Well, I've been holding on to these for a little while now, but I figured I'd go ahead share them with you guys. I got my start playing (and making) games on my Trusty Commodore 64. Since the C64 is celebrating it 30th birthday this year, I thought it'd be fun to imagine what The Walking Dead game might look like if it were created for that classic machine! And here are the results!
i like these, i can totally imagine playing it like this
well, i was messing in photoshop class, and this is what i ended with. not alot of complicated photoshop techniques were used ( alot of blending modes and opacity changes along with copy/paste layers) although i was suprised how the title font turned out because it was my first try and worked very well with it! but i feel like it may be missing something, or maybe i just like looking at it alot haha. either way, criticisms and appreciations are welcome!
Great work Orbifold, really want to get a poster of that. Loving the detail and character faces. Simple yet detailed and awesome.
I like you're picture too Jacob, especially love the city background. Everything seems to blend well. Sorry if this is nitpicky but the light blue lines in the middle seem kind of out of place.
Edit: Reuploaded, I can't believe I forgot Mollys hair clip!
Hey Orbifold, did you give these folks permission to use your work?? (unless you did this yourself) ..... Link They at least could say who the artist was.
Hey Orbifold, did you give these folks permission to use your work?? (unless you did this yourself) ..... Link They at least could say who the artist was.
Whoa, that's weird. What's up with the color changes?
I wasn't asked any kind of permission to use my work, not that I really mind. A small credit would've been nice and all, but I have no interest to go chasing after folks at some gaming site I've never heard of with any kind of demands. After all this is a just some fan-art about Telltale's characters in a Robert Kirkman's universe, so I don't like to claim the same kind of "ownership" as with my other work.
I like to think it as a compliment when someone values my drawing's enough to put it in to an article.
The problem I would have with it, if I were you, is with the site logo on that picture, they are in effect claiming creative control over that picture.
it's just common decency /sense to praise the original creator.
nicking other peoples work is just plain rude and offensive to then use it to further their own and make money of it. might wanna think about adding your own water mark
Sorry if this is nitpicky but the light blue lines in the middle seem kind of out of place.
no no youre fine, man haha. to be honest i looked at it and for some reason i thought the blue lines were fit to the pictures. it makes sense in my head only probably though, because i thought the blue lines kinda gave a dark themed overcast/shadow, sunburst/whatever. i dont know haha its just me but thanks!
The problem I would have with it, if I were you, is with the site logo on that picture, they are in effect claiming creative control over that picture.
I agree and suspect that's also why they changed the coloring of the image. Very rude.
Whoa, that's weird. What's up with the color changes?
I wasn't asked any kind of permission to use my work, not that I really mind. A small credit would've been nice and all, but I have no interest to go chasing after folks at some gaming site I've never heard of with any kind of demands. After all this is a just some fan-art about Telltale's characters in a Robert Kirkman's universe, so I don't like to claim the same kind of "ownership" as with my other work.
I like to think it as a compliment when someone values my drawing's enough to put it in to an article.
when i saw that article posted by telltale on facebook i thought the people that put it up would have asked to use it, it wouldn't have been very hard to do, but i guess at least we know you made it
The problem I would have with it, if I were you, is with the site logo on that picture, they are in effect claiming creative control over that picture.
That was the big problem I saw with it.... and the color change.
Whoa, that's weird. What's up with the color changes?
The author of the review changed Molly's hair color to match her own. I left her a note on her blog asking her to address this issue. Let's just see if that's enough. No need for a shit storm here (which I would normally be the first to deliver... I hate this kind of internet take and use culture).
I like to think it as a compliment when someone values my drawing's enough to put it in to an article.
But I DO think you should be more self-conscious about the excellency of your work. It's true that in principle, you can't claim anything related to copyright because it's fan art, but that doesn't mean journalists can use it at will. That's just not right and this lady should know better. You ask the artist kindly, you get a permission for every change and if the artist doesn't like the change, you don't DO it. You don't plug your own logos on someone else's art. And you don't ever, EVER obstruct the artist's signature (by the way: put one in ).
The author of the review changed Molly's hair color to match her own. I left her a note on her blog asking her to address this issue. Let's just see if that's enough. No need for a shit storm here (which I would normally be the first to deliver... I hate this kind of internet take and use culture).
But I DO think you should be more self-conscious about the excellency of your work. It's true that in principle, you can't claim anything related to copyright because it's fan art, but that doesn't mean journalists can use it at will. That's just not right and this lady should know better. You ask the artist kindly, you get a permission for every change and if the artist doesn't like the change, you don't DO it. You don't plug your own logos on someone else's art. And you don't ever, EVER obstruct the artist's signature (by the way: put one in ).
I'm really balancing between standing up to principles and not wanting to make fuss about this. But being the lazy type I'll probably settle for your note (thanks for that! ) and really hope it's enough for now. As pointed out, the picture wasn't edited by the writer herself, so it is possible that there was some kind of a misunderstanding or just plain ignorance involved. I have no idea whether this is just a one-off or standard practice. Either way it is still a bit amateurish and I hope they will handle this kind of stuff better in the future.
