Yep. Plus these 15 seconds teasers of random scenes stitched together are hardly anything to get excited about. Like I understand making a full-fledged trailer without spoiling too much can't be that easy when you have 30 minutes long episodes, but they could have at least tried to do a 30-60 seconds trailers that have some structure.
Also, can I just say, these youtube shorts they're putting on their channel are all pretty low effort. Looks like something someone made in 10 minutes.
They need to step up on the trailers for sure. Not having a trailer release a few days before an episode was definitely a choice. Trailer di… morescussions were a big part of Telltale games. A 15 second thing that comes out the same day and for some people the day after they already played it ruins half the point of the trailers. If you are going to release the game episodically because you want people to have discussions you need to actually give something to talk about. I'll be extremely disappointed if Wolf 2 doesn't get episodes trailers that release during the 2 week wait. Having 1 week be the release then the next week be a trailer seemed so obvious.
I'm not sure what Bill Willingham's involvement was of the comic adaptation. I'm sure he had some involvement but it doesn't seem like he wrote anything for that series. Comic adaptation was weird because it had no reason to exist and felt like it just started adding things so it would be different. But yeah in general it seems like he is at the point where he doesn't care if Wolf 2 split off drastically.
Dorothy is lift off the page in terms of appearance. If they are sticking to canon this would most likely mean Dorothy leaves after this which would also mean Cindy wouldn't appear which I am fine with if it means we don't do the globe trotting spy stuff. (But then that asks the questions if in the Wolf universe has Cindy doing spy shit for Bigby already, which technically it does because her book entry in the business office directly references this, then why is Bigby just arresting Scarecrow?) I'm personally guessing Dorothy is a minor character and Tin Man and Scarecrow will be more important. I still think the motel scene for the trailer is probably how the game literally begins and then we jump a few months later after Dorothy is gone.
If I remember correctly Scarecrow never shows up but Tin Man looks completely different. Which is pretty odd considering Dorothy looks exactly like how she looks in the comic.
I think for the most part AdHoc is making the story close to the canon still. However I think they are a lot more lenient on if something slightly breaks canon rather than fully stopping them from doing something because in the comics some incredibly unimportant throw away line messes it up. So things like Tin Man looking different may fall under that. Who knows maybe the reason they delayed the game is because they decided go fully noncanon and they wanted to re-do stuff. Because having some things need to not change I do feel will disappoint people and could make it feel like the story isn't covering things. A sequel releasing 10 years later that keeps status quo between character relationships can feel disappointing and I can imagine the developers may feel the same way. Writing wise it would be a weird thing to set up in your first outing 2 characters strained romantic relationship then release a sequel 10 years later that doesn't evolve that and keeps it that way and I feel like even those working on it can recognize this may not exactly be satisfying. If the game released sooner and there was possibilities of another season maybe you could get away with it, but so much time has passed I feel like it wouldn't fly with most players.
This is probably really incomprehensible rambling but anyone else get what I'm saying?
Yeah I get it. I also hope that Wolf 2 proper… morely establishes itself as a separate entity from the comics. Considering Bill Willingham's vocal dislike of the original game and that he went out of his way to create his own... interesting version of the events in the comics, I don't see a reason why Telltale/Adhoc should be beholden to canon at this point. Just let loose and do whatever they want and let Bigby and Snow mash 'Q' instead of blue balling players with a romance that'll never fruition.
Though doesn't Dorothy, Tin Man, and the Scarecrows appearances kind of de-canonise it from the comics anyway since they don't really look anything like their comicbook counterparts and the timelines don't really match up? I never read the Cinderella books so I'm going off of what I read in the wiki but Dorothy should be MIA in a completely different country by this point in time.
Also, can I just say, these youtube shorts they're putting on their channel are all pretty low effort. Looks like something someone made in 10 minutes.
They do be giving me those really sad New Tales youtube shorts vibes But even those had more effort put into them. I feel like saying made in 10 minutes is being super generous for how low quality a lot of those kinds of post they make are. The viewership is painfully low and it is very obvious whoever is making them does not understand that this kind of content needs to be really fast and highly edited or at the very least immediately bring up an interesting topic to hook someone for a minute with no long pauses in the info.
Yep. Plus these 15 seconds teasers of random scenes stitched together are hardly anything to get excited about. Like I understand making a f… moreull-fledged trailer without spoiling too much can't be that easy when you have 30 minutes long episodes, but they could have at least tried to do a 30-60 seconds trailers that have some structure.
Also, can I just say, these youtube shorts they're putting on their channel are all pretty low effort. Looks like something someone made in 10 minutes.
listening to the borderlands podcast where they go over New Tales just to hear about the dill pickled frogurt again. It has been literal years at this point. Why are they so hyper focused on this?
They need to step up on the trailers for sure. Not having a trailer release a few days before an episode was definitely a choice. Trailer di… morescussions were a big part of Telltale games. A 15 second thing that comes out the same day and for some people the day after they already played it ruins half the point of the trailers. If you are going to release the game episodically because you want people to have discussions you need to actually give something to talk about. I'll be extremely disappointed if Wolf 2 doesn't get episodes trailers that release during the 2 week wait. Having 1 week be the release then the next week be a trailer seemed so obvious.
Yeah, these shorts are kinda bad.They need to step up their marketing game for all channels, and show that they wanna be a pioneer in interactive fiction
Yep. Plus these 15 seconds teasers of random scenes stitched together are hardly anything to get excited about. Like I understand making a f… moreull-fledged trailer without spoiling too much can't be that easy when you have 30 minutes long episodes, but they could have at least tried to do a 30-60 seconds trailers that have some structure.
Also, can I just say, these youtube shorts they're putting on their channel are all pretty low effort. Looks like something someone made in 10 minutes.
Awesome Mortal Kombat Remix too, wow!
So wild that this is like the best mix of the comics, movie, and game!
The entire cast from the film! The artstyle and written by the author of the comics! The composers of the video game!
