The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • This is a good omen that Wolf 2 will be fully revealed soon and it will be good 😙

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I am not dead. Lotsa shit happened.

  • mfw I disappear for years and randomly come back

  • There's nothing to be sorry about, we're just glad you're back

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    mfw I disappear for years and randomly come back

  • To the American Forum users, please enjoy the fat W you received

  • Dylan, the fact that our situation as Americans has devolved into this cannot possibly be seen as a W for any side.

    To the American Forum users, please enjoy the fat W you received

  • edited May 2024

    Being very vague with wording here for obvious reasons, it's brutal it has got to that point of course, but I'd say yesterday, the right thing was done, it was long overdue.

    We can chat about it more in DM's if you want, or on Discord? My Discord is I'd be more than happy to discuss it.

    Cocoa6372 posted: »

    Dylan, the fact that our situation as Americans has devolved into this cannot possibly be seen as a W for any side.

  • Nah fam I ain’t too invested beyond the basics. But I’ll dm you my discord anyways

    Being very vague with wording here for obvious reasons, it's brutal it has got to that point of course, but I'd say yesterday, the right thi

  • Thanks, ma- Holy shit that pic is an ancient relic at this point.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    There's nothing to be sorry about, we're just glad you're back

  • Finally won a popular vote.

    To the American Forum users, please enjoy the fat W you received

  • Finally a good Champions League final, I'm getting sensory overload by how fast paced it is

  • edited June 2024

    Anyone who's played Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies knows about the Juggernog perk. There was a Call of Duty Juggernog Mini Fridge Limited Edition that came out in 2015 for $200 USD. I was lucky to get it when it first came out in 2015 for $200 from Gamestop. It wasn't easy to get I had to call 5 Gamestops but thankfully the last Gamestop guy I called was cool and he said if I give him a good review I can buy it because it was originally gonna go to someone else that never showed up. Thankfully I still have it and it still works, along with the other accessories it came with. One of my friends has all the old Call of Duty collectors editions but the only one he doesn't have is the Juggernog Edition Black Ops 3. Seeing as how many people want it but can't get it makes me feel lucky and fortunate. They don't make it anymore obviously and it you want to buy one in working condition, just the Juggernog Fridge alone will cost at least $500 USD.

  • I have purchased 35 Nintendo Switches over the course of three years and my brain is still telling me to get more.

  • Happy Pride Month!

  • edited June 2024

    Wolf 2 confirmed not to be at summer game fest, I'll be shocked if the game releases this year. I feel like I have honestly lost all faith in Wolf 2. Ironically those screenshots that were meant to reassure us kind of killed any faith I had because they showed so little after all this time. None of what they shared showed anything that looked like progress was made, 2 of the 4 were from scenes we already saw and 2 was Bigby just standing in empty areas. Like they released 4 new screenshots after 2 years and the only discussion we can have about them is that they released new screenshots. I'm positive the only reason they showed them was because that article that came out that hardly mentioned Telltale but even with that little information shared it sounded like a disaster. Now we're not even certain if AdHoc is still even part of the game anymore. It just sucks. What's really crazy is that Telltale knew what happened to the old company and just decided to repeat the same mistakes again.

  • edited June 2024

    Sorry, but where does it say that it won't be at Summer Games Fest? I've checked Twitter, checked Summer Games Fest and Telltale's feed, and didn't see anything about that.

    UPDATE: Never mind, saw TWAU Reddit and the Geoff Keighley video. It's just such a letdown, and I don't even know what to say, unless I'm to repeat what I've said before. It's just such a colossal fuck up from up top, they've only released one game, it bombed, and the game that would have made a major statement for Telltale being back is stuck in development hell.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Wolf 2 confirmed not to be at summer game fest, I'll be shocked if the game releases this year. I feel like I have honestly lost all faith i

  • At this point, Wolf 2 wants to compete and beat Beyond Good and Evil 2 at being the most delayed game project of all time.

    I am literally trying to spot any common senses of NOT HAVING THIS GAME AS THEIR FIRST PRIORITY AFTER REVIVING TELLTALE!!!!

