I bought Hi-Fi Rush because I'm a good boi who deserves it
(Also I just couldn't get the game's art style out of my head, especially with clips showing up all over the place)
Just played a bit of the opening, but it's fun! It's cool to see a rhythm-based action game, especially with how hard it leans into the concept!
You play as Chai, a cool dude who accidentally gets his music player stuck in his chest during an experimental robotic arm transplant.
With this, he's able to use a magnetic weapon and feel the beat of the world. And its pretty cool how much of the world is synced to the beat. HUD and environment wlements pulse to the beat. The controller vibrates slightly in tempo. Cutscenes follow backround beats too.
The cutscenes in particular are a standout. They're super fluid, snappy, expressive animation. It's very anime-inspired. The art style is really great, with a vibrant cel-shaded 3D look.
The only thing I can play this on is my computer, and unfortunately even on low settings it still struggles to keep a stable framerate. However, its playable and doesn't seem to be affecting timing for me that much.
Little update on Hi-Fi Rush... I beat the first boss of the game, and man, this game really chugs on my device Definitely not even hitting 30fps most of the time on low settings, no idea why. I'm sure it might be related to how many moving parts there are in the level (that bop to the beat) as well as the heavy stylization of shadowing and lighting for the art style.
Anyway, experienced my first inability to hit beats during said boss fight... There's a QTE you can trigger to deal massive damage against it, and I kept missing it every single time, despite being very rhythm-inclined.
A part of me would think to unfortunately refund this as I'm still under 2 hours... however I bought this from a key-seller (for a small discount, just saving money where I could) so that's off the table since it's a code... the game is definitely fun and the cutscenes at least are pretty stable, but it's not the best experience I could be having by a long shot and that's too bad.
Hopefully I can stick it out and the game doesn't get too crazy that it becomes unplayable...
Telltale The walking dead on my Samsung galaxy note 20 ultra. I added them on my old apple Ipad back in 2011-2015 but never got around to playing them. Disappointed that their has never been any actual updates for these games better yet the final season never been release on Google play or Samsung store 😭
I played Titan Chaser, an indie game where you play as a young woman who is hired to drive around the outskirts of a city at night to divert… more any kaiju she finds away from civilisation. You'll be ordered to deal with a number of different kaiju and your job is to get to the designated locations and figure out how to get rid of them without causing any harm.
It's a very atmospheric and oddly relaxing game. A majority of the time has you in your car at night, looking at your map every so often in order to figure out where you're supposed to be heading to. There's even a radio with a number of original synth tracks and full episodes of an actual American radio horror drama from the 30's called Lights Out. The main character will also drop a line or two of lore regarding the town, and her thoughts on the matters at hand every now and again. The game is only a couple hours long, with each mission only taking about 15-20 minutes to complete, alon… [view original content]
I'm past the halfway point of Hi-Fi Rush and I am absolutely loving this game so far! The characters and writing are super fun and charming, the music's great, the visuals and animation are incredible, and in general the game just feels satisfying to play. Everything you do is to service the music around you, from every attack you make to even your footsteps. It's all part of one never ending beat, pumping through the city of Vandalay Island. The only real problem to me is that the platforming can be a bit frustrating since the distance that Chai jumps isn't that far. Aside from that, this might honestly end up being my GOTY, and it's only February lol.
I feel like they could have done the easy route and had the game end after the deaths of Anderson and TIM. The Crucible works as expected, destroys the Reapers and the accumulated war assets determine the survival of Shepard, the squad and the various factions and species. But I guess Bioware wanted their big controversial choice at the end. I don't think the endings are actually as bad as I heard they were during the past decade, the problem I think is Bioware writing themselves into a corner. If the next Mass Effect is back in the Milky Way and not Andromeda, I think they'll have to canonize one of the endings because it seems unlikely they'll be able to make all of them, especially Synthesis, work.
You've actually got the "better" version of the ending, with all the extended cut and added content BioWare went in and added after the fact… more. What I heard, and some of this may or may not even be true, was that at Casey Hudson (the game director) and Mac Walters (lead writer) had to hammer out and change the ending at almost the last minute, to the point where it was practically unfinished when it came out. It was essentially pick a choice, Normandy crashes, and that was it. All of the more memorable stuff about it was all added in after the game's release.