So I actually decided to read the Clem book 2 just out of morbid curiosity and it is pretty not good. Easiest way to describe it is that it feels like not very good fan fiction. So you have a Clementine who does not feel like the same Clem and a large cast of uninteresting characters just like any good fan fiction has. Book 2 feels like nothing is happening as it focuses the absolute most on Clem and Ricca.
It also really feels like so silly with how it does handle events from the game. Calling her leg Kenny feels so dehumanizing to the character and what Kenny may have meant to Clem. Having Clem having trouble moving around and mentioning that this is "like my first day with Kenny" is just like lmao. Referring to her leg this way comes off like Clem could not care at all about the real Kenny. It just doesn't work and I think the idea of naming an object after someone you knew results in feelings like this. Like if she named it Lee that would feel even worse lmao
Also not a big fan of the art. I know some people say they hate the style but I think my main issue is that a lot of the panels are confusing to tell just is happening. Like how a character is moving in the scene or what they are doing in the scene can be confusing to look at some times.
Clem feels like a different character. There is weird moment where she says some weird anti-walker thing like "who gives a shit about walkers they ruined everything and I hate them!!!!" and she is only saying this so the doctor can point out how each walker has something unique about them proving they were a living person once, and it feels soooooo dumb because why would Clem think this way? Like she needed to be reminded that walkers were once alive like she doesn't know plenty of people who turned? Clem also seemingly has no idea about anything related to pregnancy despite being around 2 pregnant women before and then taking care of a baby. Probably one of the funniest moments in it is that she just says Yeah a baby was born once but I blocked it out so AJ doesn't matter and an excuse for her not knowing anything? I understand what the author was going for here and I can believe Clem doesn't understand actual terminology but she also acts clueless about all of it. It is just poor.
Lastly the book mostly focuses on finding a new place to stay and it feels double conflicting with the original game ending and the reason why they made Clem leave in the first place for this comic series. Suddenly now Clem is down to settle down again and a major reason why she decides that maybe she should at this place is Ricca. So this conflicts with 2 previous events and now makes it so the romance options from season 4 feel so silly. I guess Luis and Violet didn't matter that time? I can easily see why people don't like Ricca. Like I was saying earlier about bad fan fiction. She comes off as a fan fiction's super epic amazing character which really just feels contrived.
I wasn't a huge fan of season 4 and I know I was pretty harsh on it. I do still think it has plenty of shortcomings but as time has gone I would say I have come around to it. It was generally a good game and a sufficient finale. So this comic's existence does feel contrived as well. Why bother continuing something that is clearly finished, you know? I think the main issue is that this comic has a totally different tone that I think just does not work with the walking dead universe or at the very least does not work with a character like Clem. I still think it is very easy to ignore it though because not only is it a comic book and not a game, it is made after the game pretty definitively said it was over, so everything happening after in a different form of entertainment feels very easy to dismiss. Plus if another season did happen I think we all know it would be ignored anyway.
I wanted to talk about it more in more length like you did but i couldn't bother but yes the book is essentially very amateurish and more close to a fan fiction than an actual book.
Clementine like you said is a completely different character she doesn't even care about AJ enough to stay with him there's a lot of dumb moments where it's very clear Tillie played the games in a rush if she played them at all and once she meets Ricca she kinda becomes obsessed with her for some reason (that's what it looked like to me at least) suddenly falls in love with her and then Ricca teaches her about sex (totally not creepy and very vital to the plot i'm sure) with this stranger she barely met which shits all over the people who may have romanced Violet or Louis.
Not to mention like you said how the plot seems to be repeating the same story beats of Clem being ready and finding a place to settle down again when she already had and still has that (the school) these books don't even have a good enough reason to exist imo.
Anyway here's a picture that i think is pretty funny and pretty much summarize Book 2
So I actually decided to read the Clem book 2 just out of morbid curiosity and it is pretty not good. Easiest way to describe it is that it … morefeels like not very good fan fiction. So you have a Clementine who does not feel like the same Clem and a large cast of uninteresting characters just like any good fan fiction has. Book 2 feels like nothing is happening as it focuses the absolute most on Clem and Ricca.
It also really feels like so silly with how it does handle events from the game. Calling her leg Kenny feels so dehumanizing to the character and what Kenny may have meant to Clem. Having Clem having trouble moving around and mentioning that this is "like my first day with Kenny" is just like lmao. Referring to her leg this way comes off like Clem could not care at all about the real Kenny. It just doesn't work and I think the idea of naming an object after someone you knew results in feelings like this. Like if she named it Lee that wo… [view original content]
That image does some it up pretty well. And yes their relationship is basically just "I love you for some reason!" and then everyone goes "That is epic and awesome, you two should never ever break up or anything because you are perfect together!" so yeah I 100% understand why people really do not like this character and her relationship to Clem. I think this also adds to how it feels like fan fiction because it feels like half these characters serve no purpose other than reaffirming Ricca and Clem.
Also I just have to mention that there is a character who mistakes being pregnant for being bit. "I was bit! I don't even remember being bit!" How? How stupid do you have to make your character be to confuse this. How could you not know you were bit or not? Again talking about how the writing feels really unprofessional, it feels like the author wanted to do a fake out to then reveal a twist that she isn't bit she is pregnant instead! But it just doesn't work and instead makes me think that this character is a moron.
I wanted to talk about it more in more length like you did but i couldn't bother but yes the book is essentially very amateurish and more cl… moreose to a fan fiction than an actual book.
Clementine like you said is a completely different character she doesn't even care about AJ enough to stay with him there's a lot of dumb moments where it's very clear Tillie played the games in a rush if she played them at all and once she meets Ricca she kinda becomes obsessed with her for some reason (that's what it looked like to me at least) suddenly falls in love with her and then Ricca teaches her about sex (totally not creepy and very vital to the plot i'm sure) with this stranger she barely met which shits all over the people who may have romanced Violet or Louis.
Not to mention like you said how the plot seems to be repeating the same story beats of Clem being ready and finding a place to settle down again when she already had and still has that (t… [view original content]
So I got bored and after reading that comic it had me thinking about other Telltale romances and I wanted to make my completely 100% objectional tier list based on how well done it is and how invested it can actually make the player. The actual order isn't defined just the tier. There is also 0 bias. Fact.