Leaving the picture without signature was definitely a mistake on my part, and I'll be sure to add it in the future. Watermarking seems a bit excessive.
Watermarking IS excessive. I hate it when DA members do it, because that's spoiling the picture for people who just want to enjoy it in the intended way. I get why people do it though!
In the meantime, the review says:
For the original fan art of this header see TWD Facebook group
As I can not look at anything facebook on purpose, can someone confirm that that's where is named?
Strike that, the author has responded kindly to my comment on her blog. Is there a particular name you would like to be used? Orbifold or Odobenus maybe?
I dunno, play Planetfall and then tell me that you need high resolution graphics to tug at your heartstrings
i like these, i can totally imagine playing it like this
a new one i made
music to go with it
and another picture
those Poor Unfortunate Souls: http://youtu.be/VyFVG4VfPmg
when they were babies
(theme) http://youtu.be/0eCQ9F1OPvs
a slightly modified version of dennis the menace and gnasher into Lee and Clementine
(theme) http://youtu.be/UYN-3IytJlk
Ben mixed with calamity james from the Beano
(theme) http://youtu.be/9ImopfTlAcs
Sam & max Lee & Clementine
(theme) http://youtu.be/VPCGTkbRuI8
(theme) http://youtu.be/pkSx9Hckxis
heres some new south park style kenny, katjaa and duck
i would love to see them in south park, kenny looks so depressed.
a futurama and the walking dead crossover, i think i will do more
(theme) http://youtu.be/n8xw9VLiYlU
i can't see it
a new futurama mix with more people
(theme) http://youtu.be/lLUt7sPE5uM
thats exactly what i thought
LoL, I too would like to see a South Park rendition of this game.
thestalkinghead, Love that Futurama with Lee, Clem and Carley.
It's all your fault, Ben!
Edit: I see you provided a high resolution version last time Orbifold. Could you do the same for this one? My desktop is ready...
well, i was messing in photoshop class, and this is what i ended with. not alot of complicated photoshop techniques were used ( alot of blending modes and opacity changes along with copy/paste layers) although i was suprised how the title font turned out because it was my first try and worked very well with it! but i feel like it may be missing something, or maybe i just like looking at it alot haha. either way, criticisms and appreciations are welcome!
Oh, almost forgot! Here you go:
I like you're picture too Jacob, especially love the city background. Everything seems to blend well. Sorry if this is nitpicky but the light blue lines in the middle seem kind of out of place.
Hey Orbifold, did you give these folks permission to use your work?? (unless you did this yourself) ..... Link They at least could say who the artist was.
Whoa, that's weird. What's up with the color changes?
I wasn't asked any kind of permission to use my work, not that I really mind. A small credit would've been nice and all, but I have no interest to go chasing after folks at some gaming site I've never heard of with any kind of demands. After all this is a just some fan-art about Telltale's characters in a Robert Kirkman's universe, so I don't like to claim the same kind of "ownership" as with my other work.
I like to think it as a compliment when someone values my drawing's enough to put it in to an article.
nicking other peoples work is just plain rude and offensive to then use it to further their own and make money of it. might wanna think about adding your own water mark
I think your fan art is amazing and have a copy of your Molly in my desktop file.
I agree and suspect that's also why they changed the coloring of the image. Very rude.
when i saw that article posted by telltale on facebook i thought the people that put it up would have asked to use it, it wouldn't have been very hard to do, but i guess at least we know you made it
That was the big problem I saw with it.... and the color change.
The author of the review changed Molly's hair color to match her own. I left her a note on her blog asking her to address this issue. Let's just see if that's enough. No need for a shit storm here (which I would normally be the first to deliver... I hate this kind of internet take and use culture).
But I DO think you should be more self-conscious about the excellency of your work. It's true that in principle, you can't claim anything related to copyright because it's fan art, but that doesn't mean journalists can use it at will. That's just not right and this lady should know better. You ask the artist kindly, you get a permission for every change and if the artist doesn't like the change, you don't DO it. You don't plug your own logos on someone else's art. And you don't ever, EVER obstruct the artist's signature (by the way: put one in
that's the person that wrote the article.
yeah, and the picture (the modified one) comments suggest that she didn't make it
I have a facebook blocker in my browser for a reason.
I'm really balancing between standing up to principles and not wanting to make fuss about this. But being the lazy type I'll probably settle for your note (thanks for that!
Leaving the picture without signature was definitely a mistake on my part, and I'll be sure to add it in the future. Watermarking seems a bit excessive.
In the meantime, the review says:
As I can not look at anything facebook on purpose, can someone confirm that that's where is named?
Strike that, the author has responded kindly to my comment on her blog. Is there a particular name you would like to be used? Orbifold or Odobenus maybe?