Even before that, what the "original" ending was going to be and what they were going to do was and still is unknown. There's been hints and pieces of different concepts and ideas, the most prevalent is the dark energy. It would have tied into what Tali was exploring on Haestrom with the planet's sun decaying, that the Reapers were a corrective force against it. But even that, according… [view original content]
Oh I think it's pretty clear they are canonizing one of the endings. My guess would be destroy since you see the broken mass relays and Liara climbing a dead Reaper in the original reveal trailer. However, with the recent N7 Day having Liara talking to a geth, it's given speculation to control being the canon choice since destroy would have killed the geth and EDI. But it could just be that they were brought back since you could potentially choose to wipe out the geth if you side with the quarians, so it's still possible destroy is the canon ending. I think we can write synthesis out.
Okay one more Hi-Fi Rush update for the time being: I’ve turned all settings to Low or Off (except for Static Shadows because that completely ruins the cel shaded style) and I managed to get through Level 2 with a pretty stable, near-30 fps. Woo FINALLY this game isn't such a lost cause on my laptop after all.
It could be because it was a very indoor factory level, but it could just be that sweet spot for my machine.
Anyway it’s a very fun game, the dialogue is goofy but fun, cutscenes very well animated and there are quite a few, and the combat and platforming really have me bopping my head to the beat, even unintentionally.
I love how the soundtrack to the level builds up and changes over the course of each section. It’s very cool, very fun IMO
What if it’s in the indoctrination theory? Remember the original ending of was going to be about Dark Space Energy or something like that. Also I know BioWare likes to say that the theory is not real but come on I figured it was the moment Shepard started dreaming about the kid on earth. Also there are so many nods to Shepard being indoctrinated that it’s almost crazy not to see it. The oily shadows, the noise of the reaper when Anderson interrupts the kid and Shepard in the vent and more… They should canonize that and make it that Shepards crew mates and friends have to find away to get rid of the Repears influence.
However, if they did canonize an ending it should be the destroy one since Shepard is only alive in that ending if you have a high defense rating.
But that’s the thing, indoctrination theory has already been disproven by BioWare. Sure the new leadership of the next one can come in and change their mind and say they were indoctrinated, but I really don’t think that’s going to happen. And to be honest, I’ve never really liked the indoctrination theory.
And yeah, it will more than likely be destroy. They’re going to probably bank hard on nostalgia for the game, so I think we’ll even end up playing as Shepard again, or at the very least they will play a significant role.
They should canonize that and make it that Shepards crew mates and friends have to find away to get rid of the Repears influence.
Funny enough, I’m actually writing something along those lines, but it’s not Shepard who’s indoctrinated.
I played Mafia 2 for the first time in YEARS. This was one of my favorite games of the PS3 era and I replayed it so many times. Unfortunately, the reunion was kind of ruined by the stupid PC port. It kept crashing on me almost every single time I was about to finish a chapter. Was it my PC or is this port poorly optimized? It makes no sense because I replayed The Saboteur not too long ago and ran amazing on PC with max settings.
I didn’t like the idea either but to be honest at the time it was way better than the ending we got and at least it had a strong basis to support it. I feel like the team at BioWare was going to do that and then decided against it. Also I am curious to who you think is indoctrinated 😁😁
Hopefully the next Mass Effect continues with some characters of the past series. Ryder is at best an alright protagonist but I only replayed the game once. I did not like Andromeda’s exploration and how the quests were done. What works in Dragon Age doesn’t always translate well to Mass Effect.
And yeah, it will more than likely be destroy. They’re going to probably bank hard on nostalgia for the game, so I think we’ll … moreeven end up playing as Shepard again, or at the very least they will play a significant role.
They should canonize that and make it that Shepards crew mates and friends have to find away to get rid of the Repears influence.
Funny enough, I’m actually writing something along those lines, but it’s not Shepard who’s indoctrinated.
Funny enough my dad is playing Mafia 2 as well and he gets the crashes on his 3070 I think it might be that the game cannot detect some newer graphics card or it could be an issue with the 2K Launcher.
I played Mafia 2 for the first time in YEARS. This was one of my favorite games of the PS3 era and I replayed it so many times. Unfortunatel… morey, the reunion was kind of ruined by the stupid PC port. It kept crashing on me almost every single time I was about to finish a chapter. Was it my PC or is this port poorly optimized? It makes no sense because I replayed The Saboteur not too long ago and ran amazing on PC with max settings.