So something I noticed that I always kind of knew but looking at all the pictures I realized that Luis is honestly the only male romance option. Gabe is there but the romance option isn't truly up to the player.
I have Snow and Sasha at the top because I feel like these 2 characters probably had the most people invested in the relationship and wanting to see them get together. What Snow would think of you for the choices you made was used a lot because of this for example. Fiona is also in S because I am not biased, but realistically probably more A tier because it was a weird ship where Rhys and Fiona was probably not intentional but a lot of people hopped on board and then Telltale tried to correct it but people still didn't stop lol So after episode 2 a lot of those moments felt a bit like throwing a dog a bone.
Then I just got a bunch of people in the mid tier because I realize that I think the only 2 I ever cared about in these games were Bigby and Snow and Rhys and Fiona. These are serviceable but I don't think many of them are that remarkable or memorable for me personally (but also objectively correct as established)
I also put Maya so low because honestly I got thinking about it and I realized that I don't know a damn thing about Maya other than she is just in love with us. Maybe that is a bit too harsh but I really struggle to remember anything she does that doesn't directly involve us in someway. And I feel like that is just a super uninteresting romance option. Doesn't help that Drummer wasn't very interesting either.
Anyway you should waste your time and share your own tiers. And I couldn't include Frank because I don't think there is a name for a tier high enough to represent him.
Anyway you should waste your time and share your own tiers. And I couldn't include Frank because I don't think there is a name for a tier high enough to represent him.
... Who is Frank again. I remember a bunch of meme being made of him on here but I'm struggling to remember where exactly he was from and why he was so popular lol.
So I got bored and after reading that comic it had me thinking about other Telltale romances and I wanted to make my completely 100% objecti… moreonal tier list based on how well done it is and how invested it can actually make the player. The actual order isn't defined just the tier. There is also 0 bias. Fact.
So something I noticed that I always kind of knew but looking at all the pictures I realized that Luis is honestly the only male romance option. Gabe is there but the romance option isn't truly up to the player.
I have Snow and Sasha at the top because I feel like these 2 characters probably had the most people invested in the relationship and wanting to see them get together. What Snow would think of you for the choices you made was used a lot because of this for example. Fiona is also in S because I am not biased, but realistically probably more A tier because it was a weird ship where Rhys and Fiona was probably not intentional… [view original content]
The 'Clementine' of this book series is so detached from the Clementine of the games that it's not even funny. For most of the book, she is either angry, sad, moody or desperately clinging onto Ricca like she can't function at all without being in her presence for one second. And her yelling at the walkers is so damn stupid, I could imagine her doing like that maybe some time after Lee's death or in season 2 but her doing that when she is nearly an adult is just goofy and very narmy, especially how she says those lines, you can't expect me to take her seriously.
And her 'romance' with Ricca is so generic and cliche and the character herself isn't that well written, the whole 'conflict' between her and Clem is spurn from her not giving her too much attention while she is trying to reinforce their defenses and Clementine is supposed to be portrayed as selfish for not putting their love above their own safety because love will do you a lot of good when you're being torn apart by walkers. There's nothing interesting about Ricca that would convince me that she is a better romantic partner than either Louis or Violet who atleast had some traits that worked well in their interactions with Clementine. If anything, their relationship feels toxic with Ricca guilt-tripping Clem constantly to get her attention and Clem sleeping right next to her door. The author looked at Louis and Violet and somehow thought that she could write a better romance character for Clementine and wrote Ricca without putting too much thought into her character and Clementine wants to bang her because the author pretty much said so.
And the plot is a bucket load of nothing. It's pretty much Clem ending up on a random island interacting with one-note characters who die by the end of this except one person, sometimes walkers attack, no actual conflict or drama besides a few arguments that don't lead to anything, there's no actual plot twist with the inhabitants of the island being evil or anything, the entire place gets overrun, Clem escapes, ends up at another place again and has sex with Ricca. That's it.
Besides a few vague references so the author can pretend she actually played the games, there's zero mentions of AJ, like Clementine keeps thinking about that amish dude she met in the previous book but not the kid she spent atleast a quarter of her life with since he was a baby which makes me believe the author really dislikes AJ. Morro's daughter being called Sarah could of been interesting if she was Carlos' ex-wife and Clem having to give her the bad news about what happened to Carlos and Sarah but I'm not even sure if the author even knows who those two are or would even be interested in such things.
Not to mention that they're doing yet another pregnant lady who is about to give birth soon plotline, which we already had with Christa and Rebecca and I have this sinking feeling that Olivia will die after giving birth and both Clem and Ricca will adopt the kid and raise it as their own which will leave a bad taste in everyone's mouths, especially when you start this whole series with Clem abandoning the kid she raised for a few years only to replace him with another, that's a really fucked lesson to teach to people who have some investment in this book series.
What will the plot of Book 3 even be? As far as I can see, the only overarching plot is Clem's relationship with Ricca which is sort of completed by the end of this book, there is no actual main villain besides the walkers, there is no actual cliffhanger or a actual setup that will give us clues about what's gonna happen in the final part of 'Clementine abandoning all her friends and AJ so she can replace them with another chick and another baby' so I'm gonna guess the main conflict will be about Olivia's baby, which will also be a repeat of the latter half of season 2.
They had a lot of possibilities for potential stories that they could of written about with how many characters with unknown fates and unsolved plot points the game had, stuff like:
-Christa's fate
-If Molly left Savannah and wherever she is right now.
-A prequel about Kenny surviving Savannah and meeting Sarita, Walter and Matthew.
-A prequel about Clem's time with Omid and Christa and also showing the years she spent with Christa.
-A prequel about the cabin group when they were at Carver's camp.
-What happened to Bonnie, Mike and Arvo.
-Kenny's fate after staying at Wellington ending.
-Lilly's backstory after the events of season 1 and how she ended up in Delta.
-The 400 Days characters
-The Garcia family after the events of season 3.
-A prequel for the Ericson kids before Clementine showed up.