  • I don't think it even matters if Wolf 2 releases. Telltale is going to collapse again anyway. They either collapse after releasing Wolf 2 or they collapse before then. I bet Wolf 2 will sell a lot better than Expanse did but I doubt it will be enough for them to realistically continue. I don't think they really have a place in the gaming world anymore with Wolf 2 being the exception, which is why it is frustrating they fumbled it so hard. My only hope for them is they didn't abandoned AdHoc, they release Wolf 2, and then stop. Just make sure you have the games up for sale and that's it.

    I really wish I knew what their thought processes was with Expanse. It was honestly very obvious the second it was announced it was a mistake. It was a lot easier to stay positive about it then as they followed through on the Wolf 2 info not long after, but obviously that changed. Far too many people giving excuses that Expanse didn't drastically effect Wolf 2 when it obviously did. Just because they were separate teams doesn't mean Telltale wasn't funding a project that only lost them money. If that money had just been focused on Wolf 2 I imagine they'd have gone longer without layoffs or ideally finished the game on time without laying anyone off. Instead they made Expanse and lost money on something that no investors will be impressed by. It would be one thing if Expanse failed but was good, but instead it was just an expensive Telltale game that I feel can very honestly be described as having no plot, and I don't see how that will look impressive to investors. Even then, all that will do is make it so once again Telltale is on life support from investors who may pull out at any moment.

    Sorry, but where does it say that it won't be at Summer Games Fest? I've checked Twitter, checked Summer Games Fest and Telltale's feed, and

  • Also it is very close to 10 years since wolf ended

  • I do agree, I think unfortunately, they'll not remain open. It's insane how much it has all been fumbled, and honestly, I am on the fence on if Telltale do still have a place in the industry. Like there is a market, but not a big one, but they're coming out with games based on licensed IP's that just don't sell, they need to take a step back, and work on something of their own in-house, without the costs of licensing looming over them.

    They need to come back down to earth and recognise they aren't the Telltale post TWD S1, they're effectively a Telltale from the mid 2000's, but they're accelerating the problems that came later for Old Telltale and bringing them in now.

    I really wish I knew what their thought processes was with Expanse. It was honestly very obvious the second it was announced it was a mistake.

    Do you remember the reaction on the Forums over that announcement? If I'm remembering correctly, it was one of confusion, and I think it was you that was concerned that they're developing two games at once. From the get go it didn't look promising and just a repeat of history on the cards.

    I don't even know what to make of The Expanse, from my experience, it was okay, but like, very little emphasis on characters, like characters only had one moment of development in an Episode then they were cast aside. Episode lengths were padded out by the vast hubs, which could've easily fit in more traditional aspects of a Telltale hub. I feel the game was done more so for the spectacle, so people could be like "Wow, THIS is a Telltale game", and it easily could've been a quality game, but the vision was just flawed and hardly in line with what one would come to expect from Telltale.

    What management needs to do is buck up and actually face the Community and communicate, only getting someone to communicate when The Expanse goes on sale for the millionth time then disappearing until it goes on sale again, it's actually so stupid from up top. At least Old Telltale eventually got better with their communication, this iteration though, it's like they've forgot their passwords to their Twitter and Forums. Management needs to grow a set and actually do something.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I don't think it even matters if Wolf 2 releases. Telltale is going to collapse again anyway. They either collapse after releasing Wolf 2 or

  • I don't see them communicating anytime soon. Their community manager quit months ago. They never even posted those screenshots on their socials which was incredibly odd. Came off like they wanted to get those screenshots out to say they weren't dead without having to post it themselves to avoid communication.

    And yes I don't know why they thought working on more than 1 game at the same time was a good idea. Don't forget there is still some other game in the works right now! Although my assumption is that game is abandoned at least until Wolf 2 is done, assuming management woke up. Also they really needed to buy that other studio just to fire their own staff and half of the people from the studio they just bought!

    Imagine if after all this Wolf 2 comes out and it is terrible. And if AdHoc really is out, I honestly think it will be bad. Just hearing Deck Nine was actually involved at least for a while sounded terrible. It sounds bad from a management side and bad from creative side. I'd much rather never see Wolf 2 ever happen if it ends up being Deck Nine levels of quality.