I made up an outcome of Tali being indoctrinated and trying to kill Shepard. If you're curious, it's A Quarian's Awakening and A Quarian's Liberation on AO3.
Hopefully the next Mass Effect continues with some characters of the past series. Ryder is at best an alright protagonist but I… more only replayed the game once. I did not like Andromeda’s exploration and how the quests were done. What works in Dragon Age doesn’t always translate well to Mass Effect.
That is very interesting I can see why too since the Geth revered the Reapers as Gods they could’ve had upgrades from the Repears and Tali spent most of her time around them so their influence could’ve passed on to her.
I played Mafia 2 for the first time in YEARS. This was one of my favorite games of the PS3 era and I replayed it so many times. Unfortunatel… morey, the reunion was kind of ruined by the stupid PC port. It kept crashing on me almost every single time I was about to finish a chapter. Was it my PC or is this port poorly optimized? It makes no sense because I replayed The Saboteur not too long ago and ran amazing on PC with max settings.
I did like the indoctrination theory when the game first came out mainly because it distracted me from the awfulness of the ending. But after they released the extended cut, it became pretty clear that was not the direction Bioware was going for.
I finished the main campaign for Hi-Fi Rush. It's been a while since I've played a video game made with so much love and care put into damn near everything in it. This is the most video game ass video game I've played in a long time and I absolutely love it! A colourful cast of lovable characters with great voice acting to match, writing with charm flowing out the wahzoo, really fun combat, great music, gorgeous visuals, and incredible animation make for a mighty fine GOTY contender. My only gripes being the platforming being a little frustrating at times.
It's totally unneeded, but I'd love to see more of the characters and the world. Be it in a sequel, or some other medium. But if this is all we ever get of the world of Hi-Fi Rush, I'd be more than satisfied. This game is an instant classic.
I've played Left for Dead 1 and 2 for the first time (shame that I've only just started playing it now). IMO it's a masterpiece for a zombie game. I've enjoyed it more then say State of Decay or Call of Duty zombies. Gameplay is fun and the details are amazing. When you compare this game to Back 4 Blood, it amazes me that so many details from L4D weren't added to B4B. I watched Crowbcat's video and learned that.
My only problem I have with the games, which is something I've noticed a few times in multiplayer games is that the community can be very toxic. I've already been kicked out of 3 or 4 multi games (maybe because I'm a new player I guess?). I've also read some Steam forums and many other people (who some are also new) seem to get annoyed by it.
I've played Left for Dead 1 and 2 for the first time (shame that I've only just started playing it now). IMO it's a masterpiece for a zombie… more game. I've enjoyed it more then say State of Decay or Call of Duty zombies. Gameplay is fun and the details are amazing. When you compare this game to Back 4 Blood, it amazes me that so many details from L4D weren't added to B4B. I watched Crowbcat's video and learned that.
My only problem I have with the games, which is something I've noticed a few times in multiplayer games is that the community can be very toxic. I've already been kicked out of 3 or 4 multi games (maybe because I'm a new player I guess?). I've also read some Steam forums and many other people (who some are also new) seem to get annoyed by it.
It's taken me over a month and I've already unlocked over half of the Safehouse cosmetics but I finally, finally finished a full 18-level campaign in Hitman Freelancer in the World of Assassination. My god it took way too long for me to do this, seeing so many others finish their first within the first week or two, but my god is it satisfying.
...Now to see if I can ever do it again lol
As implied, I'm replaying Secret of Monkey Island for the first time since the special edition came out.
I forgot how good the "adventure game fight scene" is. That's a classic. Even though my favourite adventure game is still Police Quest 3, I still love the comedy stuff.
I'm playing atm fifa 23, honest recommendation if you get angry easily don't touch it at all, I'm having a blast playing it 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 so would NOT recommend at all!!!!
I have finished Resident Evil 4 Remake. Another instance of a game living up to the hype. I have to be honest, I was never a huge of the original. I thought it lacked a lot of horror elements, it didn't feel like survival horror but more action-orientated and the story just wasn't good at all.
The remake fixed absolutely EVERYTHING I didn't like about the original.
Remake Ashley is extremely better than the OG. She is not annoying, she is adorable, she is useful and acts like an actual 20-year-old college girl. I loved her dynamic bond with Leon in this one.