But nah, let's have three books of derailing Clementine's character who is turned into a spineless moody doormat who abandons everyone she cared for and has sex with this random chick she met for a short period cause that's what the fans of the game totally cared about.
So I actually decided to read the Clem book 2 just out of morbid curiosity and it is pretty not good. Easiest way to describe it is that it … morefeels like not very good fan fiction. So you have a Clementine who does not feel like the same Clem and a large cast of uninteresting characters just like any good fan fiction has. Book 2 feels like nothing is happening as it focuses the absolute most on Clem and Ricca.
It also really feels like so silly with how it does handle events from the game. Calling her leg Kenny feels so dehumanizing to the character and what Kenny may have meant to Clem. Having Clem having trouble moving around and mentioning that this is "like my first day with Kenny" is just like lmao. Referring to her leg this way comes off like Clem could not care at all about the real Kenny. It just doesn't work and I think the idea of naming an object after someone you knew results in feelings like this. Like if she named it Lee that wo… [view original content]
I wanted to talk about it more in more length like you did but i couldn't bother but yes the book is essentially very amateurish and more cl… moreose to a fan fiction than an actual book.
Clementine like you said is a completely different character she doesn't even care about AJ enough to stay with him there's a lot of dumb moments where it's very clear Tillie played the games in a rush if she played them at all and once she meets Ricca she kinda becomes obsessed with her for some reason (that's what it looked like to me at least) suddenly falls in love with her and then Ricca teaches her about sex (totally not creepy and very vital to the plot i'm sure) with this stranger she barely met which shits all over the people who may have romanced Violet or Louis.
Not to mention like you said how the plot seems to be repeating the same story beats of Clem being ready and finding a place to settle down again when she already had and still has that (t… [view original content]
Anyway you should waste your time and share your own tiers. And I couldn't include Frank because I don't think there is a name for a tier hi… moregh enough to represent him.
... Who is Frank again. I remember a bunch of meme being made of him on here but I'm struggling to remember where exactly he was from and why he was so popular lol.
I think you may be correct about Olivia dying and then they take care of the baby. I honestly would be down for that to happen because I think that would just be really funny for Clem to ditch AJ and her new group just to get a new AJ and another group doing the same thing lmao
Pretty much took the words out of my mouth.
The 'Clementine' of this book series is so detached from the Clementine of the games that it'… mores not even funny. For most of the book, she is either angry, sad, moody or desperately clinging onto Ricca like she can't function at all without being in her presence for one second. And her yelling at the walkers is so damn stupid, I could imagine her doing like that maybe some time after Lee's death or in season 2 but her doing that when she is nearly an adult is just goofy and very narmy, especially how she says those lines, you can't expect me to take her seriously.
And her 'romance' with Ricca is so generic and cliche and the character herself isn't that well written, the whole 'conflict' between her and Clem is spurn from her not giving her too much attention while she is trying to reinforce their defenses and Clementine is supposed to be portrayed as selfish for not putting their love above the… [view original content]
So I got bored and after reading that comic it had me thinking about other Telltale romances and I wanted to make my completely 100% objecti… moreonal tier list based on how well done it is and how invested it can actually make the player. The actual order isn't defined just the tier. There is also 0 bias. Fact.
So something I noticed that I always kind of knew but looking at all the pictures I realized that Luis is honestly the only male romance option. Gabe is there but the romance option isn't truly up to the player.
I have Snow and Sasha at the top because I feel like these 2 characters probably had the most people invested in the relationship and wanting to see them get together. What Snow would think of you for the choices you made was used a lot because of this for example. Fiona is also in S because I am not biased, but realistically probably more A tier because it was a weird ship where Rhys and Fiona was probably not intentional… [view original content]
Besides that Rhys line by the end, people were just looking for things that weren't there. Like I can't imagine even a shipper go through the game and come to a conclusion that Rhys x Fiona was a good representation of in-game romance. If this was a favourite ships list, then sure, S tier. But if it's just ranking what romantic scenes you can find in-game, then I don't know about that.
Also I'd probably get rid of Gwyn as well. The romance stuff happened off-screen in the past and what we got in the game wasn't exactly romantic.
Otherwise it's a good list. Personally, I'd move Gamora to "I don't remember much about this game" tier and Gabe to his own "Gabe" tier at the bottom.
And yes, Frank would break the charts and if you don't know who Frank is, how can you call yourself a Telltale fan. 😤
(Jokes aside @lupinb0y, Frank is a very minor character you meet in episode 2 of Batman in a bar. He recognizes Bruce from TV and looks like he's about to give you shit, but if you don't brush him off, he turns out to be pretty chill. Since we return to the same bar in the second season, some of us were hopeful that he'd appear again, hence the memes. In the end, he actually shows up in the final episode as one of the Vigilante Joker's henchmen, so I'd like to imagine we meme'd him back into the game.)
So I got bored and after reading that comic it had me thinking about other Telltale romances and I wanted to make my completely 100% objecti… moreonal tier list based on how well done it is and how invested it can actually make the player. The actual order isn't defined just the tier. There is also 0 bias. Fact.
So something I noticed that I always kind of knew but looking at all the pictures I realized that Luis is honestly the only male romance option. Gabe is there but the romance option isn't truly up to the player.
I have Snow and Sasha at the top because I feel like these 2 characters probably had the most people invested in the relationship and wanting to see them get together. What Snow would think of you for the choices you made was used a lot because of this for example. Fiona is also in S because I am not biased, but realistically probably more A tier because it was a weird ship where Rhys and Fiona was probably not intentional… [view original content]
In the end, he actually shows up in the final episode as one of the Vigilante Joker's henchmen, so I'd like to imagine we meme'd him back into the game.)
Oh shit yeah now I remember. Wasn't that actually the case? I think remember after the finale one of the devs commented on here that Frank returned because they found the memes on here hilarious.
Besides that Rhys line by the end, people were just looking for things that weren't there. Like I can't imagine even a shipper go through th… moree game and come to a conclusion that Rhys x Fiona was a good representation of in-game romance. If this was a favourite ships list, then sure, S tier. But if it's just ranking what romantic scenes you can find in-game, then I don't know about that.
