know how anyone thought this was going to work. Like you have to remember the original also did not sell well either, and Borderlands was at its peak popularity during that time. BL3 was obviously popular, but its pretty clear people are burning out with how over saturated the series is becoming. (But obviously that is a lot of speculation as an outsider looking in). So Quebec will get punished while the people responsible for why it failed get to keep on keeping on.

    But yeah I have no idea how a writing team could get together and think this was good. I really hate being so negative but the more I see of the game everything gets worse and worse. Already felt the leads were all poorly done characters, but then they let us have a look at Hank and holy shit what the fuck was that dialogue? The writing is just so indescribably bad it's hard to believe it exist.

    Also not super related but also related, the Timmy robot and Louie are practically copies of Gortys and Loader-Bot. Now don't get me wrong, I'd much rather have them not appear at all, but it is just such a strange choice being made. "Rhys needs a very nice robot assistant! Hmmm.... Hmmmmmmmmm.... DAMN I cant think of ANYONE better make a new character!" Just saw a video clip of the character talking with Anu and it is just bootleg Gortys. A dev article talked about Louie the robot, and he is just Loader-Bot with clothes and a new paint job, and he is described as the character who "analysis everyone's relationship" who remarks back to the player at the end current relationship standings. Different, but still very similar to how Loader-Bot is very much the robot character who evaluates everyone else's choices and will comment on them to the player. Honestly ranting way too much about all this, but it is just so weird seeing such a colossal misunderstanding. Also hearing some of the game design changes and how they are "improving" from Telltale honestly reeks of "I played a Telltale game once." Unironically saying that New Tales has this insane feature called failing QTEs doesn't always mean the game goes to game over! Like holy cow guys, that's only been in every Telltale Game! Good job! They actually say this is "Not something we've seen before" Plus, The Atlas "War Monger, only care about money" moto thing I just find so frustrating. The last 2 minutes of the original game has Rhys very clearly state that he is done letting money and power be what drives him. He will say this, no matter what during this scene, how the fuck you could miss this is insane. You'd think when picking up what this character would be like, the first scene you'd want to revisit is the ending point from the last. I remember thinking "Well Vaughn got butchered hard, but at least Rhys was only scarred a little" but now I guess New Tales will finish the job. At this point I am expecting Rhys to be incompetent as hell and have it revealed he basically has everyone do everything for him. Gosh all we need now is for Gearbox to follow up on that missing person echo log they wrote with 0 idea where it was going so we can see what terrible story telling they can give Sasha and Fiona!

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Game is 100% going to be a massive financial flop. It was made from the ground up by their Quebec Studio so definitely expensive to make.

  • Today Telltale showed some of the first test footage of the business office

    Also apparently Telltale says they have so much they want to share they are saving it for down the line. Honestly would be cool to include stuff like this as a bonus features segment in Wolf 2, would really love a small documentary thing they could do about the original wolf and the struggles behind Wolf 2 being made.

  • Browsing the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Wikipedia page with a big smile on my face. This sounds like it'll still be a fun movie.
    (The 3 new directors and most new writers (Phil Lord is the only returning screenplay writer) does have me a little worried, might not capture the same spark of the original film)

  • I’m getting Press X To Not Die flashbacks.

    It’s probably for the best that I’m likely the only one who remembers that game

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • edited October 2022

    That's so neat! The Batman stunt team pre-vis was cool, but I really want more amateurish pre-vis videos from the dev team now!

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • Finally, the best answer to "will you get the rights back for TWD?"

  • This is amazing, I especially love the props. I wonder if they did anymore of these.

    Wild that they went from filming this to being able to hire a proper fight choreography team for Batman.

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • I dont know why but I feel like I've seen this somewhere before but have 0 memory of how lol

    Also looks like thats all theyll show for now with the behind the scenes. Hope they stay true on showing more later, they really did just say "Hey heres a screenshot from like 2011 from the batshit insane version of Wolf lol"

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • edited October 2022

    "We removed "Will remember that" because by using motion capture we really think players will be able to tell how the character is feeling based on their expressions and their movements in the moment."

    "Yeah so just kind of like- flail around like- all the time, yeah great great, yeah don't worry the facial expression wont match at all dont worry. Yes this goes for all of you. Ok great, cut!"

  • This game is one of the most uncharming things I’ve ever seen so far, and they really did not have to make this, so why does it feel so phoned in?

    If they really wanted to honor the original game, they could’ve just adapted it into a live action series. Granted there’s still a fair chance it would’ve been awful, but it would’ve been interesting. I would’ve watched it either way. I have no interest in playing new tales even to see how bad it is.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "We removed "Will remember that" because by using motion capture we really think players will be able to tell how the character is feeling b

  • edited October 2022

    I wonder if the creative team behind New Tales thinks its better or at least on par to the original even though there is such a night and day difference. When this comes out and it somehow isn't as terrible as what they are showing I think it will be one of the biggest surprises of all time. But I kind of doubt it after seeing the fucking Hank guy asking for frogurt, its been like a week and I cant stop thinking about how this is real dialogue.

    Also I like how on one knows what this game is even about story wise, we only know the vault has a healing crystal or something because it was leaked by rating boards. The original Tales trailer made character motivations so clear and what their role was. Rhys gets screwed over, so he tries to screw over his boss, Fiona is conning people on Pandora and is planning one big con that Rhys gets mixed up in. It doesnt reveal a ton but it has some actual direction. Now we have 3 characters, all with pretty flimsy reasons trying to get to the vault first. First Tales wasnt about finding the vault at first, it was more so Fiona and Sasha are desperate and Rhys and Vaughn lost all the money so they can't go back to Hyperion. It was not the original goal, the first episode set it up to be.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    This game is one of the most uncharming things I’ve ever seen so far, and they really did not have to make this, so why does it feel so phon

  • I want to wish everyone but the New York Yankees management staff a good night.

    To them, I say fuck you.

  • "Okay, so we are gonna buy back Wolf... But now we have to choose... Batman... or Tales from the Borderlands?"

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