The Krauser boss fight is sooo badass and more skill-based rather than having the knife being the only solution for a quick kill, thanks to the addition of the parrying system.
The story wasn't cartoonish and it did take itself seriously while still keeping some of the cheesy one-liner. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
The Salazar boss fight is another improvement. I never liked it in the original and I always killed him with a rocket launcher. Now it's more balanced in the remake.
The Backtracking. Just like the original Dead Space, I never liked how RE4 original was always linear and there were barely any moments where I had to go back to a certain area and solve mini-puzzle. The remake did a great job at making all three major locations have their own character.
I am SOO glad they cut the Salazar Statue chase sequence. I always thought this jump-the-shark moment was worse than Chris punching a boulder and Jill lifting the laser launcher. There is nothing good or unique about this one. It serves no purpose other than padding the game and annoying the player.
At the end of the remake, they teased the return of Albert Wesker, his very first time coming back to the game franchise since RE5. In his monitor, he had a picture of Excella Gionne and a garden that you approach in RE5, which means that Resident Evil 5 Remake is going to be the next of the RE-imagining. I am honestly mixed about this because it would have made more sense for them to do Code Veronica remake first, even if I didn't like that game. Also, kind of bummer they didn't have DC Douglas coming back to reprise his role as Wesker. He is the best one IMO but the new one doesn't sound bad.
Resident Evil 4 Remake is now my GOTY of 2023, with Dead Space Remake being second. We now have Silent Hill 2 Remake left to live up to the hype in order to have the best horror remake trio of 2023. Unfortunately, it's developed by Bloober Team and published by Konami so I'll remain skeptical.
Gave in and started RE4.
I like it so far(chapter 3). I don't know how I feel about the knife durability change, but I like the other changes as of this point.
Also my GOTY so far, but it's been a really weak year so far. Apologies to the great people whom worked on Dead Space(I didn't play it, but a great story dev worked on it).
I finished it. It's really good. I think that they did a good job of making Ashley a likeable character so that when she does what she does, it's not as grating. I would be... okay if she reappears in a future game. I never would have said that before. I don't see that in the near future, but it speaks to the quality of the writing and performance.
I finished playing the Resident Evil 4 remake and I really loved it! The combat is incredibly fun and satisfying, the characters and story are super dumb in the best way and there's a ton of great action and scares. It's just a wonderfully fun game overall and probably my favourite of the series thus far. Ashley's a very fun character who didn't make me feel annoyed when it came to protecting her and in general is a great companion NPC. Still a little too damsel in distress for my taste considering the number of times she gets kidnapped, there was a certain point I had to just roll my eyes when it happened. I love Luis. He's really smarmy and greasy looking but very charming. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed his character.
I have like two issues, and neither of them are really deal breakers. First thing would be the shooting range. I think it's a great idea and I really like it half the time, but a lot of the time you kind of just have to pray that the bullet RNG actually hits the target you're aiming at, especially with guns like the TMP which is the worst gun I've ever shot in a video game. The other thing is, unfortunately I wasn't a total fan of Lily Gao as Ada. I think sometimes she works and other times she doesn't. Might just be her inexperience with voice acting or bad voice direction which can be an overlooked element.
Aside from that, I really loved the game and I'm looking forward to what they remake next. Probably 5, but that'll probably take some work considering how... not well that has aged in certain aspects.
Lily Gao's performance is a combination of direction(they wanted a more serious/cold Ada), recording quality, and yes, actor voice stiffness.
I thought she was alright with these things in mind and definitely didn't deserve the harassment she received. I feel bad for her. Even if people hate it, Capcom signed off on it.