Also I'd probably get rid of Gwyn as well. The romance stuff happened off-screen in the past and what we got in the game wasn't exactly romantic.
Otherwise it's a good list. Personally, I'd move Gamora to "I don't remember much about this game" tier and Gabe to his own "Gabe" tier at the bottom.
And yes, Frank would break the charts and if you don't know who Frank is, how can you call yourself a Telltale fan. 😤
(Jokes aside @lupinb0y, Frank is a very minor character you meet in episode 2 of Batman in a bar. He recognizes Bruce from TV and looks like h… [view original content]
That's where you're wrong, pal! They gave us that final line! It has a spelling error even! It was planned for and not a last minute addition to appease those desperate enough for it to come true! You hear me! How could you be so blind!
So truthfully yes, in terms of actual intended romance option I agree with you. Just pretend there is a big asterisk next to Fiona on there. But I still did want to include it because I did say how invested it could get the player. But yes. Rhys and Fiona are S tier***
I didn't remember Gwyn or Elaena very well to be honest. I remember Elaena was pretty standard but if I replayed it I could probably see myself bumping her down. I can't remember if she is a bit like Maya and never really disagrees with us, but at least she and Rodrik have an established past and (probably share more screen time). I still think Gwyn counts and there was the interesting dynamic with how the 2 families were enemies but she is also not used very much which is why she is pretty low.
Actually wasn't sure if I should have kept Gamora because it isn't really until episode 5 you can say you like her and her response is mostly "maybe I don't know" so I guess it sort of counts? We need chicken's opinion on this.
Besides that Rhys line by the end, people were just looking for things that weren't there. Like I can't imagine even a shipper go through th… moree game and come to a conclusion that Rhys x Fiona was a good representation of in-game romance. If this was a favourite ships list, then sure, S tier. But if it's just ranking what romantic scenes you can find in-game, then I don't know about that.
Also I'd probably get rid of Gwyn as well. The romance stuff happened off-screen in the past and what we got in the game wasn't exactly romantic.
Otherwise it's a good list. Personally, I'd move Gamora to "I don't remember much about this game" tier and Gabe to his own "Gabe" tier at the bottom.
And yes, Frank would break the charts and if you don't know who Frank is, how can you call yourself a Telltale fan. 😤
(Jokes aside @lupinb0y, Frank is a very minor character you meet in episode 2 of Batman in a bar. He recognizes Bruce from TV and looks like h… [view original content]
Well, I think I forgot him for a time, but I went back and looked at what the Official profile pictures are on this site recently, and was surprised to see Frank as an option.
I can't believe we both managed to meme random side-character Frank into Batman S2E5 Joker's gang, as well as an Official Profile Picture option on the forums! Go us!!
I remember Frank!
Well, I think I forgot him for a time, but I went back and looked at what the Official profile pictures are on this sit… moree recently, and was surprised to see Frank as an option.
I can't believe we both managed to meme random side-character Frank into Batman S2E5 Joker's gang, as well as an Official Profile Picture option on the forums! Go us!!
I wanted to talk about it more in more length like you did but i couldn't bother but yes the book is essentially very amateurish and more cl… moreose to a fan fiction than an actual book.
Clementine like you said is a completely different character she doesn't even care about AJ enough to stay with him there's a lot of dumb moments where it's very clear Tillie played the games in a rush if she played them at all and once she meets Ricca she kinda becomes obsessed with her for some reason (that's what it looked like to me at least) suddenly falls in love with her and then Ricca teaches her about sex (totally not creepy and very vital to the plot i'm sure) with this stranger she barely met which shits all over the people who may have romanced Violet or Louis.
Not to mention like you said how the plot seems to be repeating the same story beats of Clem being ready and finding a place to settle down again when she already had and still has that (t… [view original content]
It's possible. Might have been an AMA on reddit or just a post on forums, but one of the devs mentioned that they found Frank's popularity amusing. Not sure if it was 100% confirmed that they put him back in the game because of memes though, but I might be misremembering. 🤔
In the end, he actually shows up in the final episode as one of the Vigilante Joker's henchmen, so I'd like to imagine we meme'd him back in… moreto the game.)
Oh shit yeah now I remember. Wasn't that actually the case? I think remember after the finale one of the devs commented on here that Frank returned because they found the memes on here hilarious.
Well, I think I forgot him for a time, but I went back and looked at what the Official profile pictures are on this site recently, and was surprised to see Frank as an option.
I vaguely remember a story about this. I think someone jokingly asked where was Frank avatar and the community manager replied "if you give me a Frank picture with transparent background, I'll add him". And so someone did (might have even been poogers) and the rest is history.
I remember Frank!
Well, I think I forgot him for a time, but I went back and looked at what the Official profile pictures are on this sit… moree recently, and was surprised to see Frank as an option.
I can't believe we both managed to meme random side-character Frank into Batman S2E5 Joker's gang, as well as an Official Profile Picture option on the forums! Go us!!
Welp. Guess who isn't finding out where the location of the telltale bufkin statue caring the source code of the original wolf 2 is buried. Now I will never share it!
Well, I think I forgot him for a time, but I went back and looked at what the Official profile pictures are on this site recently, and was s… moreurprised to see Frank as an option.
I vaguely remember a story about this. I think someone jokingly asked where was Frank avatar and the community manager replied "if you give me a Frank picture with transparent background, I'll add him". And so someone did (might have even been poogers) and the rest is history.
Good times, good times. 🥲
That's where you're wrong, pal! They gave us that final line! It has a spelling error even! It was planned for and not a last minute additio… moren to appease those desperate enough for it to come true! You hear me! How could you be so blind!