    I do agree, I think unfortunately, they'll not remain open. It's insane how much it has all been fumbled, and honestly, I am on the fence on

  • I don't see them communicating anytime soon. Their community manager quit months ago. They never even posted those screenshots on their socials which was incredibly odd. Came off like they wanted to get those screenshots out to say they weren't dead without having to post it themselves to avoid communication.

    Unfortunately. And yeah I think I saw something on here about the CM, can't say I blame them to be honest.

    And yes I don't know why they thought working on more than 1 game at the same time was a good idea. Don't forget there is still some other game in the works right now! Although my assumption is that game is abandoned at least until Wolf 2 is done, assuming management woke up. Also they really needed to buy that other studio just to fire their own staff and half of the people from the studio they just bought!

    They come out in an interview to say they won't repeat the mistakes of Old Telltale, then go on to repeat them, make it make sense like. That whole Flavourworks thing was so stupid, what could've been perceived as a real power move for Telltale and expanding the workforce, taking pressure off the in-house team and make it look like they are in a good spot and growing, now looks nothing more than an embarrassment due to laying off considerable amounts of staff at that studio, and in-house. Surely they'd have someone, or a number of financial advisors that would have said that acquiring them would lead to having to lay off the people at their own studio, and the one they're acquiring. It's serious room temperature IQ decisions coming from them.

    Imagine if after all this Wolf 2 comes out and it is terrible. And if AdHoc really is out, I honestly think it will be bad. Just hearing Deck Nine was actually involved at least for a while sounded terrible. It sounds bad from a management side and bad from creative side. I'd much rather never see Wolf 2 ever happen if it ends up being Deck Nine levels of quality.

    I am worried that's what will happen, it'll just not be a game that will live up to the hopes and expectations. I am not super familiar with Deck Nine's games other than Life Is Strange: Before The Storm, which I did enjoy personally, and obviously The Expanse, which was more spectacle than of actual substance.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I don't see them communicating anytime soon. Their community manager quit months ago. They never even posted those screenshots on their soci

  • Yeah I’m sure Wolf 2 ain’t coming out.

  • Maybe the real Faith was Nerissa all along?


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Wolf 2 confirmed not to be at summer game fest, I'll be shocked if the game releases this year. I feel like I have honestly lost all faith i

  • Kevin Bruner in 2018 on his way to the voodoo man to cast a curse on Telltale and TWAU S2

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Wolf 2 confirmed not to be at summer game fest, I'll be shocked if the game releases this year. I feel like I have honestly lost all faith i

  • What happened to his Star Trek game anyways?

    Cocoa6372 posted: »

    Kevin Bruner in 2018 on his way to the voodoo man to cast a curse on Telltale and TWAU S2

  • I'm currently going through Yakuza 0 atm and I'm actually really happy this is gonna become a live action.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    ...Huh, that came out of nowhere.

  • Just after a cursory look online, it actually came out just over a week ago.

    Critic and Fan Reviews praise the writing being faithful to old TNG Star Trek era stories, with enjoyable characters and gripping dialogue at times.
    Just briefly looking at Steam, a lot of Trekkies seem to really like the game, despite it being an interactive film similar to other Telltale games. (However, a lot of Expanse fans also praise Telltale's Expanse title on Steam, despite some older fans' misgivings about how it compares to the company's legacy. So who knows how it's really like.)

    A lot of impressions seem to put the game at around 10 hours, and choices while not entirely game-changing all the time, do offer different and alternate scenarios, and contribute to different endings altogether.

    Also I just found out that Bruner House seems to be the publishing company, and Dramatic Labs (also owned by Bruner) is the team of devs working on the title, featuring a few major players from old Telltale surprisingly.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What happened to his Star Trek game anyways?