I love Resident Evil 4 Remake however, I do not like the way that people are reacting to Ada’s performance, to be honest I didn’t mind Ada’s colder demeanor. I hope that all the people who are complaining realize that this is fictional character who Capcom wrote and the actress is working with what scripts the writers and the team gave her. (Mini rant out of the way lol)
I think that the RE4 Remake is excellent in many ways. I like the combat, I love the upgrading of your gear, the fact that Ashley is not consistently yelling at you unless she is grabbed or Leon dies, I also like the environments and most of the enemy redesigns. I also dislike how a few enemies were taken out of the game and how some bosses were redesigned to be much simpler. I also dislike the bonus costumes in the game and the ones that you can buy. I would’ve loved if we could put Ashley in the knight outfit again lol 😂
I don’t think it is a Remake of RE5 because there is something else between RE4 and RE5! 😉 Yup it’s the legendary Resident Evil: Code Veronica, I feel this is a must play to fully understand why certain plot elements happen in RE5. They can also bring back Claire and expand on her story with Chris since they can finally have a Chris Redfield who is not in his 50’s lol I mean how old is he in RE8 lol
I finished playing the Resident Evil 4 remake and I really loved it! The combat is incredibly fun and satisfying, the characters and story a… morere super dumb in the best way and there's a ton of great action and scares. It's just a wonderfully fun game overall and probably my favourite of the series thus far. Ashley's a very fun character who didn't make me feel annoyed when it came to protecting her and in general is a great companion NPC. Still a little too damsel in distress for my taste considering the number of times she gets kidnapped, there was a certain point I had to just roll my eyes when it happened. I love Luis. He's really smarmy and greasy looking but very charming. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed his character.
I have like two issues, and neither of them are really deal breakers. First thing would be the shooting range. I think it's a great idea and I really like it half the time, but a lot of the time you kind of just hav… [view original content]
I don’t think it is a Remake of RE5 because there is something else between RE4 and RE5! 😉 Yup it’s the legendary Resident Evil: Code Veroni… moreca, I feel this is a must play to fully understand why certain plot elements happen in RE5. They can also bring back Claire and expand on her story with Chris since they can finally have a Chris Redfield who is not in his 50’s lol I mean how old is he in RE8 lol
Apart from already having a Claire model to reuse for Code Veronica there hasn’t really been any references apart from the ending of RE4Remake. Code Veronica is also in my opinion a lot harder then the some other older Resident Evil games. I remember playing it back on Dreamcast but then getting it again for the PS2.
RE:CV came before 4. They already skipped it.
While I would love them to do it(Only major entry not available on PC), I don't have my hopes up. I understand why they did 4, but if they do 5 without doing CV, then I'll be pissed. Either stop or do it. I just tried replaying 5 and it still sucks. It was worse than 6. At least that sucked with a better story.
I wouldn’t say RE5 sucked, it had its flaws but it was still a fun time. After beating the story I spent most of my time doing the Mercenaries Mode which is the best part of the game. I also meant chronologically that RE:Code Veronica takes place after 4 and before 5. It has been a while since I played it so I might be wrong.
RE:CV came before 4. They already skipped it.
While I would love them to do it(Only major entry not available on PC), I don't have my hope… mores up. I understand why they did 4, but if they do 5 without doing CV, then I'll be pissed. Either stop or do it. I just tried replaying 5 and it still sucks. It was worse than 6. At least that sucked with a better story.
Well, thank you for those words. Hope you have fun with TLOU show
I am, thank you!
I bought Hi-Fi Rush because I'm a good boi who deserves it
(Also I just couldn't get the game's art style out of my head, especially with clips showing up all over the place)
Just played a bit of the opening, but it's fun! It's cool to see a rhythm-based action game, especially with how hard it leans into the concept!
You play as Chai, a cool dude who accidentally gets his music player stuck in his chest during an experimental robotic arm transplant.
With this, he's able to use a magnetic weapon and feel the beat of the world. And its pretty cool how much of the world is synced to the beat. HUD and environment wlements pulse to the beat. The controller vibrates slightly in tempo. Cutscenes follow backround beats too.
The cutscenes in particular are a standout. They're super fluid, snappy, expressive animation. It's very anime-inspired. The art style is really great, with a vibrant cel-shaded 3D look.
The only thing I can play this on is my computer, and unfortunately even on low settings it still struggles to keep a stable framerate. However, its playable and doesn't seem to be affecting timing for me that much.
Little update on Hi-Fi Rush... I beat the first boss of the game, and man, this game really chugs on my device
Definitely not even hitting 30fps most of the time on low settings, no idea why. I'm sure it might be related to how many moving parts there are in the level (that bop to the beat) as well as the heavy stylization of shadowing and lighting for the art style.
Anyway, experienced my first inability to hit beats during said boss fight... There's a QTE you can trigger to deal massive damage against it, and I kept missing it every single time, despite being very rhythm-inclined.
A part of me would think to unfortunately refund this as I'm still under 2 hours... however I bought this from a key-seller (for a small discount, just saving money where I could) so that's off the table since it's a code... the game is definitely fun and the cutscenes at least are pretty stable, but it's not the best experience I could be having by a long shot and that's too bad.