So truthfully yes, in terms of actual intended romance option I agree with you. Just pretend there is a big asterisk next to Fiona on there. But I still did want to include it because I did say how invested it could get the player. But yes. Rhys and Fiona are S tier***
I didn't remember Gwyn or Elaena very well to be honest. I remember Elaena was pretty standard but if I replayed it I could probably see myself bumping her down. I can't remember if she is a bit like Maya and never really disagrees with us, but at least she and Rodrik have an established past and (probably share more screen time). I still think Gwyn counts and there was the interesting dynamic with how the 2 families were enemies but s… [view original content]
Yep. Plus these 15 seconds teasers of random scenes stitched together are hardly anything to get excited about. Like I understand making a full-fledged trailer without spoiling too much can't be that easy when you have 30 minutes long episodes, but they could have at least tried to do a 30-60 seconds trailers that have some structure.
Also, can I just say, these youtube shorts they're putting on their channel are all pretty low effort. Looks like something someone made in 10 minutes.
I'm not sure what Bill Willingham's involvement was of the comic adaptation. I'm sure he had some involvement but it doesn't seem like he wrote anything for that series. Comic adaptation was weird because it had no reason to exist and felt like it just started adding things so it would be different. But yeah in general it seems like he is at the point where he doesn't care if Wolf 2 split off drastically.
Dorothy is lift off the page in terms of appearance. If they are sticking to canon this would most likely mean Dorothy leaves after this which would also mean Cindy wouldn't appear which I am fine with if it means we don't do the globe trotting spy stuff. (But then that asks the questions if in the Wolf universe has Cindy doing spy shit for Bigby already, which technically it does because her book entry in the business office directly references this, then why is Bigby just arresting Scarecrow?) I'm personally guessing Dorothy is a minor character and Tin Man and Scarecrow will be more important. I still think the motel scene for the trailer is probably how the game literally begins and then we jump a few months later after Dorothy is gone.
If I remember correctly Scarecrow never shows up but Tin Man looks completely different. Which is pretty odd considering Dorothy looks exactly like how she looks in the comic.
I think for the most part AdHoc is making the story close to the canon still. However I think they are a lot more lenient on if something slightly breaks canon rather than fully stopping them from doing something because in the comics some incredibly unimportant throw away line messes it up. So things like Tin Man looking different may fall under that. Who knows maybe the reason they delayed the game is because they decided go fully noncanon and they wanted to re-do stuff. Because having some things need to not change I do feel will disappoint people and could make it feel like the story isn't covering things. A sequel releasing 10 years later that keeps status quo between character relationships can feel disappointing and I can imagine the developers may feel the same way. Writing wise it would be a weird thing to set up in your first outing 2 characters strained romantic relationship then release a sequel 10 years later that doesn't evolve that and keeps it that way and I feel like even those working on it can recognize this may not exactly be satisfying. If the game released sooner and there was possibilities of another season maybe you could get away with it, but so much time has passed I feel like it wouldn't fly with most players.
They do be giving me those really sad New Tales youtube shorts vibes
But even those had more effort put into them. I feel like saying made in 10 minutes is being super generous for how low quality a lot of those kinds of post they make are. The viewership is painfully low and it is very obvious whoever is making them does not understand that this kind of content needs to be really fast and highly edited or at the very least immediately bring up an interesting topic to hook someone for a minute with no long pauses in the info.
I guess we should owe A New Frontier an apology
Oh, you just know I preordered this the minute I saw it!
listening to the borderlands podcast where they go over New Tales just to hear about the dill pickled frogurt again. It has been literal years at this point. Why are they so hyper focused on this?
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, these shorts are kinda bad.They need to step up their marketing game for all channels, and show that they wanna be a pioneer in interactive fiction
Flips hair
Awesome Mortal Kombat Remix too, wow!
So wild that this is like the best mix of the comics, movie, and game!
The entire cast from the film! The artstyle and written by the author of the comics! The composers of the video game!
So I actually decided to read the Clem book 2 just out of morbid curiosity and it is pretty not good. Easiest way to describe it is that it feels like not very good fan fiction. So you have a Clementine who does not feel like the same Clem and a large cast of uninteresting characters just like any good fan fiction has. Book 2 feels like nothing is happening as it focuses the absolute most on Clem and Ricca.
It also really feels like so silly with how it does handle events from the game. Calling her leg Kenny feels so dehumanizing to the character and what Kenny may have meant to Clem. Having Clem having trouble moving around and mentioning that this is "like my first day with Kenny" is just like lmao. Referring to her leg this way comes off like Clem could not care at all about the real Kenny. It just doesn't work and I think the idea of naming an object after someone you knew results in feelings like this. Like if she named it Lee that would feel even worse lmao
Also not a big fan of the art. I know some people say they hate the style but I think my main issue is that a lot of the panels are confusing to tell just is happening. Like how a character is moving in the scene or what they are doing in the scene can be confusing to look at some times.
Clem feels like a different character. There is weird moment where she says some weird anti-walker thing like "who gives a shit about walkers they ruined everything and I hate them!!!!" and she is only saying this so the doctor can point out how each walker has something unique about them proving they were a living person once, and it feels soooooo dumb because why would Clem think this way? Like she needed to be reminded that walkers were once alive like she doesn't know plenty of people who turned? Clem also seemingly has no idea about anything related to pregnancy despite being around 2 pregnant women before and then taking care of a baby. Probably one of the funniest moments in it is that she just says Yeah a baby was born once but I blocked it out so AJ doesn't matter and an excuse for her not knowing anything? I understand what the author was going for here and I can believe Clem doesn't understand actual terminology but she also acts clueless about all of it. It is just poor.
Lastly the book mostly focuses on finding a new place to stay and it feels double conflicting with the original game ending and the reason why they made Clem leave in the first place for this comic series. Suddenly now Clem is down to settle down again and a major reason why she decides that maybe she should at this place is Ricca. So this conflicts with 2 previous events and now makes it so the romance options from season 4 feel so silly. I guess Luis and Violet didn't matter that time? I can easily see why people don't like Ricca. Like I was saying earlier about bad fan fiction. She comes off as a fan fiction's super epic amazing character which really just feels contrived.