  • Today is my last day at my workplace I've been working in for the past three years. It's been hectic, it has been very fast paced, it has been stressful, but it has also been a pleasure. I am so glad to have met the people that I did, from all different kinds of cultures and ethnic backgrounds, and through that, I met someone who I consider to be my best friend and hope to remain in contact with for a long time. I had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful people to call my friends, and I am so grateful to the place for bringing these people into my life.

    When I started, I had terrible social anxiety, my previous job, (which I disregard due to how brief my time was there and my overall experience of it), made me feel I would struggle in any line of work with the public due to my dyspraxia. It knocked my confidence in my ability to hold down a job. I do feel I have grown a lot in that regard, and more confident in my ability to do a good job. But thanks to the support from friends and family, I persevered and garnered a lot of experience and knowledge of many different parts of the workplace, becoming knowledgeable in the overall functions of two departments and able to carry out the duties required and hopefully, earned the respect of the people I worked with. With all of that, I feel confident being able to walk into this new job, in the same industry, knowing what I am in for, what to expect and knowing what I can do. I just have to be able to believe in myself more and recognise that more consistently. I do have the option to return, and maybe I will, years down the line, but I hope that if that happens, I can assume a position of authority, and be able to make positive changes that impact the staff, give them the opportunity to have a healthy work-life balance, better pay for their labour, and to cultivate a healthy culture that inspires staff to do their best work and bear the fruits of their labour. I hope to be able to do that anywhere I go.

    I'll be travelling across the country next week to move into my accommodation and start my new job, so once today is over, I'll be making plenty of time for a well-deserved rest, and spend time with my loved ones, both friends and family, before I go.

    It has been a difficult week though, my sleep schedule is shattered, only getting three or four hours of sleep and then beginning work again. Speaking to my friends, they say they are happy, but I can tell through their eyes, and their expressions, that they're holding back a lot, which does confuse me as to why they feel that way about me leaving, not that I don't appreciate their care.

    Speaking to colleagues, they've said about one or two certain people, that talk of me leaving has been a constant from those one or two people, being very sad, and that I am "their best friend", which in hearing that, made me very emotional, and feel bad that I am leaving. My best friend, she has been handed my shift, and I know she can do it effectively, but I worry as it is a physically demanding shift in certain parts, I'm in decent shape and thankfully, naturally pretty strong and fit, that I can do it without much hassle, I worry that it will burn her out or stress her, but she will always have my support, whether I'm across the country, or on the other side of the planet, be it support for work, or support for her as a person.

  • I feel like this will end up as being too serious for the Yakuza series. The occasional silliness is part of the series' charm, but at the same time that probably wouldn't translate to TV screens too well. But we'll see, maybe I'm wrong. Still, not too excited about this.

    Read the synopsis and apparently the story will follow Kiryu and his three childhood friends. It wouldn't surprise me if the third mysterious friend somehow turned out to be Majima, heh.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    ...Huh, that came out of nowhere.

  • It came out a year ago, came to steam last week though.

    It was really good though, I don't know anyone who played it and didn't like it. And I know nothing about star trek, so I'd say he and the studio succeeded. Seems to have done considerably better than the Expanse too.

    While Expanse was far more polished visually and with the gameplay that it did have, Star trek took bigger risks, far more engaging and with much more gameplay stuff than telltale had at the end of the Bruner reign. Fair amount of hubs, even some gunplay. Was a fun game, recommend it to everyone who has telltale itch. It's telltale in everything but name.

    AChicken posted: »

    Just after a cursory look online, it actually came out just over a week ago. Critic and Fan Reviews praise the writing being faithful to

  • I feel like this will end up as being too serious for the Yakuza series. The occasional silliness is part of the series' charm, but at the same time that probably wouldn't translate to TV screens too well.

    Isn't Yakuza mostly about being serious? Apart from the silly side missions I mean. But then again I haven't played many other Yakuza games yet.

    Pipas posted: »

    I feel like this will end up as being too serious for the Yakuza series. The occasional silliness is part of the series' charm, but at the s

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2024

    It is serious in the main story and silly in the side missions, for the most part. There are a few moments of silliness (such as Kasuga waking up naked with an Austin Powers-style walk on the beach in 8), but the main story is usually played straight.