Hopefully I can stick it out and the game doesn't get too crazy that it becomes unplayable...
Telltale The walking dead on my Samsung galaxy note 20 ultra. I added them on my old apple Ipad back in 2011-2015 but never got around to playing them. Disappointed that their has never been any actual updates for these games better yet the final season never been release on Google play or Samsung store 😭
Hey it's this thing you were talking about lol
It being described as an exploration game is what made me confused. But yeah that makes sense.
I'm past the halfway point of Hi-Fi Rush and I am absolutely loving this game so far! The characters and writing are super fun and charming, the music's great, the visuals and animation are incredible, and in general the game just feels satisfying to play. Everything you do is to service the music around you, from every attack you make to even your footsteps. It's all part of one never ending beat, pumping through the city of Vandalay Island. The only real problem to me is that the platforming can be a bit frustrating since the distance that Chai jumps isn't that far. Aside from that, this might honestly end up being my GOTY, and it's only February lol.
I feel like they could have done the easy route and had the game end after the deaths of Anderson and TIM. The Crucible works as expected, destroys the Reapers and the accumulated war assets determine the survival of Shepard, the squad and the various factions and species. But I guess Bioware wanted their big controversial choice at the end. I don't think the endings are actually as bad as I heard they were during the past decade, the problem I think is Bioware writing themselves into a corner. If the next Mass Effect is back in the Milky Way and not Andromeda, I think they'll have to canonize one of the endings because it seems unlikely they'll be able to make all of them, especially Synthesis, work.
Oh I think it's pretty clear they are canonizing one of the endings. My guess would be destroy since you see the broken mass relays and Liara climbing a dead Reaper in the original reveal trailer. However, with the recent N7 Day having Liara talking to a geth, it's given speculation to control being the canon choice since destroy would have killed the geth and EDI. But it could just be that they were brought back since you could potentially choose to wipe out the geth if you side with the quarians, so it's still possible destroy is the canon ending. I think we can write synthesis out.
Okay one more Hi-Fi Rush update for the time being: I’ve turned all settings to Low or Off (except for Static Shadows because that completely ruins the cel shaded style) and I managed to get through Level 2 with a pretty stable, near-30 fps. Woo FINALLY this game isn't such a lost cause on my laptop after all.
It could be because it was a very indoor factory level, but it could just be that sweet spot for my machine.
Anyway it’s a very fun game, the dialogue is goofy but fun, cutscenes very well animated and there are quite a few, and the combat and platforming really have me bopping my head to the beat, even unintentionally.
I love how the soundtrack to the level builds up and changes over the course of each section. It’s very cool, very fun IMO
What if it’s in the indoctrination theory? Remember the original ending of was going to be about Dark Space Energy or something like that. Also I know BioWare likes to say that the theory is not real but come on I figured it was the moment Shepard started dreaming about the kid on earth. Also there are so many nods to Shepard being indoctrinated that it’s almost crazy not to see it. The oily shadows, the noise of the reaper when Anderson interrupts the kid and Shepard in the vent and more… They should canonize that and make it that Shepards crew mates and friends have to find away to get rid of the Repears influence.
However, if they did canonize an ending it should be the destroy one since Shepard is only alive in that ending if you have a high defense rating.
But that’s the thing, indoctrination theory has already been disproven by BioWare. Sure the new leadership of the next one can come in and change their mind and say they were indoctrinated, but I really don’t think that’s going to happen. And to be honest, I’ve never really liked the indoctrination theory.
And yeah, it will more than likely be destroy. They’re going to probably bank hard on nostalgia for the game, so I think we’ll even end up playing as Shepard again, or at the very least they will play a significant role.
Funny enough, I’m actually writing something along those lines, but it’s not Shepard who’s indoctrinated.
pues halo, estoy terminando la saga.
I played Mafia 2 for the first time in YEARS. This was one of my favorite games of the PS3 era and I replayed it so many times. Unfortunately, the reunion was kind of ruined by the stupid PC port. It kept crashing on me almost every single time I was about to finish a chapter. Was it my PC or is this port poorly optimized? It makes no sense because I replayed The Saboteur not too long ago and ran amazing on PC with max settings.