I wasn't a huge fan of season 4 and I know I was pretty harsh on it. I do still think it has plenty of shortcomings but as time has gone I would say I have come around to it. It was generally a good game and a sufficient finale. So this comic's existence does feel contrived as well. Why bother continuing something that is clearly finished, you know? I think the main issue is that this comic has a totally different tone that I think just does not work with the walking dead universe or at the very least does not work with a character like Clem. I still think it is very easy to ignore it though because not only is it a comic book and not a game, it is made after the game pretty definitively said it was over, so everything happening after in a different form of entertainment feels very easy to dismiss. Plus if another season did happen I think we all know it would be ignored anyway.
I wanted to talk about it more in more length like you did but i couldn't bother but yes the book is essentially very amateurish and more close to a fan fiction than an actual book.
Clementine like you said is a completely different character she doesn't even care about AJ enough to stay with him there's a lot of dumb moments where it's very clear Tillie played the games in a rush if she played them at all and once she meets Ricca she kinda becomes obsessed with her for some reason (that's what it looked like to me at least) suddenly falls in love with her and then Ricca teaches her about sex (totally not creepy and very vital to the plot i'm sure) with this stranger she barely met which shits all over the people who may have romanced Violet or Louis.
Not to mention like you said how the plot seems to be repeating the same story beats of Clem being ready and finding a place to settle down again when she already had and still has that (the school) these books don't even have a good enough reason to exist imo.
Anyway here's a picture that i think is pretty funny and pretty much summarize Book 2
That image does some it up pretty well. And yes their relationship is basically just "I love you for some reason!" and then everyone goes "That is epic and awesome, you two should never ever break up or anything because you are perfect together!" so yeah I 100% understand why people really do not like this character and her relationship to Clem. I think this also adds to how it feels like fan fiction because it feels like half these characters serve no purpose other than reaffirming Ricca and Clem.
Also I just have to mention that there is a character who mistakes being pregnant for being bit. "I was bit! I don't even remember being bit!" How? How stupid do you have to make your character be to confuse this. How could you not know you were bit or not? Again talking about how the writing feels really unprofessional, it feels like the author wanted to do a fake out to then reveal a twist that she isn't bit she is pregnant instead! But it just doesn't work and instead makes me think that this character is a moron.

So I got bored and after reading that comic it had me thinking about other Telltale romances and I wanted to make my completely 100% objectional tier list based on how well done it is and how invested it can actually make the player. The actual order isn't defined just the tier. There is also 0 bias. Fact.
So something I noticed that I always kind of knew but looking at all the pictures I realized that Luis is honestly the only male romance option. Gabe is there but the romance option isn't truly up to the player.
I have Snow and Sasha at the top because I feel like these 2 characters probably had the most people invested in the relationship and wanting to see them get together. What Snow would think of you for the choices you made was used a lot because of this for example. Fiona is also in S because I am not biased, but realistically probably more A tier because it was a weird ship where Rhys and Fiona was probably not intentional but a lot of people hopped on board and then Telltale tried to correct it but people still didn't stop lol So after episode 2 a lot of those moments felt a bit like throwing a dog a bone.
Then I just got a bunch of people in the mid tier because I realize that I think the only 2 I ever cared about in these games were Bigby and Snow and Rhys and Fiona. These are serviceable but I don't think many of them are that remarkable or memorable for me personally (but also objectively correct as established)
I also put Maya so low because honestly I got thinking about it and I realized that I don't know a damn thing about Maya other than she is just in love with us. Maybe that is a bit too harsh but I really struggle to remember anything she does that doesn't directly involve us in someway. And I feel like that is just a super uninteresting romance option. Doesn't help that Drummer wasn't very interesting either.
Anyway you should waste your time and share your own tiers. And I couldn't include Frank because I don't think there is a name for a tier high enough to represent him.
... Who is Frank again. I remember a bunch of meme being made of him on here but I'm struggling to remember where exactly he was from and why he was so popular lol.
Pretty much took the words out of my mouth.
The 'Clementine' of this book series is so detached from the Clementine of the games that it's not even funny. For most of the book, she is either angry, sad, moody or desperately clinging onto Ricca like she can't function at all without being in her presence for one second. And her yelling at the walkers is so damn stupid, I could imagine her doing like that maybe some time after Lee's death or in season 2 but her doing that when she is nearly an adult is just goofy and very narmy, especially how she says those lines, you can't expect me to take her seriously.
And her 'romance' with Ricca is so generic and cliche and the character herself isn't that well written, the whole 'conflict' between her and Clem is spurn from her not giving her too much attention while she is trying to reinforce their defenses and Clementine is supposed to be portrayed as selfish for not putting their love above their own safety because love will do you a lot of good when you're being torn apart by walkers. There's nothing interesting about Ricca that would convince me that she is a better romantic partner than either Louis or Violet who atleast had some traits that worked well in their interactions with Clementine. If anything, their relationship feels toxic with Ricca guilt-tripping Clem constantly to get her attention and Clem sleeping right next to her door. The author looked at Louis and Violet and somehow thought that she could write a better romance character for Clementine and wrote Ricca without putting too much thought into her character and Clementine wants to bang her because the author pretty much said so.
And the plot is a bucket load of nothing. It's pretty much Clem ending up on a random island interacting with one-note characters who die by the end of this except one person, sometimes walkers attack, no actual conflict or drama besides a few arguments that don't lead to anything, there's no actual plot twist with the inhabitants of the island being evil or anything, the entire place gets overrun, Clem escapes, ends up at another place again and has sex with Ricca. That's it.
Besides a few vague references so the author can pretend she actually played the games, there's zero mentions of AJ, like Clementine keeps thinking about that amish dude she met in the previous book but not the kid she spent atleast a quarter of her life with since he was a baby which makes me believe the author really dislikes AJ. Morro's daughter being called Sarah could of been interesting if she was Carlos' ex-wife and Clem having to give her the bad news about what happened to Carlos and Sarah but I'm not even sure if the author even knows who those two are or would even be interested in such things.
Not to mention that they're doing yet another pregnant lady who is about to give birth soon plotline, which we already had with Christa and Rebecca and I have this sinking feeling that Olivia will die after giving birth and both Clem and Ricca will adopt the kid and raise it as their own which will leave a bad taste in everyone's mouths, especially when you start this whole series with Clem abandoning the kid she raised for a few years only to replace him with another, that's a really fucked lesson to teach to people who have some investment in this book series.