    The Like a Dragon series has had television and film adaptations in Japan already. I own them all, and have a list of them at my museum wiki if you're interested. The Song of the Soul webseries counterpart to Yakuza 6: The Song of Life is especially entertaining, but you'll have to know at least a little Japanese to muddle your way through them enough to enjoy them.

    There were two adaptations that were released in English already. There's Yakuza: Like a Dragon, which was an adaptation of the first game, and is a pretty corny B-movie yakuza genre film that was released in English on DVD. Then there's the Like a Dragon Prologue short film, which is a canon prequel (there was even a mention of its plot in one of the flashback side stories in Kiryu's part of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth). Sega of Europe released the English-subtitled version for free on its website and there's an HD upscale a fan posted on YouTube right here. I highly recommend this one. It's only 42 minutes and is made really well.

    None of the TV shows were ever released in English (fan-made or officially), so it's nice that there will be an adaptation with an official English option of the new show now that the series is popular enough outside of Japan.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I feel like this will end up as being too serious for the Yakuza series. The occasional silliness is part of the series' charm, but at the s

  • Yeah, I mostly meant the side content. Both the main story and the side misions combined are what makes Yakuza Yakuza.

    Also, while they always try to present the main story as seriously as possible, sometimes it goes into a pretty dumb territory, which in turn makes it pretty silly, heh. That's not the case of Yakuza 0 though, that one is top tier in every way. I've played through 0-7 and 0 is still my favourite, so keep enjoying that.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I feel like this will end up as being too serious for the Yakuza series. The occasional silliness is part of the series' charm, but at the s

  • edited June 2024

    For the first time in my life I have encountered a frickin beaver today. I don't know if it's my slavic genes but I couldn't stop grinning like a lunatic. It's a goddamn beaver XD

  • Hello!

    Once I saw somewhere on the web, an image from an animated series.

    The picture shows a naked man and his dressed wife, who finds out he has been cheating on her, when an unopened condom falls out of his pocket.

    I saw it a long time ago, but I believe they looked like Barbie and Ken.

    Anyone knows what the hell kind of odd series this could be? 🤣

  • edited June 2024

    Unreal, Microsoft have laid off 1500 members of staff from the Azure cloud team. The layoffs may affect Irish staff, as their headquarters in Dublin employs 3500 people. After the layoffs that occurred in the Bethesda studios, they permitted the opening of a new studio under Activision|Blizzard that is named Elsewhere Entertainment, which will be a narrative focused studio. I want to add, there is a considerable number of staff from that specific layoff that were integrated into remaining Bethesda studios, so it did work out relatively okay for them, but not all of them were absorbed into the Bethesda studios.

    Over the past year and a half, they've laid off 13,671 staff, the bulk of which hit their gaming division, Xbox. Now I know, and all of you know, and I know that you all know, that they would take on more staff due to the surge in demand post COVID, but as I said before, they have forecasters and advisors that would predict this would cool down, so there's no logic in taking on staff on a permanent contract, to then lay them off years later, when with their forecasts, it is more logical to hire on a fixed term basis, like Microsoft usually does, so it doesn't just totally turn people's lives upside down one day.

    Not mentioning this to instigate another lengthy debate with certain users, I just wish to be consistent, I criticised the layoffs in May, I didn't want to just overlook more layoffs that I know of. It is just a genuine pisstake though, a trillion dollar company doing that sort of thing, they are genuinely pathetic. Mind you, a 31% increase in revenue from Microsoft Azure, which I know, revenue doesn't equate to profit, but revenue itself is still notable, they're still making money, they may just be making back the amount they spent, and they still felt they absolutely had to lay off their staff, that they had no choice, even though they announced investments into Azure cloud and AI integration in Sweden, Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia and America, all going into the billions. Good luck with that with a heavily reduced workforce, it just throws more work and responsibilities to the staff they retained.

  • edited June 2024

    K-Pop: Demon Hunters and Twilight of the Gods also peaked my interest from their showcase!

    Wasn't shown alongside them but this was announced too!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Lot of things from Netflix today that perked my ears.

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