I didn’t like the idea either but to be honest at the time it was way better than the ending we got and at least it had a strong basis to support it. I feel like the team at BioWare was going to do that and then decided against it. Also I am curious to who you think is indoctrinated 😁😁
Hopefully the next Mass Effect continues with some characters of the past series. Ryder is at best an alright protagonist but I only replayed the game once. I did not like Andromeda’s exploration and how the quests were done. What works in Dragon Age doesn’t always translate well to Mass Effect.
Funny enough my dad is playing Mafia 2 as well and he gets the crashes on his 3070 I think it might be that the game cannot detect some newer graphics card or it could be an issue with the 2K Launcher.
I made up an outcome of Tali being indoctrinated and trying to kill Shepard. If you're curious, it's A Quarian's Awakening and A Quarian's Liberation on AO3.
That is very interesting I can see why too since the Geth revered the Reapers as Gods they could’ve had upgrades from the Repears and Tali spent most of her time around them so their influence could’ve passed on to her.
Not familiar with AO3
Archive of our own. It's also on FF.net.
Are you playing the remastered version per chance? I heard the remaster is a mess and it's better to play the original.
I did like the indoctrination theory when the game first came out mainly because it distracted me from the awfulness of the ending. But after they released the extended cut, it became pretty clear that was not the direction Bioware was going for.
Course I wasn't playing the remaster, it gave me the original for free if I bought that version.
I finished the main campaign for Hi-Fi Rush. It's been a while since I've played a video game made with so much love and care put into damn near everything in it. This is the most video game ass video game I've played in a long time and I absolutely love it! A colourful cast of lovable characters with great voice acting to match, writing with charm flowing out the wahzoo, really fun combat, great music, gorgeous visuals, and incredible animation make for a mighty fine GOTY contender. My only gripes being the platforming being a little frustrating at times.
It's totally unneeded, but I'd love to see more of the characters and the world. Be it in a sequel, or some other medium. But if this is all we ever get of the world of Hi-Fi Rush, I'd be more than satisfied. This game is an instant classic.
I've played Left for Dead 1 and 2 for the first time (shame that I've only just started playing it now). IMO it's a masterpiece for a zombie game. I've enjoyed it more then say State of Decay or Call of Duty zombies. Gameplay is fun and the details are amazing. When you compare this game to Back 4 Blood, it amazes me that so many details from L4D weren't added to B4B. I watched Crowbcat's video and learned that.
My only problem I have with the games, which is something I've noticed a few times in multiplayer games is that the community can be very toxic. I've already been kicked out of 3 or 4 multi games (maybe because I'm a new player I guess?). I've also read some Steam forums and many other people (who some are also new) seem to get annoyed by it.
I loved the 3(4 really) maps some guy made for L4D2 based on the first 3 Resident Evil games. The community gave that game so much more life.
It's taken me over a month and I've already unlocked over half of the Safehouse cosmetics but I finally, finally finished a full 18-level campaign in Hitman Freelancer in the World of Assassination. My god it took way too long for me to do this, seeing so many others finish their first within the first week or two, but my god is it satisfying.
...Now to see if I can ever do it again lol
Just finished replaying Life Is Strange and will replay Before The Storm next Week.
After not touching this game for a year the game still got me in the heart.
As implied, I'm replaying Secret of Monkey Island for the first time since the special edition came out.
I forgot how good the "adventure game fight scene" is. That's a classic. Even though my favourite adventure game is still Police Quest 3, I still love the comedy stuff.
I'm playing atm fifa 23, honest recommendation if you get angry easily don't touch it at all, I'm having a blast playing it 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 so would NOT recommend at all!!!!
I have finished Resident Evil 4 Remake. Another instance of a game living up to the hype. I have to be honest, I was never a huge of the original. I thought it lacked a lot of horror elements, it didn't feel like survival horror but more action-orientated and the story just wasn't good at all.
The remake fixed absolutely EVERYTHING I didn't like about the original.
At the end of the remake, they teased the return of Albert Wesker, his very first time coming back to the game franchise since RE5. In his monitor, he had a picture of Excella Gionne and a garden that you approach in RE5, which means that Resident Evil 5 Remake is going to be the next of the RE-imagining. I am honestly mixed about this because it would have made more sense for them to do Code Veronica remake first, even if I didn't like that game. Also, kind of bummer they didn't have DC Douglas coming back to reprise his role as Wesker. He is the best one IMO but the new one doesn't sound bad.