What will the plot of Book 3 even be? As far as I can see, the only overarching plot is Clem's relationship with Ricca which is sort of completed by the end of this book, there is no actual main villain besides the walkers, there is no actual cliffhanger or a actual setup that will give us clues about what's gonna happen in the final part of 'Clementine abandoning all her friends and AJ so she can replace them with another chick and another baby' so I'm gonna guess the main conflict will be about Olivia's baby, which will also be a repeat of the latter half of season 2.
They had a lot of possibilities for potential stories that they could of written about with how many characters with unknown fates and unsolved plot points the game had, stuff like:
-Christa's fate
-If Molly left Savannah and wherever she is right now.
-A prequel about Kenny surviving Savannah and meeting Sarita, Walter and Matthew.
-A prequel about Clem's time with Omid and Christa and also showing the years she spent with Christa.
-A prequel about the cabin group when they were at Carver's camp.
-What happened to Bonnie, Mike and Arvo.
-Kenny's fate after staying at Wellington ending.
-Lilly's backstory after the events of season 1 and how she ended up in Delta.
-The 400 Days characters
-The Garcia family after the events of season 3.
-A prequel for the Ericson kids before Clementine showed up.
But nah, let's have three books of derailing Clementine's character who is turned into a spineless moody doormat who abandons everyone she cared for and has sex with this random chick she met for a short period cause that's what the fans of the game totally cared about.
This makes me sick..... if I was Lee I would've left clem if I knew this is how it ends, I'm fucking disgusted to the core 🤮
Oh, you don't know who Frank is? That's cool... That's.... Cool... No one else has forgotten Frank right? I mean how could you!
I think you may be correct about Olivia dying and then they take care of the baby. I honestly would be down for that to happen because I think that would just be really funny for Clem to ditch AJ and her new group just to get a new AJ and another group doing the same thing lmao
I’m sorry sir but Fiona is C-tier at best and I know you’re aware of this
Me when some no good Rhysha shipper tells me like 10 years after the game ended that Rhyiona isnt top tier.
Me when some no good Rhyiona shipper is upset that I disagree but I’m still right
Man this all feels really familiar... What year is it again? Lemme check, yup looks like the year is, wha-
Shhh pls let me relive a time when new tales didn’t exist and all was well with the world
Hey in only 4 days the Tales finale was 8 years ago! But it is also the 1 year anniversary of New Tales!!!
And I still need to play episode 5 of tales 😃😅😬🤓
Besides that Rhys line by the end, people were just looking for things that weren't there. Like I can't imagine even a shipper go through the game and come to a conclusion that Rhys x Fiona was a good representation of in-game romance. If this was a favourite ships list, then sure, S tier. But if it's just ranking what romantic scenes you can find in-game, then I don't know about that.
Also I'd probably get rid of Gwyn as well. The romance stuff happened off-screen in the past and what we got in the game wasn't exactly romantic.
Otherwise it's a good list. Personally, I'd move Gamora to "I don't remember much about this game" tier and Gabe to his own "Gabe" tier at the bottom.
And yes, Frank would break the charts and if you don't know who Frank is, how can you call yourself a Telltale fan. 😤
(Jokes aside @lupinb0y, Frank is a very minor character you meet in episode 2 of Batman in a bar. He recognizes Bruce from TV and looks like he's about to give you shit, but if you don't brush him off, he turns out to be pretty chill. Since we return to the same bar in the second season, some of us were hopeful that he'd appear again, hence the memes. In the end, he actually shows up in the final episode as one of the Vigilante Joker's henchmen, so I'd like to imagine we meme'd him back into the game.)
Oh shit yeah now I remember. Wasn't that actually the case? I think remember after the finale one of the devs commented on here that Frank returned because they found the memes on here hilarious.
That's where you're wrong, pal! They gave us that final line! It has a spelling error even! It was planned for and not a last minute addition to appease those desperate enough for it to come true! You hear me! How could you be so blind!
So truthfully yes, in terms of actual intended romance option I agree with you. Just pretend there is a big asterisk next to Fiona on there. But I still did want to include it because I did say how invested it could get the player. But yes. Rhys and Fiona are S tier***
I didn't remember Gwyn or Elaena very well to be honest. I remember Elaena was pretty standard but if I replayed it I could probably see myself bumping her down. I can't remember if she is a bit like Maya and never really disagrees with us, but at least she and Rodrik have an established past and (probably share more screen time). I still think Gwyn counts and there was the interesting dynamic with how the 2 families were enemies but she is also not used very much which is why she is pretty low.
Actually wasn't sure if I should have kept Gamora because it isn't really until episode 5 you can say you like her and her response is mostly "maybe I don't know" so I guess it sort of counts? We need chicken's opinion on this.
also first rhysha shipper to say rhyiona is better than rhysha I will reveal top secret wolf 2 info that is not a joke
I remember Frank!
Well, I think I forgot him for a time, but I went back and looked at what the Official profile pictures are on this site recently, and was surprised to see Frank as an option.
I can't believe we both managed to meme random side-character Frank into Batman S2E5 Joker's gang, as well as an Official Profile Picture option on the forums! Go us!!
I feel like we also memed Conrad into possibly surviving the entire game iirc lol
(sees picture)
I want…to vomit.
It's possible. Might have been an AMA on reddit or just a post on forums, but one of the devs mentioned that they found Frank's popularity amusing. Not sure if it was 100% confirmed that they put him back in the game because of memes though, but I might be misremembering. 🤔
I vaguely remember a story about this. I think someone jokingly asked where was Frank avatar and the community manager replied "if you give me a Frank picture with transparent background, I'll add him". And so someone did (might have even been poogers) and the rest is history.
Good times, good times. 🥲
Rhyiona is better than Rhysha being a worse ship ayooo
Welp. Guess who isn't finding out where the location of the telltale bufkin statue caring the source code of the original wolf 2 is buried. Now I will never share it!
It was me
Can confirm Elaena was nothing like Maya. If anything I'd bump her up to that lonely A tier