Resident Evil 4 Remake is now my GOTY of 2023, with Dead Space Remake being second. We now have Silent Hill 2 Remake left to live up to the hype in order to have the best horror remake trio of 2023. Unfortunately, it's developed by Bloober Team and published by Konami so I'll remain skeptical.
Gave in and started RE4.
I like it so far(chapter 3). I don't know how I feel about the knife durability change, but I like the other changes as of this point.
Also my GOTY so far, but it's been a really weak year so far. Apologies to the great people whom worked on Dead Space(I didn't play it, but a great story dev worked on it).
I finished it. It's really good. I think that they did a good job of making Ashley a likeable character so that when she does what she does, it's not as grating. I would be... okay if she reappears in a future game. I never would have said that before. I don't see that in the near future, but it speaks to the quality of the writing and performance.
I finished playing the Resident Evil 4 remake and I really loved it! The combat is incredibly fun and satisfying, the characters and story are super dumb in the best way and there's a ton of great action and scares. It's just a wonderfully fun game overall and probably my favourite of the series thus far. Ashley's a very fun character who didn't make me feel annoyed when it came to protecting her and in general is a great companion NPC. Still a little too damsel in distress for my taste considering the number of times she gets kidnapped, there was a certain point I had to just roll my eyes when it happened. I love Luis. He's really smarmy and greasy looking but very charming. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed his character.
I have like two issues, and neither of them are really deal breakers. First thing would be the shooting range. I think it's a great idea and I really like it half the time, but a lot of the time you kind of just have to pray that the bullet RNG actually hits the target you're aiming at, especially with guns like the TMP which is the worst gun I've ever shot in a video game. The other thing is, unfortunately I wasn't a total fan of Lily Gao as Ada. I think sometimes she works and other times she doesn't. Might just be her inexperience with voice acting or bad voice direction which can be an overlooked element.
Aside from that, I really loved the game and I'm looking forward to what they remake next. Probably 5, but that'll probably take some work considering how... not well that has aged in certain aspects.
Lily Gao's performance is a combination of direction(they wanted a more serious/cold Ada), recording quality, and yes, actor voice stiffness.
I thought she was alright with these things in mind and definitely didn't deserve the harassment she received. I feel bad for her. Even if people hate it, Capcom signed off on it.
I love Resident Evil 4 Remake however, I do not like the way that people are reacting to Ada’s performance, to be honest I didn’t mind Ada’s colder demeanor. I hope that all the people who are complaining realize that this is fictional character who Capcom wrote and the actress is working with what scripts the writers and the team gave her. (Mini rant out of the way lol)
I think that the RE4 Remake is excellent in many ways. I like the combat, I love the upgrading of your gear, the fact that Ashley is not consistently yelling at you unless she is grabbed or Leon dies, I also like the environments and most of the enemy redesigns. I also dislike how a few enemies were taken out of the game and how some bosses were redesigned to be much simpler. I also dislike the bonus costumes in the game and the ones that you can buy. I would’ve loved if we could put Ashley in the knight outfit again lol 😂
I don’t think it is a Remake of RE5 because there is something else between RE4 and RE5! 😉 Yup it’s the legendary Resident Evil: Code Veronica, I feel this is a must play to fully understand why certain plot elements happen in RE5. They can also bring back Claire and expand on her story with Chris since they can finally have a Chris Redfield who is not in his 50’s lol I mean how old is he in RE8 lol
Oh yeah I've seen a bunch of people clamouring for a remake of that game! But has there been any hints or references at all to Code Veronica?
Apart from already having a Claire model to reuse for Code Veronica there hasn’t really been any references apart from the ending of RE4Remake. Code Veronica is also in my opinion a lot harder then the some other older Resident Evil games. I remember playing it back on Dreamcast but then getting it again for the PS2.
RE:CV came before 4. They already skipped it.
While I would love them to do it(Only major entry not available on PC), I don't have my hopes up. I understand why they did 4, but if they do 5 without doing CV, then I'll be pissed. Either stop or do it. I just tried replaying 5 and it still sucks. It was worse than 6. At least that sucked with a better story.
I wouldn’t say RE5 sucked, it had its flaws but it was still a fun time. After beating the story I spent most of my time doing the Mercenaries Mode which is the best part of the game. I also meant chronologically that RE:Code Veronica takes place after 4 and before 5. It has been a while since I played it so I might be wrong.